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Steps to fill in the training program examination

(Informal Version)

1. Log in to the graduate education management system,
click on 培 养 管 理 , the serial numbers and 培 养 环 节 shown in the figure
below to enter the training program examination 培养环节审查.

2. Click 开 题 报 告 管 理 the opening report management, submit the opening

report(开题报告) , then ask your supervisor to review and approve on-line.
3. Click 必修环节-网上填报(the compulsory section-submission on-line), and fill in
the figure or upload the required material below one by one. Each part of 必修环
节 should be evaluated and approved by your supervisor.

For 文献综述 literature review, 2018 master candidate needs to write a report
of no less than 4000 words, 2015 Ph.D candidate needs no less than 5000 words
and 2016 Ph.D candidate needs no less than 5500 words.
For 专业外语, you can fill it with your performance on Chinese Language
or just fill it with “留学生研究生培养,对专业外语未作具体要求”.
For 学术活动 academic activities, master candidates are required to attend
no less than 6 academic conferences, academic forums or academic reports,
including at least 1 oral presentation at the academic conference; Ph.D 2016
candidates are required to participate in no less than 12 academic conferences,
academic forums or academic reports, including at least 2 academic conferences
or academic lectures of your own field, 1 oral presentation at academic
conferences and 4 academic activities provided by other teachers or experts. Ph.D
2015 candidates should participate in no less than 8 times of activities, including
2 formal academic reports or thesis periodic reports. Both master and Ph.D
candidates are required to upload a summary of about 500 words with regard to
each academic activity.
For 教学实践信息 teaching practices and 社会实践/科研训练信息 scientific
research training and social practices, submit what you have done and obtain in
teaching ability & scientific research ability, than ask your supervisor to evaluate.
4. Click on 中期考核 the mid-term evaluation and fill in the status of your papers
and the progress of the dissertation research.

For master candidates, you can ignore the part of “发表科研论文情况 publication
of scientific research papers “.
For Ph.D candidates, 发 表科 研论 文情 况 the publication of scientific research
papers can be filled out in the following way. This part also needs to be reviewed
by the supervisor and school.

5. Click to 培养环节申请 application for the training program examination, fill in

预 计 答 辩 时 间 the estimated date for defense, click Next, and then ask your
supervisor to review and approve.
Generally, the expected defense date is in June. It also depends on how your
dissertation research goes.

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