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____ martie 2021
Nr. ____________


“Programul de studii postliceale cu durata de 1 an” (formare subofiţeri)
Nivel A1, A2


A. Choose the correct answer:

On Sunday, Tom gets up at 10 o’clock. Then he reads his newspaper in the kitchen. He has
breakfast at 11.30 and then he telephones his mother in Scotland.
In the afternoon, at 1.00 pm, Tom plays tennis with his sister and after that they eat dinner in a
In the evening he goes to his brother’s house. They talk and listen to music. Tom watches
television at night and drinks a glass of warm milk. He goes to bed at 11.30 pm.

1.What’s the topic of the text?

a. Tom’s programme
b. Tom’s family
c. Tom’s tennis lessons
d. Tom’s favourite music

2. Where does Tom have breakfast?

a. in the kitchen
b. in the dining room
c. in the bedroom
d. in the lounge

3. What does Tom drink at night?

a. beer
b. wine
c. milk
d. tea

B. Choose the correct answer:

4. My sister…….English in her room now.
a. study
b. studies
c. is studying
d. studys

5. What subject ….you….best?

a. do…like
b. does…
c. do….likes
d. did…liked

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6. …..a Spanish girl in my class.
a. There is
b. There are
c. He is
d. There were

7. May I …….in, please?

a. comes
b. come
c. coming
d. to come

8. Those are Mary’s ……

a. childs
b. children
c. childrens
d. child

9. Could you wait….., please?

a. during
b. outside
c. until
d. below

10. If yesterday was Tuesday, what day is today?

a. Thursday
b. Monday
c. Wednesday
d. Friday

11. Mike wants to see the doctor because he is …..

a. ill
b. sad
c. thirsty
d. hungry

12. Sunday is the……day of the week.

a. second
b. last
c. third
d. first

13. I am hungry. I want two……..of bread.

a. slices
b. plates
c. cartons
d. kilos

14. Choose the best line to start an informal letter:

a. It is long since I heard from you ...
b. May I draw your kind attention …
c. I have the honour to report…
d. I shall be glad if you send me…

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15. Which is the most suitable way to end a formal letter?
a. I’m expecting your answer.
b. I would like to hear about you.
c. I’m waiting your answer.
d. I look forward to hearing from you.

16. Choose the most appropriate line to make a formal invitation.

a. We would like to invite you to attend the inauguration….
b. Come to the inauguration….
c. Will you come to the inauguration….
d. Please, come to the inauguration….

17. Which is the correct order?

a. They go to the cinema twice a month.
b. They twice a month go to the cinema.
c. To the cinema they go twice a month.
d. Twice a month they go to the cinema

18. Choose the most appropriate line to begin a formal letter:

a. Dear Madam,
b. Dear Lacy,
c. Madam,
d. Lady,


A. Choose the correct answer:

When you are being interviewed for a job, remember that it is normal for many people to be
nervous, particularly in such a stress-producing situation. There are plenty of jobs, indeed, probably most-
where a little nervousness isn’t looked at. It does help to dry a clammy hand just before meeting the
interviewer, but otherwise , don’t be too concerned about the manifestations of your nervousness.
Experienced interviewers will discount most physical signs of nervousness. Remember that interviewers
talk to people in order to hire, not because they enjoy embarrassing, uneasy applicants. One way to
overcome “butterflies in the stomach” is to note that interviewers want to hire people who have
something to offer the company. If interviewers think you will fit into their organization, you will be the
one who is sought after. It’s almost as if you are interviewing them to see if they are good enough for you.

1. What is the main topic of the paragraph?

a) how to behave in an interview
b) what not to do in an interview
c) job interviews and what you might experience during them
d) job interviewers and what they want from a person

2. An interviewer is someone who…..

a) is looking for a job
b) seeks facts from prospective employees
c) has already hired you
d) is always on the lookout to trip applicants

3. Why do interviewers talk to people?

a) because they want to hire them
b) because they enjoy embarrassing situations
c) because they have something to offer the company
d) because they want to transmit something

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B. Choose the correct answer:
4. No……………were at the zoo at that time.
a) wolfes
b) wolves
c) wolfs
d) wolf

5. She used to prefer the classic style and always…………black when she was invited to a party.
a) wears
b) is wearing
c) wore
d) has worn

6. I ………….along the street when I noticed someone behind me. Actually a stranger
a) walked
b) have been walking
c) was walking
d) be walking

7. Fiat is……make of all second hand cars that we have at the moment.
a) less expensive
b) the least expensive
c) not so expensive
d) such expensive

8. If I ………………….her phone number, I would call her.

a) would known
b) had known
c) would have known
d) knew

9. I’m not good …………English.

a) on
b) by
c) at
d) for

10. I ate breakfast seven hours ago. I am …….hungry

a) full
b) almost
c) ready
d) so

11. I miss those childhood days when I joined my father in his weekends and he…………me how to fish.
a) learnt
b) told
c) guided
d) taught

12. All of the boys are wearing baseball caps. The caps are very…………
a) healthy
b) popular
c) favorite
d) important

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13. That scenery ……………..the childhood places where I was running in the fields all day long.
a) remembers me
b) suggests me
c) restores me
d) reminds me of

14. What is the correct order of the words from the sentences?
They wanted to know what color……………
a) was his new car
b) his new car is
c) is his new car
d) his new car was

15. Which is the best way to end an application?

a) I can call you for further details, if you so wish.
b) I am waiting for your surprise phone call.
c) I will be available at any time starting with the 1st of August.
d) I am expecting your interview.

16. What is the correct order of the words from the sentences?
I asked him where …………and he said they were at the gym.
a) they have gone
b) did they go
c) had they gone
d) they had gone

17. What is the correct order of the words from the sentences?
He passed all his exams and………….
a) she did too
b) she also did
c) so she did
d) so did she

18. Choose the most appropriate line to begin a formal letter:

a) Dear Madam,
b) Dear Lady,
c) Madam,
d) Lady,

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