Defect Physics of The Kesterite Thin-Film Solar Cell Absorber Cu 2 Znsns 4

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Defect physics of the kesterite thin-film solar cell absorber Cu 2 ZnSnS 4

Shiyou Chen, X. G. Gong, Aron Walsh, and Su-Huai Wei

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 96, 021902 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3275796

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Defect physics of the kesterite thin-film solar cell absorber Cu2ZnSnS4

Shiyou Chen,1,2 X. G. Gong,1 Aron Walsh,3 and Su-Huai Wei4,a兲
Laboratory for Computational Physical Sciences and Surface Physics Laboratory, Fudan University,
Shanghai 200433, People’s Republic of China
Laboratory of Polar Materials and Devices, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241,
People’s Republic of China
Department of Chemistry, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado 80401, USA
共Received 4 November 2009; accepted 25 November 2009; published online 11 January 2010兲
Cu2ZnSnS4 is one of the most promising quaternary absorber materials for thin-film solar cells.
Examination of the thermodynamic stability of this quaternary compound reveals that the stable
chemical potential region for the formation of stoichiometric compound is small. Under these
conditions, the dominant defect will be p-type CuZn antisite, which has an acceptor level deeper than
the Cu vacancy. The dominant self-compensated defect pair in this quaternary compound is
− + 0
+ ZnCu 兴 , which leads to the formation of various polytype structures of Cu2ZnSnS4. We
propose that to maximize the solar cell performance, growth of Cu2ZnSnS4 under Cu-poor/Zn-rich
conditions will be optimal, if the precipitation of ZnS can be avoided by kinetic barriers. © 2010
American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3275796兴

Distinct compound semiconductors can be formed by cluding potential alignment for charged defects, were per-
taking binary building blocks and cross-substituting to form formed as described in Ref. 12.
ternary and quaternary systems.1 This breeding process can Thermodynamic Stability of CZTS. The ground-state
be used to tune the physicochemical properties 共e.g., band crystal structure of CZTS is kesterite 共I4̄兲, a 1 ⫻ 1 ⫻ 2 expan-
gap兲, while keeping many of the favorable parent traits 共e.g., sion of the cubic binary zinc-blende lattice 共Fig. 1兲. To be
structure兲. Taking the transition from binary ZnS to ternary stable under equilibrium growth conditions, CZTS has to sat-
CuGaS2, where two Zn共II兲 species are replaced by Cu共I兲 and isfy certain conditions. For example, to be in equilibrium
Ga共III兲, one step further results in quaternary Cu2ZnGeS4 or with its elemental components, it should satisfy
Cu2ZnSnS4 共CZTS兲, where two Ga共III兲 are replaced by
Zn共II兲 and Ge共IV兲 or Sn共IV兲. This evolutionary process can 2␮Cu + ␮Zn + ␮Sn + 4␮S = ␮Cu2ZnSnS4 = − 4.21 eV, 共1兲
be employed to construct an entire class of quaternary semi-
where ␮i is the chemical potential of element or compound i
conductor systems,1,2 in which the tetrahedral networks
referenced to the most stable phases of the involved ele-
maintain the octet rule 共Fig. 1兲. ments, as defined and explained in Refs. 12 and 15. Here
CZTS has become the subject of intense interest because ␮Cu = 0, ␮Zn = 0, ␮Sn = 0, and ␮S = 0 means these elements are
it is an ideal candidate absorber material for thin-film solar so rich that their pure solid phase can form, and ␮Cu2ZnSnS4
cells with an optimal band gap 共1.5 eV兲, high absorption equals the formation enthalpy of CZTS, which can be calcu-
coefficient 共⬎104 cm−1兲, abundant elemental components, lated from the total energy of CZTS and its elemental stan-
and is adaptable to various growth techniques.3–10 The en- dard states. It should also avoid the precipitation of second-
ergy conversion efficiency of CZTS based solar cells has ary phases such as CuS, Cu2S, ZnS, SnS, SnS2, and
increased from 0.66% in 1996 to close to 7% recently;9 how-
ever, it is still well below the 32% single-junction limit de-
Cu1+ Zn2+ Cu1+
termined by the detailed balance between the solar cell and
the sun modeled as black bodies, as proposed by Shockley 8
and Queisser.11 To further improve the efficiency, it is crucial Sn 4+
Cu1+ Sn4+
to understand the thermodynamic stability of this quaternary
compound and the formation mechanism of the dominant 8
intrinsic defects. However, in contrast to ternary compounds Zn2+ Cu1+ Zn2+
such as CuInSe2,12 no systematic studies have been carried
out for the quaternary systems. In this letter, we have per-
formed a series of first-principles electronic structure 共den- Cu 1+
Sn4+ Cu1+
sity functional theory兲 calculations to help direct experimen-
tal optimization. Total energy calculations were performed in
the VASP code,13,14 using a plane wave cutoff of 300 eV and Cu1+ Zn2+ Cu1+
a 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 2 k-point mesh for the 64-atom supercell. Forces
were relaxed to below 0.01 eV/Å and defect corrections, in- FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 The tetragonal 共I4̄兲 kesterite crystal structure of
CZTS 共left兲 with the corresponding cation ordering 共right兲. The formal cat-
ion charge states around each sulfur are shown, which obey the octet rule
Electronic mail: 共8 / 4 + 6 = 8 electrons around each S atom兲.

