Julius Ceasar de Jesus - Activity-3.1-Sets

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Name: De Jesus,Julius Ceasar P.

Date: 11-02-20
Course/Section: BSIT-1B
Activity No. 3.1. SETS
A. Sets
Let U = the set of whole numbers less than 5, our universal set with subsets A, B and C defined as
A = the set of even numbers
B = the set of odd numbers
C = the set of numbers greater than 2.

Name the elements of the following sets.

1) U ={1,2,3,4} 6. (A U B)C ={1,2,3,4}

2) A ={2,4} 7. AC ∩ CC = {2,3}

3) B ={1,3} 8. A – B = {2}

4) C ={{3,4} 9. (A – C)  B = {1,3}

5) A ∩ C ={(2,3),(2,4),(4,3),(4,4)} 10. (B – A)  C = {}
Answer the following.

1) What is n (A)? =2

2) What is n (B)? =2

3) What is n (U)? =4

4) What is n (Ac)? =2

5) Is B ⊂ A? =No

6) Is {3} ∈ A? =No

7) Is 5 ∈ B? =No

8) Name of two equal sets, if any =None

9) Name of two equivalent sets, if any =A,B&C

10) Name of two disjoint sets, if any =A&B

B. Write the roster notation and set builder form of the following sets.

Description Roster Notation Set-builder Notation

1.Set of whole numbers U={1,2,3,4,...} U={x ϵ w}

2. Set of counting numbers more than 5 U={6,7,8,9,...} U={xϵ N / x >5 }

3.Set of counting numbers more than 5 U={1,2,3,4 } U={x ϵ N / x <5 }

4.Set of natural numbers not less than 5 U={5,6,7,8,9 , } U={x ϵ N / x> 5}

5.Set of whole numbers less than 2 U={1} U={x ϵ N / x< 2}

6.Set of integers more than negative 3 U={−2 ,−1,0,1,2 , ..} U={x ϵ I /x .−2 }

7.Set of integers less than 5 U={...,-1,0,1,2,3,4} U={x ϵ I /x <5 }

8.Set of integers more than 5 but less U={6,7,8 } U= {x ϵ I /5< x< 9}

than 9

9.Set of whole numbers less than 0 U={} U={x ϵ N¿ x <0 }

10.Set of natural numbers greater than U={56,57,58,59 , ...} U={x ϵ N / x> 55}

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