My Time or Yours Managing Time Visions I

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姝 Academy of Management Executive, 2004, Vol. 18, No.


My time or yours? Managing

time visions in global
virtual teams
Carol Saunders, Craig Van Slyke, and Douglas R. Vogel

Executive Overview
Advances in technology and group-collaboration software have promoted the use of
Global Virtual Teams (GVTs). Because of these and other developments, managers face an
increasingly diverse cultural landscape. Differences in GVT members’ perceptions of time,
or time visions, subtly influence the team’s dynamics and performance. Time visions must
be managed in order for the full potential of the GVT to be realized. This article explores
the different dimensions that are typically employed when defining time. These
dimensions are then combined to form four examples of cultural time visions. Three major
problems associated with differing time visions in GVTs are identified, and approaches
for dealing with these problems in multicultural GVTs are suggested.

As technology transcends spatial, temporal, and other cycle was initiated.2 This is only one exam-
organizational boundaries, Global Virtual Teams ple of how GVTs can increase team-member pro-
(GVTs) are becoming increasingly popular. This ductivity and reduce development time.
popularity is a result of several factors: (1) organi- Unfortunately, positioning GVT members across
zations increasingly rely upon virtual teams to ac- different time zones also extends the workday and
complish organizational goals as the knowledge creates work delays and coordination difficulties.
required to solve problems expands beyond the Normal working hours for one team member may
capacity of any single individual; (2) increases in be midnight for another. GVTs may also need to
telecommunication bandwidth promote the use of work through coordination difficulties created by
networks that link individuals inside and outside national holidays and other slower-paced periods
the organization; and (3) advances in collaborative of work in the team members’ different countries.
technologies such as groupware make virtual One such slower period is the summer season
teams increasingly effective for collaborating and when vacations frequently occur. In the Northern
decision-making.1 As the popularity of GVTs in- Hemisphere, summer occurs between June and Au-
creases, it becomes more important to understand gust, while in the Southern Hemisphere it is be-
those factors that affect the way they function. tween December and February. Thus, GVTs with
Time is one of those factors. members in both hemispheres need greater coor-
GVTs can leverage time to their advantage. Per- dination among team members. Unlike more tradi-
forming work asynchronously helps global organi- tional teams, GVTs must coordinate distally
zations effectively bridge different time zones so separated team members using electronic and
that the teams are productive over more than one computer-mediated communication.
work period. For example, London team members Finally, time works more subtly on GVTs due to
of a GVT of software developers at Tandem Ser- different time visions that must be managed in
vices Corporation initially coded the project and order for the full potential of the team to be real-
transmitted their code each evening to U.S. team ized. Time visions are different perceptions of time
members for testing. U.S. members forwarded the across sets of time dimensions. They are based on
code they tested to Tokyo for debugging. London different ethnic and national orientations about
team members started their next day with the code time that affect team-member perceptions of dead-
debugged by their Japanese colleagues, and an- lines and team success3 that are described below.
20 Academy of Management Executive February

Certain time visions may be more likely to encour- Differing Time Visions
age creativity.4 Yet other time visions, especially in
These various notions of time can help us under-
combination, may impede other aspects of GVTs.
stand the disparate time visions found in GVTs.
Thus, it is important, and challenging, to manage
Time visions differ across countries, longitudinal
time visions to enhance GVT effectiveness across a status (i.e., Eastern vs. Western), and even latitudi-
range of tasks. nal status (i.e., southern vs. northern cultures).7 Be-
Understanding how individuals differ in their cause of their cultural and religious foundations,
perceptions of time requires awareness of different time visions clearly can transcend national bound-
temporal dimensions; these dimensions combine aries. Further, many different time visions can be
to form an individual’s time vision. In the following held by the individual citizens of a single country.
section, we discuss several of these dimensions. Although our focus is on the cultural aspects of
time visions, we recognize that individuals have
an innate sense of time that is hidden in the more
What Is Time? primitive reaches of their minds. In spite of its
omnipresence, time is curiously invisible, taken for
Time is an extremely complex concept, as demon- granted, and hard to explain. Nonetheless, psy-
strated by the descriptions of the various time di- chologists have often attempted to map ‘objective’
mensions in Table 1. Each culture develops a dom- time to ‘subjective’ time and to find conditions (e.g.,
inant conception of time by developing along these fatigue, mental disorders, drugs, etc.) that distort or
dimensions, many of which are interwoven. Merg- otherwise affect an individual’s estimation of time.
ing a number of these dimensions results in four For example, time seems to pass much more
time visions, which we discuss in the next section. quickly when one is having a good time than when

Table 1
Time Factors and Associated Dimensions

Dimension5 Description

Continuity Continuous—time is viewed as a whole

Discontinuous—time is viewed as a series of divisible, very small time units strung
together and separated by temporal lacunae
Homogeneity Homogeneous—each second is like another second; for example, a second is the
duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation that corresponds to the transition
between two hyperfine levels in the basic state of the atom of caesium1336
Epochal—units of time differ qualitatively, such as when focusing on events
Linearity Linear—time is directional and flows from past to present to future
Cyclical—time is seen in the recurring cycles such as annual seasons, life cycles, or
circadian rhythms
Dimensionality Uni-Dimensional—time flows in one, irreversible direction
Bi-Directional—movement is forward or backward, as in mathematics and classical
Cyclical—flow is recurrent
Abstraction Abstract—time is viewed as the medium in which events occur; no reference is made to
‘past,’ ‘present,’ or ‘future’
Concrete—Not all parts in the sequence of events can be experienced at the same time
(e.g., gestation or metamorphosis unfolds over time)
Subjectivity Objective—time is based upon the oscillations of subatomic particles; is independent
of consciousness
Subjective—time must be experienced; involves an individual’s awareness of a
transient state of affairs
Intersubjective—time involves the agreement of individuals on the meaning of time;
must be experienced
Long-Term/Short-Term Long-Term—society values future rewards; the time span of discretion extends far into
the future
Short-Term—society fosters values related to the past and present; time span of
discretion focuses on the ‘here’ and ‘now’
Chronicity Monochronicity—events are scheduled separately, and only one thing is done at a time
Polychronicity—multiple activities occur at the same time; transactions are handled
together rather than completed separately according to strict schedule.
2004 Saunders, Van Slyke, and Vogel 21

