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he goblin known as Krazy Kragnar has a long

and colorful history, not all of which has yet to be
chronicled. Always quick to make a deal, take a
risk, and turn a profit, Kragnar first came to prominence
when he began a line of used-chariots yards (the
merchandise for which is detailed in The Genius Guide
to Loot 4 Less Volume 7: Krazy Kragnar’s Used Chariots).
When that operation was shut down by angry dwarves,
he turned to a new business plan with Krazy Kragnar’s
Surplus Alchemy Shop. Buying post-dated alchemist’s fire
and remaindered thunderstones turned out to be savvy
trade, and soon Kragnar was dealing in fully legitimate
alchemical materials, boosted in part by a sudden influx
of alchemists throughout the world. Kragnar set up a
large shop and bought a house in the Silk District of the
city of Refuge.
In return for going entirely legit, Kragnar got to watch
the town guard do nothing as his Alchemy Shop went
up in green flames after a patron carelessly tossed a still-
hot tindertwig into the half-off bin. The guard claimed
the prismatic smoke pouring out of the windows was
too dangerous to risk getting a bucket brigade near the
flaming shop. Kragnar strongly suspected the human
guard simply didn’t like seeing a goblin make more
money in a week than a guard earned in a year. When the
flames, peals of thunder, and random bursts of lightning
and acid rain finally subsided around Kragnar’s shop,
the goblin was bankrupt and no longer welcome in the
homes of wealthier patrons.
It was, thought Kragnar, a sign.
Turning to some old friends who didn’t care about his
current circumstances, Kragnar quickly began building
a new financial empire. This one paid more attention to
high profitability and customer demand, and less to the
rules of tariffs, taxes, recorded transactions, and craft-
guild rules. In short, Kragnar joined a Goblin Market and
started selling black market magic items. And in a matter
of months, the canny goblin was once more rolling in
coin . . .
Goblin Markets in a goblin market being legal in a small Goblin Market Economies
settlement located outside the borders of
Found in most large towns and a surprising
nearby kingdoms, but close enough for and Qualities
number of smaller trade centers, goblin markets When determining a settlement’s base
those in the know to travel to it for special
are underground, illegal, or semi-legal bazaars value, purchase limit, available spellcasting,
purposes. In other cases a goblin market
where you can try to buy things outlawed and minor/medium/major items available
springs up around a retired crime lord, a
(or heavily controlled) in the legitimate trade beyond the settlement’s purchase limit,
source of something useful but illicit (such
houses. Local populations often see goblin only above-board, legitimate sources of
as a spring of magic love elixir, or a small
markets as nearly mystic locations, where trade are considered. A goblin market (or
forest of addictive herbs), resulting in a
goblin merchants trade in cursed items and similar underground goods exchange, be it
market being the entire reason a smaller
djinni wishes. Such locations do exist in a few a Thieves’ Bazaar, arcanely hidden Mystic
community exists. Some villages are nothing
metropolises, where goblins are a repressed but Alley, the back rooms of a block of shops
more than cover stories for the goblin
grudgingly accepted underclass closely tied in the Adventurer’s Quarter, or a secret
markets that provide the community’s main
to thieves’ guilds and underground cults, but shop located on the Fat Loot—a ship that
source of income.
they are rare. In truth most “goblin” markets never enters port to avoid local laws), has a
Within a goblin market there are no
are entirely free of goblins and handle only the separate set of totals. (For more information
guarantees, and the buyer should always
same broad categories of materials their more on the buying power of a settlement, see
beware. The trustworthiness of a shop
legitimate counterparts do, but the term has the “Settlement Traits” section of Chapter
is often suggested by how permanent a
stuck as shorthand for black markets dealing building it is in, since black marketeers Seven of the GameMastery Guide).
in illicit magic, alchemy, herbs, and toxins. Of looking for repeat business often pay for For purposes of buying and selling
course merchants selling in goblin markets sturdy shops with solid stone walls, and con power, a typical goblin market is treated
often need obviously dangerous guards, and artists and grifters prefer cheap (and easily as a settlement two sizes smaller than the
they are not above hiring creatures that the moved or abandoned) tents and pavilions. community it is located in, while a small or
rest of a community might mistrust or outright This is not a hard rule, however, since specialized goblin market is treated as three
hate, so it’s not unusual to find monsters and grifters can rent permanent structures, and sizes smaller, and a large or well-established
humanoids not native to a city working in its ‘honest’ goblin market merchants might deal goblin market as only one size smaller. Thus
goblin market. Though, honestly, hobgoblins in items that blow up their shops from time the extensive goblin market in the large city
are more common (as leg-breakers and to time, making tents look attractive (and of Refuge is treated as a small city when
bouncers) than goblins. cheap to replace). In a few well-established determining what can easily be bought and
A goblin market can be found in nearly goblin markets, a merchants association or sold.
