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A facile way of fabricating flexible and conductive cotton fabric

Sicong Liu, Mingjun Hu, Jun Yang*
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Journal of Materials Chemistry C Accepted Manuscript


There is an increasing interest in the area of conductive textiles, also called e-textile, in both the scientific and industrial field.
Herein, we have successfully prepared a conductive textile via electroless deposition onto cotton textiles by using a three-step
treatment process. The cotton textiles are first dipped in P4VP-SU8 solution to form a uniform layer for the subsequent
absorption of silver ions. Then, the cotton textiles are immersed in silver nitrate solution in preparation for the next step
electroless deposition. Parameters like P4VP concentration and ELD conditions are studied to optimize the whole process.
Compared to other methods, the whole fabrication process is efficient, facile and time-saving. The as-made cotton fabric sample
showed sheet resistance as low as 0.05 Ωsq-1 , which proves this method is a promising candidate for applications in the
fabrication of functional textile-based wearable devices.

Wearable and flexible electronics have received significant conditions on a large industrial scale.22-25 ELD is an auto-catalytic
attention and can be applied into many fields, such as displays, technique used to deposit various kinds of metals (copper, nickel,
solar cells, sensors, energy devices and health-monitoring devices etc.) on different substrates such as plastic, paper, metal oxide, and
26 28
while maintaining functionality when subject to large stress and even yarn. - Zheng’s group have demonstrated the electroless
deformation. 1 - 6 Traditional electronic fabrication is largely deposition of copper and nickel onto various textile surfaces to
dependent on photolithography, a time-consuming and complicated fabricate electrically conductive textiles in a way that has been
29 33
process that involves large volumes of poisonous waste and modified with a thin layer of polyelectrolyte brushes. - However,
expensive facilities. 7 The new era of electronics is no longer their method needs silanization first and then ATRP polymerization,
restricted by rigid board circuits, so textile-based wearable thereby involving many organic chemicals, harsh experimental
electronic systems8 hold great promise. condition and is time-consuming, limiting their applications. We
Electronic textiles (e-textiles) have been considered as important have developed a more facile and time-saving way to deposit
applications in future wearable electronics and smart clothing, copper on cotton textiles using an electroless deposition (ELD)
which can combine the functionality of smart electronic devices process. Cotton fabric is chosen as the fabric substrate because it is
with the comfort and flexibility of stylish clothing. E-textiles not a more commonly-used textile materials.
only provide wearing comfort, but also can function as pressure In this proposed fabrication method, poly(4-vinyl pyridine)
10 11
sensors, electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyography (P4VP) is first attached to the target textile by dip coating, and
(EMG), and electroencephalography (EEG) 13 sensors, RFID
subsequently bonds with silver ions. P4VP is a very attractive
14 15
tags, supercapacitors etc. polymer for immobilization of nanoparticles because of the strong
Generally, e-textiles can be readily made by knitting, weaving, affinity of pyridyl groups to metals and its ability to undergo
16 17 34
embroidering, coating/laminating, printing, dip coating, and hydrogen bonding with polar species. Cross-linked SU-8 is well
atomic layer deposition. Commercial conductive threads are known for its good physical and chemical properties. 35 It can
exploited in embroidering, sewing and weaving. Though the work as a cross-linking agent for P4VP and cotton fabric. When
conductivity of traditional conductive threads is pretty good, the P4VP is mixed with SU-8, pyridine rings of P4VP can start the
cost and weight is relatively high, and mechanical flexibility is process of the polymerization of epoxy groups of SU-8 and thus the
sacrificed as well. Expensive facilities have to be utilized for semi-interpenetrating polymer networks between crosslinked epoxy
36 37
atomic layer deposition, adding to the cost and inconvenience. Dip and P4VP can form. , The epoxy groups of SU-8 can also
coating methods to achieve conductive threads have been proposed react with hydroxyls groups in cotton, leading to the formation of
19 20 38
such as conductive polymers, carbon nanotubes,3 graphene, ether groups. Silver ions absorbed by P4VP have been
and metallic nanowires. Dip-coating is quite facile and demonstrated to be an effective seeding and adhesion layer39 for
convenient, but physical absorption is not as stable as chemical subsequent ELD of copper to yield conductive textiles in which the
absorption. What’s more, dip-coating is not suitable for creating metal-deposited textiles show excellent mechanical and electrical
patterns, which limits the utilization. properties. Importantly, the whole process is carried out in air and
Other than these techniques, electroless deposition (ELD) is aqueous environments, which are more compatible with typical
especially attractive because it does not require expensive roll-to-roll fabrication processes in the textile industry. What’s
fabrication facilities and can be implemented under ambient more, different kinds of patterns can be directly printed onto the
textiles by techniques such as inkjet printing, and so it meets
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, different requirements.
Western University, London, Ontario, N6A 5B9, Canada.
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DOI: 10.1039/C5TC03679H