one is bored. Relevant individual traits include Event

one’s personal sense of time urgency (i.e., concern
An event time vision offers a marked contrast to
with the passage of time) and time perspective
time as a scarce commodity. An event time vision
(i.e., orientations toward past, present, or future).8
perceives time as cyclical, continuous (holistic),
However, even though individuals’ sense of time is
and epochal. As is often the case when time is
psychologically based, it is refined by participa-
viewed as cyclical, time is recurrent. Thus, there
tion in society and culture. Thus, it is virtually
would appear to be an unlimited supply of time,
impossible to separate time from culture at some
and wasting it is not a concern. This time vision is
level. Table 2 offers four common examples of
common in Japan where there is a keen sense of
types of time visions that are held by large num-
the unfolding of time. In Japan, there is an empha-
bers of people: clock, event, timeless, and har-
sis on passing from one phase of an activity to
another, rather than on the total time involved.
Consider, for example, the mandatory, two-
minute exchange of business cards between Japa-
American, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, and Scandina- nese executives meeting each other for the first
vian countries often hold a clock time vision, or a time. This time-activity segment marks the begin-
view of time as a scarce commodity.9 This time ning of a relationship phase. Many other events
vision draws heavily from the concept of time as are characterized not only by well-defined begin-
linear—a concept that had its birth in the Judaic nings and endings, but also by unambiguous
religion. This view of time also is partially based phase-switching signals (e.g., cherry blossom
on Issac Newton’s view of time as abstract, math- viewing, gift-giving routines, sake-drinking ses-
ematical, quantifiable, and flowing by itself, inde- sions, etc.). This concrete, epochal, event-driven,
pendently of man. But, the clock time vision, in long-term, holistic view of time is consistent with
contrast to that held by Newton’s classical physics, the Japanese love of compartmentalization of pro-
considers time to be uni-dimensional, and irrevers- cedure, tradition, and ritual. The Japanese com-
ible. Further, it is often short term and mono- partmentalized view of time is consistent with the
chronic. monochronic way in which they approach the im-
Adopting a clock time vision that is linear and personal, official business side of their lives.12
divisible into distinct homogenous units allows However, in their personal lives, when the Japa-
one to adopt metaphors of time as a commodity nese look inward, toward themselves and their
that can be lost, spent, or wasted. This conceptu- integrated system of relationships, they tend to be
alization of time, sometimes referred to as the eco- polychronic and long term in their orientation. This
nomicity of time, is recognized as a significant culturally based long-term orientation influences
contributor to the development of the Industrial how Japanese organizations undertake strategic
Revolution.10 It fostered specialized jobs broken planning.13
into time units that allowed organizations to pay
employees for the time they worked rather than on
a piecework basis. With this conceptualization,
time is a resource that can be measured and ma-
nipulated to make organizations more efficient or Regions where Hinduism or Buddhism predomi-
productive by shortening the amount of time it nates tend to adopt the timeless view of time. Hin-
takes to complete a given amount of work.11 duism views the world in terms of simultaneous

Table 2
Examples of Time Visions

Dimension Clock Event Timeless Harmonic

Continuity Discontinuous Continuous Continuous Continuous

Homogeneity Homogeneous Epochal Epochal Homogeneous
Linear/Cyclical Linear Cyclical Cyclical Cyclical
Direction Uni-Dimensional Recurrent Recurrent Recurrent
Abstraction Abstract Concrete Abstract Concrete
Objectivity Relatively Objective Subjective Subjective Intersubjective
Time Horizon Short-Term Long-Term Long-Term Long-Term
Chronicity Monochronic Formal—Monochronic; Polychronic Monochronic
22 Academy of Management Executive February

