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Faculty of CS & IT
Course Instructor: Muhammad Ahmed


1- Do it yourself because you are superb.

2- Do not compare yourself to other because you are unique.
3- This assignment by hand Written at A4 page.

Q1: By using the concept of Caesar cipher

1- Please enter a string to be decoded:

Mary had a little lamb
Please enter the key value: 8
Should the encoded message be in lower case, upper case, or as is?

2- Please enter a string to be decoded: Hello! How are you?

Please enter the key value: 40
Should the encoded message be in lower case, upper case, or as is?

3- Please enter a string to be decoded: Vszzc! Vck ofs mci?

Please enter the key value: -40
Should the encoded message be in lower case, upper case, or as is?

Also write a C++ code for this cipher (use any language).

Q 2: Choose a keyword, for example, university.

1. Choose a keyword, for example, university.

2. If the letter j occurs in the keyword, change it to i. (So university is not
3. If a letter occurs more than once in the keyword, keep only the first
occurrence. (So university becomes universty. )
4. Put the letters of the keyword into a 5 by 5 array.
5. Fill in the rest of the letters of the alphabet, in order, omitting j.
Plain Text = Programming in Java is fun!

Department of Computer Sciences & Information Technology, Superior University, Lahore 1-1
Q 3: Consider an automated cash deposit machine in which users provide a card or
an account number to deposit cash. Give examples of confidentiality, integrity, and
availability requirements associated with the system, and, in each case, indicate the
degree of importance of the requirement.

☺☺☺☺ Good Luck ☺☺☺☺

Department of Computer Sciences & Information Technology, Superior University, Lahore 2-1

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