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Register Number:


Electronics and Communication Engineering
EC2403-RF and Microwave Engineering
Time: 1 ½ hours Maximum: 50 marks
Answer ALL Questions
PART A (5x2=10 Marks)
1. What is Gain consideration?

2. Define Noise figure.

3. What is the need of stability?

4. Write about stabilization methods.

5. What is Power gain?

6. Define matching networks.

7. What are the factors for selecting of matching networks?

8. Differentiate between single stub and double stub matching network?

9. What is Micro-strip line matching?

10. What is travelling wave tube?

11. What are types of tubes available in microwaves?

12. What is Reflex Klystron?

13. Define velocity modulation.

14. What is magnetron?

15. Write the applications of reflex klystron.

PART B (8+16+16=40 marks)

16. a) Explain about the gain consideration. (8)

a) Explain about the T and Pi type matching networks. (8)

16. b) Explain about helix travelling wave tube. (8)

b) Explain in briefly about Magnetron oscillator. (8)

17. a) Explain in detail about RF power amplifier relation. (16)

b) Explain stability consideration for RF transistor amplifier design. (16)

c) Explain in detail about microstrip line matching networks. (16)

18. a) Explain in detail about the single cavity reflex klystron. (16)

b) Explain in detail about the multi cavity reflex klystron. (16)

c) With the neat diagram, explain in detail about parametric amplifier by its converter. (16)

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