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Prioritization of Nursing Diagnosis

Nursing Diagnosis prioritization Justification

Sleep pattern disturbance 1 Based on maslow’s
related to ___________ hierarchy of needs, this
problem should be
prioritized because ________



Nursing Scientific Desired Outcomes Nursing Rationale Evaluation
Diagnosis Explanation Interventions
Nursing DX: (write in narrative Short term: At the Start with baseline Give rationale for
form the definition end of _________ assessment. each intervention
of your identified minutes / hours of and complete it with
Subjective Cues: “ problem and nursing intervention, references
“ possible causes) the patient will be Independent nursing
able to ________ Interventions
Pls refer to nurses
Objective Cues pocket guide Collaborative
diagnoses Long term Interventions
After 1 week of
nursing intervention,
the patient will be
able to __________
FOCUS (Nursing Diagnosis / Problem / Concern)

Ineffective breathing pattern related to presence of inflammation of the airway

Difficulty of breathing

DATA: (Assessment data)

Subjective Cues:
“I’m having difficulty of breathing,” as verbalized by the patient

Objective Cues:
RR = 40
SpO2 = 88%
Client use accessory muscles when breathing
Slightly dyspneic
Flaring of nares

ACTION: (Planning and Implementation of Nursing Care)

Client is placed on high Fowler’s position
Administered Oxygen inhalation at 3 Liters/min via the nasal cannula
Client encouraged to do deep breathing exercise
Client is encouraged to alternate activities with rest periods

RESPONSE: (Evaluation Part of the Nursing Process)

RR = 18 cycles / min
SpO2 = 98%
Client observed to have normal spontaneous breathing

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