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3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…

AutoInvoice Setup for Release 12: A Case Study Using a Simple Script [ID 1067402.1]

Modified 26-OCT-2010 Type WHITE PAPER Status PUBLISHED

In this Document
Document History
AutoInvoice Setup for Release 12: A Case Study Using a Simple Script
1. Define Common Accounts Receivable Configuration
2. Manage Receivables Descriptive Flexfields
3. Manage Receivables Profile Options
4. Manage Transaction Types
5. Manage AutoAccounting Rules
6. Manage AutoInvoice Line Ordering Rules
7. Manage AutoInvoice Grouping Rules
8. Manage Receivables Payment Terms
9. Manage Transaction Sources
10. Manage Receipt Classes and Methods
11. Manage Receivables Customer Profile Classes
12. Create Customer
13. Manage Receivables System Options
14. Manage Receivables Accounting Periods
15. Manage Remit-To Address
16. Populate Interface table
a. Insert statement for an INVOICE
b. Insert statement for an APPLIED CREDIT MEMO
c. Insert statement for an ON-ACCOUNT CREDIT MEMO
d. Insert statement for an INVOICE and CREDIT MEMO WITH MANUAL TAX LINES
e. Insert statement for an INVOICE WITH RULES
f. Insert statement for an INVOICE WITH GL DISTRIBUTIONS
g. Insert statement for an INVOICE WITH SALESCREDITS
h. Insert statement for an INVOICE WITH HEADER LEVEL FREIGHT
17. Testing AutoInvoice: AutoInvoice Import Process
18. Purging the Interface Table After Import
19. Scheduling AutoInvoice
20. Review Invoice Created by AutoInvoice
21. Troubleshooting & Tips
22. Still Have Questions?

Applies to:
Oracle Receivables - Version: 12.0.0 and later [Release: 12.0 and later ]
Oracle Receivables - Version: 12.0.0 and later [Release: 12.0 and later]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Executable:RAXMTR - Autoinvoice Master Program
Executable:RAXTRX - Autoinvoice Import Program


Oracle Receivables (AR): AutoInvoice Information Center > Note 1067402.1

The objective of this document is to provide step by step instructions on the setups required in Receivables (AR) in order for you to create simple transactions.
Using a SQL script to insert data into the interface table, AutoInvoice is then run to create the invoice in the core AR tables. Review the section Populate
Interface Table below for the various example scripts provided.

This document lists the required setups in proper sequence, provides a sample script, details on how to run and test your script, and how to verify the
transactions were created in Receivables.

Please provide your input, ideas, gaps and suggestions so we can further enhance this note by posting to the community thread for Learn What Setups Are
Required To Setup Receivables To Use A Simple Script To Import Transactions Via AutoInvoice Release 12.

Document History
Authors: Victoria Crisostomo, Kiran Kunderu & Frank Halvey
Creation Date: 22-Mar-2010
Update Date: 13-Oct-2010

AutoInvoice Setup for Release 12: A Case Study Using a Simple Script

1. Define Common Accounts Receivable Configuration

Common Accounts configuration pertains to the Accounting Flexfield setup. This is done in the General Ledger (GL) application. The assumption of this case
study is that you have already defined your accounting flexfield segments, and can create and complete manual transactions using the Transaction Workbench.

If you need more information on how to set up your Accounting Flexfield, refer to the Oracle General Ledger Implementation Guide, page 1-33.

2. Manage Receivables De scriptive Flexfields

Oracle Receivables uses the transaction flexfields to uniquely identify each transaction line that is imported though AutoInvoice.

AutoInvoice is capable of using information from four types of transaction flexfields:

Line Transaction Flexfield

Link-to Transaction Flexfield
Reference Transaction Flexfield
Invoice Transaction Flexfield 1/29
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Click on the segments button to create the following rows. The values in the field Column are not shown completely, they are INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1

3. Manage Receivables Profile Options

Several Profile options impact the behavior of AutoInvoice. Please refer to Note 1069294.1, Setting Up System Profile Options For AutoInvoice for details.

4. Manage Transaction Types

The data you insert into the interface table will be associated to a particular transaction type.
Create an invoice transaction type which will be used when we insert data into the Interface table.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Transactions > Transaction Types 2/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…

Note: If you also want to run a test case to import a Credit memo, create a Credit Memo transaction type as shown below, otherwise you don't need to create a
Credit Memo transaction type.

To see more details on how to create new transaction types, please refer to Note 1067797.1, Setting Up Transaction Types In Receivables.

Please note that if you want to use the AutoAccounting functionality (next task), and some of the segments of the Account are sourced from the transaction
type, then you must define GL accounts in the Accounts tab.

5. Manage AutoAccounting Rules

AutoAccounting enables you to create default accounts for revenue, receivable, freight, tax, unearned revenue, unbilled receivable, late charges, bills receivables
accounts, and AutoInvoice clearing (suspense) accounts.

In the following screen, the source for the third segment is 'Transaction Types'. When the default accounting is generated for the Receivable account, the
accounting flexfield will pull the third segment from the Receivables account defined for the transaction type. If we cross-reference this to the screenshot from the
previous task, the value for the third segment is 1210, coming from 01-000-1210-0000-000 defined for Receivables account.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Transactions > AutoAccounting 3/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…

During AutoInvoice, you are interfacing data with the intention of creating complete transactions automatically. Hence, you are advised to complete the setup for
AutoAccounting so that AutoInvoice can determine the GL accounts to use for your interfaced transactions, and process them completely without errors and
without the need for manual intervention.