every small and large city and metropolis, and thieves’ guild might keep an eye out for Because they are treated as independent
most large towns. Small towns are only likely the worst cheats and work to enforce some settlements, each goblin market has its own
to have a goblin market if near a major trade quality control to promote greater trade, but settlement qualities (see Chapter Seven of
route, war front, or site that draws numerous such efforts cannot be counted on. If using the GameMastery Guide). When assigning
adventurers, mercenaries, or cultists. Villages, settlement modifiers from Chapter Seven such qualities, keep in mind they are applied
hamlets, and thorps are normally too small to of the GameMastery Guide, always assume a to the goblin market in comparison to other
support a goblin market, though there can be goblin market has +1 crime and +10 danger goblin markets. Thus while most goblin
exceptions. Sometimes a quirk of law will result compared to the community it is found in.
markets are notorious compared to the cities small thorp of Peachtree Hill might see one between trade captains). Not only does Refuge
they are located in, only the most vile dens magic item pass through every year, and have more occasions to declare what magic is
of scum and villainy qualify as notorious there’s no point in worrying about what forbidden, it has a pressing interest in doing so.
goblin markets. The goblin market in the magic items the thorp doesn’t want to deal With trade as the focus of Refuge’s wealth, laws
city of Refuge is fairly typical, possessing with unless one shows up. about charm magic, illusions, appraisal, and
the qualities prosperous, racially intolerant The major trade hub Refuge sees far even divination are necessary to ensure trade
(humans), rumormongering citizens, and more magic than that on a daily basis, continues uninterrupted (or only interrupted in
tourist attraction. and it has a lively trade in magic as items ways the rulers of Refuge approve of).
of value (sometimes just as easy ways to It’s important to note that while many
Finding the Goblin Market carry and transfer large sums of money communities outlaw what they see as evil magic
Finding the local goblin market
by asking around is normally a DC
20 Diplomacy check, using the gather
information function of the skill. A DC 20
Knowledge (local) check allows characters
to know of such a market without asking
around. A large goblin market grants a +5
bonus to these checks, while a small goblin
market imposes a –5 penalty. A GM should
be liberal with circumstance bonuses for
characters with ties to a group running such
a gallery of illicit goods. A member of the
local Bardic Guild might gain as much as
a +5 circumstance bonus to find the Choir
of Liars, a small goblin market run by the
bards of Lakeport specializing in illegal
charm magic.
Black Market Magic Items
Not every magic item is embraced by
every community. While few towns worry
about magic items until one becomes a
specific problem, larger cities and well-
organized kingdoms are often significantly
more proactive about writing codes to define
what magic is legal, what requires special
permission, and what is outright outlawed.
Largely this is a matter of frequency. The

(often including necromancy and any spell need it, any effort to have it is likely a sign Moderate illusion; CL 10th; Craft Magic
that focuses on fear, blood, or pain), as noted of being up to no good. Both these groups Arms and Armor, disguise self; Price +15,000
with Refuge’s trade concerns there are many are likely to disapprove of glamered armor, gp.
other magic effects that might be outlawed or though it might not be explicitly any more Alluring, Greater: As alluring, except
regulated. A trade city might well note that while illegal than nonmagic armors. it grants a +15 competence bonus on
illusions are fine as entertainment or defense, Cities with serious thief problems might Diplomacy checks.
it’s illegal to sell or trade for anything you have well outlaw, or license, armor with any Moderate illusion; CL 15th; Craft Magic
made look different with illusions. Similarly level of the shadow ability. Magocracies Arms and Armor, disguise self; Price +33,750
using enchantment and charm magic during often restrict spell resistance armors to well- gp.
any form of negotiation might be considered a known and trusted allies. Undead controlling Liberating: Liberating armor has its
form of cheating or fraud, and even abjuration armor and armor of etherealness is so rare few maximum Dexterity bonus to AC increased
could be outlawed when it’s used to conceal communities have specific laws regarding by 1, and its armor check penalty reduced
other forms of illicit magic. them, though some might forbid all by 1 (minimum 0), for every +1 point of
For every item listed below, the reason for necromancy and/or plane-traveling magic. enhancement the armor has. Medium or
its black market status is included, along with a Additional magic armors commonly heavy armor with this ability that has its
full description of its game effect. Not all these restricted in many regions are presented armor check penalty reduced to 0 has only
items are illegal everywhere—many frontier below. half the movement penalty of mundane
towns and war-torn countries have open-door Alluring: Alluring armor works to make versions of the same armor (round up to the
places on the magic used by their allies. But all its wearer look as good as possible, making nearest 5-foot move rate).
are discouraged by enough laws and courts to sure any grime appears as mere smudges, As part of the magic that goes into
be hard to buy in the open bazaar, and much liberating armor, the total coverage of
keeping lighting even, glinting at dramatic
more likely to turn up in a goblin market. moments, and preventing any cosmetics the armor is drastically reduced (while
Black Market Armor worn from coming off or smearing. It grants mystically making the remaining sections
Rulers who depend on force and fear to rule a +5 competence bonus on Diplomacy more likely to draw an attack, thus not
their citizens often regulate any kind of armor, checks made when worn. reducing its armor bonus to AC). Most
to help keep rebellions down (and make them Some jurisdictions outlaw all illusion suits are specifically designed to maximize
easier to deal with when they do happen). In such magic, which certainly includes alluring the amount of skin revealed by a suit,
areas hunters might be allowed to wear leather armor. Others treat it as a form of enhancing the physical appeal of the wearer.
