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Structuralism Approach: "Wedding Dance" by Amador Daguio


       For seven years Awiyao and Lumnay lived as husband and wife, however Awiyao must
marry another woman, Madulimay, for Lumnay was not able to give him a child. It is in their
norms in their village that wives must bear a child to follow after the husband’s name. Hence,
Lumnay was incapable of giving Awiyao a child that, which is a shame to Lumnay and Awiyao’s
totality, he was then entitled to find another woman.

         On the night of the wedding, Awiyao goes to his and Lumnay’s house
to actually welcome her to the conventional wedding dance. Be that as it may, Lumnay, the
leading dancer within the whole tribe, denies the welcome. At that point, amid their discussion,
it is uncovered that both of them still love each other, but since of their tribe’s custom,
they have to be isolated.

Awiyao goes back to the wedding, to the wedding dance, after being gotten by a

few companions. Lumnay needs to take after, somewhat because of the dance,
and mostly since she needs to put a halt to their tribe’s convention of having
to wed another accomplice fair to have a child.


 Awiyao- the husband stated above / Flat Character

 Lumnay– a woman who was left by her husband

because he had to marry another woman for she
can’t bear a child/ Developing Character

 Madulimay– Awiyao’s new wife / Flat Character



 place – in the mountains somewhere in the

 time- a long time ago
 weather conditions- fine
 social conditions- lower-class
 mood or atmosphere- sad and tense
         The Point of View used in this short story is the Omniscient Limited - The story is
presented by a third person point of view (using pronouns they, she, he, it, etc).   We
know only what the character knows and what the author allows him/her to tell us. We
can see the thoughts and feelings of characters if the author chooses to reveal them to

There is a broad utilization of the Symbolism. There are numerous images
here, and these are the dimness, the house's four walls, the seething ashes, the
fire, and the beads. The dimness symbolizes how the two lead characters feel
when these characters need to accept the fact that they need to separate from
each other. In the meantime, the house's four walls symbolize the previous
couple's "detainment." Whereby the couple deprived from their freedom or liberty at that
time.The seething ashes that become shining coals symbolize the love that both
of them still feel towards each other amidst the greatest adversitiy they faced.
The fire of flames, signify the burning intensity of both love and hate that Lumnay
feels in the plight she faced. When Awiyao stirs the embers in Lumnay's dark hut,
he stirs up both of these feelings in her. Later, as Lumnay watches the bonfire
from afar, her physical distance from the fire reflects her emotional separation
from the man she loves. At long last, the beads, symbolize Awiyao's incredible
love for Lumnay regardless of whether she was not ready to give him a kid.

If you genuinely love someone, you must let them be happy.
According to Rick Price from his song "Heaven Knows", "If you really love
her(him) you've got to set her (him) free." The story of Lumnay and Awiyao
wrestles with this difficult adversity. Despite how upsetting it is to Lumnay, she
must let Awiyao go, not only because of their culture, but also because of the fact
that he will not be happy without a child.


The strife here is Man vs. Society. The lead characters got to take

after their tribe’s custom. Awiyao has cleared out his spouse Lumnay, whom
he cherished very much. In any case, she couldn’t provide him a child. He
has presently hitched Madulimay in hopes to have a child, who
will proceed his bequest. Typically, something Awiyao expresses as vital in his
culture. In any case, Lumnay is disturbed since she adores Awiyao and
doesn’t need this separation.

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