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Pivotal Response Treatment for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A

Systematic Review

Article  in  Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders · March 2013

DOI: 10.1007/s40489-013-0008-z


48 2,285

5 authors, including:

Rianne Verschuur Russell Lang

Dr. Leo Kannerhuis Centrum Voor Autisme Texas State University


Bibi Huskens


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Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61
DOI 10.1007/s40489-013-0008-z


Pivotal Response Treatment for Children with Autism

Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
Rianne Verschuur & Robert Didden & Russell Lang &
Jeff Sigafoos & Bibi Huskens

Received: 11 September 2013 / Accepted: 24 September 2013 / Published online: 26 October 2013
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract Intervention studies evaluating pivotal response The term autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a class of
treatment (PRT) were systematically identified and analyzed. pervasive developmental disorders characterized by impair-
Forty-three studies were summarized in terms of (a) participant ments in social interaction, deficits in speech/language and
characteristics, (b) dependent variables, (c) intervention proce- communication development, and restricted, repetitive, and ste-
dures, (d) intervention outcomes, and (e) certainty of evidence. reotyped behaviors (American Psychiatric Association 2013).
The majority of the reviewed studies (56.4 %) had serious The number of children diagnosed with ASD has increased in
methodological limitations. However, the reviewed studies that recent years (Baird et al. 2006; Baron-Cohen et al. 2009;
provided conclusive or preponderant evidence (43.6 %) indi- Fombonne 2009) and this increase is associated with growing
cated that PRT results in increases in self-initiations and collat- demands for effective educational services (Kogan et al. 2008).
eral improvements in communication and language, play skills, There is thus an increasing need for effective and cost efficient
affect and reductions in maladaptive behavior for a number of educational interventions for children with ASD.
children. Furthermore, the reviewed studies suggested that the Currently, there are numerous intervention methods that
majority of caregivers and staff members were able to imple- claim to be effective for educating children with ASD, includ-
ment PRT techniques, but evidence for collateral improve- ing various medications, speech/language therapy, assistive
ments in caregivers' and staff members' behaviors remains technology interventions, sensory integration therapy, music
sparse. Implications for future research are discussed. therapy, visual schedules, gentle teaching, holding therapy,
special diets, and vitamin supplements (e.g., Goin-Kochel
et al. 2007; Green et al. 2006; Hess et al. 2008; Howlin 2005;
Keywords Autism spectrum disorders . Pivotal response Simpson 2005). There is insufficient evidence to support the
treatment . Children . Systematic review use of most of these interventions (e.g., Howlin 2005; Lang
et al. 2012; Mulloy et al. 2010; Simpson 2005; Simpson and
R. Verschuur (*) : R. Didden
Keen 2011). However, a large body of research has demon-
Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen, strated positive effects from interventions based on the princi-
P.O. Box 9104( 6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands ples of applied behavior analysis (ABA), especially for teach-
e-mail: ing functional skills and reducing problem behavior in children
R. Verschuur : B. Huskens
with ASD (e.g., Matson et al. 1996; Matson and Smith 2008;
Dr Leo Kannerhuis, P.O. Box 62( 6865 ZH Doorwerth, National Research Council [NRC] 2001; Smith et al. 2007;
The Netherlands Vismara and Rogers 2010).
ABA-based approaches often involve teaching single re-
R. Lang
sponses in a structured one-to-one teaching paradigm
Clinic for Autism Research Evaluation and Support, Texas State
University—San Marcos, 601 University Dr, San Marcos, (Duker et al. 2004). This approach, sometimes referred to as
TX 78666, USA discrete-trial training (DTT), has been associated with gains in
intellectual functioning, language, and social skills of children
J. Sigafoos
with ASD and with reductions in problem behavior (e.g., Eldevik
School of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy, Victoria
University of Wellington, P.O. Box 17-310, Karori 6147( Wellington, et al. 2009; Lovaas 1987; Peters-Scheffer et al. 2011; Smith
New Zealand 2001; Vismara and Rogers 2010). However, the DTT approach
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61 35

