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“For Rizal to be a role model for the youth of his


According to the Republic Act No. 1425 All Public and Private schools, Colleges and Universities
courses are encouraged, and as well as obliged to study the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal, particularly his works
such as novels entitled Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, and poems he wrote. Based on Rizal’s Poem
entitled ‘’A la juventud filipina’’, he emphasized the term of, “Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan.’’ Since
youth’s minds are still young, they have a greater chance of grasping what Dr. Jose Rizal wants to convey
through his works. By the help of his novels and poems, he is trying to communicate with us, as a Filipino
youth in order for us to know the significance of freedom and his projection of what can youth do to meet,
and maintain the continuous progression of this country. Further, through the hard work and sacrifices of
Rizal, it will serve as knowledge and awareness for the youth to follow the steps he made for them not to
stray into the wrong path. ~Abellada, Christine Joy E.

“Enlightened the students about the true value of an

independent nation.”

This law makes the whole Filipino community particularly the future leaders, which is the students,
to become more aware and knowledgeable pertaining to achieve an independent nation. There is a great
advantage from this law in terms of opening the mind of every student to the main importance and deepest
value of giving independence to our beloved nation. By means of it, the students will realized of it and
become more eager to give the true independence to this nation. And through this, they will take an action
to make the nation be carried out to its true independence. ~Acibal, Paulina Karen L.

“To develop appreciation and deeper understanding

of all that Rizal fought and died for.”

To develop an appreciation and deeper understanding of all that Rizal fought and died for.
That Rizal want to end the suffering his fellow countrymen of the colonialist. His method which is
writing, is unique way to achieve freedom that shows he is against physical violence and have good
character. All his works is dedicated to all Filipinos and his country that he loves so much even his
life will be offered. So, dedicated he created a wonderful and meaningful works that until now we
thank him and honored. His effort and character became a role model to youth that gives
inspirations to you and my fellow Filipino. We, as Filipino has a role and obligation in this society to
improve life, our fellow country men and this country. ~Cainto, Kent


“To promote a better understanding of our national hero`s role in
fighting for freedom under Spanish colonialism, not to go against in
any religion.”
Because this republic act will enlightened the youth about the importance of freedom and
independence, by knowing our national hero's role in fighting for freedom under Spanish
colonialism. And it is a huge heritage that our heroes have left behind as a result of their self-
sacrifice and have been handed on to us, and we now own it. It is our obligation to preserve and
defend it. However according to my perception, it is not really against any religion if you have a
deeper understanding. It just all about the violence of the Spanish Friars towards to the people in
our country, not the religion itself. ~Corpuz, Cherry Mae L.

“Exposes hardship of the Filipinos under the Spanish Regime.”

Some of Rizal`s works and novels such as Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo exposed
how the Filipinos were treated throughout the Spanish Regime. Through the Rizal Law the younger
generation will be aware and reminded of how Filipinos were treated and how they sacrificed and
fought during the Spanish regime to attain our independence. Furthermore, exposing their
hardships will be an inspiring source for Filipino patriotism and will give them better
understanding of the past that will make them appreciate the national heroes more. ~de Chavez,
Riah M.

“The Rizal Law makes it mandatory that all state sanctioned schools make the history and works of
Jose Rizal a part of their curriculum. The hope of the order was to keep citizens aware of their
heritage and culture and to remind them of the price they paid to gain their independence.”

This law makes it possible for us to be aware and have the privilege to have a deeper understanding
about the history of our own national hero Jose Rizal from our school. Through this we are enabled to
enlightens the hardship Rizal go through to gain the independence that we have. It reminds all our fellow
Filipino about the great-great contribution that Jose Rizal gave to us to be able to experience and get the
freedom that we have as of today. Having this kind of law shows our appreciation and gratitude toward his
love for our country and our people. This was like our way to pay attributes to him for committing his life
and work in forming the character of us Filipino. ~Durante, Maria Thessa S.


