Types of Hadith:: Khabar-e-Mutawaatir

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The speech, actions and discourses of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) are
known as Hadith.
If the Sahaabah (radhiallahu anhum) saw Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
doing anything or heard anything emerge from his blessed lips, then for
them this it was certain and absolute proof, that it was hadith.
When the Sahaabah (radhiallahu anhum) in turn narrated to others what
they heard or saw Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) doing, then this was
their relating of the Hadith. And then, when the Tabieen in turn, narrated to
others that they heard or saw a certain Sahaabi (radhiallahu anhu) executing
a certain act, then this is a narration of a Tabi`ee (rahmatullahi alaihi) from
the Sahaabi (radhiallahu anhu).
Similarly, if a Tabè Tabi`ee or anyone thereafter narrates from those prior
to them, then this is the Khabar (narration/information) of that respective

There are various types of narrations.


if some particular matter is being reported by so many persons and narrators, that
the listener is certain of it being true and there is no possibility to label this entire
group of narrators as liars or that they are in error. Such a narration is known as
Khabar-e-Mutawaatir. Such a narration, if it is reported through numerous
eras, nevertheless, the condition for it being mutawaatir is that in every era,
the narrators thereof must be so many that there remains no doubt as to its


If however, the narrators of a Hadith are not many but just a few, where
there can be a doubt created that they could all be mistaken or even lying,
then such a narration is known as Khabar-e-Waahid. If a narration was
classified as Mutawaatir through a few eras and then in any one or more
eras there were only a few narrators, where there was no compulsion to
accept all their authenticities, then such a narration will no longer remain as
Mutawaatir. If however, the few narrators are all of such a category that
they are reliable and trustable, that they cannot be discounted as liars, or
there may be a small possibility of some of them misunderstanding or
forgetting, then too, such a narration should not be taken lightly and
discounted altogether.

Also called hadith rabbani or hadith ilahi (divine hadith). Refers to a
saying (hadith) of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH in which the meaning is
revealed by God and the phrasing is formulated by the Prophet Muhammad

Any work done by the Muhammad PBUH or any saying of him is

considered to be hadith. If any saying or work was not meant to be hadith
than Muhammad PBUH showed at that time by doing the opposite of that
work or told Sahabah that it was not a Hadith.

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