Electrolysis Exercis

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3. The diagram below shows the electrolysis of concentrated sodium chloride

solution with a few drops of litmus solution added, using graphite electrodes.

Electrodes A and B are made of copper while electrodes C, D, E and F are made of
a) It was noticed that the bulb lit up only when the potassium iodide in cell (II)
a) Write ionic half equations for the reactions taking place at electrode D and had melted, and not before even though the circuit was switched on. Explain.
electrode E respectively.

b) When the circuit is closed, describe the visible changes (observations) that
occurred in Cell I and Cell II.

b) Judging from the half equations that you have given in (a), what should be
the theoretical ratio of the volumes of gases collected over the two c) Cell I is used to purify copper, one electrode is be pure copper and the other
electrodes in the set-up? one is impure copper
i) Which one is attached to A?

ii) Write down the half ionic equations for the reaction at A, B, C and D.
c) Comment on the relative volume of gases collected over electrodes D and E
as shown in the diagram.

d) Describe the colour changes near the electrodes during electrolysis. 5. The following experiment setup is used to demonstrate the electrolysis of molten
lead(II) bromide.
Melting point of lead(II) bromide is 343oC
4. An electric circuit is set up as below. Boiling point of bromine is 58oC

a) Why is there no currect registered on the ammeter while the lead(II)
bromide is in solid state?
Hydrogen was evolved at the cathode and the red litmus around the electrode
b) Why do we need to heat the lead(II) bromide?
turned blue.
i) Write an ionic equation for the formation of hydrogen and explain why the
c) Which electrode is the anode and what observable change(s) is /are found
litmus turned blue. Give a test to show that the gas is hydrogen.
on it?

d) Write ionic equation for the change(s) in (c) ii) The red litmus around the anode turned colourless. Identify gas X and
write an ionic equation for its formation.

e) What observable change(s) was found on the cathode? 7. Impure copper (containing zinc, lead, and silver as impurities) is refined by
electrolysis, using the setup as follows.

f) Write ionic equation for the change(s) in (e)

6. Aqueous sodium chloride can be electrolysed using carbon electrodes in the cell
shown below.

a. Which pole (P or Q) should the impure copper attached to in order to refine
the impure copper?

b. What happens to the impure copper electrode during electrolysis? Give b) What is the gas in tube Y?
equation to illustrate the change if necessary.

c) Why did the solution in tube X change to brownish?

c. What would you observed near the anode? Explain your observation. d) Determine which electrode is cathode A or B?
Write the ionic equations occurred at electrode A and B.

d. Write the ionic equation(s) for the reaction(s) taking place at the cathode.

9. The diagram below illustrates the apparatus used for the electrolysis of
concentrated solution of sodium halide (halide = ion of halogen).

A concentrated solution of sodium halide was electrolysed. And it was

observed that
(1) Gas was formed in tube Y, and
(2) The solution in tube X changes from colourless to brownish.
a) What is the possible name of the sodium halide?

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