also has some potential disadvantages. First, it has been noted to intervention in the child's natural environment to promote
be relatively time-consuming and costly (Koegel et al. 2003b, generalization (Stokes and Baer 1977). Family involvement,
1999c; Smith 2001; Vismara and Rogers 2010). Second, stimu- in the form of teaching parents and other caregivers to imple-
lus and response generalization may not occur, without additional ment the motivational procedures, is also emphasized (Koegel
generalization programming (Lovaas et al. 1973; Smith 2001; and Koegel 2006).
Steege et al. 2007; Stokes and Baer 1977; Vismara and The extent to which PRT can be considered to be an
Rogers 2010). evidence-based practice has been examined. For example,
To address these potential limitations of DDT, more natural- Simpson (2005) evaluated 33 treatments for children with
istic interventions have been developed (Allen and Cowan ASD and concluded that PRT is a scientifically based practice
2008). The latter approaches are generally considered to be for the education of children with autism. In 2009, the National
naturalistic in the sense that they (a) are typically conducted in Autism Center (NAC) also concluded that PRT is an established
a variety of natural settings, (b) tend to be more loosely struc- intervention. Another synthesis of research on PRT concluded
tured than interventions following a DTT format, (c) involve the that PRT effectively improved social and emotional behaviors of
use of a variety of motivational strategies, such as following the young children with ASD (Masiello 2003). A comparative
child's lead, (d) incorporate a variety of stimuli, prompts, and review, involving studies that compared naturalistic interven-
natural reinforcers, and (e) target clusters of responses rather than tions (including NLP and PRT) with DTT, concluded that
teaching skills involving a single response (Allan and Cowan naturalistic interventions were more effective in teaching lan-
2008; Delprato 2001; Koegel et al. 1987a, 1999c). Naturalistic guage to young children with ASD (Delprato 2001).
approaches typically include a package of teaching procedures Surprisingly, none of these reviews addressed the claim that
that are often referred to as involving (a) incidental teaching (e.g., PRT leads to improvements in untargeted behaviors via the
McGee et al. 1983, 1985), (b) milieu teaching (e.g., Hancock and targeting of pivotal behaviors. Thus, it remains unclear as to
Kaiser 2006), (c) the Natural Language Paradigm, or (d) Pivotal whether pivotal behaviors are in fact pivotal (Koegel et al. 2001).
Response Treatment (e.g., Koegel et al. 1987b; Koegel and It is also unclear whether the research on PRT supports the
Koegel 2006). theoretical model of PRT. Furthermore, none of the previous
Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT), which evolved from the reviews referenced above systematically considered caregiver or
Natural Language Paradigm (NLP), is described as a compre- staff variables that might impact on PRT implementation (e.g.,
