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REED 104 – Liturgy and Sacraments

Final Examination

Name: James G. Solana Course & Year:BSCRIM 301

I. True or False. Write True if the statement is True. Write False if the statement is
False. Write your answers before the number.
_____ 1) The Divine Liturgy makes the work of our redeemer a present actuality.
_____ 2) It is of the essence of the Church to be human or divine.
_____ 3) The mystical body of Christ, invisible yet endowed with visible resources.
_____ 4) It was Christ in His divinity and humanity who became the instrument of our salvation.
_____ 5) A Church-Member is a Christ-member, a Body that joins to the Saving Plan of Christ.
_____ 6) Paschal Mystery: the Passion, Death, and Resurrection.
_____ 7) 1 Corinthians 3:9 – “We are fellow workers with God; you are God’s farm, God’s
_____ 8) Christ’s life is ever-pleasing to God the Father. Christ, His best thought, His Word, is
the very recipient of all His mercy, the Holy Spirit.
_____ 9) Liturgy belongs in the order of knowing, not of doing.
_____ 10) The body and the head compose the whole humanity.
_____ 11) Christ preaches Christ, the Body preaches its Head and the Head protects His Body.
_____ 12) “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst.” (Mt. 18, 20)
_____ 13) The liturgy is the source for achieving the most effective way possible both human
sanctification and God’s glorification.
_____ 14) Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted with Christ and entrusted to the
Church, by which divine life is dispensed. -CCC 1131
_____ 15) The Church is guided by the Spirit in all truth, and is therefore, the faithful steward of
God’s mysteries and determines the number and dispensation of the sacraments.

II. Write the correct answer before the number. (2pts each)
__Grace__ 1. It is entirely a gratuitous gift of God.
__________ 2. It is principally his Own Paschal Mystery that Christ makes present…it is
____Confession_ 3. One who sacramentally conforms himself to Christ.
_sacrament 4. & 5. The Real Nature of the True Church.

III. Fill in the blanks but write your answers before the number. (2pts each)
__________ 1. The _____ prepares the assembly to encounter Christ, recall Christ, make Him
present, and unite us to Him.
__________ 2. The work of Christ’s _____ is an action of the Church with engages new life in
the faithful through the workings of the Holy Spirit.
__________ 3. The _____ is the cause of something in the recipient.
__________ 4. The liturgy is the _____ toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at
the same time it is the fount from which all the Church’s power flows.
__________ 5. By our conforming to Christ through the Sacred Liturgy we are perfectly
glorifying God and becoming _____.
IV. Enumeration and Definition. (2pts each + 1, bonus point)
1. What are the Seven Sacraments and its definition? NOTE: Maximum of two sentences
each sacrament. If it is more than 2 sentences, I will not correct it.

Baptism is a Christian rite of admission and adoption, almost invariably with the use of
water, into Christianity.
-This is my blood.” The story of the institution of the Eucharist by .

-This is my body,” and wine with the words, “This is my blood.” The story of the
institution of the Eucharist by..
-a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime.
a statement setting out essential religious doctrine.
-it is considered a sacrament in Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, and it is
equivalent to the Eastern Orthodox sacrament of chrismation.

-is the restoration of friendly relations.
the action of making one view or belief compatible with another.

Anointing of the Sick

-is a Catholic sacrament that is administered to a Catholic "who, having reached the
age of reason, begins to be in danger due to sickness or old age", except in the case of
those who "persevere obstinately in manifest grave sin".

Holy Orders, and Marriage. -Deacons, whether transitional or permanent, receive

faculties to preach, to perform baptisms, and to witness marriages (either assisting the
priest at the Mass, or officiating at a wedding not involving a Mass).

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