creation and destruction. In such a world the pas- Time Visions and Organizations
sage of time is insignificant. The world is seen as
The way that the dimensions of time are combined
timeless, even though time may be viewed as real
into time visions depends upon the society and
for trivial tasks like daily chores. Thus, the time- work organization of the individuals holding these
lessness of Hinduism is long term, abstract, and time visions. It has been argued that all members
epochal. It is also continuous, cyclical, poly- of a particular society share a common temporal
chronic, and recurrent. Buddhism, which arose consciousness, or social time. Social time is a prod-
from a sixth-century reform movement of Hindu- uct of society, and the “units of time are often fixed
ism, is based on a similar concept of timelessness, by the rhythm of collective life.”18 The time visions
especially in its view of the soul reaching a time- of all individuals are shaped by the society in
less state of Nirvana. For Buddhists, only the in- which they live and refined by the organizations in
stantaneous sensation is real, while duration, in which they work. Thus, time visions are the prod-
contrast, is a construction of the imagination.14 In a uct of a social construction about time that varies
Buddhist culture, both life and time go round in a tremendously between and within societies.
circle: generation follows generation; seasons fol-
low seasons; monsoons, earthquakes and other ca-
The time visions of all individuals are
tastrophes recur; and the sun and moon rise and
set day after day. With this time vision, it makes
shaped by the society in which they live
little sense to make a quick decision since oppor- and refined by the organizations in
tunities, risks, and dangers eventually reappear which they work.
when the decision-makers are so many days,
weeks, or months wiser. People with a timeless In modern organizations, social time offers a
vision may become so engrossed in their work that means of ordering and coordinating activities.
they are likely to develop and apply creative Factory and office employees order their work
ideas.15 within the parameters and constraints of the work-
day. The high degree of functional specialization
that first emerged during the Industrial Revolution
requires the temporal coordination of the many-
segmented activities within the organization. Tem-
In contrast to the timelessness of Hinduism and poral coordination requires planning and predict-
Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism promote a able schedules. Thus, formal organizations need to
time vision based on harmony. These latter reli- schedule activities in time, synchronize function-
gious systems that predominate in China and ally specialized, time-segmented activities, and al-
other parts of the world seek temporal harmony locate the total amount of time among the total set
within the person, among individuals, and be- of activities that need to be performed so as to
tween society and nature.16 Time is very concrete maximize the organization’s goals/priorities.19
for the Chinese mind, and it is perceived as an Not surprisingly, organizations adopt a clock
aspect of dynamic, living systems that needs to be time vision to the extent that schedules are devel-
explored qualitatively. Hence, this time vision is oped to make reliable predictions of the points in
time at which specific actions will occur and to
intersubjective since it takes into account the per-
ensure temporal meshing. Schedules highlight pri-
ceptions of others in the society, as well as the
orities when allocating the scarce temporal re-
individual. Like the event and timeless time vi-
source and synchronizing employee activities.
sions, it is long term, cyclical, continuous, and re-
However, conceptualizing time as only objective, lin-
current. However, it is also homogeneous to the ear, homogenous, and divisible is neither inevitable,
extent that each second has value and is mono- culturally universal, nor always desirable. Such an
chronic in its focus on working on one task at a approach may be especially undesirable in GVTs.
time. In China, where the harmonic time vision is
common, it is customary to thank participants for
contributing their valuable time. Punctuality is Virtual Teams and Time Visions
considered so important that it is not unusual for Like organizations, teams have social time around
Chinese to arrive 15 to 30 minutes early for a two- which their activities are organized. Teams,
person meeting ‘in order to finish the business groups, and subcultures each develop social times
before the time appointed for its discussion’ to that compete with one another in the selection of
keep from stealing the other person’s time.17 their society’s dominant time. This article focuses
2004 Saunders, Van Slyke, and Vogel 23

on the mélange of conflicting time visions found in tional group dynamics, such as dealing with jeal-
GVTs. Team members and managers face chal- ousy and hurt feelings, because they do not have
lenges when trying to reconcile and integrate the enough time to do so.24 They must concentrate on
members’ different social times. For example, ac- the primary task assigned to their team. But, would
tive members of Baha’i and Jewish communities someone who does not view time along a timeline
need to reconcile their religious calendar with but lives in the moment be concerned about com-
their secular one. Holidays and practices are pleting an assigned task by the deadline set for the
based on their religious holidays, while their chil- temporary virtual team? For example, those who
dren’s school timetables and their work schedules hold a timeless time vision may unintentionally
are based on secular calendars.20 ignore the passing of time if it means that conver-
Do different time visions affect the performance sations would be left unfinished. They may con-
of GVTs? We believe that they do. They create sider reality of the moment as something that can
alternate views of scheduling and consequently be molded or stretched, irrespective of schedules.
impact meeting deadlines. They affect synchroniz- Therefore, one would be unlikely to hear an indi-
ing member activities into an underlying rhythm. vidual with a timeless, or any cyclical, time vision
Further, the differing visions impact the allocation bemoaning time as wasted, spent, or used.
of resources to the extent that they affect how
performance is measured and rewarded. In the
following section, we address three issues (i.e., Temporary teams rarely exhibit
deadlines, rhythms, and performance measures) dysfunctional group dynamics, such as
typically associated with clock time vision and dealing with jealousy and hurt feelings,
demonstrate how other time visions can be used in because they do not have enough time to
managing these issues.
do so.

Scheduling Time: Deadlines

Synchronizing Time: Team Rhythms
GVT members who hold a clock time vision view
time deadlines in terms of the completion of a Clock time vision was clearly evident in Ger-
series of activities along a timeline. The timelines sick’s25 work on punctuated equilibrium, or alter-
that they use are divided into intervals with homo- nating periods of inertia and activity. Using this
geneous units of measure. The needed tasks are perspective, a team’s rhythm develops in response
performed in a sequence with proscribed mile- to its deadline. At the midpoint between the start-
stones. This enables planning using such tools as ing point of a project and its scheduled completion
Gantt or PERT charts. But the focus on deadlines time, team members transition from preliminary
and schedules hampers polychronicity21 or the activities to a more hectic pace undertaken to com-
ability to handle multiple tasks at one time. It also plete the project on time. When viewed from a
tends to eliminate interpersonal and nontask com- clock time vision, the team members consider time
munication and interactions as team members fo- as linear and divisible. At the halfway point, their
cus on their assigned task.22 These types of inter- actions change to allow them to meet the deadline
actions help build a cohesive team identity. by effectively pacing and synchronizing their ac-
In contrast, a timeless time vision allows a more tivities. Thus, they synchronize their activities by
holistic view of deadlines. With this time vision, segmenting time into homogeneous units and tem-
neither the time requirements for various activities porally segregating their team’s activities.
nor their sequencing is considered. Rather, each Though a clock time vision often predominates
activity is epochal and has a value of its own. One in organizations and teams such as those studied
finds performing each activity in the present mo- by Gersick, time visions that are based on cycles
ment to be very wholesome. cannot be ignored when looking at a team’s
When studying GVTs from a clock time vision, rhythms. Team members need to mesh their indi-
Jarvenpaa, et al., found that the most successful vidual cycles into a synchronized pattern of activ-
virtual teams in their study used their time well ities. To be successful, a GVT needs to establish a
and had few purely social exchanges.23 In contrast, rhythm that recognizes the repeating cycles inher-
it is unlikely that holders of cyclical time visions ent in its tasks or characteristics.26 In one study of
would be too excited about using their time well. GVT’s, the repeating cycles of activity were struc-
Further, the focus on scheduled production may tured around intense face-to-face meetings. These
not be as pronounced when holding a cyclical time meetings served as the team’s heartbeat that
vision. Temporary teams rarely exhibit dysfunc- rhythmically pumped new life into the team’s pro-
24 Academy of Management Executive February

