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Unit 1
Video 1.2 Present and past habits Video 1.5 Verb patterns

Sarah: Hello. Welcome back to our series of interviews David: Who’s coming on the school trip to Paris next
with famous people where we find out what kind week?
of student they were in their school days. Sarah: Me! I must remember to put my name on the list.
Today I’m meeting the well-known cartoonist Julie: Not me. I refuse to travel by coach. I always feel
Max Anthony. sick.
Hi Max. Thanks for inviting us to your studio Sarah: Oh yes, I remember feeling really sick on a
today. school trip once. It was my birthday so I brought
Max: You’re welcome. Come in. a chocolate cake to share. I let everyone have a
Sarah: What a lovely tidy studio. Did you use to be as piece and we all felt sick. Also, it made a terrible
well-organised when you were at school? mess on the coach and my seat was covered in
Max No, I used to be very messy. I used to share a chocolate. The teacher made me clean it up.
bedroom with my older sister, who was super She didn’t allow me to bring food on the coach
tidy. She would nag me about the mess every after that so I remember feeling hungry all the
day. And she was always making fun of my time.
drawings. Now she thinks my cartoons are George: I had a bad experience on a school trip too. We
clever and funny. In fact, she’s my manager. were doing a tour of Roman monuments. We
Sarah: Oh, that’s a lovely story. So what did your stopped to take photos of an old Roman bridge.
teachers think of you? Did you use to behave I tried to take a selfie with the river and the
well in class, or did you use to be the class bridge in the background but I stepped back too
clown? far and fell in the river. My classmates saw me
Max: No, I used to be quiet in class, but I’d get terribly falling, but they didn’t manage to stop me. I got
bored. So, to keep myself amused, I’d draw very wet and even the teachers couldn’t help
cartoons during lessons. laughing.
Sarah: What did the teachers think about that? David: Ha ha ha. Yes, I’ll never forget watching you fall
Max: Sometimes the teachers would notice and they’d into the river. It was hilarious. Unfortunately, I
threaten to take away my pencils. They were forgot to take photos of you coming out of the
always sending me to the head teacher’s office. river. You looked so funny.
One day the school called my parents ... George: Thanks! I keep doing stupid things on school
Head T: Max is a bright student. But he’s always getting trips. I remember another coach trip. When we
distracted. Instead of paying attention in class, stopped to go to the bathroom, I went to the
he’ll draw pictures all over his exercise books. shop and started reading an interesting
Mother: I’m afraid Max takes after his father, Head magazine. I completely forgot to get back on the
Teacher. But thank you for calling. I’ll tell Max to coach and it left without me.
pay attention in class. Julie: Oh no! What did you do?
Sarah: Ah, so your father’s an artist, too. That’s where George: I expected them to come back for me. But they
you get your talent from! Thanks for talking to us never did so I called my dad. When I saw him
Max Anthony. arrive, I was so relieved. I imagined having to
Max: It’s been a pleasure. stay there all night!
David: You should come to Paris, Julie. We’re travelling
by train.
Julie: I’m not sure about going to France again. On the
last school trip to France we went to a restaurant
and I tried speaking French. I intended to say
‘thank you’ but I think I said something rude
because the waiter seemed to be shocked and
Sarah: Hahaha. I’m sure your French has improved. I
think you should stop finding excuses and put
your name on the list.

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Unit 2
Video 2.2 Past Perfect Simple & Continuous Video 2.5 Relative clauses

