Movie Review (The Young Messiah)

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JANUARY 20, 2019
In the beginning, a bully is picking on Jesus and a young girl in Egypt. The bully slips and
seems to die, and everyone blames Jesus. Jesus goes into the young bully’s room and
resurrects him. The Egyptians want Jesus and his family out of Alexandria.

Then Mary (Sara Lazzaro), Joseph (Vincent Walsh) and 7-year-old Jesus (Adam Greaves-Neal)
embark on a journey from Egypt to Nazareth after the young boy miraculously brings
someone back to life.

When Joseph hears in a dream that Herod the Great has died, and he takes his family back to
the Holy Land with his close relatives. Along the way, Jesus’ cousin reveals more about his
birth and his parents’ perspective toward who he is. At that time Jesus is still confused of
why he is different from all the other children, he started questioning Mary and Joseph but
they thought that it was not the right time for Jesus to know who he really is. Joseph to Jesus
‘those questions are the questions of a child but the answers of a man’. These revelations
are accompanied by miraculous demonstrations of Jesus’ divinity when his uncle is healed
and when he saves his family from danger.

When King Herod (Jonathan Bailey) orders the death of the child, Roman centurion Severus
(Sean Bean) starts to pursue the family across the desert. As Mary and Joseph worry about
his safety, Jesus' natural curiosity allows him to understand more about the world and his
remarkable powers.

In his willingness to go to Israel, the pass over to get the answers from his questions. It is
clear that Jesus is the young Messiah when he speaks to the rabbi in the temple and another
rabbi and answers brilliantly. The forces of darkness, as represented by a devilish figure, are
opposed to Jesus, and the jeopardy builds in such a way to bring us close to who Jesus really

In the end it came down when roman centurion finds Jesus in the temple but finds out the
he also was the one who saved Jesus in Bethlehem. He decided to let the Messiah free with
his family and let king Herod believe that he already killed Jesus so that he would not search
for him anymore.

Jesus finally knows his purpose of living in the world and continues his journey.


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