Siemens Documentation - Automatically Calculating and Creating Optimal Collision-Free Paths

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9/9/2019 Siemens Documentation: Automatically Calculating and Creating Optimal Collision-free Paths

Automatically Calculating and Creating Optimal Collision-free Paths

The Automatic Path Planner command automatically calculates and creates an optimal, collision-free path for weld operations, pick and place operations, generic robotic operations,
object flow operations, continuous feature operations, and gun-only operations (operations to which no robot is assigned - welding is performed manually by a human operator). While
calculating the optimal path, the Automatic Path Planner may add or delete via locations, but the first and last locations of each motion segment remain fixed. OLP commands are
retained even if their location is removed, and locations including Attach/Detach or Grip/Release OLP commands are automatically marked as fixed. Attachment changes (refer to
Adding Attach Events) made during a simulation (for example, a robot gripping a part) are also taken into account during path planning, so that a collision-free path is calculated for both
the robot and the gripped part. Collision-free means that the system runs the Automatic Path Planner calculation according to the active collision sets. For information on active
collision sets, refer to Collision Viewer.

The Automatic Path Planner divides operations into sets of locations, known as segments. Each segment contains fixed start and end locations and may contain intermediate non-
fixed locations. For each segment the Automatic Path Planner plans a collision-free path and then optimizes the planned path.
After calculating a collision-free path, you can use manual tools such as Manipulate Location to fine-tune the final result.
Automatic Path Planner, for both Assembly and Disassembly processes and for robotic operations, can use existing via locations to guide the solution in the desired direction.
You can define specific collision sets to include only relevant objects under examination. Collision detection works only for displayed objects, so you can hide objects irrelevant to
collision detection (see Collision Viewer) before running Automatic Path Planner.
When running Automatic Path Planner on robotic operations, set config_family and joint_config_family to J3, J4 and Overhead or J3, J5 and Overhead. This ensures that
Automatic Path Planner runs without inconsistencies. For more information on motion parameters, refer to the motionparameters-e.pdf document which can be found under …
\eMPower\Help\Additional Reference Material.
When running Automatic Path Planner on gun-only operations, the system implements an object flow type of gun movement based on the working frame. As the current gun
kinematics pose is used as a reference, it is recommended to set the gun pose to Open.

Note If you have selected both robotic weld operations and human weld operations, Automatic Path Planner is disabled.

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