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021902-2 Chen et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 021902 共2010兲


Formation Energy (eV)

1 VZn
( )
(b) 0 VCu


0 0.5 1 1.5
Fermi Energy (eV)

FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Formation energy of intrinsic defects as a function of

the Fermi energy at point P. The defect charge state determines the slope of
the line, and the turning points represent the transition energy levels between
different charge states for a given defect.
FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 The calculated polyhedron 共bottom panel兲 of the
chemical potential region where CZTS is stable against formation of four
elements and six competitive compounds. The plane at ␮Cu = −0.2 eV is also single-phase stoichiometric CZTS crystals. The small stabil-
shown 共top panel兲, where the allowed chemical potential region 共black兲 are ity region in the chemical potential landscape indicates that
bounded by SnS 共green line兲, ZnS 共blue line兲, CuS 共red line兲, and Cu2SnS3 although quaternary compounds exhibit more flexibility for
共navy line兲. All the energies are in electron volts. Point P shows the region tuning the physical properties than binary or ternary com-
near which all intrinsic defects have positive formation energies.
pounds, secondary phases also become more competitive,
and thus it is more difficult to form the desired stoichio-
Cu2SnS3, as well as any states that deviate from the stoichi- metric phase. In the following, we will focus our discussion
ometry 共2:1:1:4兲 of the CZTS compound,12 i.e., the following only at stable CZTS region around point P.
relationships such as: Intrinsic defects in CZTS. For ternary compounds such
␮Cu + ␮S ⬍ ␮CuS = − 0.49 eV, 共2a兲 as CuInSe2, the dominant p-type acceptor is the Cu vacancy,
because the formation of VCu with a nominal valence zero
␮Zn + ␮S ⬍ ␮ZnS = − 1.75 eV, 共2b兲 produces a minimal perturbation at the Cu共I兲 site, whereas
other defects such as Cu共I兲 on In共III兲 result in a much larger
␮Sn + ␮S ⬍ ␮SnS = − 1.01 eV, 共2c兲 perturbation.12 It has been assumed that VCu is also the domi-
nant acceptor defect in CZTS.16 However, in the quaternary
2␮Cu + ␮Sn + 3␮S ⬍ ␮Cu2SnS3 = − 2.36 eV, 共2d兲 compound, the valence difference between Cu共I兲 and Zn共II兲
in CuZn is equal to one, similar to VCu. Thus CuZn could also
must be satisfied. Under these constraints, the chemical po- be a strong candidate for the dominant acceptor. Indeed, our
tential range of Cu, Zn, and Sn that stabilizes the CZTS calculations find that at point P, the formation energy of
compound is bound to a polyhedron in the three-dimensional neutral VCu is 0.57 eV, whereas the formation energy of neu-
共␮Cu, ␮Zn, and ␮Sn兲 space, whereas the chemical potential tral CuZn is lower at 0.01 eV, as shown in Fig. 3. This is
of S is related to that of Cu, Zn, and Sn through Eq. 共1兲; we consistent with the fact that the chemical difference between
find that this region is very small. The stable polyhedron Cu and Zn is smaller than that between Cu and a vacancy.
is plotted in Fig. 2, together with a slice through the All donor defects have higher formation energy, consistent
␮Cu = −0.2 eV plane, where, for competitive secondary with the experimental finding that most samples show p-type
phases, the four elements, five binary compounds, and one conductivity.17,18 The calculated acceptor 共0/⫺兲 transition en-
ternary compound mentioned above are considered. In this ergy level for VCu is at 0.02 eV above the valence band
case, ␮Cu is restricted to between 0 and ⫺0.5 eV and ␮Zn and maximum 共VBM兲, whereas the 共0/⫺兲 level for CuZn is at
␮Sn are also limited to a small range depending on the value 0.10 eV above the VBM 共Fig. 3兲, which can be explained by
of ␮Cu. However, other ternary and quaternary compounds the fact that the p − d coupling for CuZn is enhanced, whereas
such as Cu4Sn7S16 or Cu9Zn3Sn4S16 may also become limit- it is reduced for VCu, thus the acceptor level of VCu is shal-
ing secondary phases under certain conditions, which are re- lower.
flected by the spontaneous formation of intrinsic defects that Our results, therefore, predict that under the equilibrium
have negative formation energies. To avoid this situation, the growth conditions 共Cu-rich/Zn-poor兲 required to form high
allowed chemical potential region becomes even smaller and quality CZTS samples, CuZn will dominate over VCu. How-
is located around point P 共␮Cu = −0.20 eV, ␮Zn = −1.23 eV, ever, because of the relatively deep acceptor level of CuZn,
and ␮Sn = −0.50 eV兲, as shown in Fig. 2共a兲. We find that in this situation may not be optimal for solar cell applications.
this region ␮Zn is much lower than ␮Cu, indicating that Cu- Indeed, Cu-poor and Zn-rich conditions are sometimes used
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021902-3 Chen et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 021902 共2010兲