“Promoting peace and liberty instead of violent action and war in the Philippines. ”
Aside from giving the independence to the Philippines, Jose Rizal, together with his colleague, aimed to
give the peace and liberty the beloved country against the foreign conquerors, particularly the Spaniards. To
give every Filipinos a right to do what they want, to get what they need and to speak up with their concerns and
thoughts during those Spaniards colonization periods. And Rizal makes it possible for the country to achieve
and reach the freedom that the country should have against the conquering of the Spain.
This law such a great help for the present days. This will probably make the youth in the present more
knowledgeable about the heroic deeds of the different Philippine National Heroes, specifically Dr. Jose Rizal.
This will make a good sense in terms of equipping or engaging the students and the whole youth community of
the Philippines to become more persevered to give more freedom for the country for it to give the peace and
liberty for everybody.
Moreover, in this law will engage every students to realize and to get knowledgeable about the true
meaning freedom and liberty through developing one's moral character, self-discipline, civic conscience and
citizenship duties. And lastly, this law brings up to the mind not only of the students, but also to all Filipinos on
what is the importance of having a freedom and to be independent. ~Epino, Harvey L.

“To foster the development of the Filipino youth in all aspects of citizenship.”

The life and works of Rizal has been adopted by all of us, especially for the development of every youth
here in our country. Rizal's teachings and works develop every youth's mindset to become more productive as a
citizen of our country. Rizal believes, when he said "Ang Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan". He knows that every
youth has their own strength to help our country to grow and to thrive. And as a youth and a citizen of our country
it fosters our development to love, preserve and protect our land.
Educating the youth is one way of preparing them on how to be productive and efficient citizens,
Regardless of their ages, the youth can be beneficial for the country’s growth and can contribute their knowledge
and abilities. Being on a modernize and due to high technology these days, the youth has a big advantage in coping
with the challenges and could easily adapt with the ongoing competitive technology that could help in our
country’s development and progress. ~Jabson, Angela Lourdes P.

“To encourage the application of such ideals in current social and problems and issues.”

.” This is one of the advantages of Rizal Law. Because it encourages the students or the peoples that the
situation we have been through these years is not much like the time of Jose P. Rizal that there is a war and it
can reminisce that in each challenge we have experienced, we can get the freedom that we are aiming at.
And, as we have learned on our previous classes in high school, Jose Rizal showed in his famous works, Noli
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo how the Spaniards conquered the nation, and the enlightenment about the
oppression ad abuse of the Spaniards brought to the country. If we reflect through the works of Rizal, we can
use it and be inspired about how to love our country and become aware about what is happening in the
nation. ~Jamon, Maria Melanie A.


“It is important to study the life of Jose Rizal because of is input towards the
independence of Philippines.”

Jose Rizal believes that not only can violence be your weapon in the fight against the Spaniards, he .”
thought of something that can be called a fair fight that does not hurt both of them. He used his talent and
knowledge to write a novel and poem, here he wrote what he wanted to say about what is really happening in
our country and fight it against the occupiers. It is vital to ponder the life of Jose Rizal since of his input towards
the freedom of Philippines. He chose to battle for his nation through information and the control of letters. He
taken note the proceeded enduring of his compatriots at the hands of the Spaniards and looked for to put an
conclusion to this circumstance. He chosen to progress on his individual considers to obtain information that he
would afterward on pass to his individuals through books and lyrics. His celebrated books the "Noli Me
Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo" pointed out the issues that the genuine citizens of Philippines confronted
beneath Spanish run the show and the got to take unequivocal activity to free themselves from persecution. His
activities reverberated well with that of his compatriots and inevitably the individuals chosen to rise up and
protect their rights and flexibility. ~Landicho, Leahlyn M.

“Spread nationalism across the country through the works of Rizal .”

Dr. Jose Rizal known for his two novels Noli Me Tángere (Touch Me Not) and El Filibusterismo (The Reign of
the Greed) who awakened Philippine nationalism. For him, “the pen was mightier than the sword.” though he had
been very vocal against the Spanish government, but in a peaceful and progressive manner. And through his
writings, he exposed the corruption and wrongdoings of government officials as well as the Spanish friars. And
because of that the authorities banned Filipinos from reading the controversial books. Yet they were not able to ban
it completely. As more Filipinos read the books, their eyes opened to the truth that they were suffering unspeakable
abuses at the hands of the friars. It was written for the Filipino people, specifically the Filipino youth, who may have
lost their sense of nationalism. Rizal endeavored to rekindle a lost spark in each Filipino’s belief across the country.
This nationalism served as the foundation to come up with this republic act, to set our country free from the hands
of others and stand up on our own, this is exactly the ideals and values that Rizal strove to fight for. He shows love
for our country because he desires unity for his country without any violent actions or any revolution act towards
people who are making themselves as a superior to Filipinos but uses his knowledge. ~Laydia, Mary Jane F.