armors, and town guards could wear medium enchantment, which might make it illegal Because of this, it is forbidden in some more
armor, and only soldiers of the government or merely licensed. And some find alluring conservative realms. A few less conservative
are allowed heavy armor. Even less tyrannical armor flatly inappropriate for much the communities don’t outlaw it, but do restrict
countries sometimes employ sumptuary laws same reasons as liberating armor (see below). it to use among the lower class (usually
to ensure only the noble have access to the best Faint illusion; CL 4th; Craft Magic Arms gladiators and/or mercenaries), as it’s
armor (also often restricting certain colors, such and Armor, disguise self; Price +3,750 gp. considered too unseemly for use by the
as crimson and purple, to nobles and royalty). Alluring, Improved: As alluring, except wealthy or respected.
Often the thought is that other classes of people it grants a +10 competence bonus on Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Magic
just don’t need such gear, and if they don’t Diplomacy checks. Arms and Armor, Dodge; Price +1 bonus.
Vengeful: Vengeful armor helps its wearer though not if they target a race generally at
strike back at those harming him. If the war with local society. Many communities
wearer of a suit of vengeful armor takes 6 or with large percentages of their structures
more points of damage, his armor gains one made of wood, straw, or thatch outlaw
charge. As a swift action, the wearer can flaming weapons as needlessly risky. Merciful
infuse the charge into a successful melee weapons are sometimes identified as
attack to deal an additional 1d6 points of appealing only to slavers, and either banned
damage. Vengeful armor can hold only one or restricted to pacifist religious orders and
charge at a time. town guards. Anarchic and unholy weapons
Officials often claim vengeful armor is only are banned by most good and lawful
useful to ‘chaotic warriors’ (a euphemism for societies, though the reverse isn’t always
uncivilized barbarians) and those expecting true. Wounding, vicious, and vorpal weapons
to cause trouble. A few instead express are often seen as cruel and antagonistic, and
fear that any member of the community even if there aren’t specific bans making
employing such armor might feel compelled them illegal, asking to buy one is likely to
to take needless risks, to the detriment of the result in a constable coming to ask you some
community as a whole. As a result it is often pointed questions.
outlawed. Additional magic weapons commonly
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft restricted in many regions are presented
Magic Arms and Armor, bull’s strength; Price below.
+1 bonus. Blasphemous: A blasphemous weapon is
Black Market Weapons imbued with the power to curse its foes. A
Like armor, governments that fear a target struck and damaged by a blasphemous
potential uprising among their citizens weapon takes a –1 penalty to attack rolls,
often outlaw weapons, or they are restricted saving throws, caster level checks, skill
based on the government’s view of the checks, and ability checks for a number of
citizens’ legitimate needs. Thus hunters and minutes equal to the enhancement bonus of
town guards are likely to be allowed spears the weapon. The penalties from being struck
and crossbows, but greatswords and battle by a blasphemous weapon (or even multiple
axes might be forbidden. Magic weapons different blasphemous weapons) do not stack.
are much more likely to be restricted than The penalty can be removed by a remove
magic armor, with even fairly benevolent curse spell or similar magic.
monarchs wondering why a private citizen Many communities outlaw all
wants a +1 flaming, frost, shock, thundering necromantic magic items, which certainly
longsword. includes blasphemous weapons. Others
Bane weapons are often outlawed if they outlaw such weapons specifically because
target a race common to a community, they grant the power to curse foes, which is
Moderate necromancy; CL 8th; Craft Screaming: A screaming weapon begins to
Antipaladins and Magic Arms and Armor, bestow curse; Price howl as soon as it is drawn (making Stealth
+3 bonus. checks impossible for the wielder except
Black Magic Weapons Random: A random weapon changes its against the deaf), and can be heard up to
A campaign that includes both antipaladins a mile away. A target hit by a screaming
and the black magic weapons presented here special abilities every day at dawn. Any
abilities that do not conflict with each other weapon takes a penalty to attack rolls equal
might wish to allow these special abilities to its enhancement bonus until the end of its
can occur (even random weapons are never
to be used by an antipaladin enhancing a next round. A target struck by a critical hit
holy and unholy at the same time, nor can
weapon with his fiendish boon class ability. from a screaming weapon is deafened for 2d6
they be both flaming and frost). The exception
The safest and fairest way to do this is to allow rounds.