Experimental: NaOH, 32 g/ L KNaC4H4O6•4H2O, 40g/L EDTA•2Na, 40mg/L 2,

2-Dipyridyl, and 20mg/L K4Fe(CN)6. Solution B was 52 mLL-1
HCHO in distilled water.
Poly(4-vinylpyridine)(P4VP, Mw ~60,000), silver
Published on 12 January 2016. Downloaded by Middle East Technical University (Orta Dogu Teknik U) on 16/01/2016 05:05:50.

2.4 Characterization
nitrate(AgNO3,99%,) potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate
(C4H4KNaO6•4H2O, 99%), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid A Hitachi S-4500 field emission scanning electron microscope

Journal of Materials Chemistry C Accepted Manuscript

disodium(C10H14N2O8Na2•2H2O,98%) copper(II) sulfate (SEM) and a Tabletop Microscope TM3030plus were also used to
pentahydrate (CuSO4•5H2O, 98%), formaldehyde solution (HCHO, observe the surface morphologies of the textiles. Fourier transform
36.5–38% in H2O), 2,2-Dipyridyl(98%) are from infrared spectra (FTIR) were recordedusing FT-IR NICOLET 6700
SIGMA-ALDRICH, 1,4-dioxane(CH2CH2OCH2CH2O) and sodium (Thermo Scientific Co.). The XPS spectra were collected using a
hydroxide (NaOH, 97%,) both from CALEDON, SU-8(Kayaku Kratos AXIS Ultra XPS from an area approximately 700*300
Micro Chem). Liquid Tin is from MG Chemicals. All chemicals are microns in size, using a monochromatised AlKα X-ray beam.
used without further purification. The cotton fabrics are from a 100% Contact angle was measured by Ramé-Hart Model 100 Contact
cotton T-shirt (All-Journey Gear Co. Ltd) bought in Sears without Angle Goniometer with micro-syringe attachment (manual system).
any pretreatment. A four-probe method using an M2750 Keithley Multimeter was
carried out to measure the sheet resistance
2.2 Surface treatment
The ratio of P4VP and SU-8 is 10:1. 1g P4VP was first dissolved in Result and discussion:
25 ml 2-propanol and 250 µL 40% SU-8 was dissolved in 25 ml
dioxane, followed by mixing the two solution together for 3 To initiate the copper reduction, palladium or silver ions are needed
minutes using a VWR mixer until a clear solution was obtained. to serve as the catalyst. Instead of using an expensive PdCl2
The cotton fabric sample was dipped in the mixture solution for 3 activator, we chose a cheaper AgNO3 activator without affecting
minutes, dried in air, and then was heated in the oven for 15 the properties of the Cu-coating. To immobilize silver ions, surface
minutes at 120 °C for cross-linking. modification with a functional group is required to provide
attractive interaction to ions or nanoparticles. P4VP has been
2.3 ELD process proved to be an excellent surface modifier for immobilization due
The P4VP-SU8 coated cotton fabric sample was immersed into 2 to the strong affinity of pyridyl groups. The network structured
g/L silver nitrate solution. The sample was rinsed by distilled water SU-8 is a good cross-linking agent for P4VP and cotton fabric,
to remove the redundant silver ions after being taken out of the making P4VP coating more uniform on cotton fabric. The silver
solution. Electroless deposition was performed in each cotton ions are first reduced by HCHO, then Ag0 acts as a catalyst for the
fabric sample for 30, 60, 90,120, and 150 min, respectively, in a subsequent Cu deposition in the electroless coating bath,
solution bath containing a mixture of freshly prepared solution A stimulating copper to act as a self-catalyst in the subsequent
and B. Solution A consisted of 28 g /L CuSO4•5H2O, 26 g /L reaction.37