cesses. Most team communications occurred However, this is not always the case. For exam-
around the face-to-face meetings. In between the ple, an Executive Information Systems (EIS) devel-
meetings, team members interacted in response to opment project did not always have discrete, mea-
previous meetings or in anticipation of the next surable activities with predictable durations and
meeting. The beat speeded up when the task be- sequencing. Rather, project work was often so-
came more complex or interdependent and slowed cially organized and characterized by routine ac-
when tasks were unambiguous and roles were tivities and unexpected interruptions that both re-
well defined. curred in a cyclical manner. Multiple cycles
Toyoda Kiichiro, the founder of Toyota Motor existed within the project and included daily re-
Company, viewed synchronization as the critical port updates, weekly team meetings, annual bud-
aspect of manufacturing efficiency. In order to geting rounds, and occasional software upgrades.
make production at Toyota more efficient in the Project members needed to negotiate how these
1930s, he purchased the latest and most sophisti- cycles would be handled. Further, since project
cated machines. But dramatic increases in effi- members were assigned to several different
ciency were not realized because each machine projects, they were often forced to choose among a
completed jobs at a different speed. It was then number of projects as they packed activities into
that Kiichiro designed a just-in-time manufactur- their time-constrained schedules. They actually
ing process where each phase was synchronized ended up using a relaxed and informal time man-
with every other phase in a smooth coordinated agement approach rather than one based on de-
flow. Synchronization took into account the rhythms tailed time-planning or record-keeping. Thus, an
of the whole production system— humans, machin- event time vision was much more appropriate for
ery, and equipment. Kiichiro’s approach contrasts measuring performance with cyclical (but chang-
with the approach used at Ford and other American ing) routines, interruptions, and uneven changes in
automobile manufacturing companies which makes the pace of the project. We believe that like this
manufacturing more efficient by squeezing wasted project, GVTs can benefit from an event time vi-
time from each individual task in the sequence.27 sion, especially when the GVT members are as-
Typically the entire system is not synchronized. signed to several different projects at the same

Approaches to time management based

Managing Time Visions
upon accounting practices with a clock
time vision are inadequate for Each of these issues (i.e., deadlines, rhythms, and
understanding project-based team performance measures) can be mapped back to
management problems experienced around the
globe: temporal uncertainty, conflicting temporal
interests and requirements, and the inherent scar-
city of temporal resources.29 Temporal uncertainty
Allocating Time: Performance Measures
arises from differences in time vision. It also arises
Time visions also play a role in measuring GVT from unexpected complications. Scheduling and
performance. Because a clock vision makes it eas- synchronizing reduce temporal uncertainty to the
ier to estimate and account for labor costs, most extent that the starting and ending points can be
accounting systems are based on a clock time vi- specified. Thus, scheduling and synchronizing
sion. Time spent on a particular task can be broken may both be linked to deadlines. Synchronization
into units of time and costed out. With a clock is the mutual adjustment of various social units.
vision, the work of GVTs can be assigned to team This adjustment reduces conflicts and coordinates
members using a rational allocation scheme, and activities so that they can be executed smoothly.
progress can be monitored with completion targets Understanding and generating the underlying
derived from accounting-based guidelines. How- rhythms promote this synchronization. Finally, ef-
ever, approaches to time management based upon ficiently matching available time with required
accounting practices with a clock time vision are activities is the focus of allocation. This requires
inadequate for understanding project-based team assigning priorities or values to tasks. The perfor-
processes.28 With the clock time vision, work is mance measurement system should reflect these
perceived to follow an orderly, managerially im- priorities or values.
posed timeline and timetable comprised of dis- Because team members are separated by time
crete, measurable activities with predictable dura- and space, virtual teams, especially global ones,
tions, sequencing, and interactions. often acutely experience these three problems. We
2004 Saunders, Van Slyke, and Vogel 25

believe that although time visions cannot easily be Creating Awareness

changed, they can and should be managed. Some
Teams that are unable to manage differences in
approaches to managing different time visions
time visions regarding deadlines may be unable to
work well collaboratively.30 The first step in man-
• creating awareness of the differences, aging time visions is to make GVT members aware
• facilitating the development of team norms, of differences in time visions. For example, if some
• creating an intersubjective time vision, GVT members with a clock time vision are not
• matching technology to time visions, aware of the perceptions of other members with an
• avoiding time language traps, and
event time vision, they are likely to be frustrated
• applying the appropriate measures of perfor-
when their team members do not hold deadlines in
the same high regard and, consequently, fail to
Table 3 applies these approaches to the three prob- meet them. Team members whose views of time
lem areas. differ markedly from those of their teammates may

Table 3
Examples of Solutions to Problems in Managing Time Visions

ISSUE (Associated Problem)

Solutions (Temporal uncertainty) interests & requirements) (Scarce temporal resources)