To see how to manage and setup AutoAccounting, please refer to Note 1069052.1, Setting Up AutoAccounting Rules In Receivables.

6. Manage AutoInvoice Line Ordering Rules

If you want the data in your interface table to be created in a particular sort order, define Line Ordering Rules.

The following screenshot shows a Line Ordering Rule, that references the same fields we used in the Line transaction flexfield defined in Task 2 above.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Transactions > AutoInvoice > Line Ordering Rules

To see how to manage and setup AutoInvoice Line Ordering Rules, please refer to Note 1067965.1, How to Manage Line Ordering When Using Autoinvoice To

7. Manage AutoInvoice Grouping Rules

Grouping rules specify attributes that must be identical for lines to be created as one transaction. Grouping rules always include the mandatory attributes, and to
this is added optional attributes that you define in your grouping rule.

The following screenshot shows a Grouping Rule that uses the Line Ordering Rule defined in Task 6 above.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Transactions > AutoInvoice > Grouping Rules 4/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…
The following screenshot shows a Payment term we will use in our interface data.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Transactions > Payment Terms

To see how to manage and setup Payment Terms, please refer to Note 1069049.1, How To Define Transaction Payment Terms In Receivables.

9. Manage Transaction Sources

Batch sources define default information such as transaction type and automatic numbering. There are two types available: Manual and Imported. AutoInvoice
requires a batch of type Imported.

The following screenshot shows a Transaction source we will use to interface data via AutoInvoice. Highlighted below is the transaction type we created earlier,
here we are associating it to this Imported Batch Source.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Transactions > Sources

Following screenshots show the sub-tab for the Transaction Sources form:

The AutoInvoice Options tab highlights the Grouping rule created earlier. The setup indicates this batch will group data as specified in this grouping rule. 5/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…

The following screenshots show the rest of the sub-tabs of this form, including Customer, Accounting, Salescredit and other information. You need to define
whether the data you will interface provides the Value or the ID so that AutoInvoice can validate the data.

Customer Information tab:

Accounting Information tab: 6/29
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Other Information tab:

Sales Credit Validation tab: 7/29
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To see how to manage and setup Transaction Sources, please refer to Note 1068008.1, Creating Transaction Sources Used For AutoInvoice.

10. Manage Receipt Classes and Methods

To default a payment method to the transactions you interface via AutoInvoice, you need to define a Receipt Class and Method for your transaction to use.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Receipts > Receipt Classes

To see how to manage and setup Receipt Classes and Methods, please refer to Note 1071284.1, Setting Up Receipt Class And Method For AutoInvoice.

11. Manage Receivables Customer Profile Classes

Oracle Receivables provides a profile class DEFAULT.

If necessary, you can define different customer profile classes to categorize your customers. You can associate Customer Profile classes to customer records
you create later. By using a profile class you default certain attributes/fields into the customer records to make customer maintenance more efficient.

The following screenshot defines a new customer profile class, to which we associate the Payment Term from Task 8 and the grouping rule from Task 7.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Customers > Profile Classes 8/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…

To see how to manage and setup Customer Profile Classes, please refer to Note 1071218.1, How To Define Customer Profile Classes For AutoInvoice.

12. Create Customer

Create customer record to use for interface data, at this point we reference various setup data we created earlier.

The following screenshot shows the various sub-tabs at the ACCOUNT profile level.

On the Account Profile tab, we associate to this customer record the customer profile created in Task 11, the payment term from Task 8 and the Grouping Rule

from Task 7 created earlier.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Customers > Customers 9/29
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We have defined the Receipt method at the ACCOUNT level profile. If this customer has only one site, or all the Sites of this customer will use the same Receipt
method, there is no need to set up Payment Details at the Site Level.

However, if there will be multiple sites for this account, and each site that uses a Receipt method different from that set at the ACCOUNT level, then you will
need to set up the Payment Details at the SITE level as shown below. 10/29
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To see how to Create Customer Records, please refer to Note 1069338.1 How To Define Customers For AutoInvoice.

13. Manage Receivables System Options

The settings in System Options that impact AutoInvoice are in the Trans and Customers tab. The following screenshot shows recommended settings for fields in
the 'AutoInvoice' Section. Also highlighted is the Grouping rule we defined earlier.

Log file message level = 10 provides the most detailed debug messages, and is useful when you are debugging or troubleshooting.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > System > System Options

To see how to Manage Receivable System Options, please refer to Note 1068052.1, How To Manage Receivables System Options For AutoInvoice.

Additional information on the Tuning Segments, refer to the Oracle Receivables User's Guide, page 2-210.

14. Manage Receivables Accounting Periods

Open or close periods in your accounting calendar to control the recording of accounting information for these periods. Since the objective of AutoInvoice is to
create new transactions, the goal is to have these transactions impact open GL periods.

Ensure that the GL_DATE value you provide in the next task is within an open period.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Control > Accounting > Open/Close periods 11/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…

To see how to Manage Receivable Accounting Periods, please refer to Note 1069057.1, How To Manage Receivables Accounting Periods.