“Making the Filipinos realize their flaws and sacrifices to be made in

order to attain freedom.”
Dr. Jose Rizal sacrifices his life for the freedom of our beloved country Philippines. He have a good concept
of nation and aspire an struggle for a nations freedom ,he think of future generations, he define and
contribute to nations freedom. We might think that he is just person who fought the Spanish, but no he is
actually a big part of our life , we would still be with the Spanish people if it was not for him that is why the
sacrifice he did is very important and as a Filipino it is important to remember and appreciate the sacrifice
made by Dr. Jose Rizal, He serves as an inspiration to us to do our best to protect the Philippines and
surrender is not the solution to achieve freedom. ~Limon, Jimwel M.


“Implied through this act that national identity is a very important legacy
that our heroes have achieved through sacrificing their own lives.”
This act also implies promoting of our national heroes especially Dr. Jose P. Rizal (as stated in the
above-mentioned republic act). This act is serves as a stepping stone to honor them with their heroic deeds
and great sacrifices to our country. And if this legacy of our national heroes was continuously remembered
to the youths of the present, they will become more aware regarding this sacrifices of them. They can be
possibly inspired to honor them and follow their steps in shaping the nation`s image in the future. ~Mora,
Kimberley B.

“Rizal Law teaches different virtue that can applied in life.”

Some of the leading virtues that Rizal teaches us are loving and serving our country. We can seen it
from the beginning of the Katipunero's Revolution and other heroes that do self-sacrifice for the freedom
and independence of our country. Furthermore, it taught us to be responsible individual who have strong
conviction to follow our hearts and principle in life. The love of justice and living by example make way to
unleashed us in a century of slavery. Likewise, the noble conducts of nonviolent proponent of political
reforms are emphasized. It is not always the fist fight and bloody combat that awakes our spirit, it is the
realization and opening our eyes on the system we have in our society. If we are to relate in our modern era
it is like how our fellowmen specially those in the field of journalism and media encourage us to see the
society we have. ~Paloma, Aira L.

“To recognize importance of Rizal`s ideas and teachings in

relation to present conditions and situations in the society.

Rizal`s values and teachings can be related to actual societal situations and problems, allowing
for a better appreciation and comprehension of everything that Rizal fought and died for. As young
adults concerned with governing our country`s future, we owe it to ourselves to improve ourselves,
continue to be a hope of our nation and we must never forget Rizal`s sacrifice for our country. ~Umali,
Ron Lenord P.


“Studying Rizal`s life and works could help young Filipinos to know about the
history of the Philippines as well as what happened to our country during
the colonization of Spain and how our ancestors gone through
discrimination and corruption during Spanish era.”

Studying of Jose Rizal’s life, works, and writings is mandated by Republic Act 1425, otherwise known
as the Rizal Law. Senator Jose P. Laurel, the person who sponsored the said law, said that since Rizal was the
founder of Philippine nationalism and has contributed much to the current standing of this nation, it is only
right that the youth as well as all the people in the country know about and learn to take the great ideals for
which he died. The Rizal Law, enacted in 1956, seeks to accomplish. It is important to study the life of Rizal
because of his input towards the independence of Philippines. He choose to fight for his country through the
knowledge and the power of letters. He noticed the continued suffering for his countrymen of the hands of
the Spaniards and sought to put an end to this situation.

Studying Rizal course, looking at the present times, many are now questioning the relevance of the
subject. But as for me, Rizal subject will always be significant. It had been our mirror from the past that had
helped us shape what we have today. Thus, Rizal course must remain in our curriculum. Studying Rizal is
important because for an instance if you don't know what is really Rizal, what if in the future someone will
ask you would you only answer that he is our national hero? then it is not enough we should know his life
not just because he is our national hero but he is part of our freedom. Studying Rizal's life and works can
educate, inspired all Filipino people and stand up for our country. ~Veridiano, Jomar P.



Advantages of Rizal law. (n.d.). Scribd.

Jose Rizal [Poems]. (n.d.). Jose Rizal Website.

Rusianajhanric0. (n.d.). What is the essence of Republic Act No. 1425 in encouraging
patriotism? - For students. By students.

Why study Rizal? (n.d.) The Life and Works of Rizal.


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