Assignment 2-3185

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CEG3185 Winter 2021


Due date: Friday, March 26, 2021, no later than 5pm.

Problem 1 (35 points)

Consider the transfer of a file containing 1 million bytes from station A to station B. What is the
total elapsed time and effective throughput for the following cases:

a) A circuit-switch star topology local network. Call set-up time is negligible, and the data
rate of the medium is 64Kpbs. Due to the short displaces between nodes in the local
environment, the propagation delay can be ignored.
b) A bus topology local network where stations A and B are at distance D apart, a data rate
of R bits per seconds (bps) and a frame size P with 80 bits of overhead per frame. There
are only A and B connected to the bus. Each frame is acknowledged with an 88-bit frame
before the next is sent. The propagation speed on the bus is 200,000,000 meters/sec.
Solve for:
1) D= 1Km, B=1Mbps, P=256 bits
2) D= 1Km, B=10Mbps, P=256 bits.
3) D= 10Km, B=1Mbps, P=256 bits.
4) D= 1Km, B=50Mbps, P=10,000 bits.
c) A ring topology local network with a circular length 2D, with the stations located at
diametrically opposite locations, thus having D distance from each other on the ring.
Acknowledgement is achieved by allowing the frame to circulate past the destination
station, back to the source station, with an acknowledgement bit set by the destination.
There are N repeaters on the ring, each of which introduces a processing delay of one bit
duration. Repeat the calculations for N=100, for the following cases:
1) D= 1Km, R=1Mbps, P=256 bits
2) D= 1Km, R=10Mbps, P=256 bits
3) D= 10Km, R=1Mbps, P=256 bits
4) D= 1Km, R=50Mbps, P=10,000 bits

Problem 2 (15 points)

Consider compressed video transmission in an ATM network. Suppose standard ATM cells must
be transmitted through five switches. The data rate is 43 Mbps.
a. What is the transmission time for one cell through one switch?
b. Each switch may be transmitting a cell from other traffic all of which we assume to have
lower (non-pre-emptive for the cell) priority. If the switch is busy transmitting a cell, our
cell has to wait until the other cell completes transmission. If the switch is free our cell is
transmitted immediately. What is the maximum time from when a typical video cell
arrives at the first switch (and possibly waits) until it is finished being transmitted by the
fifth and last one? Assume that you can ignore propagation time, switching time, and
everything else but the transmission time and the time spent waiting for another cell to
clear a switch.
In all cases assume that the various random events are independent of one another; for example,
we ignore the burstiness typical of such traffic.

Problem 3 (15 points)

Consider a packet switching network of N nodes is forming a ring. Stations send packets to the
other stations with equal probability (i.e. the probability that station A sends packet to station B
equals [1/(N-1)] Calculate the average number of hopes a message has to go through to reach the

Problem 4 (35 points)

Two monitoring stations, S1 and S3, are collecting and transmit data to station S2, which acts as
the collecting and data processing centre. The relevant position of the three stations is as

S1 ---------------L meters --------------- S2 ---------------L meters --------------- S3

All three nodes have the same RF coverage capability, it being M meters, with L < M < 2 L.
Upon arrival of a frame, and assuming that collision has not occurred, S2 sends an
acknowledgement frame of size Fack to the corresponding station. Assume the transmission
speed is the same for all three stations, and it is equal to Rt bps. The frame generation (traffic)
rates produced by S1 and S3 are 1 and 3 frames per second respectively, both following Poisson
distribution. The frame sizes produced by these stations are F1 for S1 and F3 for S3 (numbers
refers to bits). Fack is of insignificant size (it is considerably smaller compared to F1 and F3). The
signal propagation velocity through the medium is C meters/sec. Assume a reference frame size
Fr. Determine the loss rate S2 experiences for each of the traffic streams coming from S1 and
S3, when:

1) F1= F3= Fr; (11 marks)

2) F3 = 2 F1 and F1 = Fr; (3 marks)

3) F3 = F1/2 and F1= Fr; (3 marks)

4) F3 = F1 = Fr//2 (3 marks)

Clarification: RF coverage refers to the distance the signal of a station is strong enough to allow
communication. In our case, we assume that if “Station A” is at a distance from “Station B”,
larger from the RF coverage area of Station B, the signal of Station B cannot produce collisions
at Station A.

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