hensive naturalistic intervention model based on ABA. PRT the extent to which parents can learn to use the techniques and
aims to teach pivotal behaviors to children with ASD in order the effects on parental affect or stress). This is a limitation
to achieve generalized improvements in their functioning because such variables could influence PRT's effectiveness
(Koegel et al. 2006). Pivotal behaviors are described as behav- (Koegel and Koegel 2006; Schreibman et al. 1991; Steiner
iors that, when targeted, lead to collateral improvements in 2011). In recent years, a large number of studies on the effec-
other—often untargeted—aspects of functioning. Pivotal re- tiveness of PRT have been conducted, which have not yet been
sponses are conceptually related to behavioral cusps. Rosales- included in previous systematic reviews. Given the limitations of
Ruiz and Baer (1997) describe behavioral cusps as behaviors in previous reviews and the recent growth in the number of PRT
which changes have far-reaching consequences, because those studies, a systematic review on PRT was considered important
behavior changes expose the individual to new reinforcers, and timely.
contingencies, and environments. The concepts of pivotal re- The purpose of this systematic review was to analyze the
sponses and behavioral cusps are similar in that they both aim research on PRT in order to (a) document the range of skills
to facilitate further development by prioritizing target behaviors that have been targeted for improvement with PRT, (b) assess
that lead to widespread behavior change. the success of PRT for improving the skills of children with
So far, research has focused on four aspects of functioning ASD (i.e., pivotal skills and untargeted skills), (c) assess the
that appear to be pivotal: (a) motivation, (b) self-initiations, (c) success of PRT for improving the skills of caregivers and staff,
responding to multiple cues, and (d) self-management (d) evaluate the certainty of evidence arising from these stud-
(Koegel et al. 1999a, c, 2001). Motivational procedures are ies, (e) identify limitations of the existing evidence base, and
incorporated to teach pivotal behaviors and include: (a) fol- (f) suggest directions for future research.
lowing the child's lead and offering choices, (b) gaining the
child's attention, (c) providing clear opportunities to respond,
including shared control and turn taking, (d) varying tasks and Method
interspersing maintenance and acquisition tasks, (e) using
contingent and natural reinforcement, and (f) reinforcing at- Search Procedures
tempts at target skills (e.g., Dunlap and Koegel 1980; Koegel
et al. 1999a, c, 1987a; Koegel and Koegel 2006; Koegel et al. To identify studies for inclusion in this review, we searched
2001, 1988). A critical feature of PRT is implementation of the five electronic databases: Education Resources Information
36 Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61