Creating Awareness Awareness of differences helps Appropriate timing (neither Individuals with clock time
team members understand too loose or tight) vision may be assigned to
why some members are not as promotes consensus and production-oriented or
concerned about deadlines as coordination of non- scheduling tasks.
others, reducing withdrawal routine activities.
Developing Team Norms on punctuality, Norms help coordinate each Individuals with harmonic
Norms attendance, and scheduling activity; norms about time vision may be helpful
help in establishing and temporal aspects of in balancing and mediating
meeting deadlines and standard operating tensions generated by other
reducing uncertainty. procedures reduce conflict time visions.
among team members.
Creating an Team members with clock time Team members with event Intersubjective time vision
Intersubjective vision may be more vocal in time vision may bring must not stifle non-clock
Time Vision proposing and forcing focus to special activities, time visions when team is
agreement on deadlines. transitions, and cycles. assigned creative tasks to
Matching Technology Automated scheduling tools Automated scheduling tools Automated scheduling tools
to Time Visions make priorities and deadlines assist in sequencing assist in monitoring and
explicit, as well as offering activities; asynchronous tracking activities that cross
reminders of approaching media help synchronize multiple time visions.
deadlines. rhythms; asynchronous
media allow monochronic
individuals feeling the
stress of meeting
deadlines the ability to
reschedule conflicting
Avoiding Time Precise understanding about Sensitivity to rhythms with Focus on harmony may
Language Traps deadlines and differences in different degrees of encourage multiple shared
uses of verb tenses and nouns timeliness eases tensions. appreciations and
reduces uncertainty. interpretations of time.
Applying Appropriate Accounting systems need to Team rhythms, cyclical Reward systems may be
Performance reflect both deadlines and routines, interruptions, applied on the basis of time
Measures milestones on a well-defined uneven changes in pace, orientation and time scales.
timeline with individual and aggregated team
accountability. performance bear
26 Academy of Management Executive February

exhibit withdrawal behaviors such as low satisfac- Facilitating the Development of Team Norms
tion, absenteeism, and turnover.31 Becoming aware
Managers of GVTs should avoid viewing cultural
of differences in time visions helps team members
diversity as threatening or harmful. Rather, they
understand the practices and traditions related
need to fully appreciate all time visions. In partic-
to alternative time visions, thereby decreasing
ular, they need to realize that clock time vision
withdrawal behaviors.
prescriptions may not be the most appropriate for
Just as the Myers-Briggs test identifies the cog-
all GVTs. Instead, managers must take advantage
nitive styles of team members, a test could be
of different time visions when they are responding
devised to uncover different time visions. In the
to temporal uncertainty, reducing temporal con-
absence of such a test, managers may take special
flicts, and dealing with scarce temporal resources.
pains to watch for and address possible misunder-
Managers who anticipate incongruent time vi-
standings related to different time visions. They
sions among team members can reduce ensuing
could meet privately with employees to bring up
uncertainty by arranging for them to participate in
time-sensitive issues related to their understand-
exercises (for example, brainstorming) that ensure
ing of deadlines and ways to meet those dead-
they all have the same time perspective. Managers
lines. Team members and managers alike could
can also ask a person who is part way between the
initiate discussions to gain a better understanding
team members in polychronicity, time horizons,
of members’ time visions. This is difficult because
etc., or team members with harmonic time visions,
team members may not be able to articulate— or
to serve as intermediary at critical points of the
even know—their time visions. Yet, it can be done.
team’s development and decision making. Of
At least one study demonstrated that managers
course, in some cases the differences in time visions
who had worked with team members for some time
may be beneficial to the team. For example, GVTs
were able to identify the extent of polychronicity in
composed of members with different time visions
their subordinates.32 Training may help them iden-
may be less likely to experience “groupthink.”
tify differing time visions and articulate their
GVT leaders should lay the groundwork for de-
veloping norms, or unwritten and often implicit
When imposing deadlines, work times, and
rules, about how the team members should inter-
physical monitoring, managers should take into
act with one another. Norms are critical in synchro-
account the differing rhythms evolving from the
nizing the actions of the team members to reduce
members’ time visions. For instance, effective
temporal conflict and in establishing schedules to
flight crews adapted to the different temporal per-
reduce temporal uncertainty. Without norms, team
spectives of other crew members during time-
members would need to coordinate each activity
constrained, high-workload flight simulations.34
with one or more of their teammates. This coordi-
Crew members needed to overcome conflict and
nation becomes more demanding as the size of the
reach a consensus about team-level activities
team increases. Eventually implicit norms become
before they could jointly adapt to non-routine
translated into explicit rules, regulations, and
standard operating procedures, with formalized
sets of expectations about how team members are
supposed to behave in each of their roles.35
When imposing deadlines, work times, As team members interact to establish team
and physical monitoring, managers norms concerning the use of information and com-
should take into account the differing munication technologies, time vision differences
rhythms evolving from the members’ may be highlighted and, hopefully, understood. In
time visions. particular, norms on punctuality, conferencing et-
iquette, and scheduling should reflect differences
in time vision. Norms should be established con-
Considering different time visions may allow cerning telephone, email, and video conferencing
GVT managers to use limited resources more ef- etiquette (e.g., warning team members when a per-
fectively. For example, GVT managers may take son will be out of town, guidelines for returning
time visions into account when assigning individ- phone calls, etc.), meeting attendance and sched-
uals to teams, or when assigning tasks to individ- uling, work to be performed, punctuality, and con-
uals within a team (i.e., production-oriented or structive feedback.36 Development of shared norms
scheduling tasks may be best assigned to individ- is more dynamic and achievable than many would
uals who hold a clock time vision). initially suspect.37
2004 Saunders, Van Slyke, and Vogel 27