Fig. 1 gives a systematic illustration of the procedures of fabricating copper-coated cotton fabric. Step 1: pristine cotton fabric and P4VP are connected by
polymeric graft chains containing epoxy groups. Step 2: Silver ions are attached to P4VP because of the affinity of pyridyl groups. Step 3: copper is deposited
onto cotton fabric .
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cotton O 1s
P4VP/SU8 cotton P4VP/SU8 cottom
a P4VP/SU8 cotton after heating b prinstin cotton
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C 1s


Journal of Materials Chemistry C Accepted Manuscript

N 1s

500 1000 1500 2000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Wavenumber (cm )
-1 Binding Energy(eV)

Fig.2 (a) FTIR spectra of pristine cotton, P4VP/SU8 coated cotton, heated P4VP/SU8 coated cotton (b) XPS spectra of P4VP/SU8 coated cotton

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was conducted to thus affecting copper plating. The conductivity of cotton fabric
confirm the coating of P4VP and SU8 (Fig. 2a). In both P4VP/SU8 samples in 2 %, 3% and 4% concentration were close. However,
coated cloth and heat treated P4VP/SU8 coated cloth, the intensity from outward appearances, the copper was distributed uniformly on
of strong peaks at 1590 cm-1, which are attributed to stretching the 2% sample and there were some copper clusters formed on the
vibrations of pyridine peaks, changed after heating.37 It was 3% and 4% surface. The higher the P4VP concentration is, the
possibly because of ring-opening reaction of epoxy groups of SU8 greater the viscosity of the solution is, and the poorer the fluidity is.
and the reaction between P4VP and SU8. The poor fluidity of P4VP solution may result in the nonuniform
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was also conducted to coating on the cotton fabric surface. The formation of copper
analyze the surface chemical composition of the pristine cotton and clusters may be due to the fact that the catalytic speed is higher in
P4VP/SU-8 coated cotton. Figure 2b and Table S1 shows that the the place with more P4VP molecules loaded. Conclusively, we
carbon content in the sample increased, while the oxygen content adopted the 2% concentration as the optimal choice.
decreased after the coating process, during the course of surface Although the surface morphologies of P4VP-SU8 coated cotton
treatment. What’s more, the presence of nitrogen was detected after and untreated cotton look quite similar, water contact angle
surface treatment, confirming the successful absorption of P4VP. measurement shows their gigantic difference in surface wettability.
By comparing the C1s spectra of the cotton fabric obtained before Cotton is a hydrophilic natural polymeric material. When a droplet
and after surface treatment, the intensity of the C-H/C-C peak was of water was dropped on the surface, it quickly soaked into the
found to increase after surface treatment, while the intensities of fabric and disappeared. After the P4VP-SU8 coating, the cotton
the O-C-O and C-O peaks are attenuated (see Fig.S3), because the fabric surface became quite hydrophobic because P4VP is water
CH2 and cyclopyridyl contents are increased with the P4VP and insoluble and SU-8 is hydrophobic. The water contact angle was
SU8 coating. 110.5°(Fig. 4B). After the ELD process, the surface of the cotton
A control experiment was conducted to verify the necessity of fabric sample was covered with a layer of uniformly distributed and
surface treatment. One cotton fabric sample was directly immersed densely packed copper particles(Fig.4C’), which was further
into silver nitrate solution without surface treatment, while the proved by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) (see Fig.
other was given the treatment. Both samples were then placed in S2). The EDS analysis also showed that 80% was copper, which
the copper plating bath for electroless deposition. From the result, showed that the copper film formed during the ELD process
in Fig. S4, it can be obviously seen that the left sample (without surrounded every fiber uniformly. After copper deposition, the
P4VP/SU8 coating) was almost black while the right one (with surface became hydrophobic again and the contact angle was
P4VP/SU8 coating) had a bright red colour. The colour difference 95.8°(Fig. 4C).
can be attributed to the extent of silver ions absorption. Silver ions
were physically absorbed by the sample with no coating, while
silver ions were immobilized by the pyridyl groups in the coated
sheet resistance
sample. Physical absorption tends to absorb more silver ions than 0.09
chemical absorption because of limited pyridyl groups. During the
Ω sq-1)