to this rule is that a random weapon is never
an antipaladin to swap out one of the abilities
axiomatic. A random weapon is always treated The screaming weapon is outlawed
normally available from fiendish boon for one
as having only two permanent magic in many underground cities (especially
from this product. Of course, as antipaladins
properties: random and an enhancement dwarven ones) as “just too dang loud,” and it
are rarely fair, a GM can also decide to just bonus. If the random property is added to is responsible for some kingdom’s very first
add these properties (or at least blasphemous a weapon that already has other special ‘sound ordinances.’ Some magocracies also
and blasphemous surge) without removing any abilities, those abilities are turned into outlaw it, since a deafening weapon presents
of an antipaladin’s existing options. enhancement bonuses equal to their bonus a real potential threat to spellcasting nobles
generally seen as evil (even though the weapons cost. (A weapon that would gain more than trying to keep the peace.
do not detect as such). Theocracies often restrict a +5 enhancement bonus as a result of this Minor evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Magic
such weapons to clerics and/or inquisitors of becomes a +5 weapon.) Arms and Armor, sound burst; Price +1
the church, objecting not so much to the idea At dawn each day, a random weapon
of a weapon that curses foes, as the power of converts a randomly determined amount
secular warriors to have such weapons. of its enhancement bonus into other special Virile: Three times per day, though no
Moderate necromancy; CL 8th; Craft Magic abilities. The weapon always retains at more than once per round, the wielder of
Arms and Armor, bestow curse; Price +1 bonus. least a +1 enhancement bonus. (The random a virile weapon can heal himself as a swift
ability can only be added to a weapon with action. The target is healed for 1d6 hit
Blasphemous Surge: A blasphemous surge a +2 or greater enhancement bonus). Special
points for every three levels he possesses
weapon functions as a blasphemous weapon that abilities with multiple possible variations
also casts bestow curse on a foe successfully (such as bane) have those variables randomly (minimum 1d6). Using the weapon to coup
struck with a critical hit. In addition to the determined as well. de grace a target and successfully kill it can
normal penalty inflicted by a blasphemous Nearly every magistrate and court aware recharge one use of this ability. (Each of the
weapon, a blasphemous surge weapon targets a foe of random weapons outlaws them, since weapon’s charges can be recharged once
hit by a critical hit with the bestow curse spell they could manifest any number of illegal each day in this way, for a total maximum
as a free actiona s if cast by the wielder of the abilities. of six charges per day.)
weapon (using his level as the cleric level for Moderate universal; CL 13th; Craft Magic Because of this the weapons are extremely
the spell, his Wisdom to determine the save DC, Arms and Armor, limited wish; Price +1 popular with assassins, especially those
and so on). If the weapon’s critical multiplier is bonus. who worship gods of murder, and they are
x3, the save DC is increased by +1, and if the outlawed in many cities as the adornments
multiplier is x4, the save DC is increased by +2. of hired killers.
Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Craft Construction
Magic Arms and Armor, vampiric touch; Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Behind the Counter:
Price +2 bonus. Armor, mnemonic enhancer, vampiric touch,
Specific Weapons a creature with an Intelligence of 3 or more
Pricing a Blood Knife
A blood knife is essentially a variant pearl of
Blood Knife must be slain as part of the crafting process;
power, bolted to a magic +2 cold iron weapon.
Aura: moderate necromancy; CL: 11th Cost: 24,000 gp
In case a GM wanted to make blood knives at
Slot: none; Price: 46,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb. Executioner’s Sword different power levels, here’s the formula:
Description Aura: moderate transmutation; CL: 5th (maximum charges/day squared x 1,000 gp)
This long, wavy-bladed +2 cold iron Slot: none; Price: 8,335 gp; Weight: 1 lb. + (cost of weapon’s enhancement) + (2,000
dagger has six gems worked into its hilt. The Description gp). The minor cost of a cold iron dagger is
gems are clear when the item has no charges. An executioner’s sword is a long-bladed ignored for simplicity’s sake.
It can hold up to six charges, each causing weapon with a broad blade and a round tip
one gem to turn blood-red. A spellcaster can not useful for thrusting. It functions as a +1
cast a spell without expending a spell slot by bastard sword that deals x4 damage, rather
expending a number of charges equal to the than a normal critical hit, when used for
spell’s level. Casters who must prepare their a coup de grace maneuver. Because of its
spells (such as clerics, druids and wizards) heavy design, all CMB checks made with it
can cast spells they have prepared only, but take a –2 penalty.
doing so does not cause the prepared spell Although most large cities allow such
to be expended. Spontaneous spellcasters weapons to be carried by professional
(such as bards and druids) can cast any spell headsmen, its use by anyone else is often
known using the dagger. seen as evidence of a willingness to kill
The blood knife can gain a maximum of helpless foes. This might be cause for extra
six charges a day, and it loses one charge attention from the local guard, or it might be
each day (minimum 0 charges). Charging an arresting offense.
the weapon requires it to be used to kill a
creature with an Intelligence of 3 or higher,
Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and
with a CR within 2 of the wielder’s level.
Armor, bull’s strength, enlarge person;
The blood knife is a favored weapon of
Cost: 24,000 gp
many cults of death and chaos, and it is
explicitly outlawed in many kingdoms
(its possession considered proof of guilt of
murder). A very few extremely liberal lands
allow the knife, but they require a bearer to
explain who he killed and why any time it is
found with any charged gems.