Anna was so excited! She was on her way to meet her Grandma: Who’s the young woman sitting over there?
brother for the first time. Anna was 18 years old but she Ella: Do you mean the woman wearing a red
had never met her brother Peter, who was now 20, dress?
because they had both been adopted at birth by different Grandma: Yes. The one who’s eating wedding cake. I
families. For 18 years, Anna had been living in Manchester don’t think I know her.
with her adoptive family, while Peter had been living 300 Ella: Oh, that’s the bride’s sister.
miles away on the north coast of Cornwall. Grandma: Ah, is she the sister that lives in Scotland?
Anna travelled down to Newquay where Peter was living. Ella: No, she lives in London. It’s her brother
Anna was staying in a B&B near the beach. She’d who lives in Scotland. He’s the man
arranged to meet Peter the next day, so to calm her wearing a kilt. Their parents, who are
nerves Anna decided to go for a swim. While she was retired now, live in Spain.
swimming, she got caught in a current and cried for help. A Grandma: Oh yes, Mrs Jones, who I was sitting next
group of friends heard her shouting for help and hurried to to at lunch, was telling me about the house
help her. She had been struggling against the current for in Spain.
several minutes before they finally reached her. A young Ella: No Grandma, you weren’t sitting next to
man dived into the water and pulled her onto the kayak. Mrs Jones. That was Mrs Taylor, who used
Back on the beach he asked her name and recognised to live next door to us.
her. He told her that he was Peter, her brother. They found Grandma: Oh, well she has a house in Spain too,
that they had a lot in common. Peter found out that Anna which is why I got confused.
had been studying for her final exams at school and was Ella: Grandma, who’s the lady putting lipstick on
hoping to go to Art College. Meanwhile Peter had been over there?
studying art at Art College. Anna had always loved jazz Grandma: Oh, that’s Mavis. She’s the girl I went to
and she found out Peter had been playing in a jazz band school with all those years ago.
for several years. The only thing they didn’t have in Ella: Oh yes, I’ve seen the photos Mum and Dad
common was that Peter had been swimming and surfing have at home.
since he was a child whereas Anna had never been a Grandma: By the way, who’s taking photos of the
good swimmer. Peter offered to teach her to swim better. wedding?
She became so confident that she tried surfing. But that Ella: The photographer. He’s over there.
wasn’t quite so successful. Grandma: He used a flash, which I hate. I always
have red eyes.
Ella: Don’t worry, Grandma. All the photos taken
with that camera will be good. He’s a top
professional. Er, Grandma, who’s the boy
talking to your friend Mavis?
Grandma: Oh, that’s her nephew whose parents live
in South Africa. But he lives in London with
Mavis. He goes to the school where Mavis
and I were students many years ago.
Oh, look, he’s coming over. I can introduce

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Unit 3
Sarah: Well viewers, if anyone would like to donate to
Video 3.2 Future forms
this exciting project, or apply to live on Mars,
please google Project Mars.
Sarah: Good afternoon and welcome to London TV.
Today I’m talking to 2 people who are working
on a very interesting project. They want to live
Video 3.5 Quantifiers
on planet Mars. Gerry, can you tell us about your
project? Alfie: Hi Ben. What's up? You look upset.
Gerry: Sure. Hello everyone. I set up ‘Project Mars’ for Ben: I’m worried. I signed up for the school exchange
1 reason: the world population is growing very and now this boy Jack is coming to stay with me.
fast. By 2050 we’ll have run out of space on Alfie: So what’s the problem with that?
earth. Ben: He’s from New York! He’ll be used to having
Sarah: Oh, right. So will you 2 be living on Mars alone? loads of places to go and see. I’m sure every
Gerry: Ha ha ha oh no! 200,000 people have applied street in New York is full of interesting people
online to be part of Project Mars. We’ll be and places. And he’s coming here to my sleepy
interviewing people to join the project over the village. There aren’t enough places for young
next 6 months. people to go. There are no nightclubs or
Sarah: What kind of people will you be looking for? museums and only a couple of shops.
Gerry: We’ll be looking for people of different ages and Alfie: You can get on a bus and take him to town.
nationalities, and a mix of men and women. There are a few nice places to go there. There’s
They must be 18 or over. In other words, by the a cinema!
time we leave for Mars, they will have become Ben: They don’t have many films on and most of them
legal adults. are several years old. And anyway, there are
Sarah: And is there an age limit? very few buses back home after 7 p.m.
Gerry: No, my parents are coming, and they’ll have Jack: Hi Ben!
retired by then. So long as they’re in good Ben: Hi Jack, pleased to meet you. My Dad’s over
health, they’re welcome on Mars. there.
Sarah: Monica, you’re a member of the Mars Project Jack: Wow, everything’s really green here. And look at
and you’re an astronaut. Will you be flying the those cows.
spaceship to Mars? Ben: Oh yes, there are plenty of cows around here.
Monica: Yes, I’ll be one of the astronauts. We hope to And sheep!
leave in 2025 and by the time we leave, I’ll have Jack: Oh man, that house is amazing! Can we stop
been training for the project for 10 years. and take a photo? I live in an apartment on the
Sarah: How long will it take you to reach Mars? 25th floor. All of my friends live in apartments.
Monica: 7 months. We’ll be living on the space station for Some of us have a few plants, but none of us
7 months, and we’ll be preparing for arrival and have gardens like this! Oh wow, do you know
landing on Mars those girls? Both of them waved at you!
Sarah: Is there water on Mars? Ben: Yes, I know every one of the pretty girls who live
Sarah: What will you eat on Mars? in my village. Most of the people who live in my
Monica: The first people who arrive on Mars are going to village know one another.
take seeds and grow them in oxygen tents. By Jack: It’s so different in New York. I think I’d like to try
the time the next group of people arrive, the horse-riding! Do you think your friends can
seeds will have germinated and plants and trees teach me to ride a horse?
will have been growing for a few years. Ben: Yes, sure. The first thing they’ll teach you is not
Sarah: Is there water on Mars? to frighten the horses with the flash on your
Monica: There’s ice beneath the surface, so we’ll be camera!
making water from that ice.
Sarah: Will you be meeting any Martians there?
Monica: Ha ha ha, I hope so.
Sarah: How exciting. How much preparation have you
Gerry: Ah well, we haven’t started yet. We’re waiting for