Center (ERIC), Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, However, the Hancock and Kaiser study was excluded because
Medline, PubMed, and PsychINFO. Publication year was not it did not specifically evaluate either PRT or NLP and because
restricted, but searches were limited to peer-reviewed studies. EMT includes additional intervention components not com-
Within each database, the following parenthetical terms were monly considered inherent to PRT. Studies were also excluded
entered as free text into the keywords field (PRT or pivotal if the motivational techniques of PRT or NLP were implement-
response treatment or pivotal response training or pivotal ed, but the purpose of the study was not to evaluate PRT or
response therapy or pivotal response intervention or pivotal NLP. For example Sherer and Schreibman (2005) investigated
response teaching or pivotal response or NLP or natural whether a behavioral profile predicted children's response to
language paradigm) and combined with autis* or ASD or PRT. Although PRT was implemented, the purpose of the study
pervasive developmental disorder or PDD-NOS or Asperger. was not to evaluate PRT. The study was therefore excluded.
The abstracts of the studies returned from the electronic Ultimately, 43 studies met the inclusion criteria.
database searches were reviewed to determine if the study
met the inclusion criteria (see Inclusion and Exclusion Data Extraction
Criteria). In addition, following the database searches, hand
searches—covering December 2012 to June 2013—were Included studies were summarized in terms of (a) participant
conducted on the journals that had published at least two characteristics (i.e., characteristics of the children with ASD
studies identified for the review from the electronic database and characteristics of parents or staff that implemented PRT),
searches. Finally, the reference lists of the studies meeting the (b) dependent variables, (c) intervention procedures, (d) inter-
inclusion criteria were reviewed to identify additional studies vention outcomes, including measures on follow-up, general-
for inclusion. Searches of databases, journals, and reference ization and, social validity, and (e) certainty of evidence.
lists occurred from February to June 2013. A total of 441 Various procedural aspects were also noted, including method
abstracts were screened for inclusion (see Reliability of of data-collection, implementer, experimental design, inter-
Search and Coding Procedures). observer agreement, and treatment fidelity.
Intervention outcomes of PRT were first summarized as
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria reported by the study's authors. Further, intervention outcomes
of PRT were classified as positive, mixed, or negative (e.g.,
To be included in this review, studies had to meet the follow- Lang et al. 2012; Machalicek et al. 2008; Palmen et al. 2012).
ing predetermined criteria. First, at least one of the participants Results were classified as positive in single-case design studies
had to have been diagnosed with Autistic Disorder, Asperger's if visual analysis of graphed data revealed that all participants
Disorder, or Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not improved on all dependent variables. In studies using a group
Otherwise Specified. Second, the study had to have included design, results were classified as positive if the PRT group
an empirical evaluation of either PRT or NLP. In order to meet made statistically significant improvements on all dependent
this criterion, the study had to involve implementation of at variables. Results were classified as mixed in single-case de-
least one antecedent motivational technique (i.e., following sign studies if some, but not all participants or dependent
the child's lead, getting the child's attention, providing a clear variables improved. In studies using a group design, results
opportunity for responding, or interspersing maintenance and were classified as mixed if the PRT group statistically signifi-
acquisition tasks) and one consequent motivational technique cant improved on some, but not all dependent variables.
(i.e., contingent and natural reinforcement or reinforcement of Results were classified as negative in single-case studies if
attempts) and the study had to refer to the intervention as PRT none of the participants improved on any dependent variable.
or NLP or explicitly state the specific motivational techniques In studies using a group design, results were classified as
that were implemented (Koegel and Koegel 2006; Koegel negative if the PRT group did not make statistically significant
et al. 2010c, 1987b). Third, the study has to have been written improvements on any dependent variable.
in English, Dutch, or German (i.e., languages understood by Certainty of evidence was evaluated for each study by
the authors of this review). Studies were excluded if the considering several methodological characteristics (e.g., re-
motivational techniques of PRT and NLP were implemented, search design) in order to provide an overview of the quality
but the intervention evaluated was not referred to as PRT or of evidence of research on PRT (Schlosser and Sigafoos 2007).
NLP. For example, Hancock and Kaiser (2002) examined the The certainty of evidence for each study was rated as either
effects of Enhanced Milieu Teaching (EMT) for developing “suggestive”, “preponderant” or “conclusive”, using the clas-
social communication skills of preschool children with ASD. sification system as described by Lang et al. (2012), Palmen
The milieu teaching procedures included following the child's et al. (2012), Ramdoss et al. (2011) and Ramdoss et al. (2012).
lead and giving the child access to requested objects (i.e., The lowest level of certainty was suggestive evidence. Studies
natural reinforcement). The approach thus shared some of classified as “suggestive” did not evaluate the intervention with
the motivational techniques associated with PRT and NLP. an experimental design (e.g., AB-design or intervention-only
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61 37

