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l- For Your Journal, just follow the guide for journaling.

This would be submitted

on April 5-9, 2021. God Bless.
My Gmail account:

Biblical Texts:
1. Mark 15: 1-39
2. John 12:1-11
3. Matthew 26:14-25
4. John 13:1-15
5. John 18:1-40; John 19: 1-42

ll- Journal Writing: Guide Questions for Journaling:

1. What word, phrase, line or verse is most meaningful to you? (LECTIO)

repeated, reverent reading of the suggested biblical text.
2. What is the Lord telling you in that most meaningful word, phrase, line or
verse? (MEDITATIO) entering into the truth of the text.
3. How have I concretely experienced this most meaningful word, phrase, line or
verse in my life? (focus on one experience only) Talk to Jesus, the Living Word.
4. What feelings were evoked during your time of prayer?
5. (ACTIO) is making fruitful what the Word has taught us. What does the text
want me to do?

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