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Unit 4
Video 4.2 Question tags and reply questions Video 4.5 Present and past modal structures

Mother: Don’t forget cousin Mary’s getting married on Tony: Hi Rachel, come in.
Saturday. RacheI: I want to show you my new laptop. What do you
Emma: She’s not marrying that boring policeman, is she? think?
Mother: Don’t be so rude. Oh dear, what am I going to Tony: Why did you get a PC? You should have got a
wear? I think we should all go shopping for Mac.
wedding outfits on Saturday. RacheI: I like PCs.
Louis: I’ve got a perfectly decent suit already, haven’t I? Tony: How much did you pay for it?
Mother: You’ve grown about 15 centimeters since you last RacheI: £400.
wore it! Tony: £400??!! Where did you buy it?
Louis: Have I? RacheI: At the computer store in town.
Mother: Yes, you were only 13 when we bought it. Go and Tony: Oh no, you shouldn’t have bought it there. You
find some nice outfits and let’s meet at the didn’t need to get it in a shop. I know a website
changing rooms in half an hour, shall we? where you pay half that. You ought to have
We’ve already got our outfits. Show us what asked me first.
you’ve chosen, will you? RacheI: I had to get it quickly. My old computer was
That shirt’s a bit bright, isn’t it? broken.
You know what I’m going to say, don’t you? Tony: But you needn’t have paid so much for it. You
Yes, it’s too short. ought to take it back and get a refund. Have you
Father: Much too short. got the receipt?
You know what you look like, don’t you? Well, you’d better find it and take the computer
Louis: A fashion designer? back. Then you mustn’t buy another one without
Father: No. A clown. asking me.
Louis: Oh no! That looks ridiculous! RacheI: OK. By the way, where did you get that jacket?
Emma: Does it? Tony: Oh, this one? I got it in that new shop in the
Mother: Right, now you’re going to try on the things I like. mall. I took my sister to help me choose but I
Here you are. needn’t have bothered. She was only interested
Mother: Oh look Dad, they look lovely, don’t they? in looking for clothes for herself.
Father: Oh yes, very nice. Now hurry up, will you, I’ve had Rachel: It’s nice. How much did you pay for it?
enough of this shopping. Tony: £50.
Mother: Ok, we’ve finished. Let’s go home and have a RacheI: £50??!! You should have bought it online. I know
nice cup of tea, shall we? a website where you can get that jacket for
Louis: Come on Mum and Dad. It’s time to go. under £25.
Tony: Oh. Oh well, never mind. I didn’t have to pay for
it. My mum paid.
Tina: What did mum pay for?
Tony: My jacket.
Tina: That’s not fair. I had to pay for my own
Tony: Oh dear, I shouldn’t have said anything. I should
have kept my mouth shut!

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Unit 5
Video 5.2 Reported speech Video 5.5 Reporting verbs