design). The second level was preponderant evidence. Studies studies were consolidated into one summary (e.g., Pierce and
classified as ‘preponderant’ had the following qualities: (a) the Schreibman 1997a, b). A total of 39 summaries were devel-
study used an experimental design (e.g., group design with oped. To ensure the accuracy of these summaries and to
random assignment, ABAB-design or multiple baseline de- calculate inter-coder agreement on the extraction of data, the
sign), (b) adequate inter-observer agreement and treatment last author used a checklist containing five questions: (a) Is
fidelity were reported (i.e., measured during at least 20 % of this an accurate description of the participants? (b) Is this an
the sessions with at least 80 % agreement and fidelity), (c) accurate description of the dependent variables? (c) Is this an
operational definitions for dependent variables were provided accurate description of the intervention procedures? (d) Is this
and (d) sufficient details for replication of intervention proce- an accurate description of the intervention outcomes? and, (e)
dures were provided. However, studies at the preponderant Is this an accurate description of the certainty of evidence?
level were limited in their ability to control for alternative There were 195 items on which there could be agreement of
explanations for treatment outcomes. For example, if two co- disagreement (i.e., 39 studies with five items per study). Initial
inciding interventions (e.g., PRT and DTT) were targeting the agreement was obtained on 184 items (94 %). If a summary
same dependent variable and no design feature controlled for was considered inaccurate, the co-authors discussed the study
the effect of DTT, the study was classified as “preponderant”. and the summary and made changes. This process was con-
The highest level was conclusive evidence. Studies classified tinued until consensus was achieved.
as “conclusive” contained all the attributes of the preponderant
level, but the study's design also provided at least some control
for alternative explanations for treatment outcomes (e.g., a
group design with appropriate randomization and blinding or
a concurrent multiple baseline design).
Table 1 summarizes each of the included studies in terms of
(a) participant characteristics, (b) dependent variables, (c)
Reliability of Search and Coding Procedures
intervention procedures, (d) intervention outcomes, and (e)
certainty of evidence.
The first and last author of this review independently conducted
the database search to check agreement. The reliability of the
database search was determined by calculating the percentage Participant Characteristics
of articles identified by both authors out of the total number of
identified articles (99 % initial agreement on the database In 37 of the summarized studies, data on child characteristics
search). A total of 436 articles were identified during the initial were reported. A total of 420 children participated in these
database search. The first and last author then independently studies. The sample size of participants ranged from 2 to 158
screened the abstracts of the 436 articles for possible inclusion. with 14 studies involving more than 6 children. Of the 420
The resulting lists of abstracts were compared across co- children, 298 (71.0 %) were male, 65 (15.4 %) were female and
authors. Agreement as to whether a study should be considered the sex of 57 children (13.6 %) was not reported. Children
for inclusion was 90 % (i.e., agreement was obtained on 393 of ranged in age from 1;0 to 12;7 years; months (M =4;7 years).
the 436 studies). A total of 136 studies were further screened for The majority of the children (n =221; 52.6 %) were identified as
possible inclusion in this review applying the inclusion and having ASD, but a specific diagnosis was not stated. One-
exclusion criteria. Agreement as to whether a study should be hundred eighty-one children were diagnosed with autism
included or excluded was obtained on 114 of the 136 studies (43.1 %), six with PDD-NOS (1.4 %) and two with
(i.e., agreement was 84 %). The disputed articles were then Asperger's syndrome (0.5 %). Ten children (2.4 %) did not have
discussed by the co-authors until 100 % agreement was a formal diagnosis of ASD, but met the cutoff score for an ASD
achieved. Next, hand searches, covering December 2012 to on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule or Autism
June 2013 were conducted for journals that published at least Diagnostic Interview—Revised. In addition to ASD, one child
two included studies. This journal search identified one addi- also had developmental delays and mental retardation.
tional study for inclusion. Finally, the reference lists of the Nine studies reported data on caregiver characteristics. A
included studies were searched and another four studies were total number of 121 caregivers participated in these studies. Of
identified for inclusion. Agreement on the inclusion of the the 121 caregivers, 22 (18.2 %) were male, 75 (62.0 %) were
studies identified via hand searches and reference list searches female and the sex of 24 caregivers (19.8 %) was not reported.
was 100 %. Ultimately, 43 studies were included in this review. The caregivers were mainly the children's parents, but three
After the list of included studies was agreed upon, the first studies also included a grandparent or one-to-one intervention-
author extracted information to develop an initial summary of ist (Koegel et al. 2002; Randolph et al. 2011; Symon 2005).
the 43 included studies. In cases where two studies presented Caregiver education level was reported in six studies and
results from the same group of participants, the data from both ranged from high school to a graduate degree.