15. Manage Remit-To Address

Define a Remit-To Address so that customers know where to send payment for their invoices.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Print > Remit To Address > Create Remit-To Address

To see how to create Remit-to addresses, please refer to Note 1101666.1, How to Setup a Remit-To Address in Release 12 Oracle Receivables

16. Populate Interface table

At this point we have completed the bare minimum setup required to enable us to insert data into the interface table and have it processed by AutoInvoice to
create a transaction in the core AR tables.
The following section gives you sample scripts to populate the table for various scenarios.

For a detailed discussion of the fields in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL, please review Note 1195997.1, Description and Usage of Fields in

a. Insert statement for an INVOICE

The following script will create a simple invoice.

INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all(interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2,

amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate,
conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id,
description, gl_date, line_type,
orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id,
quantity, unit_selling_price,
term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag,
set_of_books_id, org_id)
1000.00, 'TIP BATCH SOURCE', 1,
'User', 'USD', 3627,
'TIP SAMPLE INVOICE 1 - ITEM #1', '31-JAN-2010', 'LINE',
11145, 117751,
10, 100.00,
1514, 'Y', 'N',
1, 204);


For some fields, we pass constant values and for other fields we need to provide values that tie in with the setup we created in Tasks 1 - 14 above.
The following section explains how to determine the ID values created during the setup.

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he  Transact i
on  Flexfield used by the i
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his hel
ps  AutoI
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ce  understand what  data is  being
passed in the interface table's fields. The value here ties in with the setup created in Task 2, where we created the Line Transaction Flexfield 'TIP'.

Use the value = 'TIP'

INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 and INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 - the combination of values in these two fields uniquely identify the transaction
you are creating.

Use the values = 'TIP SAMPLE INVOICE 1' and 'TIP SAMPLE INVOICE 1'

a const

s v
d be 
s you 

Use the value = 1000.00

BATCH_SOURCE_NAME - the value you specify here identifies the transaction batch source to be used by AutoInvoice when interfacing this transaction.
In Task 9, we created the Batch Source 'TIP BATCH SOURCE'.

Use the value = 'TIP BATCH SOURCE'

CONVERSION_RATE - For non-functional currency transactions, this field would contain the exchange rate value. For our test case, we are creating a
transaction in the functional currency = USD, so the rate is 1.

Use the value = 1

CONVERSION_TYPE - Specify the conversion rate type, for our test case we will use 'User'.

Use the value = 'User'

CURRENCY_CODE - Indicate the currency code of the transaction, for our test case we will use 'USD'.

Use the value = 'USD'

CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID - identifies the ID associated to the transaction type we created in Task 4 where we defined 'TIP INVOICE'.

To determine the ID associated to this transaction type, run the following: 12/29
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Use the value = 'TIP SAMPLE INVOICE 1 - ITEM #1'

GL_DATE - the value you specify here will be used by AutoInvoice as the GL_DATE of your transaction. Typically the period in which this GL_DATE value
falls should be an open period.

Use the value = '31-JAN-2010'

LINE_TYPE - indicates the type of line this interface data defines.

Use the value = 'LINE'

ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_ID and ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_ID - identifies the Address ID and Customer ID associated to the invoice.

To determine the ID values to use, run the following:

Please note that the ID may be different in your instance.

select c.cust_acct_site_id orig_system_bill_address_id, b.cust_account_id orig_system_bill_customer_id

from hz_parties a,
hz_cust_accounts b,
hz_cust_acct_sites_all c,
hz_cust_site_uses_all d
where a.party_name = 'TIP CUSTOMER 1'
and a.party_id = b.party_id
and c.cust_account_id = b.cust_account_id
and c.cust_acct_site_id = d.cust_acct_site_id
and d.site_use_code = 'BILL_TO';

Use the values = 11145 and 117751

QUANTITY - specify the number of items.

Use the value = 10

UNIT_SELLING_PRICE - specify the price of each item.

Use the value = 100.00

TERM_ID - identifies the term ID associated with the setup created in Task 8.

To determine the ID value to use, run the following:

Please note that the ID may be different in your instance.

select term_id
from ra_terms
where name = 'TIP TERM';

Use the value = 1514

TAXABLE_FLAG - indicates whether or not the transaction is taxable.

Use the value = 'Y'

AMOUNT_INCLUDES_TAX_FLAG - indicates whether or not the amount is inclusive of taxes.

Use the value = 'N'

SET_OF_BOOKS_ID - identifies the Set of Books ID associated to the Operating Unit you are processing your transaction in.

The set of books id is associated to your Operating Unit. If you know your operating unit ID, you can run the following:

Please note that the ORG_ID in your instance may be different.

select set_of_books_id
from ar_system_parameters_all
where org_id = &org_id;

Use the value = 1

To find your ORG_ID run the script below:

Select organization_id, name

From hr_organization_units;

ORG_ID - indicates the ID of the Operating Unit against which this transaction is created.

Use the value = 204

If you do not know your ORG_ID or SET_OF_BOOKS_ID value, you can use General Setup diagnostics (e.g. in R 12.0.6 this is Note 732193.1).
This will show the value of ORG_ID beside the Operating Unit Name, and SET_OF_BOOKS_ID beside the Ledger Name.

b. Insert statement for an APPLIED CREDIT MEMO

This following script will create a Credit Memo against the Invoice created above. The text highlighted in bold are the changes from the insert script
for the Invoice.


INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all

(interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2,
reference_line_context, reference_line_attribute1, reference_line_attribute2,
amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate,
conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, 13/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…
'TIP SAMPLE CM 1 - ITEM #1', '31-JAN-2010', 'LINE',
11145, 117751,
-1, 10.00,
null, 'Y', 'N',
1, 204);

The following section explains how to determine the ID values created during the setup. Many of the fields are the same as the insert statement
used for the Invoice. We will focus on the things that changed.

INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 and INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 - the combination of values in these two fields uniquely identify the
transaction you are creating.

Use the values = 'TIP SAMPLE CM 1' and 'TIP SAMPLE CM 1'


These fields associate this credit memo to an invoice, the values in these fields need to match the INTERFACE_LINE* fields of the
invoice, because this is how you are telling Autoinvoice which Invoice you want to apply this Credit memo to.

his f
ns the 

a const

s v
d be 
s you 

Use the value = -10.00

CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID - identifies the ID associated to the transaction type we created in Task 4 where we defined TIP CM

To determine the ID associated to this transaction type, run the following:

Please note that the ID may be different in your instance.

select cust_trx_type_id
from ra_cust_trx_types_all
where name = 'TIP CM';

Use the value = 3628

QUANTITY - specify the number of items.

Use the value = -1

UNIT_SELLING_PRICE - specify the price of each item.

Use the value = 10.00


It is important to understand that a Credit Memo does not have a payment term, and this field should be left NULL


INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all

(interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2,
amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate,
conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id,
description, gl_date, line_type,
orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id,
quantity, unit_selling_price,
term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag,
set_of_books_id, org_id)
-10.00, 'TIP BATCH SOURCE', 1,

'User', 'USD', 3628,

'TIP SAMPLE CM 1 - ITEM #1', '31-JAN-2010', 'LINE',
11145, 117751,
-1, 10.00,
null, 'Y', 'N',
1, 204);

The following section explains how to determine the ID values created during the setup. Many of the fields are the same as the insert statement for
Option 1 above, we will focus on the difference.

REFERENCE_LINE_ID - is the CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID of the Invoice line that you wish to apply the credit memo to. To find the right
value, you can use the values in the Line Transaction Flexfield. As mentioned earlier the combination of values in the Context and Attributes
fields is unique, hence you can find the exact line you wish to credit by using these values in the where condition.

Please note that the Id may be different in your instance.

select customer_trx_line_id
from ra_customer_trx_lines_all
where interface_line_context = 'TIP',
and interface_line_attribute1 = 'TIP SAMPLE INVOICE 1'
and interface_line_attribute2 = 'TIP SAMPLE INVOICE 1';

Use the value = 821481

c. Insert statement for an ON-ACCOUNT CREDIT MEMO

The following script will create an On-Account credit memo.

INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all

(interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2,
amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, 14/29
'User', 'USD', 3628,
My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…
'TIP SAMPLE ON-ACCT CM 1 - ITEM #1', '31-JAN-2010', 'LINE',
11145, 117751,
-10, 100.00,
null, 'Y', 'N',
1, 204);

The following section explains how to determine the ID values created during the setup. Many of the fields are the same as for the insert for Invoice
above, we will focus on the differences:

INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 and INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 - the combination of values in these two fields uniquely identify the
transaction you are creating.

Use the values = 'TIP SAMPLE ON-ACCT CM 1' and 'TIP SAMPLE ON-ACCT CM 1'

his f
ns the 

a const

s v
d be 
s you 

Use the value = -1000.00

CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID - identifies the ID associated to the transaction type we created in Task 4 where defined TIP CM

To determine the ID associated to this transaction type, run the following:

Please note that the ID may be different in your instance.

select cust_trx_type_id
from ra_cust_trx_types_all
where name = 'TIP CM';

Use the value = 3628

QUANTITY - specify the number of items.

Use the value = -10

UNIT_SELLING_PRICE - specify the price of each item.

Use the value = 100.00


It is important to understand that a Credit Memo does not have a payment term, and this field should be left NULL

d. Insert statement for an INVOICE and CREDIT MEMO WITH MANUAL TAX LINES

For a sample script on how to pass interface data for an Invoice including manual tax Lines with the intention of bypassing the E-Business Tax
engine, please review Note 731149.1, R12 How To Bring In (and Troubleshoot) Manual Tax Lines Through Autoinvoice and E-Business Tax

e. Insert statement for an INVOICE WITH RULES

To create invoices with rules, aside from the setup steps detailed above, an additional setup step is required to define the Accounting Rule.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Transactions > Accounting Rules

For additional information on setting up and troubleshooting Accounting Rules, please review Note 1116934.1, How To Setup And Troubleshoot
Invoicing Rules and Accounting Rules.

The following script will create an invoice using the TIP RULE defined above.

INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all

(interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2,
amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate,
conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id,
description, gl_date, line_type,
orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id,
quantity, unit_selling_price,
term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag,
set_of_books_id, org_id, 15/29
1, 204,
My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…
­2, 12086, null);

For some fields, we pass constant values and for other fields we need to provide values that tie in with the setup we created in Tasks 1 - 14 above.
The following section explains how to determine the ID values created during the setup.

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on Flexf i
el d used  by the i
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his helps 
Aut oI
nvoice under stand what data
is being passed in the interface table's fields. The value here ties in with the setup created in Task 2, where we created the Line Transaction
Flexfield 'TIP'.