ELD process, the excessive silver ions absorbed by the sample with
Sheet Resistance(Ω

no coating were easily reduced to silver, but they tend to diffuse
into the solution and hardly play as a stable catalytic center for 0.06
immobilization of subsequent fresh copper atoms. The inconsistent 0.05
layer of nano-sized silver particles resulted in the poor conductivity
of the sample without coating.
To find the best P4VP concentration, four solutions with 0.03
different P4VP concentration ranging from 1% to 4% were 0.02
prepared. The ELD time was set to 90 minutes. The sheet 1 2 3 4
resistance was measured, as shown in Fig. 3. The conductivity of Concentration(g/L)
the cotton fabric sample in the 1% concentration was poor
compared to the other samples. This was because less P4VP means Fig.3 Sheet resistance of copper cotton at different P4VP concentration.
fewer amino groups, where fewer Ag+ moieties were immobilized,
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Fig.4 SEM images of (A,A’) pristine cotton fabric; (B,B’) P4VP/SU8 coated cotton fabric;(C,C’) copper cotton fabric

0.14 a weight
Electrical Resistance
Sheet Resistance(Ωsq-1)


Weight (g)



0.04 0.1


0.00 0.0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (Min) Time(Minutes)

1.9 R/R0 0.90 R/R0


1.6 0.80



1.3 0.70

1.0 0.60

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stored Time(Days) Bending Radius (mm)

Fig.5 a. Weight gain after ELD at different ELD plating time; b. Sheet resistance of copper cotton at different ELD plating time; c. Resistance aging test of the
copper cotton sample; d. Resistance change test of the copper cotton sample at different bending radius

When we pulled a single yarn from the cotton fabric sample, it from the cotton fabric sample has a much higher resistance. We
can be seen that some parts of the yarn were not fully covered also studied the silver ions distribution at the intersection of
with copper (Fig.S3). It is proposed that the up-and-down cotton fabric sample before ELD process. From the EDS
intercrossed structure of the warp and weft yarns and the analysis result, it can be seen that there are little silver ions
twisting of cotton fibers prohibit the exposure to P4VP. found. The silver ions mainly exist on the surface of cotton
Surfaces exposed to P4VP/SU8 solution are merely allowed the fabric (Table S2). From this, it can be inferred that the
crosslinking reaction, so as the subsequent occurrence of ELD conductivity of the copper-coated fabric mainly relies on the
of copper metal particles.31 As a result, a single yarn pulled closely packed woven structure that makes copper metal
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particles tight together closely. As long as the woven structure patterns on cotton textiles using a normal home use printer. The
is compact, the conductivity of cotton fabric won’t be much inkjet printing method provides benefits like speed, flexibility,
affected. non-contact and creativity. Basically, just a print head and ink are
The weight gained during the ELD process should have been needed to print whatever you want, like antennas, circuits and other
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proportional to ELD time. It was observed that the weight patterns. Instead of the whole cotton cloth being immersed in silver