Table 1 Summary of included studies

Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

Baker-Ericzén et al. Children: N =158 (83 % male, 17 % Child behaviors: Intervention: 12-week parent Children: positive Suggestive: pre-experimental design
(2007) female); M age=49.36 months; Pivotal behaviors: NR education program (12 1-h Adaptive functioning: statistically sign. (pretest-post design, without control
with autistic disorder or PDD-NOS; Other behaviors: adaptive functioning individual sessions), consisting improvement on the ABC and each group); IOA and TF were NR;
with various ethnic backgrounds (Vineland Adaptive Behavior of a manual, teaching of PRT sub domain of the VABS; no operational definition of dependent
Scales; VABS) techniques, completing teaching statistically sign. differences variable; insufficient details on
activities, discussing strategies and between boys and girls or ethnic intervention procedures (i.e., parent
weekly home assignments. backgrounds; statistically sign. training); limited control for
PRT techniques: child's choice; clear difference between age groups at alternative outcomes due to pre-
opportunities and shared control; pretest and posttest (children ≤ experimental design
interspersal of maintenance and 3 years were less impaired at pretest
acquisition tasks; natural and showed most improvement at
reinforcement; reinforcement of posttest), but improvement was
attempts. statistically sign. for all age groups;
Implementer: PRT-trained therapists FU: NR. Gen: NR. SV: NR
(i.e., master's level developmental
specialists or doctoral level clinical
psychologist) (parent training),
parents (PRT)
Bernard-Opitz et al. Children: N =8 (gender NR); aged 28– Child behaviors: Intervention: 6 h of training per week Children: mixed (play condition) Suggestive: quasi-experimental design
(2004) 44 months; 7 children met cutoff Pivotal behaviors: NR during 5 weeks for behavioral Autism symptoms: reduced (i.e., counterbalanced crossover
score for autism on ADI-R; 2 Other behaviors: autism symptoms (DTT) and play (NLP) condition; communication and interaction design, with too small number of
groups, matched on age, ADI-R, (PL-ADOS); symbolic play (SPT); 10 h of therapy by parents per scores for 7 children, reduced play pre- and post-intervention data
PL-ADOS and Symbolic Play Test compliance; attending behavior; week during both conditions scores for 5 children and reduced points); IOA was inadequate for
(SPT) communication (observation) PRT techniques: child's choice; natural stereotyped behavior scores for 7 attending behavior and TF was NR,
reinforcement children after both conditions (play however, intervention conditions
Implementer: psychology (honors) condition separately was NR) were validated; no operational
graduate (behavioral or play); Symbolic play: increase for 5 children definitions some dependent
parent (both); coordinator (pre- and after both conditions variables (i.e., compliance,
post-intervention sessions) Communication: increase for all 4 attending behavior and
verbal children across communication); insufficient details
communication partners after both on intervention procedures (i.e.,
conditions content of sessions); limited control
Compliance: increase for 2 children for alternative explanations due to
with coordinators and for 4 children quasi-experimental design
with parents (play)
Attending behavior: increase for 1
child with coordinators and for 5
children with parents (play)
FU: NR. Gen: Yes: NR. SV: Yes
Coolican et al. (2010) Children: N =8 (7 males, 1 female); Child behavior: Intervention: 3 2-h individual PRT Children: mixed Preponderant: true experimental design
aged 2;4–4;8 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: type of utterance training sessions, consisting of a Initiations: no statistically sign. change (i.e., non-concurrent multiple
Parents: N =8 (3 fathers, 5 mothers); (observation of initiations) manual, instruction, modeling, Functional verbal utterances: baseline design across participants);
middle to upper-middle Other behaviors: functional verbal practice and in vivo feedback statistically sign. increase, but adequate IOA and TF (PRT) for 5
socioeconomic class utterances (observation); type of PRT techniques: clear opportunities; minimal gains for 2 children; parents, but TF (parent training) was
utterances (observation of child's choice; contingent maintained during FU, but (slight) NR; operational definitions of
appropriate/inappropriate, reinforcement; natural decreases for 5 children dependent variables; sufficient
utterances, degree to which reinforcement; reinforcement of Type of utterances: statistically sign. details on intervention procedures;
utterances were prompted and no attempts increase in appropriate utterances limited control alternative
response); disruptive behavior and indirectly prompted responses explanations due to non-concurrent
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61
Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