Black Magic Rings Ring of Shadows ring wearer rolls a natural 1 on any attack
Magic rings are small, easily hidden, Aura: strong conjuration; CL: 11th roll, skill check, saving throw or ability check
powerful, and frequently the focus of kingdom- Slot: ring; Price: 30,600 gp; Weight: — while the shadow monster is summoned,
shattering prophecies. As a result they make the shadow monster moves away from the
tyrants and plutarchs nervous, since they controller for 1d4 rounds, then seeks weak
A ring of shadows is a twisted tangle of
represent extremely mobile, hard-to-track, victims to torture and kill until it’s duration
onyx and obsidian that often seems to drink
easily transferred might and wealth. Especially ends or the ring wearer reasserts control.
in any light that strikes it. Such a ring grants
when a group realizes magic rings need not For the ring wearer to reassert control,
the wearer the power to summon shadows
be placed on a finger to be effective (there’s no he must be within 30 feet of the shadow
to serve him  .  .  .  but sometimes they are
game mechanical definition of where the ring creature and make a control check (control
difficult to control. The wearer’s control over
slot is, and it’s separate from the hand slot), score + 1d20) as a standard action against a
the shadow demon is based on his control
magic rings often become the ultimate tools of DC of 10 + shadow creature’s HD.
score (level + Charisma modifier). When
assassins, smugglers, revolutionaries, cheats, Because of the inherent danger of using
worn by a character with a total control
spies, saboteurs, and mercenaries. The most these rings, in many civilized lands it is
score of 6 or less, the ring is a useless piece
restrictive kingdoms often outlaw all magic considered an illegal act of assault against
of jewelry. Once per day a wearer with a
rings, and many more employ sumptuary laws anyone who might be attacked if the shadow
control score of 7 or more can use the ring to
to restrict them to the highest noble ranks. creature breaks free of the wearer’s control.
summon a shadow monster (as the summon
Even in lands that forbid only specific magic Further, the fact the creatures summoned are
monster I spell). The monster is randomly
rings, the list can grow lengthy. While specific evil living shadows makes mere possession
drawn from the options from one of the
kingdoms vary on their level of restriction, it’s of such a ring illegal in places with strict
summon monster spells, as shown below, but
common for rings of feather falling to be banned laws against necromancy and employing
it has the shadow creature template (below).
as tools of cat burglars, rings of sustenance to the undead.
be forbidden by cooking guilds, rings of mind Control Score Spell
Shadow Creature
shielding to be restricted by theocracies, rings of 7–10 summon monster I
Apply this simple template to creatures
chameleon power to be illegal anywhere that bans 11–13 summon monster II
summoned with the ring of shadows.
masks and disguises, rings of invisibility to be 14–17 summon monster III
Rules: Creature gains DR based on
flatly prohibited everywhere (especially cities 18–19 summon monster IV
Hit Dice. From zero to 5 HD, DR 5/cold
with schools that take female students), and 20–21 summon monster V
iron. From 6 to 15 HD, DR 10/cold iron.
rings of djinn summoning to be confiscated by the 22–23 summon monster VI
For 16 or more HD, DR 15/cold iron; the
local ruler as soon as he hears about it. 24–25 summon monster VII
creature’s first successful melee attack
Additional magic rings commonly restricted 26–27 summon monster VIII
after being summoned deals 1d6 Strength
in many regions are presented below. 28+ summon monster IX
damage; creature has fly 40 ft. with perfect
The wearer’s control over the shadow maneuverability.
monster is not complete. If the creature rolls Construction
a natural 20 on any attack roll, skill check, Requirements: Craft Magic Ring, shadow
saving throw, or ability check, it is confused conjuration, summon monster VI; Cost: 15,300
until the ring wearer reasserts control. If the gp
Ring of Whispers per spell). The wearer can cast spells with a all 6 charges in one day requires a minimum of 6
Aura: faint conjuration; CL: 3rd spell level no higher than half the wearer’s partners. Spells are cast using the ability scores
Slot: ring; Price: 5,000 gp; Weight: — level. The spells must target the wearer, or a and level of the ring wearer, but suffer arcane
creature with which the wearer is engaged spell failure if the ring wearer is in armor.
in a sex act.
These rings come in matched sets, with Tantric Ring Spell List
It is possible to charge a tantric ring only
one black silver and the other white gold. by engaging in a full and complete sexual 0 level—arcane mark, detect poison, lullaby,
The price is for a set. The two creatures act (lasting a minimum of 15 minutes) with touch of fatigue
wearing the rings gain a +10 competence an animate creature. You can recharge up 1st level—charm person, comprehend
bonus on Bluff checks made to pass secret to three charges at a time by having the act languages, cure light wounds, endure elements, ray
messages to each other. include additional partners (one charge per of enfeeblement
Because of their popularity among partner), though you must actively engage 2nd level—alter self, bear’s endurance, bull’s
criminals, spies, and rebels, many all partners during the act. You cannot strength, cat’s grace, cure light wounds, eagle’s
jurisdictions outlaw these rings. Others use the same partner to recharge the ring splendor, lesser restoration, remove paralysis
restrict them to use among an official order multiple times on the same day—to regain
of secret peacekeepers, who might well have
sets of 4, 6, or 8 matched rings (+1,000 gp to
the value of a set for each additional ring in
a set).
