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Joe Nitti

EDU 2260

1. “Intelligence plus Character. That's the goal true education” - Dr. Martin Luther King. As
a teacher the goal should not just be to help your students gain intelligence but also
teach them how to be good people. Dr. Martin Luther King was an activist and most
visible spokesperson and leader of the civil rights movement.

2. Constructivism - people discover their own understanding and knowledge of the world,
through experiences and reflecting on them. Cooperative learning using small groups.
This method of teaching allows students work together to solve a problem by
communicating with one another. This could mean that student share ideas and stories
that help each other grow in knowledge and understand, while also working on social

3. Concrete Operational and Formal Operational. Teachers need to understand the

readiness of their students. The developmental stages aren’t set in stone, students move
at different paces and some may not be ready to move forward.

4. In Wormell’s article “Movin’ Up To the Middle?” two main ideas are students do better
when they know what is expected of them and assurance that it'll be ok and another
main idea is that middle school students care mainly about belonging. He stresses the
importance of giving students a good educational experience because its during the time
that students start adolescents and it's a pivotal time in their development stage.

5. Knowledge, Understand, Application. Physical education 10th grade “What is

cardiovascular endurance? Please identify 3 exercises that would help improve a
person’s cardiovascular endurance. This is a good question because i covers multiple
levels of Bloom’s pyramid. It show students have the knowledge of cardiovascular
endurance and can identify ways to improve it.

A) It is important to be proactive in building relationships with students because it
shows the student you care about their learn and can potentially make them
more comfortable in the classroom and more willing to learn from you.
B) Professional Disposition is a teacher’s character, they ways they carry
themselves. If your disposition is that you are a friendly teacher who cares about
their students, then that in turn will allow students to look forward to learning from
you and trusting you have their best interest in mind.
C) Two strategies mention in the section are student surveys, which are given to the
students as an informal way for the teacher to learn more about them and
attending student activities such sporting events, school concerts, etc. This
allows you to show support to your students in areas outside the classroom.

A) Todd Whitaker
Joe Nitti
EDU 2260
B) I like Todd Whitaker better because his teachings look to help educators improve
their profession disposition and how they handle themselves in the classroom. I
feel this is important character trait to have for an educator. While I do like
Reeves outlook on non-fiction writing, I connect better with Whitaker’s teachings.
C) Don't Seek Revenge on a Student because hurt people hurt people.
D) All teachers will experience a student who will act out in our class, it’s inevitable.
However, it important to understand how you handle the situation. I always try to
see people as inherently good and sometimes just do bad things. Students, in
some cases may not even know what the did was wrong. What I would try to do
is to talk to the student in a non-threatening way. I’d want to learn if there’s an
underlying issue that resulted in their bad behavior or explain to them why that
behavior isn’t tolerated so that they may learn from it.

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