Creating Intersubjective Time Vision All time visions may be highly desirable de-
pending upon the task. Organizations can proac-
Being aware of differences in time vision may not
tively take advantage of differing time visions to
be enough. For example, individuals with cyclical
maximally support multi-cultural virtual teams.41
time visions may not only place low priority on
completing their tasks in a timely fashion, but they
may also be difficult to train to work faster or be Matching Technology to Time Visions
more focused on deadlines.38 A view of time as
By definition, virtual teams rely heavily upon in-
linear and objective may be excellent for tight
formation and communications technology. That
deadlines and well-organized schedules, but it is
very technology may help accommodate different
at odds with a vision of time as cyclical, epochal,
time visions:
polychronic, and subjective. GVT members cast the
tone for their group in their first few message ex- • Automated scheduling tools, such as GANTT
changes. This has clear implications for schedul- and PERT charts, make team members, espe-
ing activities in team projects with specific dead- cially team members with cyclical time visions,
lines. Team members, cognizant of differing time aware of team schedules. An example of this is
visions, may need to create a team vision of time the prototype of an “operation book” for sched-
early in the life of their project. In so doing, the uling surgery in a clinic. The tool is used to plan
vision will, of necessity, be intersubjective. surgeries, decide upon and administer ad hoc
In creating an intersubjective time vision, indi- changes for scheduled operations, communicate
viduals possessing a clock time vision may more among clinical staff, and provide information for
actively seek to have the team time vision reflect individual and team planning. The built-in plan-
their personal time vision. Time-urgent individu- ning function keeps track of the availability of
als who have a heavy focus on meeting deadlines operation theaters and personnel, medical-tech-
(and who consequently have a linear, monochronic nical conditions which influence the timing of
orientation to time) may persuade other team surgeries, and the compatibility of scheduled
members to perform key tasks in a sequential man- operations with personnel’s working hours.
ner.39 A clock time vision in which the members Hence the tool promotes synchronization, the al-
focus on doing one thing at a time within a sched- location of temporal resources, and coping with
uled timeline may be especially appropriate for temporal uncertainty.42
many production tasks. In other situations, how- • For GVT members with monochronic time vi-
ever, it may be more efficient for teams working sions who feel the stress of trying to do two or
under tight deadlines to form subgroups, divide more things at the same time, technology can be
large tasks into subtasks, and allow the subgroups used to reschedule one or more of the conflicting
to perform the subtasks simultaneously.40 Dead- activities. For example, an individual can video-
lines may need to be relaxed, and loose schedules tape an event (such as a meeting) so that it can
may need to be employed to adapt to their varying be viewed at the individual’s convenience. Or,
rhythms. asynchronous communication media such as
email may be used to defer communication to a
later time when the team member is less busy.
• Technology can make work events occur in a
Creative tasks may be hampered by
more predictable, regular sequence. For exam-
over-concern with deadlines. ple, a new technology increased the monochro-
nicity of radiologists’ work by making the recur-
ring events in their working day more structured
Creating an intersubjective time vision may be
and predictable. Further, radiologists and tech-
especially important in tasks requiring creativity.
nicians experienced less conflict among them-
Creative tasks may be hampered by over-concern
selves when their work patterns were synchro-
with deadlines. Because of limited attention to re-
sources, the more one’s consciousness focuses on
succession, the less attention it invests into the Other technological aids for time management can
task itself. Full involvement in the task, or time- be conjectured: Automated tools for applying crit-
lessness, increases the likelihood of creativity in ical-path methods can identify a project’s critical
regard to the task. Thus, for creative tasks, a cycli- path and the possibility of simultaneous perfor-
cal time vision may be more desirable, whereas a mance of tasks by subgroups; group collaboration
clock time vision is more appropriate for straight- tools with multi-channeling capabilities can ex-
forward production tasks. pand the creativity abilities of team members with
28 Academy of Management Executive February

clock time visions; knowledge-management tech- If the next bus is due to leave a certain station
nologies may encourage GVTs to create shared at 6:03 p.m., this does not so much predict that
time visions; collaboration systems and discussion it will leave at precisely 6:03 as it insures that
forums are promising technologies for helping it won’t leave before that moment and offers a
members of virtual teams understand each other’s loose prediction that it will leave as soon
time visions, and consequently to move toward a thereafter as conditions permit. Similarly, if a
shared, intersubjective time vision for the team; store says it closes at 5:00 p.m., we expect it to
dynamic workflow systems help GVTs deal with be open at 4:50 but would not be surprised if it
differences in time vision, particularly if those sys- had not closed up by 5:01. If a ballgame is
tems are adaptive in terms of the time vision un- scheduled to start at 2 p.m., we would expect
derlying the systems’ design; and, intelligent to see the opening kickoff by arriving in our
agents can be programmed to recognize the differ- seat at 1:59:55 but would not be surprised if it
ent time visions of team members and to perform had begun at 2:01. On the other hand, a sum-
accordingly. mons to the boss’s office at 2:00 p.m. probably
means that you had better be there at or be-
fore 2, although the boss may not be ready to
Avoiding Time Language Traps
see you until after 2. Starting time for a class,
Problems are often created through the language or a work shift, implies arrival at least by that
traps about time and how that language is used. time; and a starting time for a party often
An objective, linear, clock time vision translates means “don’t show up until sometime later
expressed time units into the appropriate action. than that.”45
On the other hand, Chinese employees often view
units of time holistically and work to create an Of course, the meanings about deadlines vary to
intersubjective meaning that extends beyond indi- an even greater extent when the deadlines are
vidual units of time. For example, an American specified in different cultures. For example, in
boss in Hong Kong says to an employee “Wait a Latin countries, the party begins when the party
minute” without giving specific attention to how goers converge—which is often hours after the
long that minute might really be but expecting the specified starting time. In other cultures, guests
employee to leave after a short time. The Chinese are expected to arrive at the time when the host
employee may interpret this instruction literally told them that the party would start.
and wait outside the boss’s office door, not want- Finally, the level of detail specified when talk-
ing to disturb him or her. This can go on for many ing about the future has been linked to improved
minutes to an hour, depending on the circum- planning.46 Managers who use the future perfect
stances. “Give me a minute” can be confusing to a tense (i.e., set goals in the future perfect tense; e.g.,
non-westerner. Whose minute is it to give and who I will have completed the top five activities on my
wants (or gets) it? Needless to say, the expression to-do list) plan more effectively than those who
“I’ll be with you in a minute” has many interpreta- speak in the future tense (I will complete the top
tions and expectations relative to different time five activities on my to-do list). Here the language
visions. However, these are all metaphors we live reflects the way that these managers think about
by that, in the relative non-ambiguity of a single time. Of course, this is an example in English, a
culture or a shared understanding of that culture, language that has 22 simple and continuous verb
allow us to function effectively.44 In multi-cultural tenses. Not all languages have similar tenses. For
GVTs, these ambiguous situations relating to the example, the languages of Indonesia and Malay-
language of time should be avoided. Awareness of sia have no verb tenses. Rather, time is conveyed
the problem is a major step in avoiding time lan- through the use of time adverbs (e.g., yesterday) or
guage traps. time indicators (e.g., already).
Precise language becomes particularly impor- Temporal uncertainty arises from language dif-
tant in conveying expectations about deadlines. A ferences not only because of varying uses of verb
deadline may specify (1) the latest time an activity tenses but also from the use (or lack of use) of
must start; (2) the time before which an activity appropriate nouns. For example, the Nuer tribe in
may not start; (3) the earliest time an activity may Sudan has words for month and day but not for any
cease; (4) the latest time an activity must be com- unit of time in between.47 And whereas the seasons
pleted; and (5) the precise time an event must start are nouns in many languages, the Hopi seasons
or cease. The meaning of deadlines is conveyed are treated like adverbs. “The Hopi cannot talk
both in the wording and the underlying expecta- about summer being hot, because summer is the
tions in the following examples: quality hot, just as apple has the quality red. Sum-
2004 Saunders, Van Slyke, and Vogel 29