Requirements: Craft Magic Ring, whispering
wind; Cost: 2,500 gp
Tantric Ring
Aura: strong conjuration; CL: 9th
Slot: ring; Price: 25,600 gp; Weight: —
This ring is a delicate, thin band of silver,
shaped to show a lean female form stretched
in a curve, enwrapped by a long snake.
Most tantric rings are not worn on the finger,
but instead have a post to allow them to be
worn through a pierced part of the body.
Each ring can hold up to six charges, and
spend up to six charges a day. The wearer
can cast a spell from the Tantric Ring Spell
List (below) by using a number of charges
equal to the spell’s level (minimum 1 charge
3rd level—cure serious wounds, remove Rod of Agony Rod of Pestilence
blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease, Aura: faint conjuration; CL: 11th Aura: strong necromancy; CL: 9th
suggestion Slot: none; Price: 27,000 gp; Weight: 5 lbs. Slot: none; Price: 54,000 gp; Weight: 5 lbs.
4th level—charm monster, cure critical wounds,
Description Description
neutralize poison, restoration
Each of these rods is a twisted, dark gray Five times a day, a rod of pestilence can
The licentious nature of the ring, and shaft of hard wood, studded with thorns infect a creature touched, forcing it to make
the activities it promotes, make it extremely and swirling shapes that appear to be faces a Fortitude save (DC 19) or contract blinding
unpopular in conservative communities (at screaming. Three times per day, the rod of sickness, bubonic plague, shakes, or slimy
least some of which are genuinely concerned agony can cause extreme pain in a subject doom at the caster’s discretion. The disease
about the possible misuse of items of this kind struck by it. The target takes a –2 penalty to is contracted immediately (the onset period
by succubi and cultists). Many ban it outright. all attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, does not apply). Use the disease’s listed
Others allow it, but require the wearer to inform skill checks, ability checks, concentration frequency to determine further effects, but
all potential partners of its existence, or restrict checks, and caster level checks for 2d6 all saving throws against the disease use
its use to temple prostitutes and professional minutes. If the creature suffering this the same saving throw (DC 19) as the rod’s
courtesans. Some kingdoms allow the rings, penalty has fewer HD than the wielder, initial infection.
but numerous local religions forbid their the wielder can demand a service from Any creature with 9 or fewer HD that
congregations from owning or helping to charge the affected creature as a move action. The touches a target suffering an affliction from
one. (Of course in other communities such rings target can refuse or accept. If it refuses, the a rod of pestilence is exposed to the same
are extremely popular—black market magic is pain penalty worsens to –3. If it accepts, it disease, and must save or contract it. In this
often a very subjective issue.) is affected as if it has failed a saving throw case the disease’s normal onset time and
Construction against a geas/quest spell to perform the save DCs do apply. For more information
Requirements: Craft Magic Ring, charm monster, demanded act, and it becomes immune to on these afflictions, see Diseases in the
shadow evocation; Cost: 12,800 gp any future use of the rod of agony (though appendices of the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Black Market Rods not different rods of agony). Game Core Rulebook.
Most areas simply ignore rods, as they are These items are outlawed anywhere As a tool of necromancy, evil, pain, and
too rare and varied for any useful legislation. torture is outlawed, and they are restricted suffering, the rod of pestilence is outlawed in
A few petty monarchies consider rods to be to agents of the government most other most good-aligned settlements. However,
scepters and restrict them to the upper ranks of places. the risk of a rod starting an epidemic causes
nobility. A few specific rods are banned based Construction it to also be heavily restricted in any large
on their impact on society, including rods of Requirements: Craft Rod, geas/quest, ghoul society that does not actively worship
withering (which are considered to increase touch; Cost: 13,500 gp disease, and some that do. It is most
the levels of the maimed and disabled), rods often limited to being used on offensive
of wonder (which are just too unpredictable to campaigns, even among armies worshiping
be used safely), and rods of rulership (which are gods of plague and infection.
effectively mass charm items). Construction
Additional magic rods occasionally Requirements: Craft Rod, contagion; Cost:
restricted in some regions are presented below. 27,000 gp
Black Market Wondrous Items Altar of Adjustment are too powerful as methods of winning the aid
Wondrous items are too broad a Aura: strong necromancy; CL: 13th of previous loyal agents for any government to
category for any reasonable law to cover Slot: none; Price: 72,800 gp; Weight: 100 lbs. condone their general use.