Use the value = 'TIP'

INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 and INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 - the combination of values in these two fields uniquely identify the
transaction you are creating.


s  f
d cont
a const

s v
d be 
s you 

Use the value = 1000.00

BATCH_SOURCE_NAME - the value you specify here identifies the transaction batch source to be used by AutoInvoice when interfacing
this transaction. In Task 9, we created the Batch Source 'TIP BATCH SOURCE'.

Use the value = 'TIP BATCH SOURCE'

CONVERSION_RATE - For non-functional currency transactions, this field would contain the exchange rate value. For our test case, we are
creating a transaction in the functional currency = USD, so the rate is 1.

Use the value = 1

CONVERSION_TYPE - Specify the conversion rate type, for our test case we will use 'User'.

Use the value = 'User'

CURRENCY_CODE - Indicate the currency code of the transaction, for our test case we will use 'USD'.

Use the value = 'USD'

CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID - identifies the ID associated to the transaction type we created in Task 4 where we defined 'TIP INVOICE'.

To determine the ID associated to this transaction type, run the following:

Please note that the ID may be different in your instance.

select cust_trx_type_id
from ra_cust_trx_types_all
where name = 'TIP INVOICE';

Use the value = 3627

DESCRIPTION - enter a line item description.

Use the value = 'TIP DESCRIPTION 1 - ITEM #1'

GL_DATE - the value you specify here will be used by AutoInvoice as the GL_DATE of your transaction. Typically the period in which this
GL_DATE value falls should be an open period.

Use the value = '10_AUG-2010'

LINE_TYPE - indicates the type of line this interface data defines.

Use the value = 'LINE'

ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_ID and ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_ID - identifies the Address ID and Customer ID associated

to the invoice.

To determine the ID values to use, run the following:

Please note that the ID may be different in your instance.

select c.cust_acct_site_id orig_system_bill_address_id, b.cust_account_id orig_system_bill_customer_id

from hz_parties a,
hz_cust_accounts b,
hz_cust_acct_sites_all c,
hz_cust_site_uses_all d
where a.party_name = 'TIP CUSTOMER 1'
and a.party_id = b.party_id
and c.cust_account_id = b.cust_account_id
and c.cust_acct_site_id = d.cust_acct_site_id
and d.site_use_code = 'BILL_TO';

Use the values = 11145 and 117751

QUANTITY - specify the number of items.

Use the value = 10

UNIT_SELLING_PRICE - specify the price of each item.

Use the value = 100.00

TERM_ID - identifies the term ID associated with the setup created in Task 8.

To determine the ID value to use, run the following:

Please note that the ID may be different in your instance.

select term_id
from ra_terms
where name = 'TIP TERM';

Use the value = 1514 16/29
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The set of books id is associated to your Operating Unit. If you know your operating unit ID, you can run the following:

Please note that the ORG_ID in your instance may be different.

select set_of_books_id
from ar_system_parameters_all
where org_id = &org_id;

Use the value = 1

ORG_ID - indicates the ID of the Operating Unit against which this transaction is created.

Use the value = 204

If you do not know your ORG_ID or SET_OF_BOOKS_ID value, you can use General Setup diagnostics (e.g. in R 12.0.6 this is Note
732193.1). This will show the value of ORG_ID beside the Operating Unit Name, and SET_OF_BOOKS_ID beside the Ledger Name.

INVOICING_RULE_ID - indicates manner in which you want the Receivable recognized. There are only 2 values available: -2 (In Advance)
and -3 (In Arrears). For more information please review Note 1116934.1

Use the value = -2

ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID - indicates the manner in which you want the Revenue to be recognized. This ties in with the setup we created
above for 'TIP RULE'. For more information please review Note 1116934.1

To determine the ID value to use, run the following:

Please note that the ID may be different in your instance.

select rule_id
from ra_rules
where name = 'TIP RULE';

ACCOUNTING_RULE_DURATION - when the rule you use has variable duration, you need to provide a value in this field. However, in our
case, the rule has a fixed duration of 3 periods, so we leave this null.

Use the value = null

f. Insert statement for an INVOICE WITH GL DISTRIBUTIONS

Users have the ability to pass in their own GL distributions thereby bypassing the GL accounts derived by AutoAccounting.

In the following script, we interface an Invoice and pass in distributions for the Revenue and Receivable account. The setup in this instance will
create Rounding rows, and since we do not explicitly pass in that distribution, it will be created using the AutoAccounting setup.

Note: When passing GL distributions, AutoAccounting will be used to derive the GL accounts of all accounting distributions that are not
explicitly provided in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.

For more on this refer to Note 1228525.1 How to Import and Troubleshoot Distributions in AutoInvoice Using

-- create the "parent" record in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL

INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all
(interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2,
amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate,
conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id,
description, gl_date, line_type,
orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id,
quantity, unit_selling_price,
term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag,
set_of_books_id, org_id)
1000.00, 'TIP BATCH SOURCE', 1,
'User', 'USD', 3627,
'TIP DESCRIPTION 1 - ITEM #1', '10-AUG-2010', 'LINE',
11145, 117751,
10, 100.00,
1514, 'Y', 'N',
1, 204);

-- create distribution records for only REV and REC rows

INSERT INTO ra_interface_distributions_all (
account_class, amount, code_combination_id, percent,
interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1,interface_line_attribute2, org_id)
VALUES ('REC', 1000.00, 12833, 100,

INSERT INTO ra_interface_distributions_all (

account_class, amount, code_combination_id, percent,
interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1,interface_line_attribute2, org_id)
VALUES ('REV', 1000.00, 107410, 100,

For an explanation of the fields/values used for the insert statement, please review the first example script above, the values used are similar.

