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Ecology & Farming | November 2009

Research in Organic Animals and Livestock Production

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By Mette Vaarst
Department of Animal Health and Biology, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aarhus University

Introduction Asian countries, organic livestock plays a very

Over the last 80 years a wide range of diverse minor role compared with production of high val-
organic livestock systems have developed. The ue organic crops, and hence is not covered spe-
driving force behind these developments has cifically in research initiatives. A recent survey
mainly been the farmers, consumers and vari- on African organically-oriented research projects
ous movements; and it has happened more “de- concluded that no significant research focuses on
spite research” than “because of research.” Most organic livestock. In South America, a number
production methods have developed in Western of research projects have been carried out on in-
Europe and USA, where they are primarily niche tegrated agro-ecological farming, which includes
products for consumers who give priority to envi- livestock. These are not necessarily certified or-
ronmental and animal welfare concerns. In these ganic systems, as “organic” is often perceived
countries organic livestock production offers the as high value products, while “agro-ecological
option of establishing a niche product that can be farming” is basically the application of the fun-
sold at a higher price, e.g. as for milk and eggs. damental organic principles, so research in these
In some cases, the potential of organic farming is systems provides valuable insights for organic re-
associated with the adoption of organic principles search in general.
into existing systems with the aim of improving Research is necessary for many reasons, but at a
sustainability, and achieving environmentally fundamental level it is relevant to both provide
friendly production, food security and good food specialised knowledge relevant to organic situa-
quality. In the US, government support for organ- tions (e.g. feed stuffs) and to take a systems ap-
ic research, some of which was for livestock stud- proach through interdisciplinary research (e.g.
ies, increased from 15 million dollars in 2002 to how grazing systems integrate good animal wel-
78 million in 2008. fare aims with environmental care). A third aspect
In Australia where more than 95% of the certified important to consider is the human and social
organic land is pasture, government-supported re- structures around organic livestock systems, e.g.
search tends to focus on organic dairy and meat farmer attitudes, actions, practices and interac-
production. In addition, research into agro-for- tions with advisory services.
estry systems is also of potential interest to the
Australian organic sector. In many African and

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Ecology & Farming | November 2009

Different approaches to organic ganic,” as well as certain identified risks related

livestock research to organic production.
There have been a number of research projects Organic animal welfare concept needs
that have compared organic systems with non-or- a certain research focus
ganic systems. These have provided documenta- All organic systems should allow animals to per-
tion about differences and similarities within the form their natural behavior. Consequently, “natu-
same cultural, geographical and traditional con- ralness” is an important key feature of organic
text. Other research projects have focussed more livestock farming, combined with a strong em-
on the development of organic farming involving phasis on human care. This philosophical frame-
farmers, farmer organizations and/or other stake- work for organic animal husbandry gives rise to
holders within the organic sector. This type of many, very different challenges, and different
research has emerged partly through the engage- types of focus areas for research are involved in
ment of the organic movements and producers in identifying the dilemmas and then finding rel-
the development of their sector. It generally in- evant solutions. For example, the objective of
volves small, often privately funded, non-govern- naturalness, as well as the acknowledgement of
mental, sometimes non-mainstream institutions the many health benefits of exercise and open air,
that are interested in local and context-oriented leads to grazing as the major emphasis of man-
research. agement for all animal species. Research has con-
In recent decades, there have been a num- tributed greatly towards gaining knowledge on
ber of EU projects involving organic livestock numerous topics relevant for outdoor keeping of
production, including network projects like animals, including behavioral studies (e.g. con-
the “Network for Animal Health and Welfare tributing to design of outdoor poultry runs), pre-
in Organic Agriculture” (NAHWOA) and vention of parasitic diseases in small ruminants
“Sustaining Animal Health and Food Safety in (e.g. WORMCOPS (QLK5-CT-2001-01843),
Organic Farming” (SAFO), both linked at www. feeding of different age groups, as well as man- These have contributed hugely agement of grassland under intensive and exten-
to international project collaboration, exchange sive farming conditions. The combined aim of ac-
of information and joint research proposals, and cess to “naturalness” and human care represents
have involved new and emerging EU Member two widely different challenges in practice as
States, which often have more diversified and well as scientifically.
integrated farming systems inspiring a focus on Need for an interdisciplinary research
the robustness of organic systems. The integrated approach
project “Quality Low Input Food” (QLIF) is an- Interdisciplinary approaches deal with the com-
other example of an EU project that includes a plexity of whole systems. In relation to organic
major combined research focus. QLIF focuses on grassland farming, the research does not stop with
organic and non-organic low input systems, prod- the management of the animals (one or more spe-
uct quality and consumers’ understanding of “or- cies per farm). It also aims at providing solutions