all of them in any detail, though this does Construction
not prevent some bureaucratic cities from Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, charm
keeping long lists outlining the legal status An altar of adjustment is a massive wood
and stone table, with a granite top, large monster, ghoul touch, speak with dead; Cost:
of every wondrous item city officials have 36,400 gp
ever dealt with. Much more common are iron rings set into each corner, and sturdy
legal guidelines that cover the types of frame and panels of ebony wood. Most are
items that have legal limits. Necromancy is covered in runes of pain, doubt, change,
often prohibited in any form, as are items and rebirth.
that detect a given alignment (depending The magic of the altar affects
on the ethos of the rulers). Enchantment only helpless creatures laying on
items are often seen as coercive, and many its surface (normally tied there).
laws narrow their legal use to defense, Once an hour, such a creature can
specifically making it felonious to cause be asked a question. The creature
someone to take an action through magic must either answer the question
they would not take of their own accord to the best of its ability (without
(though sometimes allowing such items to half-truths or dissemination), or
force a creature into inaction, in keeping make a DC 15 Fortitude saving
with the idea of defensive charms). Cities throw. On a failed saving throw,
often do suppress specific magic items a creature takes 1d4 Constitution
that have caused problems in the past (it is damage. If a creature is ever
illegal in the city of Refuge to use a crystal drained to 0 Constitution by this
ball to scry on anyone within the city limits) item, its Constitution returns
, or that is disliked by a specific group that to full, its alignment changes to
lobbied against it (because of demands from match whoever last asked it a
the Porter’s Guild, it is also illegal in Refuge question, and it becomes helpful
to use bags of holding on the docks). to that creature. This effect cannot
Additional wondrous items occasionally be reversed without the use of
restricted in many regions are presented atonement, remove curse, greater
below. dispel magic, or similar magic.
Any government aware of
the existence of such altars either
proscribes them, or restricts their
use to agents of the government.
Even ignoring the moral question
of the torture such altars inflict, they
Bag of Tricks (Alternate) Construction Tincture of Prisms
Aura: faint (green or crimson) or moderate (tan) Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Aura: strong evocation; CL: 13th
conjuration; CL: 3rd (green), 5th (crimson), 9th summon monster II (green), summon monster Slot: –; Price: 2,500 gp; Weight: —
(black) III (crimson), or summon monster V (black); Description
Slot —; Price 3,400 gp (green); 8,500 gp Cost 1,700 gp (green); 4,250 gp (crimson); A sweet, alcoholic liquid, the tincture
(crimson); 16,000 gp (black) 8,000 gp (black) of prisms randomly boosts the spellcasting
Description power of the imbiber. The drinker gains a
Tincture of Beauty
This small sack appears empty. Anyone reaching +2 enhancement bonus to caster level and
Aura: moderate transmutation; CL: 5th
into the bag feels a hard, cold ball. If the ball is the saving throw DC of spells cast, for one
Slot: –; Price: 1,250 gp; Weight: —
removed and tossed up to 20 feet away, it turns randomly determined school of magic, for 1
into an animal, magical beast, or vermin. The hour. It is possible to benefit from only one
creature serves the character who drew it from This bitter, dusty potable makes the tincture of prisms at a time; drinking a second
the bag for 10 minutes (or until slain or ordered imbiber physically attractive. Physical tincture negates the benefits of the first.
back into the bag), at which point it disappears. features change (largely to the desire of A tincture of prisms is addictive, with a
It can follow any of the commands described in the drinker), but the entire appearance of moderate addiction, Fortitude DC 16. For
the Handle Animal skill. Each of the three kinds the imbiber also improve dramatically. The more information on addictions, see the
of bags of tricks produces a different set of drinker gains a +5 bonus to all Charisma- Drugs and Addiction section of Chapter
creatures. Use the following tables to determine based skill checks and ability checks for 6 8 of the GameMastery Guide. As with most
what animals can be drawn out of each. hours. Drinking more than one tincture of addictive materials, it is outlawed in many
Green Bag Crimson Bag Black Bag
beauty on the same day deals 1d2 Wisdom places, though it is also forbidden in some
d% Animal d% Animal d% Animal
damage for each tincture after the first. areas because officials feel it is unwise
01-30 Fire beetle 01-30 Giant ant 01-30 Giant scorpion A tincture of beauty is addictive, with a to encourage spellcasters to dapple in
31–60 Giant centipede 31–60 Giant crab 31–60 Giant wasp minor addiction, Fortitude DC 12. For more enchantment and necromancy just in case
61–75 Poison frog 61–85 Giant leech 61–80 Pteranodon information on addictions, see the Drugs that is the school they boost with such a
76-90 Stirge 86-00 Shocker lizard 81-90 Yeth hound and Addiction section of Chapter 8 of the tincture.