The following provides an explanation of the fields/values used for the 2nd and 3rd insert statements:

ACCOUNT_CLASS - there are 7 valid values: REV, FREIGHT, TAX, REC, UNBILL (for Arrears), UNEARN (for Advance), CHARGES
You may pass values for any of these account classes.

For any required GL distribution that you do not provide in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL, the code will invoke

Use the value = 'REC' and 'REV' 17/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…
Use the value = 12833 (for REC) and 107410 (for REV)

Typically, the purpose of passing in rows in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL is to bypass AutoAccounting. In our current setup,
AutoAccounting would have used the code combination id values: 12835 and 158423 respectively. By using different
code_combination_id values we are able to verify that the distributions we passed in are what actually got used when the Invoice was

PERCENT - indicates the percentage associated to the distributions.

Use the value = 100

dent if
ies  the Transact i
on Flexf i
el d used  by the i
ace dat a; t
his helps 
Aut oI
nvoice under stand what data
is being passed in the interface table's fields. The value here ties in with the setup created in Task 2, where we created the Line Transaction
Flexfield 'TIP'.

INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 and INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 - the combination of values in these two fields uniquely identify the
transaction you are creating.


ORG_ID - indicates the ID of the Operating Unit against which this transaction is created.

Use the value = 204

If you do not know your ORG_ID or SET_OF_BOOKS_ID value, you can use General Setup diagnostics (e.g. in R 12.0.6 this is Note
732193.1). This will show the value of ORG_ID beside the Operating Unit Name, and SET_OF_BOOKS_ID beside the Ledger Name.

g. Insert statement for an INVOICE WITH SALESCREDITS

The following script will create a simple invoice and assign sales credits to 2 Sales persons.

INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all

(interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2,
amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate,
conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id,
description, gl_date, line_type,
orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id,
quantity, unit_selling_price,
term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag,
set_of_books_id, org_id)
1000.00, 'TIP BATCH SOURCE', 1,
'User', 'USD', 3627,
'TIP DESCRIPTION 1 - ITEM #1', '10-AUG-2010', 'LINE',
11145, 117751,
10, 100.00,
1514, 'Y', 'N',
1, 204);

INSERT INTO ra_interface_salescredits_all (

salesrep_id, sales_credit_type_id, sales_credit_percent_split,
interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1,interface_line_attribute2, org_id);
VALUES (100000013, 1, 50,

INSERT INTO ra_interface_salescredits_all (

salesrep_id, sales_credit_type_id, sales_credit_percent_split,
interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1,interface_line_attribute2, org_id);
VALUES (100000015, 1, 50,

For an explanation of the fields/values used for the insert statement, please review the first example script above, the values used are similar.

The following provides an explanation of the fields/values used for the 2nd and 3rd insert statements:

SALESREP_ID - identifies the Salesperson to be associated to the sales credit. You need to determine the ID associated to the Sales
person names to whom you want to assign credit for this sale.

Please note that the ID values in your instance may be different.

select * from JTS_RS_SALESREPS

where name = '&salesrep_name';


select * from JTS_RS_SALESREPS

where salesrep_number = '&salesrep_num';

Use the value = 100000013 and 100000015

SALES_CREDIT_TYPE_ID - indicates where the Sales credit is to fulfill a Sales Quota (1) or Non-Quota (2)

Use the value = 1

SALES_CREDIT_PERCENT_SPLIT - this identifies the percent of the credit you want to associate to a particular salesperson. The total of
all salescredits for a transaction should be 100.

Use the value = 50 (since we are splitting the credits across 2 people)

dent if
ies  the Transact i
on Flexf i
el d used  by the i
ace dat a; t
his helps 
Aut oI
nvoice under stand what data
is being passed in the interface table's fields. The value here ties in with the setup created in Task 2, where we created the Line Transaction
Flexfield 'TIP'.

INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 and INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 - the combination of values in these two fields uniquely identify the
transaction you are creating. 18/29
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h. Insert statement for an INVOICE WITH HEADER LEVEL FREIGHT

The following script will create a simple invoice with header level Freight.

-- Insert record for LINE

INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all
(interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2,
amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate,
conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id,
description, gl_date, line_type,
orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id,
quantity, unit_selling_price,
term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag,
set_of_books_id, org_id,
ship_via, warehouse_id, ship_date_actual)

1000.00, 'TIP BATCH SOURCE', 1,
'User', 'USD', 3627,
'TIP TAX-FRT INVOICE - ITEM #1', '10-AUG-2010', 'LINE',
11145, 117751,
10, 100.00,
1514, 'Y', 'N',
1, 204,
'Federal Express', 204,'10-AUG-10');

-- Insert Record for Freight

INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all
(interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2,
amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate,
conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id,
description, gl_date, line_type,
orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id,
quantity, unit_selling_price,
term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag,
set_of_books_id, org_id)
49.95, 'TIP BATCH SOURCE', 1,
'User', 'USD', 3627,
'Freight', '10-AUG-2010', 'FREIGHT',
11145, 117751,
null, null,
1514, null, null,
1, 204);

For an explanation of the fields/values not listed below, please review the first example script above, the values used are similar.