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Ecology & Farming | November 2009

to dilemmas between the mal systems also put high

behavioral needs of the ani- Interdisciplinary reserach demands on reflective and
mals on one hand, and envi- contextually specific system
ronmental care on the other aims at providing development, which empha-
hand (e.g. outdoor pig sys- sizes the need for both sup-
tems). Much interdisciplin-
solutions to dilemmas porting and understanding
ary research has been carried human decision-making and
between the behavioral
out to enable the sector meet how human perception, ac-
such challenges, although in needs of the animals tions and interactions influ-
many research environments ence the design of the live-
a narrower focus would of- on one hand, and stock farming system as well
ten be preferable in order to as daily life in organic herds.
reduce complexity and to be environmental care on the The projects, the CORE-
able to work from a simple Organic-funded “Core-pig”
hypotheses. Until recently, other hand. and “ANIPLAN” (http://ani-
relatively few initiatives inves-
within organic livestock research had, for exam- tigated human assessment and decision-making
ple, integrated natural sciences with social issues. related to the whole production chain and to the
conscious process of planning for animal health
Research in human perceptions,
and welfare improvements, respectively.
actions and interactions related to
organic animal farming Future research needs towards
Some scientific work has focused on animal hus- sustainability and resilience in
bandry practices and disease handling. In the organic livestock systems
USA, no antibiotics can be used in organic farm- A huge number of research needs could be listed
ing, which clearly raises interesting and relevant in relation to each specific type of production. For
questions regarding disease prevention and epi- example, organic dairy production involves main-
demiology. A number of North American studies ly dairy cows, but goats and sheep are also used
have compared organic and non-organic dairy in dairy systems. However, there is very little
systems, and because of the huge differences re- research that focuses on organic dairy goats and
garding disease handling between the two sys- sheep. Breeding for disease resistance, robustness
tems, these comparative studies may highlight and use of indigenous breeds still need a con-
relevant issues important to both the organic and siderable research effort, despite some previous
non-organic farming sectors. As the organic live- research. Feeding with 100% organic feed, es-
stock sector’s aim is to keep animals in a manner pecially to mono-gastric animals, is still very dif-
that allows them maximum “naturalness,” while ficult and need further investigation. With regard
at the same time providing them human care to a to disease handling, the role of vaccination, tra-
degree that ensures they never suffer, the human- ditional medicine and alternatives to biomedical
animal interaction is a highly relevant focus area treatments needs further research efforts, mostly
for organic livestock farming. The complex ani- in order to guide the sector on responsible use,

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Ecology & Farming | November 2009

rather than attempting to prove that “so-called al- cines. To solve such problems a combined re-
ternative treatment can work.” Potential control search and development effort with a strong inter-
of vector-borne diseases in the development of disciplinary approach and with a strong element
organic systems in tropical areas is a focus area of farmer input is necessary. This approach is in
that should be prioritized, along with other en- complete contrast to research for improved re-
demic tropical diseases. silience and mitigation related to climate change
in highly intensive and industrialised livestock
The challenges associated with developing resil-
systems. These later systems need to balance the
ient livestock systems are clearly different – but
requirements of animal welfare friendly systems
equally important– between regions. However,
following organic principles, with pressure from
prticular elements of traditional farming in tropi-
markets for continuous production and for low
cal areas can be transferred to systems that are
consumer prices. The reliance on imported feed,
more eco-intensive. Many pastoralist systems
the vulnerability of intensive mono-cultural live-
rely on using huge tracts of land, but increasing
stock farming (e.g. in terms of disease pressure),
populations have resulted in pressure on the land,
and providing very big herds with sufficient out-
which then reflects in pressure on the animals.
door access and grazing possibilities are matters
For example, the balance to keep the animals
that need a combined effort from farmer innova-
free of parasitic diseases, which was previously
tion, development and interdisciplinary research
solved by moving over large distances, is lost
when population pressures restrict movements.
This leads to a heavy use of “non-organic” medi-

More research is needed on organic dairy goats and sheep.


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