mer and hot are the same! Summer is a condition: banks in other parts of the country. However, when
hot. There is nothing about summer that suggests using a finer time-scale, the month of July (which is
it involves time.”48 GVT managers may reduce tem- the peak tourist season), the coastal banks were
poral uncertainty by being aware of language dif- significantly more efficient. Apparently, coastal
ferences in the use of nouns and verbs. banks carried some slack over the entire year.
While this decreased their efficiency on an annual
basis, it allowed the coastal banks to cater to the
Applying Appropriate Performance Measures
huge tourist influx in July.53 Thus, time-scales can
Good evaluation and compensation systems moti- help determine what period of time to use in mea-
vate task- and team-related behaviors. New eval- suring performance.
uation systems may be needed for GVTs to assess
both individual contribution to the team and the
nature of team performance as a whole. Nandha- GVTs: Challenges and Opportunities
kumar and Jones found that traditional manage- It is clear that GVTs offer a number of managerial
ment accounting approaches with strictly enforced challenges in addition to opportunities. With this
deadlines and individual accountability were too article we introduced more subtle issues that
mechanistic to capture the complexity of the plague GVTs. Perceptions of time may be so innate
process of an executive information system (EIS) that many managers may not be conscious of their
project development team.49 Instead they sug- potential to influence GVT performance. But even
gested target cost management applied to the though the perceptions are innate, managers need
team as a whole, or a team-budget approach. Ap- to be aware of and respond to underlying value
plying their findings to GVTs, team performance systems based on time visions. Fortunately, steps
and budget allocation should be reviewed system- can be taken to manage diverse time visions in
atically, and team activities should be coordinated GVTs. Managers and members of GVTs should:
using an event or harmonic time vision. A simple
accounting approach based on the regular review • Create awareness of different time visions
of an aggregated team budget may have advan- among team members
tages over an individual, project-based approach • Facilitate the development of time-related team
grounded in a clock time vision. norms
Organizations may also need to switch between • Create an intersubjective time vision
different accounting systems to accommodate dif- • Match information and communication technol-
ferent time visions. An example comes from a ogies to time visions
mountain resort that keeps two sets of accounts: • Avoid time language traps
one for its cyclical, seasonal businesses (golfing in • Apply multiple, appropriate performance mea-
summer and skiing in winter) and the other to sures that reflect sensitivity to differing time
provide annual financial reports to its parent com- visions
pany, which operates on a regular fiscal year.50
Creating awareness among managers about dif-
GVT managers may also use knowledge of sub-
ferent ways of considering time and its conse-
ordinates’ time visions to guide procedures for re-
quences is important for GVT success. Sensitivity
warding performance. Subordinates holding time
to time visions presents many opportunities for
visions with shorter time orientations may be more
productively creating and managing GVTs. Syner-
responsive to frequent and immediate rewards
gism within a multi-time vision GVT can lead to
than those with longer time orientations. Those
creative ways of dealing with schedules and ten-
with longer time orientations may be willing to
sions and generate new ways of addressing com-
sustain high levels of job performance if they per-
plex issues that might not emerge in a GVT with
ceive significant prospects for future rewards.51
only a single time vision. Many issues about time
Finally, GVT managers may wish to consider
visions remain to be explored— but, unfortunately,
time-scales when measuring performance. A typi-
we are out of time.
cal feature for a unit or system is its lifetime, or the
duration of a process or of an occurrence. A typical
lifetime determines the appropriate time-scale for Acknowledgments
a system.52 For a mayfly the time-scale is one day,
We would like to thank Pam Carter, Rusty Saunders, Johanna
while a human’s time-scale is approximately 70
Vogel, and the attendees of seminars at National University of
years. When using an annual time-scale to assess Singapore, Nanyang Technical University, and Virginia Poly-
the efficiency of banks in Cyprus, coastal banks in technic Institute and State University for their comments on
tourist areas were found to be less efficient than earlier versions of this paper. An earlier version of this paper
30 Academy of Management Executive February