enhancing the formation of VCu and suppressing the forma- CZTS samples; 共ii兲 the dominant p-type acceptor in CZTS is
tion of CuZn. CuZn, however, the associated acceptor level is relatively
Compensating defect complex in CZTS. One omnipres- high, suggesting that p-type doping in CZTS is more difficult
ent issue in the related chalcopyrite thin-film solar cell ab- than the ternary compounds such as CuInSe2; 共iii兲 the forma-
sorbers is the passivation of active point defects through for- tion of the self-compensated defect pair 关CuZn − + 0
+ ZnCu 兴 will
mation of defect complexes. For example, the formation of not lead to strong carrier separation, and thus will not pro-
兴 in CuInSe2 plays a key role in the use of
2+ 0
+ InCu vide the same beneficial effect observed in ternary chalcopy-
CuInSe2 as a high efficiency thin-film solar cell absorber.12 It rite compounds; 共iv兲 we predict that to avoid the aforemen-
has been proposed that the facile formation of this defect tioned issues in 共ii兲 and 共iii兲, it will be optimal to grow the
complex leads to a locally Cu-poor ␤-phase domain that fa- sample under Cu-poor/Zn-rich conditions, so VCu and ZnCu
cilitates electron and hole separation, thus helping to im- become the dominant defects in the system. However, in this
prove the cell efficiency.20 case, nonequilibrium growth techniques may be required to
The easy formation of the 关2VCu −
兴 defect complex
2+ 0
+ InCu avoid the formation of secondary phases such as ZnS. Fur-
is attributed to the presence of two cations in the ternary ther experimental investigation to test our predictions will be
compound.12 In the quaternary system CZTS, there are three highly beneficial.
cations as follows: Cu, Zn, and Sn, from which the antisite
defect pair 关CuZn −
兴 should be even easier to form due
+ 0
+ ZnCu The work in Fudan is supported by the National Sci-
to the smaller chemical and size disparities between the ele- ences Foundation of China, the Basic Research Program of
ments. Indeed, we find that neutral ZnCu has a formation Shanghai, and the Special Funds for Major State Basic Re-
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