Sarah: Good evening from the London TV studios. Teacher: Good morning everyone. Last week I suggested
Today we’re asking people to contact us with that you ask your parents how they got their first
stories of bad job interviews. First on the line we job, and I’m pleased to say that several parents
have Vernon. Hello Vernon. Can you tell us your agreed to be interviewed. Let’s start with Sonia’s
job interview story? father.
Vernon: Hello Sarah. I run a small company and I was Sonia: So tell me about your first job, Dad.
looking for a new accountant. I received an Sonia’s Father: My father used to run a small garage and
application from a very good candidate. He said as I was the oldest child in the family, I was
he’d been working for a bank for seven years. expected to join the business. But I was a good
Then he said that he had had to leave his bank student and my teachers persuaded my parents
job because he had been tempted to steal to let me go to university. I thanked them for
money. paying for my studies, and in return I promised
Sarah: That’s unbelievable! Who’s going to employ a to work for my dad during the holidays. It was
man like that? Thanks Vernon. hard work, and I wasn’t very good at it. I
Next up we have Shirley. What’s your accused my father of forcing me to do all the
experience of job interviews Shirley? worst jobs! My father admitted giving me hard
Shirley: I interview people for jobs in my company jobs and assured me that it was good for me to
regularly, and I usually ask them to switch off learn new skills. After a while, I started to enjoy
their phone. But I’m always amazed at how the job. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that after
many people leave their phone on during the graduating from university, I begged my dad to
interview. But worse than that, some people take me on in his company. He insisted that I
actually answer their phone in the middle of the start at the bottom and work my way up. He
interview! explained that he wouldn’t give me any
Sarah: Really? privileges because I was the boss’s son. Now
Shirley: Yes. I was doing some interviews last week and that I’m the manager, I’m a better boss for
a woman answered her phone and told the starting at the bottom .
caller she couldn’t speak then because she was Teacher: That was very interesting. Thanks Sonia. Now
in an interview. I told her to switch it off. it’s Martin’s mother’s turn.
Sarah: Shocking! Martin’s Mother: My dream was to be a pilot but my
Shirley: Well, I thought that was bad. But then another parents refused to pay for my studies. They
candidate made a phone call to his boss during warned me that it would be a difficult job for a
the interview. He told him that he was ill and that woman and urged me to choose a different
was why he couldn’t come to work that day.’ profession. I insisted on following my dream
Sarah: Oh dear, that’s terrible! Thank you, Shirley. Who career and joined the Army so I could be a
do we have now? Hello Robert. What stories military pilot. I finally convinced my parents that I
have you got for us today? was happy and doing a job I loved and they
Robert: I was interviewing a young woman. I don’t think finally stopped worrying about me. In fact they
she was very well prepared because I asked her congratulated me on becoming a pilot and
whether she knew anything about our company. added that they were very proud of me. When I
She just said no and asked me what our got married and had you and your sister, I had to
company was called. I said she should do more take a break, but your father encouraged me to
preparation for her next interview. go back to work. I’m working for a local airline
Sarah: Oh dear, she needs to work on her interview now.
technique. OK we have time for just one more Teacher: Thank you Martin. Now, let’s have a break.
caller. It’s Jennifer. Hello Jennifer. Let’s hear
your story.
Jennifer: Well, I interviewed somebody this morning and
offered him the job. He says he’d like to take the
job, but he doesn’t want to work too hard.
Sarah: Thanks Jennifer. At least he’s honest! Bye
everyone. See you next week.

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Unit 6
Video 6.2 Conditional clauses; alternatives Video 6.5 Mixed Conditionals
to if
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of ‘Life is
Mother: Hello boys. What are you doing? strange’.
Simon: Oh, we’re doing our homework. Today we’re looking at people who found success
Mother: I know that’s not true. You wouldn’t look so guilty completely by chance.
unless you were lying. You were playing video Our first example is Fiona McDonald. As a child, Fiona
games, weren’t you? was involved in a cycling accident and hurt her back badly.
Simon: My mum’s an expert in recognizing the signs Her doctors recommended swimming to help her back
when somebody’s lying. It’s her job. She works heal. It was only then that Fiona realised that she was
for the police. talented at swimming, so she took it up professionally.
Mother: Yes, so remember that. If she hadn’t had a bad back she wouldn’t be a member of
Ben: Oh that sounds really interesting. Suppose you the Olympic swimming team today.
suspected someone of lying, what signs would Then there’s the well-known band, James and Co.
you look out for? Lead singer Gerry’s parents split up and he moved from
Mother: Oh there are lots of things. For instance, a liar Manchester to Bristol. He had to move schools and at his
tells a story in a different way. Imagine an new school he became friends with Molly James and her
honest person was telling a story, they wouldn’t brother Joe. They became James and Co who went on to
relate events in the correct order. They’d have several top ten hits. James and Co wouldn’t exist
probably tell the story in a mixed up order, going today if Gerry’s parents hadn’t split up.
back to add details they forgot to mention. Also, Supermodel Elizabetta Martinez had a terrible time when
provided the story was a true one, the honest she was a little girl. She was so tall and wished she could
person would show emotion at the end of it. A be shorter. But when she was 16, somebody stopped her
liar tends to tell the story in the order they’ve in the street and asked if she’d like to be a model. Since
practised it, and they’ll end a story without then Elizabetta has travelled the world modelling for many
showing emotion. famous designers. If she was shorter, she wouldn’t have
Ben: Supposing you asked them to tell the story signed a contract with a top modelling agency.
backwards, would the liar be able to do that? Finally, film director Sharon Rogers wanted to be an actor
Mother: No! It’s an excellent way to catch a liar out. and she got a few minor parts in TV series. But she could
Simon: What other signs are there? never audition for a bigger role because she would get so
Mother: If someone is lying, they often have a slight nervous in auditions that she’d forget her lines. One day
smile. Why? Well, imagine you were telling a lie she decided that she couldn’t go through another painful
and getting away with it. You’d feel pretty audition, and so she changed direction and started
pleased with yourself, and smile. They also tend working behind the scenes. If her memory was good, she
to touch their faces a lot, particularly the nose. wouldn’t have become a film director.
Were they telling the truth they wouldn’t need to That’s all for today. thanks for watching.
hide their face.
Sarah: Hi, Mum. Hi Simon and Ben.
Mother: Where have you been?
Sarah: …Oh, I was just at the library.