The following provides an explanation of the additional fields/values used which are highlighted in bold in the first Insert statement.

Note: All the freight related information is actually provided in the record where LINE_TYPE = LINE and not the record where LINE_TYPE =

SHIP_VIA - identifies the Freight Carrier, this value should exist as FREIGHT_CODE in ORG_FREIGHT table.

Please note that the Freight Code values in your instance may be different, the following will list the values of Freight Codes that
you can use.



Use the value = 'Federal Express'

WAREHOUSE_ID - indicates the Organization of the warehouse from which you will be shipping the items

In our case, the ORG_ID and WAREHOUSE_ID are the same.

Use the value = 204

SHIP_DATE_ACTUAL - this identifies the date the shipment was actually made

Use the value = '10-AUG-10'

dent if
ies  the Transact i
on Flexf i
el d used  by the i
ace dat a; t
his helps 
Aut oI
nvoice under stand what data
is being passed in the interface table's fields. The value here ties in with the setup created in Task 2, where we created the Line Transaction
Flexfield 'TIP'.

Use the value = 'TIP'

INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 and INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 - the combination of values in these two fields uniquely identify the
transaction you are creating.

Use the values = 'TIP TAX-FRT INV 1' and 'INVOICE LINE' (for the first insert statement) |
Use the values = 'TIP TAX-FRT INV 1' and 'FREIGHT' (for the second insert statement)

For the second insert statement, which is the FREIGHT line, following is an explanation of the fields used:

LINK_TO_LINE_CONTEXT - identifies the Transaction Flexfield of the Invoice line to which you want to link this Freight record to

Use the value = 'TIP'

LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 and LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 - the combination of values in these two files uniquely identifiy the
transaction line to which this Freight row is associated to, it should be identical to the values in INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 and 2 for
the LINE_TYPE = LINE 19/29
3/2/2011 Use the value = 'FREIGHT' My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…


The following script will create a simple invoice with Freight as an inventory item, this enables you to calculate taxes on the Freight amount. For details on
the prerequisite steps required, please review Note 1096942.1, How To Setup And Troubleshoot Freight In AutoInvoice And The Transactions Form

-- Insert record for LINE

INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all
(interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2,
amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate,
conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id,
description, gl_date, line_type,
orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id,
quantity, unit_selling_price,
term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag,
set_of_books_id, org_id, inventory_item_id, uom_code)
1000.00, 'TIP BATCH SOURCE', 1,
'User', 'USD', 3627,
'Sentinel Deluxe Desktop', '10-AUG-2010', 'LINE',
11145, 117751,
10, 100.00,
1514, 'Y', 'N',
1, 204, 155,'Ea');

-- Insert Record for Freight

INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all
(interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2,
amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate,
conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id,
description, gl_date, line_type,
orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id,
quantity, unit_selling_price,
term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag,
set_of_books_id, org_id, inventory_item_id, uom_code)
49.95, 'TIP BATCH SOURCE', 1,
'User', 'USD', 3627,
'Freight Charges', '10-AUG-2010', 'LINE',
11145, 117751,
1, 49.95,
1514, 'Y', 'N',
1, 204, 1747,'Ea');

For an explanation of the fields/values not listed below, please review the first example script above, the values used are similar.

The following provides an explanation of the additional fields/values used which are highlighted in bold.

INVENTORY_ITEM_ID - identifies the Inventory item to be shipped.

Use the value = 155 (for the regular Inventory Item = Sentinel Deluxe Desktop )
Use the value = 1747 (for the Freight Inventory Item = Freight Charges, see details in Note 1096942.1 on how to define Freight as an
Inventory Item )

UOM_CODE - indicates the Unit of Measure associated to the Inventory Item, this value must be identical to the value in

Use the value = 'Ea'

dent if
ies  the Transact i
on Flexf i
el d used  by the i
ace dat a; t
his helps 
Aut oI
nvoice under stand what data
is being passed in the interface table's fields. The value here ties in with the setup created in Task 2, where we created the Line Transaction
Flexfield 'TIP'.

Use the value = 'TIP'

INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 and INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 - the combination of values in these two fields uniquely identify the
transaction you are creating.

Use the values = 'TIP FRT AS INV 3' and 'INVOICE LINE' (for the first insert statement, which is for the regular Line item)
Use the values = 'TIP FRT AS INV 3' and 'FREIGHT LINE' (for the second insert statement, which is for the Freight Inventory Item)

LINE_TYPE - identifies what type of data is in this record

Use the value = 'LINE' (for both records)

Note: Even if the second line being interfaced is for FREIGHT, the LINE_TYPE remains = LINE because we are treating the
Freight as a regular inventory item and are passing it as an invoice line to enable the calculation of taxes.

17. Testing AutoInvoice: AutoInvoice Import Process

Once the data is inserted into the Interface table, we are ready to submit the AutoInvoice Import Process

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Interfaces > AutoInvoice 20/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…

To monitor the progress of the process,

Navigation: View > Requests
click on Find Button

Once the process is complete, review the output generated from the AutoInvoice Import Program and ensure there are no errors. 21/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…

Following are examples of errors you may encounter:

Sample Error 1

The error shown below, would happen if you ran the insert statement above for a second time without modifying any of the flexfield values.

