Work Immersion As Job Simulation For 21st Century Learners

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 Sun.Star Pampanga

 12 May 2018

Work immersion is an implemented construct of job simulation where the students can apply
what they have learned throughout their Senior High School years. Handling them the role that is
best suited in their field of specialization and testing their responsiveness in their line of interest,
thus giving them a brief outlook in their possible future career which will also serve as their
training grounds to have experience and to be prepared for the long run. I’ve known that work
immersion exposes in my students ,in an actual workplace setting it provides awareness and
understanding because within this activity learners can nurture and enrich our competencies and
insights at an early stage.
Things to consider in work immersion are efforts, time, interest, purpose, objectives and the
willingness to learn and to accomplish the task given; and especially to comply within the given
deadline. Students time is an important thing that’s why student have to make use of their time
wisely, Their determination must remain intact and must never wane off.
The availability and the proper time management, handling situations efficiently, and also being
flexible follower. Being modest, diligent and industrious during the hours of work because
students are not only representing themselves but also the school. Follow the rules and guidelines
in the premises of their firm. Materials that are needed are all the necessary requirements like the
resume, portfolio and the output in daily diary.
In terms of qualities, the learner must possess resiliency and must be physically and mentally
tough. Also being versatile in diverse aspect. The capacity to take on challenges and to be
receptive upon it. Most importantly, to never steal even the tiniest material in their property. Be
serious, focused and attentive. Coordinate and cooperate with co-workers because unity and
collaborative effort leads to success.
Work immersion isn’t just work at all. It is patience; to wait for the task that will be given to you,
to resist the temptation to put out your phone, to render yourself from being naughty during the
hours of work, to stay focused throughout the day, to be receptive in the circulation of work, to
be willing to work with enthusiasm and to also make yourself busy when you have nothing to do.
This program offered a multitude of values for us students like in real offices we’ve also formed
relationship together as they say a team can propagate more when they stand close to each other.
Work immersion is an exercise of maximizing our knowledge. There we’ve been assigned to
encode different type of documents, sort and arrange files in chronological order, clean, dust out,
wipe desks and put out decors inside the box. This work immersion isn’t just a usual day for us
students but a platform for determining our capacity in terms of handling the reality of work or
life outside the school and what are the states and variants that we’re supposed to be put on or
what path could be heading. It’s a mental and physical prospective testing. Far more than the
examinations, paper works, and recitations were attending in school. Not just performance task
or duty but a section of engagement along with responsibility, obligation and commitment upon
following our designated role, accomplishing the assigned orders to us, and the having mindset
of competency towards achieving our objectives in our whole 80 hours of stay in the
Cooperative. Work immersion is a process of undertaking improvement for oneself or “the what
could be more” like a lever that pulls one from holding back, to fill what is lacking, to efficiently
utilize and contain what’s in store from us and as well as showcasing our potential skills,
challenging our self to break out from the boundaries of our comfort zone, why did I say?
Because here no one can refuse, no one shall decline and no one must say no to the duty that is
given to emersees. Or else students will fail the internship. Furthermore, everything students do
is all recorded in the sheet. Thus this program is a validation of how suitable and fitted the
students are or if the students are making progress within this occurring stage.
— oOo—
The author is Teacher II at Towerville National High School,
School Division of CSJSDM, Bulacan

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