Excel - Situatii Financiare Individuale-Separate Financial Statements

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All amounts are presented in RON Toate sumele sunt exprimate in RON


Separate statement of financial position BILANTUL CONTABIL
Non-current assets Active imobilizate
Tangible assets Imobilizari corporale 3,439,577,805 2,988,303,101 3,044,365,315
Intangible assets Imobilizari necorporale 23,437,440 22,752,925 15,563,225
Financial assets Imobilizari financiare 81,500,833 80,245,910 78,038,750
Non-current assets Creante pe termen lung 0 0 0
Assets of the usage rights for leased assets - Imobilizari af. Drepturilor de utilizare a activelor luate in
buildings leasing - cladiri 6,328,685
Total non-current assets Total active imobilizate 3,550,844,763 3,091,301,936 3,137,967,290

Current assets Active circulante

Inventories Stocuri 37,519,731 34,768,678 32,014,652
Trade and other receivables Creante comerciale si alte creante 706,350,248 1,063,594,025 818,529,879
Other financial assets Alte active financiare 85,000,000 0 0
Cash and cash equivalents Numerar si echivalente de numerar 320,768,647 482,158,679 520,746,500
Income tax to be recovered Impozit pe profit de recuperat 0 0 0
Total current assets Total active circulante 1,149,638,626 1,580,521,382 1,371,291,031

Total assets TOTAL ACTIVE 4,700,483,389 4,671,823,318 4,509,258,321


Shareholders’ Equity Capitaluri proprii
Share capital, of which: Capital social, din care: 733,031,420 733,031,420 733,031,420
Subscribed share capital Capital social subscris 733,031,420 733,031,420 733,031,420
Share premium Prima de emisiune 49,842,552 49,842,552 49,842,552
Legal reserves Rezerve legale 129,096,113 123,742,090 118,961,487
Revaluation reserves Rezerve din reevaluare 922,454,926 522,585,647 499,921,435
Other reserves Alte rezerve 15,771,718 66,664,045 56,953,503
Retained earnings Rezultatul reportat 1,433,931,608 1,313,139,735 1,258,921,369
Total shareholders’ equity Total capitaluri proprii 3,284,128,337 2,809,005,489 2,717,631,766

Non-current liabilities Datorii pe termen lung

Long term deferred revenues Venituri in avans pe termen lung 360,641,212 411,154,678 410,642,185
Long term borrowings Imprumuturi 122,835,499 143,866,115 195,185,934
Deferred tax liability Datorii privind impozitele amanate 136,853,805 56,100,417 25,036,280
Employee benefits liabilities Obligatiile privind beneficiile angajatilor 63,711,459 52,411,509 52,646,906
Total non-current liabilities Total datorii pe termen lung 684,041,975 663,532,719 683,511,305

Current liabilities Datorii curente

Trade and other liabilities Datorii comerciale si alte datorii 556,477,615 1,020,793,710 699,936,819
Other loans and assimilated liabilities -
Leasing of building Alte imprumuturi si datorii asimilate - Leasing - cladire 6,328,098
Other tax and social security liabilities Alte impozite si obligatii pentru asigurarile sociale 8752115 10,052,456 8,688,192
Short-term borrowings Imprumuturi 55,566,735 53,311,446 317,063,988
Provisions Provizioane 70,017,850 95,557,513 41,545,187
Short-term deferred revenues Venituri in avans pe termen scurt 37,209,745 19,329,257 40,881,064
Income tax payable Impozit pe profit de plata (2,039,081) 240,728 0
Total current liabilities Total datorii curente 732,313,077 1,199,285,110 1,108,115,250
Total liabilities Total datorii 1,416,355,052 1,862,817,829 1,791,626,555

Total shareholders’ equity and liabilities TOTAL CAPITALURI PROPRII SI DATORII 4,700,483,389 4,671,823,318 4,509,258,321
All amounts are presented in RON Toate sumele sunt exprimate in RON


Separate statement of profit or loss CONTUL DE PROFIT SI PIERDERE
Operating revenues Venituri din exploatare
Transmission revenues Venituri din serviciul de transport
System services revenues Venituri din servicii de sistem
Balancing market revenues Venituri din piata de echilibrare
Other revenues Alte venituri
Total operating revenues Total venituri

Operating expenses Cheltuieli de exploatare

System operating expenses Cheltuieli pentru operarea sistemului
Balancing market expenses Cheltuieli privind piata de echilibrare
Technological system services expenses Cheltuieli privind serviciile de sistem tehnologic
Depreciation and Amortisation Amortizare
Personnel expenses Cheltuieli cu personalul
Repairs and maintenance expenses Reparatii si mentenanta
Materials and consumables Cheltuieli cu materiale consumabile
Other operating expenses Alte cheltuieli din exploatare
Total operating expenses Total cheltuieli din exploatare

Operating profit Profit din exploatare

Financial income Venituri financiare

Financial expenses Cheltuieli financiare
Net finance result Rezultat financiar net

Profit before income tax Profit inainte de impozitul pe profit

Income tax Impozit pe profit

Net profit Profitul exercitiului

31-Dec-19 31-Dec-18 31-Dec-17

1,081,980,781 1,069,837,016 1,054,629,112

741,693,479 701,621,717 650,746,554
523,104,001 903,865,423 1,304,613,489
50,932,248 46,371,626 50,327,846
2,397,710,509 2,721,695,782 3,060,317,001

(351,742,734) (308,872,049) (257,916,731)

(523,104,001) (903,865,423) (1,304,613,489)
(676,467,560) (677,725,109) (661,323,176)
(280,042,435) (298,297,896) (311,853,273)
(209,931,878) (188,548,757) (178,575,211)
(101,597,713) (90,840,558) (84,765,211)
(8,520,744) (11,667,003) (8,316,853)
(130,474,874) (140,561,153) (184,958,423)
(2,281,881,939) (2,620,377,948) (2,992,322,367)

115,828,570 101,317,834 67,994,634

9,722,480 16,898,339 19,098,960

(18,470,590) (25,151,844) (40,219,198)
(8,748,110) (8,253,505) (21,120,238)

107,080,460 93,064,329 46,874,396

(11,049,503) (11,760,956) (18,607,221)

96,030,957 81,303,373 28,267,175

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