As pointed out by the error messsage, the combination of the flexfield values is not unique. To fix this issue, you should update the data in the interface table so
that the combined values in INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 + INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 are unique.

You could run an update statement like:

update ra_interface_lines_all
set interface_line_attribute1 = 'TIP SAMPLE INVOICE 2',
interface_line_attribute2 = 'TIP LEGACY LINE 1'
where interface_line_attribute1 = 'TIP SAMPLE INVOICE 1'
and interface_line_attribute2 = 'TIP SAMPLE INVOICE 1'
and nvl(interface_status,'~') <> 'P';

-- the above should update one row


Now that you have made the interface line attribute values unique, you can re-run AutoInvoice and it should process successfully.

Sample Error 2 22/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…

As shown in the error, the CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID with value 36277 is invalid. If you review the details in the first insert statement in Task 16, you will note that the
correct CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID = 3627 and not 36277.

To fix this issue, you should update the data in the interface table to correct the CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID value.

Another way to make corrections is to use the Interface Lines form.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Control > AutoInvoice > Interface Lines

Run a query using either the INTERFACE_LINE_ID or the Batch Source name or just Check the Errors Exist checkbox to view lines with errors. Position the
cursor on the record you want to fix, then click on the Errors button to see details of the errors. 23/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…

To correct the error, navigate back to the lines form and position your cursor on the Line type field, Click on the folder menu and click on Show field. Doing this
will allow you to expose more fields from the table in the form.

To fix this particular error, we want to modify the Transaction Type Id, so locate that field name in the list of values and click on it. 24/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…

If there were multiple errors on a line, you would follow the same process to make corrections to other fields. Once all corrections are complete you can run
AutoInvoice again.

Other similar errors due to invalid ID values would be:

As shown in the examples, the error message provide helpful information about the problem encountered. Patient and careful review of the error message and
the details provided therein will help you resolve the error. Also, it is typically most difficult to create the first invoice via a script, but once you have the right script
it is very easy to adapt it to your needs.

18. Purging the Interface Table After Import

To automatically purge the AutoInvoice Interface tables after running AutoInvoice, check the Purge Interface Tables box in the receivables system options. If you
check this box, Receivables deletes the records that have successfully transferred into permanent Receivables tables. Do not check this box if you want to
submit the AutoInvoice Purge program manually after running AutoInvoice.

Troubleshooting Tip: De-select this setting when troubleshooting records that seem to be importing incorrectly such as when grouping rules are not being 25/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…
Note 279423.1 How to Schedule AutoInvoice to Run on a Periodic Basis
Note 1127399.1 Sample PLSQL Script to call Autoinvoice Import Program RAXTRX using fnd_request.submit_request in Release 12

20. Review Invoice Created by AutoInvoice

To verify whether AutoInvoice created the invoice successfully, view the invoice in the Transaction workbench.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Transactions > Transactions

Then run a Query using View > Query By Example

Enter the following filters:

Batch Source name = 'TIP BATCH SOURCE'

Reference field =

for the Invoice: enter the value you provided for interface_line_attribute1 = 'TIP SAMPLE INVOICE 1'
for the Credit memo (if you also ran this test): enter the value you provided for interface_line_attribute1 = 'TIP SAMPLE CM 1' or 'TIP
for the Invoice with rules: enter the valud you provided for interface_line_attribute1 = 'TIP RULE INVOICE 1'

Then execute the query. 26/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…

Click on Line Items button to see invoice lines.

This shows that a simple invoice was successfully created, using the data we passed in! Running a similar query for the value in
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 for the Applied Credit Memo and On-Account Credit memo and Invoice with Rules will display the credit memos created.

21. Troubleshooting & Tips

The following notes contain details on various troubleshooting tips:

Note 733835.1, AutoInvoice FAQ for Release 12

Note 1075757.1, AutoInvoice Troubleshooting Guide

Oracle also provides a Diagnostic framework that includes Diagnostics that can help you review and identify AutoInvoice issues. Please review the R12
Diagnostics Catalog, identify your point release and locate the diagnostics under Oracle Receivables: AutoInvoice Interface and AutoInvoice Setup.

For example in Release 12.0.6, Note 732187.1 AutoInvoice Interface, this collects information pertaining to a particular attribute in the Interface table. Note
732189.1 AutoInvoice Setup, collects information regarding setup such as line ordering, grouping rules, descriptive flexfields, as well as file versions and triggers.

To access diagnostics in the application in Release 12.0.6, the access path is as follows:

Please note that each diagnostic test includes this information in the Usage section.

Responsibility: Application Diagnostics

Navigation: Application Diagnostics > Diagnose

Click button Select Application and select Application "Receivables"

Scroll down to group "Transactions" 27/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…

22. Still Have Questions?

To discuss this information further with Oracle experts and industry peers, we encourage you to review, join or start a discussion in the My Oracle Support
Receivables Community. 28/29
3/2/2011 My Oracle Support | Knowledge Brows…


Oracle E-Business Suite > Financial Management > Credit to Cash > Oracle Receivables
Oracle E-Business Suite > Financial Management > Credit to Cash > Oracle Receivables




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