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9 Detection and Sizing of SCC in Low-Pressure Turbine

Components ....................................................................................... 226
5.6.10 Detection and Sizing of SCC in Disc Rim-Blade Attachment—GE
Style ..................................................................................................... 228
5.6.11 Detection and Sizing of Fatigue Cracks in Blade Roots—Axial Entry
Style ..................................................................................................... 229
5.7 Pressure Vessel Construction Weld Inspection ....................................... 230
5.7.1 Inspection Codes for Pressure Vessels ........................................... 231
5.7.2 PV-100: Linear Scanning Using TOFD and PE .............................. 233
5.7.3 PV-200: Versatile Phased Array and TOFD System ..................... 235
5.7.4 PV-300: Premium Inspection System Using Ultrasonics, Phased
Arrays, and Eddy Current Arrays .................................................. 237
5.7.5 Typical Pressure Vessel Mechanics ................................................. 239
5.8 Pipeline Phased Arrays ............................................................................... 243
5.8.1 Standard Pipeline Zone Discrimination ........................................ 243
5.8.2 Seamless Pipe Girth Welds .............................................................. 249
5.8.3 Risers and Tendons ........................................................................... 250
5.8.4 Small Diameter Piping ...................................................................... 252
5.9 Miscellaneous Applications ........................................................................ 254
5.9.1 In-Service Inspection of Pipe for Stress Corrosion Cracking ...... 254
5.9.2 Seam Weld Inspections of Coiled Tubing for Offshore
Petrochemical Applications ............................................................. 255
5.9.3 T-Weld Inspection of Bridge Structure ........................................... 257
5.10 Mills and Manufacturing ........................................................................... 258
5.10.1 ERW Pipes Using Phased Arrays ................................................... 258
5.10.2 Volumetric Phased Array Inspection of Bars ................................ 261
5.10.3 Phased Array Inspection of Full-Body Pipe (In-line) .................. 266
5.10.4 Phased Array Inspection of Copper Canister Weld for Nuclear
Waste Fuel .......................................................................................... 270
5.10.5 Phased Array Inspection of Heavy Forgings ................................ 272
5.11 Railroad Transportation ............................................................................. 272
5.11.1 Axle (with or without Wheel) ......................................................... 272
5.11.2 Rail Inspection ................................................................................... 273
5.11.3 Wheel Inspection ............................................................................... 274
5.12 Portable Phased Array Applications ........................................................ 277
5.12.1 Construction Welding: T-Joints ....................................................... 278
5.12.2 Construction Welding: Butt Weld Inspections .............................. 279
5.12.3 Small Diameter Austenitic Welds ................................................... 280
5.12.4 Hydrogen-Induced Cracking (HIC) ............................................... 281
5.12.5 Tie-Ins for Pipeline Welds ................................................................ 283
5.12.6 Flange Corrosion Under Gasket ..................................................... 283
5.12.7 Component Testing: Thread Inspection ........................................ 284
5.12.8 Component Testing: Spindle Inspection ........................................ 286
5.12.9 Aerospace: Laser Weld Inspection .................................................. 287
5.12.10 Aerospace: Composite Inspection ................................................ 288

Table of Contents ix
5.12.11 Aerospace: T-Joint Composite ....................................................... 290
5.12.12 Power Generation: Turbine Blade Root Inspection .................... 292
5.12.13 Petrochemical Industry: Nozzle Inspection ................................ 292
5.12.14 Compressor Blade ........................................................................... 294
5.12.15 Austenitic Welds ............................................................................. 295
References to Chapter 5 ...................................................................................... 297

6. Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................ 299

6.1 Advantages of Phased Arrays .................................................................... 299
6.2 General Phased Array Solutions to Inspection Problems ...................... 300
6.3 Implementing Phased Array Technology ................................................. 302

Appendix: Unit Conversion ............................................................. 305

Glossary ............................................................................................... 307

References ............................................................................................ 315

List of Figures ..................................................................................... 323

List of Tables ....................................................................................... 339

Index ..................................................................................................... 341

x Table of Contents

For a project of the scope of the Introduction to Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology
Application: Olympus Guideline, the contribution and support of knowledgeable
people is of tremendous help. The following are a few lines from worldwide-
recognized institutes and companies that offered their recommendations about
the guideline content and presentation.