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Unit 7
Video 7.2 Advanced passive forms Video 7.5 Passive reporting structures

Sarah: Welcome to ‘TECHNOLOGY WEEKLY’. Dr M: Hello, everybody. We are very fortunate to have
Let’s start with a couple of stories for our Professor Tracey here today as our guest
‘Embarrassing Technology’ feature. speaker. As you know Professor Tracey is
Speaker 1: Amber, Vicky and Ryan were on holiday in considered to be the world’s leading brain
Thailand. They’d hired a car, and at the Car Hire expert. Today he is here to talk to us about his
they’d been given a GPS and a map. They latest research on the effect of technology on
headed off to visit some secluded beaches. the brain. Welcome Professor Tracey.
They were being guided by the GPS and it all Prof: Thank you for inviting me. I am honoured to be
seemed to be going well. As they got closer to addressing the science department of your
the coast, they were directed down a narrow prestigious university.
path which took them right onto the beach where Dr M: Professor, is it true that technology is changing
they got stuck in the mud! There was a map in our brains?
the car that should have been used, but it was Prof: Well, Dr McDonald, my research shows that the
too late now. They tried to push the car out of internet has an enormous effect on the brain. In
the mud, but the car couldn’t be moved. The tide fact, it could be argued that the internet is
was rising, and in the end they were forced to rewiring our brain.
abandon the car. As they watched the car being Dr M: Do you think that this is because we can find all
surrounded by sea-water, people on a tourist the information we need through internet search
boat could be seen taking photos of the engines and we don’t have to remember facts
unfortunate incident. The three friends were and information?
given a lift back to the Car Hire. They had to pay Prof: That is correct. Internet searches are known to
a lot of money, but they felt lucky: they might have grown from 9,800 per day in 1998 to over
have been stuck in the car when the tide came 5.7 trillion today. Having all this instant
in. A GPS can be useful but it needs to be used knowledge at our fingertips is convenient but
with care. there are thought to be serious consequences
Speaker 2: Philip was feeling nervous. It wasn’t the first as the internet is changing the way we think.
time he’d had a job interview, but this time he’d Look at two scans of the brain: the brain on the
been made to conduct the interview online left shows activity while reading a book while the
because he was being interviewed by a panel of brain on the right shows what happens when we
interviewers in Hong Kong. Due to the time use the internet.
difference, the interview was arranged for 7 Dr M: But what does it mean? What changes can we
o’clock in the morning. Philip hated being woken expect?
up early, so he ignored his alarm clock and Prof: WeIl, basically, students are said to be losing
overslept. When he finally got up, he only had 5 their ability to remember facts and information.
minutes to get dressed. He’d been told that Dr M: Yes, of course, this is the danger of the internet.
appearances were important in this company, so And how does social networking affect the brain
he put on a nice shirt and tie, but as he knew he Professor? Is it true that people who use social
couldn’t be seen from the waist down, he kept media find it harder to pay attention?
his pyjama bottoms on. The interview started Prof: Yes indeed, it is believed that people who use
well, and he was halfway through when the social media a lot find it harder to concentrate
postman arrived with a parcel. He saw Philip for long periods of time. This is because it’s so
through the window and knocked on the glass. easy to move from one site to another when you
Philip tried to wave him away, but the postman surf the internet.
continued to knock on the window. Philip Dr M: Did your research find any evidence to suggest
excused himself, and stood up, forgetting that he that social networking had other bad side
was being watched by the interviewers, and effects?
gave everyone a good view of his pajama Prof: Oh yes indeed. The problem is that people have
bottoms. access to social media 24 hours a day. A large
Sarah: That's all for today in ‘TECHNOLOGY percentage of teenagers are said to care more
WEEKLY’. Watch us next week at 5 p.m. about updating their status online than getting
good grades at school! This means they spend
time on social media when they should be