was presented at the Tenth Annual Cross Cultural Workshop in R. C., & Zellmer-Bruhn, M. 1999. The effects of individual time
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chology, 13: 244 –256.
McGrath, J. E., et al. 1990. Intellectual teamwork. In
McGrath, et al. (eds.), Social technological foundations of coop-
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Review, 26(4): 586 – 600. agement Journal, 31: 9 – 41; Gersick, C. J. G. 1989. Marking time:
Mainemelis, C. 2001. When the muse takes it all: A model for Predictable transitions in task groups. Academy of Manage-
the experience of timelessness in organizations. Academy of ment Journal, 32: 274 –309.
Management Review, 26(4): 548 –565. 26
5 Maznevski, M. L., & Chudoba, K. 2000. Bridging space over
To learn more about Continuity, Homogeneity, Linearity,
time: Global virtual team dynamics and effectiveness. Organi-
Dimensionality, Abstraction, and Subjectivity, see McGrath,
zation Science, 11(5): 473– 492.
J. E., & Kelly, J. R. 1986. Time and human interaction. New York: 27
Nishimoto, I. 2002. Cooperation engineered: Efficiency in
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the ‘just-in-time’ system. In Whipp, Adam, & Sabelis (eds.), 104 –
Temporal structuring in organizations. Organization Science,
13(6): 684 –700. Time orientation is studied by Hofstede, G. 1991. 114.
Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind. London: Nandhakumar, J., & Jones, M. 2001. Accounting for time:
McGraw-Hill; also Jaques, E. 1979. Taking time seriously in Managing time in project-based teamworking. Accounting, Or-
evaluating jobs. Harvard Business Review, September–October: ganizations and Society, 26(3): 193–214.
124 –132. Chronicity is discussed in Hall, E. T. 1989. The dance of McGrath & Rotchford.
life: The other dimension of time. New York: Anchor Books; also Vinton, D. E. 1992. A new look at time, speed, and the
Bluedorn, A. C., & Denhardt, R. 1988. Time and organizations. manager. The Academy of Management Executive, 6(4): 7–16.
Journal of Management, 14(2) 299 –320. Schiber, J. B., & Gutek, B. A. 1987. Some time dimensions of
Jönsson, B. 2001. Unwinding the clock: Ten thoughts on our work: Measurement of an underlying aspect of organization
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7 32
See Hofstede; Lewis, R. D. 1996. When cultures collide: Man- Conte, Rizzuto, & Steiner.
aging successfully across cultures. London: Nicholas Brealey Bluedorn & Denhardt; Beldona, S., Inkpen, A. C., & Phatak,
Publishing; Vatsyayan, S. H. 1981. A sense of time: An explora- A. V. 1998. Are Japanese managers more long-term oriented
tion of time in theory, experience and art. Delhi: Oxford Univer- than United States managers. Management International Re-
sity Press. view, 38(3): 239 –256.
Waller, et al. 34
Waller, M. J. 1999. The timing of adaptive group responses
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time to integrate temporal research. Academy of Management 35
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Kiser, K. 1999. Working on world time. Training, 36(3): 28 –34;
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Sociology of Organizations, 4: 35–79. gies, tools and techniques that succeed. San Francisco: Jossey-
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lis, I. (eds.), Making time: Time and management in modern
tems Journal, 9(4): 249 –270.
organizations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 126 –139. 37
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45(4): 219 –230.
multi-cultural view. Time and Society, 2,3: 313–333. 38
14 Waller, et al., 2001.
Vatsyayan. 39
15 Hall; Waller, M. J., Giambatista, R. C., & Zellmer-Bruhn, M.
Fraser. 1999. The effects of individual time urgency on group polychro-
Lewis. nicity. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 13: 244 –256.
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The elementary forms of the religious life, 2nd ed. London: D. Johnson (eds.), Advances in interdisciplinary studies of work
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2004 Saunders, Van Slyke, and Vogel 31

of radiological work. In Dubinskas, F. A. (ed.), Making time: Carol Saunders is professor of

Ethnographies of high-technology organizations. Philadelphia: MIS at the University of Central
Temple University Press: 123–169. Florida. She became an AIS
Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. 1980. Metaphors we live by. Chi- Fellow in December 2003. She
cago: University of Chicago Press. serves on numerous editorial
McGrath & Rotchford, 77. boards including MIS Quarterly
Bluedorn & Denhardt. (senior editor) and Information
Adam, B. 1995. Timewatch: The social analysis of time. Systems Research (associate
Cambridge, U.K.: Polity Press. editor). She has published a
Hall, 37. textbook and forty refereed arti-
Nandhakumar & Jones. cles in such journals as MIS
Orlikowski & Yates. Quarterly, Academy of Manage-
Ebert, R. J., & Piehl, D. 1973. Time horizon: A concept for ment Journal, and Organization
management. California Management Review, 15(4): 35– 41. Science. Contact: csaunders@
Kümmerer, K. 1996. The ecological impact of time. Time &
Society, 5(2): 209 –235.
Zaheer, S., Albert, S., & Zaheer, A. 1999. Time scales and
organizational theory. Academy of Management Review, 24(4):

Craig Van Slyke is assistant pro- Douglas R. Vogel is professor

fessor of MIS at the University of and chair of information systems
Central Florida. He holds a Ph.D. at the City University of Hong
in information systems from the Kong. He received his Ph.D. in
University of South Florida. His business administration from
current research interests focus the University of Minnesota. His
on issues related to technology research interests bridge the
adoption. He has published pa- business and academic commu-
pers in an number of journals nities in addressing questions of
and is co-author (with France the impact of management infor-
Belanger) of Electronic Business mation systems on interpersonal
Technologies: Supporting the communication, group problem
Net-Enhanced Organization. solving, collaborative learning,
Contact: and multicultural team produc-
tivity. Contact: isdoug@cityu.

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