The Welding Institute (TWI) Ltd

Industrial application of phased array ultrasonic technology has come of age. Many
companies and engineers are employing this new and advantageous technology in a
multitude of applications. There has been a need over the last few years for literature on
the correct use and application of phased array technology. This book meets that need in
published literature and provides a valuable introduction to ultrasonic phased array
technology for professional engineers and managers wishing to gain a thorough
understanding of its capabilities and methods of application.
Colin R. Bird
Principal Consultant NDT

US Air Force
The knowledge and interest in phased array inspection capabilities has expanded
considerably over the past few years, and is expected to continue to expand. This book
gives an excellent overview of the broad spectrum of phased array inspection capabilities,
and a good look at the variety of equipment and uses that have been created.
Pamela Herzog
Materials Engineer
AF NDI Office

Foreword xi
Lavender International NDT Ltd.
Ultrasonic phased array instruments and applications have been evolving rapidly within
the last decade; however, there is a desperate need for reference text to inform and educate
engineers on the fundamental principles involved. The intention of this book is to briefly
address many aspects of ultrasonic phased array technology as an informative guide,
rather than a sequential learning program. To that end, the reader will be confronted with
many concepts that likewise will promote numerous questions relating to conceptual
applications of the technique. It gives me great pleasure in recommending this text as
essential reading for all those interested in learning phased array principles from trainee
practitioner to those with NDT level-3 management perspectives.
Tim Armitt
Director, Senior Lecturer
ASNT and EN473 level 3
Lavender International NDT Ltd., UK

Ontario Power Generation (OPG)

The R/D Tech Guideline1 is a necessary step to fill in the information gap for
conventional practitioners (technicians and engineers) to use the new phased array
ultrasound technology.
The book is well balanced between theory, basic features, and main applications. The
chapter dedicated to phased array probes includes a very useful practical guide for probe
design. The back-to-basics chapter provides useful formulas, tables, and graphs for a
proper application of phased array ultrasound technology.
Petru Ciorau
Senior Technical Expert, UT Phased Array Technology
Inspection and Maintenance Services, Ontario Power Generation, Canada

Iowa State University

This book addresses multiple needs of the NDE engineering community. For the
practicing ultrasonic NDE technician first encountering phased array technology, this
book provides an explanation of ultrasonic phased array operation in terms of familiar
ultrasonic principles. For the advanced engineer already familiar with principles of phased
array technology, this book provides a useful reference defining scan configurations and
measurement parameters upon which R/D Tech instrument operating software is based.
Insight is given into a wide spectrum of issues encompassed in phased array application,
from probe design to data presentation.
Ron Roberts
Senior Scientist
Center for Nondestructive Evaluation, Iowa State University, USA

1. Editor’s note at fourth printing: R/D Tech Guideline was the document subtitle at the time
of first printing; it is now referred to as Olympus Guideline.

xii Foreword

R/D Tech1, as a world leader in ultrasound and eddy current nondestructive

test equipment, has developed advanced techniques to diagnose and evaluate
the fitness for service of critical components.

Refineries, planes, turbines, nuclear pressure vessels and primary circuits,

steam generators, railways, and highway bridges are aging, while new
products are being built to ever-increasing standards of quality. As part of
this trend, NDT (nondestructive testing) must shift from qualitative
assessment to quantitative evaluation. Missed cracks and false calls may lead
to catastrophic failures, loss of life, costly and unnecessary repairs, and the
loss of production capacity or forced outages.

The reliability and credibility of the NDT techniques used is the number one
priority for inspection companies involved in life assessment or periodic
inspection of critical components. They are faced with very difficult
inspections such as anisotropic structures, limited probe access, or other

Other inspection challenges are posed by the new manufacturing facilities

designed with built-in NDT systems to perform inspections 24 hours a day
and 7 days a week. They are asking us to build systems capable of detecting
small defects, regardless of their orientation and at very high scanning
speeds. Data analysis and reporting must be optimized for real-time
inspections, remote analysis, and third-party evaluation. In many cases, the
results must be provided in near real time.

The NDT issues mentioned above have triggered the development of a new
technology: phased array ultrasound. R/D Tech, in cooperation with its
customers, pioneered the development of the phased array ultrasonic
technology in the middle of the 1990s. Over the last decade, the phased array
technology has reached a commercially mature status for NDT applications.

1. Editor’s note at fourth printing: R/D Tech operated at the time of first printing; it was later
acquired by Olympus and now operates under the new name.

Preface xiii

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