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studying. There are many advantages to social Video 8.5 Emphasis: cleft sentences and
media and the internet in general, but I think we inversion
need to help young people to use them in a
balanced way. Nick: Iceland is an amazing place, isn’t it? Never have
Dr M: Fascinating...We’re going to take questions now I seen such a strange landscape. Did you notice
So please hold up your hand if you have a that there are hardly any trees?
question for Professor Tracey...Has somebody Amy: Yes, of course I did. I felt like I was on the moon.
forgotten to switch their phone off? Please do so Nick: And we were so lucky to see the Northern
immediately. Lights.
Amy: I know. That was definitely the best thing about
Unit 8 the holiday. Not only did we see the Northern
Video 8.2 Unreal past and regrets Lights, but we also saw the stars so clearly.
What happens when you live in a city is that you
never really see the stars.
Sarah: Hello everybody. My name is Sarah and today
Nick: Yes, the sky was amazing.
I’m interviewing people about their holidays. This
Amy: But what I found weird was the way it never got
resort looks idyllic and the perfect place to relax.
I wish I was really on holiday. But what do the
Nick: Well, that’s not true. What happened was that it
people who are here on holiday think?
only got dark for a short time.
Hello everybody. Are you having a good time so
Amy: What I mean is that it was light when we went to
bed and light when we got up.
Jimmy: Yes! If only I could stay here forever!
Nick: Yes, that’s true.
Lucy: Hm. I wish you could stay here forever, too.
Amy: What I found shocking was how cold it was.
Mrs W: Lucy! Be nice to your brother. We’re enjoying
Under no circumstances would I go back to
the weather and the hotel is fine but I wish we’d
Iceland. I was freezing all the time!
known that it’s right next to a building site.
Nick: It’s those kinds of comments that really annoy
Mrs W: If only I’d brought more insect repellent. The
me. Is that all you can say about the Land of Ice
mosquitoes are driving me mad.
and Fire? What about the volcanoes and hot
Granny: I love the ice-cream.
springs and glaciers?
Mrs W: And the sun.
Amy: All I’m saying is that I was too cold to enjoy
Mrs W: Becky, it’s high time you got out of the sun now.
Quite honestly, I wish we had gone camping.
Nick: It wasn’t cold in the hot springs, was it? That
Like in the good old days ...
was my favourite part of the holiday.
Lucy: No comment, Dad.
Amy: Yes, that was fun. It was in the springs that I felt
Sarah: Well, I was sorry to leave the Wilson family.
hot for the first time. Everywhere else was
That was two weeks ago. I hope they continued
to enjoy their holiday in spite of a few minor
Nick: Of course it was – it’s ICEland. The name gives
problems. I’m back in the UK now, on my way to
it away! What I love most about Iceland is that
research a different kind of holiday resort - a
it’s completely different. That’s the kind of
holiday I like.
Sarah: Hi, How’s it going?
Amy: Yes, I agree, it’s good to see places that are
Eva: Oh, not too bad. The location is lovely, but I wish
different. But what I’d really like is to go
we had better toilets. They're a nightmare.
somewhere hot for my next holidays.
Sophie: If only we had showers! The water in the lake is
Nick: Fine. The Sahara desert?
freezing cold! I’d rather we went somewhere
warmer next time.
Dan: Yes, the weather doesn’t help. I wish I’d paid
more attention to the weather forecast. It’s been
raining non-stop and all our stuff is soaking wet.
Ollie: Ah, perhaps it’s time you ALL moved to a hotel!
Camping is supposed to be basic, isn’t it?
Sarah: Well, I think we’ll leave our campers now and
head for shelter. Join me next time when I’ll be
on safari!

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