91-00 Viper — 91-00 Giant stag beetle GameMastery Guide. As with most addictive
Creatures produced are always random, and materials, it is outlawed in many places, Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, ;
only one can exist at a time. Up to 10 animals though it is also forbidden in some areas as Cost: 1,250 gp
can be drawn from the bag each week, but no a charm effect.
more than two per day. Construction
Unlike the more common gray, crimson, and Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, charm
black bags of tricks, these produce creatures that person, eagle’s splendor; Cost: 625 gp
are not seen as safe, domestic, or noble. They are
often used as totems by cults of bizarre demons
and largely forgotten religions. As a result of
that (and a lack of positive PR), these alternate
bags are outlawed in many places.
Tincture of Prisms Tincture of Wrath Rope of Binding
Aura: strong evocation; CL: 13th Aura: strong transmutation; CL: 13th Aura: strong transmutation; CL: 15th
Slot: –; Price: 2,500 gp; Weight: — Slot: —; Price: 2,000 gp; Weight: — Slot: —; Price: 36,000 gp; Weight: —
Description Description Description
A sweet, alcoholic liquid, the tincture This potable has the appearance and Almost always made of silk, these 60-foot
of prisms randomly boosts the spellcasting taste of blood mixed with honey. A character magic ropes function as ropes of entanglement, but
power of the imbiber. The drinker gains a drinking this fluid gains the ability to rage have additional properties. Upon command,
+2 enhancement bonus to caster level and as a barbarian of a level equal to one-third the rope can grapple a target it has entangled.
the saving throw DC of spells cast, for one the drinker’s level. A character already able It has a CMB for the grapple maneuver based
randomly determined school of magic, for 1 to rage instead gains one additional rage on its user, equal to 15 + user’s level + user’s
hour. It is possible to benefit from only one power of his choice for which he qualifies. Charisma modifier. On command it can also
tincture of prisms at a time; drinking a second The duration of this ability is 1 hour, though attempt to pin a target it has grappled. Once a
tincture negates the benefits of the first. each rage follows the normal rules for target is pinned, breaking free requires a DC 35
A tincture of prisms is addictive, with a raging. Strength check or Escape Artist check.
moderate addiction, Fortitude DC 16. For A tincture of wrath is addictive, with a A rope of binding has AC 25, 60 hit points,
more information on addictions, see the major addiction, Fortitude DC 20. For more hardness 20, and damage reduction 10/
Drugs and Addiction section of Chapter information on addictions, see the Drugs slashing. The rope repairs damage to itself at a
8 of the GameMastery Guide. As with most and Addiction section of Chapter 8 of the rate of 1 point per round, but if a rope of binding
addictive materials, it is outlawed in many GameMastery Guide. As with most addictive is severed (all 25 hit points lost to damage), it is
places, though it is also forbidden in some materials, it is outlawed in many places, destroyed.
areas because officials feel it is unwise though it is also forbidden in some areas Although most constables have no issue
to encourage spellcasters to dapple in because addicts who can rage is just a bad with a rope of binding when it is first encountered,
enchantment and necromancy just in case idea. it is sadly a popular tool among slavers,
that is the school they boost with such a Construction psychopaths, and sexual criminals. As a result,
tincture. Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, charm a few cities and kingdoms have specific laws
Construction person, eagle’s splendor; Cost: 36,400 gp outlawing them, and it requires any inquiries
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, ; about such items be reported to the authorities.
Cost: 1,250 gp Construction
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, telekinesis;
Cost: 18,000 gp

Slave Collar whoever touches it. The collar grants its collar to touch the wearer is designated as the
Aura: strong transmutation; CL: 15th wearer +6 enhancement bonuses to Strength, wearer’s master. The wearer is immediately
Slot: neck; Price: 170,000 gp; Weight: — Dexterity and Constitution, as well as the helpful to its master, takes a –10 penalty
evasion ability (as the rogue class ability), to all Will saving throws made against its
darkvision out to 60-feet, and fast healing of master, and the DC of all Charisma-based
A slave collar is a thick, black leather collar,
1 hp/round. skill checks the master makes against the
with small spikes along the outside, and a
Once a wearer puts on a slave collar, the wearer are reduced by 20. The wearer must
name tag hanging in front. When it is touched,
next creature that is not itself wearing a slave make a DC 30 Will saving throw to willingly
its properties are immediately revealed to
remove the collar, even if instructed to do so
by its master. The first name or nickname the
master uses to refer to the wearer appears
on the collar’s tag, and the wearer gains a
+10 bonus to all Perception checks to hear
that name.
Originally created as the ultimate
tool for an army of slave warriors long
ago, these collars have since been used to
seduce adventurers seeking power, enforce
powerful lords’ will upon their chief agents,
and break the mightiest of prisoners. A
slave of high skill willing to put on such a
collar can double the collar’s price at a slave
auction. These collars are forbidden in all
civilized lands, and they must be registered
with the government in even the vilest lands.
Being found with one is a crime deserving
of death in most cities.
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, bear’s
endurance, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, jump,
geas/quest; Cost: 85,000 gp

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Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based
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The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark
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Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
See for more information on the compatibility Krazy Kragnar’s Black Market Magic Items. Copyright 2011, Super Genius Games. Author: Owen
K.C. Stephens


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