Layers Work in AutoCAD

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How to use Layer

AutoCAD 2007 Tutorial

Engr. Arslan - [2016]

Why we use Layers?

Layers are basically used to classify the drawing into different sections.

If you are drawing a building plan with details then that drawing can be divided into
different layers like walls, windows, ventilators, plumbing, electrification, assets, etc.

By using these layers it become very easy to separate our drawing. i.e if you want to get
just building layout plan then you just on the walls, windows, ventilators layers and if
you want just plumbing drawing of that building then you just on the plumbing layer and
off all others. Same you can do for electrification drawing.

Layer option

Layer property
Delete Layer
New Layer
Current Layer Line color in Print option

Layer Name

Layer on/off Layer lock Line type Line weight

New Layer: By clicking this button we can create new layers.

Delete Layer: this icon is used to delete the layer.

Current Layer: this icon shows which layer is currently in use.

Layer Name: it shows the layer name.

Layer on/off: by clicking this bulb like icon we can show/hide the drawing which is
drawn by this layer.

Layer lock: this icon will lock the lines/sketch of that layer.

Line color: in any layer if line color is needed to change then this icon is used to change
the color.

Line type: if change in line type is needed in any layer then this option is being used.

Line weight: if change in line weight is needed in any layer then this option is being

Print option: if the print of that layer is needed then this option is used. This will show
the layer in the drawing area but only that layer will be print which is allowed with this

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