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Jimuel V.

Hepana Accounting
Grade 12-ABM (A) Quarter 2-Module 11
What I Can Do
150-word essay
A bank statement is a bank account statement of the depositor containing accurate deposit
and withdrawal information, including interest accrued and bank charges for a specified time,
typically for one month.
Account holders should look for inconsistencies during the reconciliation of their checking
account with the bank statement. Account-holders must record inconsistencies as soon as
practicable in writing. A bank report is often referred to as a statement of account. It indicates
whether the bank is responsible for the money of an account holder.
Bank statements are a perfect instrument for helping account holders keep track of their
currency. They will assist account holders in tracking their finances, detecting faults, and
understanding spending patterns. To ensure their documents match the bank's records, an account
manager can check their bank account on a regular basis, either regularly, weekly or monthly. It
helps decrease overdraft costs, mistakes, and theft.
Check is a contract that directs a bank to transfer a certain sum of money from the
account of an individual to the person on whose behalf the cheque was given. Known as the
locker, the person writing the cheque has a transaction banking account where their money is
Basically, a cheque consists of three parties:
Drawer- The person who draws the cheque, that is, signs and orders the amount to be paid by the
Drawee- the bank where the cheque is drawn or who is ordered to pay the amount specified in
the cheque.
Payee- the recipient, that is to say, to whom the balance is payable.
There are two different parties to a cheque aside from these three:
Endorser- He/she is named the endorser when a party passes the right to take the payment to
another party.
Endorsee- The party on whose behalf the right is transferred shall be named endorsee.
Often, when the drawer writes a self-cheque, the drawer and payee may be the same person.
A deposit slip provides information about the amount deposited by money or cheque,
draft, etc. The depositor signs it. It requires information such as account number, account holder
name, branch where it is deposited, date on which the deposit is made, etc. These are relevant
from the point of view of the auditors (other amount).
A withdrawal slip is a coupon from the saving account for drawing currency. The same goal of a
cheque is fulfilled by a withdrawal slip (check - US). A cheque is a tear off from a book
containing several leaves of cheque and serially number, loose sheets available at the branch
premises are withdrawal slips. Withdrawal slips need to be taken as a first line proof of
possession along with the passbook.
Jimuel V. Hepana Media and Information Literacy
Grade 12-ABM(A) Quarter 2-Module 1-2
Additional Activities
100-word essay
This Is Me" is all about standing up for yourself, being proud of who you are, with all
your deformities and insecurities, accepting yourself." And, yes, to love yourself, even though no
one else is near you who loves you back.
It's about coming out of the darkness... not timidly, hesitantly, carefully, but bravely, bravely,
May the world deride you. But you can never deride yourself or see yourself as anything but
fortunate to do what you do, to be who you are.
I know it's a lot better said than done, so that's why amazing songs like "This Is Me" are a
reminder of stuff we all know we're meant to do, but just don't do in reality.
Arcquel Cyprian I. Tagle
Grade 12- ABM(B)
A bank statement is a document (also known as an account statement) that is typically
sent by the bank to the account holder every month, summarizing all the transactions of an
account during the month. Bank statements contain bank account information, such as account
number and a detailed list of deposits and withdrawals. A bank issues a bank statement to an
account holder that shows the detailed activity in the account. It allows the account holder to see
all the transactions processed on their account. Banks usually send monthly statements to an
account holder on a set date. In addition, transactions on a statement typically appear in
chronological order.
Cheque refers to a negotiable instrument that contains an unconditional order to the bank
to pay a certain sum mentioned in the instrument, from the drawer’s account, to the person to
whom it is issued, or to the order of the specified person or the bearer.Basically, there are three
parties to a cheque: Drawer: The person who draws the cheque, i.e. signs and orders the bank to
pay the sum. Drawee: The bank on which the cheque is drawn or who is directed to pay the
specified sum written on the cheque. Payee: The beneficiary, i.e. to whom the amount is to be
paid. Apart from these three, there are two more parties to a cheque: Endorser: When a party
transfers his right to take the payment to another party, he/she is called endorser. Endorsee: The
party in whose favour, the right is transferred, is called endorsee. Sometimes, the drawer and
payee can be the same person, when the drawer writes a self-cheque.
A deposit slip contains details of the amount deposited by way of currency or cheque,
draft etc. It is signed by the depositor. It contains details such as account number, name of
account holder, branch where it is deposited, date on which the deposit is made etc these are
important (other the amount) from the auditors point of view. A withdrawal slip is a voucher for
drawing cash from saving account. A withdrawal slip serves the same purpose of a cheque. A
cheque is a tear off from a book containing many cheque leaves and serially number, withdrawal
slips are loose sheets available at the branch premises. Withdrawal slip need to be taken along
with the passbook as a first verification of ownership.

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