Journal of Materials Chemistry C Accepted Manuscript

increased as a linear function of ELD time (Fig. 5a). The weight nitrate solution, patterns can be directly printed using a printer with
reached 106% of its original weight after 150 min. The sheet silver ink inside after surface treatment. The silver ink used here
resistance of the copper cotton sample was also studied using a was composed of silver nitrate, distilled water and glycerol. First of
four-probe measurement, which is a measure of resistance of all, the cotton cloth was pretreated with P4VP/SU8; Secondly, the
thin films. Sheet resistance is a strong function of thickness. To cotton cloth was attached onto a paper for printing silver ink;
reduce error, we measured several points on the both sides of Finally, ELD was performed on the cloth for deposition of copper.
the copper cotton sample and calculated the average as the final As Fig.6a shows, Western University’s logo was printed on a piece
result. We demonstrated the effect of time on sheet resistance of cotton cloth. For the industrial manufacturing, this method can
when ELD plating time varied from 30 min, 60 min, 90 min, also be applied in screen printing on a large scale.
120 min and 150 min. The average sheet resistance of the In conclusion, we have proposed a very facile way to prepare
sample was plotted against ELD plating time, as shown in Fig. conductive textiles by electroless deposition. This method has
5b. The pristine cotton sample and P4VP-SU8 coated sample several features that are superior to other methods. Firstly, few
were electrically insulated. After 30 minutes of ELD, the chemicals are used in this method compared to other
sample became electrically conductive, but its resistance was as methods,43which require lots of organic chemicals, meeting the
high as 0.25 Ωsq-1. Most of the surface appearance of the demand of green chemistry. Secondly, the whole process can be
sample still remained black, which can be explained by the completed within 3 hours, which is really time-saving and efficient.
color of silver particles. The silver particles did not catalyze the Thirdly, the use of P4VP greatly enhances the absorption of silver
reduction of copper ions fully enough and were still absorbed on ions onto cotton textiles, facilitating the subsequent ELD process,
the surface. After 60 minutes, it could be seen that the black and making the sheet resistance as low as 0.05 Ωsq-1. Fourthly,
areas decreased dramatically and the sheet resistance decreased fabrication of copper-based electronics is achievable on cotton
a lot to 0.15Ωsq-1 . When the ELD time was extended to 90 textile via inkjet printing. Fifthly, the whole fabrication procedures
minutes, black areas almost diminished and the color of the can be carried out under ambient conditions and is fully compatible
copper cotton sample turned a red copper color. The sheet with roll-to-roll processes in the textile industry. Considering the
resistance decreased to 0.05Ωsq-1 . When the ELD time was above advantages, we believe that conductive textiles fabricated by
extended to 120 minutes, the sheet resistance decreased to this method hold remarkable potential and promise towards
0.04Ωsq -1 and remained almost the same even for the deposition production in smart textiles in the future.
longer than 120 minutes, which was consistent with the weight
gain. Considering all factors including efficiency and
conductivity, 90~120 minutes of the ELD is an appropriate time
for copper deposition.
The conductivity change of the copper cotton sample under
aging was evaluated and the sheet resistance of copper cotton (2%
P4VP and 90 min ELD) was recorded when it was stored in air for
a certain amount of time. It was discovered that the sheet resistance
increased by 158% after one day and then remained almost
unchanged for the rest of the next two week proving the long-term
stability, as shown in Fig. 5c. According to the previous study, the
increase in resistance was due to the partial oxidation of Cu into
Cu2O.40 To increase the stability, a layer of air-stable metals, such
as tin, can be capped on top of copper. Liquid Tin is a clear
Fig. 6 a. Western University’s logo printed on cotton fabric; b Passing
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Published on 12 January 2016. Downloaded by Middle East Technical University (Orta Dogu Teknik U) on 16/01/2016 05:05:50.

Journal of Materials Chemistry C Accepted Manuscript

A facile way of fabricating a highly condutive textile via electroless deposition by just
three steps

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