(observation); expressive and Implementer: parents (PRT) and NR and decrease in no responses, multiple baseline design (i.e.,
receptive language (Preschool for parent training maintained during FU; no limited control for history)
Language Scale 4th edition, PLS-4; statistically sign. change in model
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test prompted and inappropriate
3rd edition, PPVT-3. responses
Parent behavior: fidelity of PRT Disruptive behavior: no statistically
implementation (observation); sign. decrease due to low level of
parental self-efficacy (Parental Self- disruptive behavior during baseline
Efficacy Scale) Expressive language: no statistically
sign. increase on Expressive
Communication (EC) of PLS-4, but
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61

large gains for 2 children

Receptive language: no statistically
sign. increase on Auditory
Comprehension (AC), but large
gains for 2 children; no statistically
sign. increase on PPVT-3, but
increase in single word receptive
vocabulary for 3 children
Parents: mixed
Fidelity of implementation: sign.
increase in fidelity of
implementation, maintained during
FU; 5 parents met criterion post-
Parental self-efficacy: no statistically
sign. increase
FU: Yes. Gen: NR. SV: Yes
Gianoumis et al. (2012) Children: N =6 (3 males, 3 females); Child behavior: Intervention: NLP behavioral skills Children: mixed Conclusive: true experimental design
aged 3–4 years; with ASD Pivotal behaviors: NR group staff training, consisting of Appropriate vocalization: increase for (i.e., multiple baseline design across
Staff: N =3 (3 females); preschool Other behaviors: appropriate instruction, rehearsal, modeling and 4 children staff; starting points of intervention
teacher assistants; experience: vocalization (observation); feedback plus 4–5 10-min Maladaptive behavior: decrease for 4 were staggered); adequate IOA and
1–2 years maladaptive behavior (observation) individual sessions children TF (staff training); operational
Staff behavior: performing a stimulus PRT techniques: child's choice; clear Staff: positive definitions of dependent variables;
preference assessment (SPA; opportunities; immediate and Performing SPA: increase for all 3 staff sufficient details on intervention
observation); conducting a NLP contingent reinforcement; natural Conducting NLP: increase for all 3 procedures; control for alternative
teaching session (observation) reinforcement staff explanations
Implementer: experimenter (staff FU: NR. Gen: Yes (generalization of
training) and staff (NLP) staff's skills to another child); SV:
Gillet et al. (2007) Children: N =3 (3 males); aged Child behaviors: Intervention: Children: mixed Preponderant: true experimental design
4–5 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: spontaneous Parent training: training sessions Spontaneous vocalizations: increase (i.e., non-concurrent multiple
Parents: N =3 (3 females); aged vocalizations (observation) consisting of instruction, video for 2 children and slight increase for baseline design across dyads);
34–38 years; education level: high Other behaviors: prompted model, practice, immediate/delayed 1 child adequate IOA and TF (NLP
school—PhD vocalizations; mean length of feedback until 3 sets of 10 NLP Prompted vocalizations: increase for 1 implementation), TF (parent
utterance (MLU); appropriate play; trials were conducted with 90 % child training) was NR, however, parent
inappropriate play (observation) correct implementation for each MLU: increase for 2 children training was successfully replicated
Parent behaviors: NLP component and 2 sets of 10 NLP Appropriate play: increase for 2 with 3 parents (i.e., all 3 met
implementation (observation) trials were scored at 90 % accuracy children criterion for fidelity of
implementation), suggesting TF

Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

NLP implementation: 3–6 10-min Inappropriate play: decrease for 1 (parent training) was adequate;
sessions 1–2 times a week (number child; no play decreased for 2 operational definition of dependent
of weeks NR), consisting of PRT children variables; sufficient details on
techniques and modeling of Parents: positive intervention procedures; limited
appropriate vocalizations and play NLP implementation: all 3 parents control alternative explanations due
PRT techniques: child's choice; clear reached criterion level in minimum to non-concurrent multiple baseline
opportunities (turn taking); number of sessions, which was design (i.e., limited control for
immediate and contingent maintained during NLP history)
reinforcement; natural implementation
reinforcement; reinforcement of FU: NR. Gen: Yes (for 1 child, to home
attempts (loose shaping) situation). SV: Yes
Implementer: psychologist (parent
training), parents (NLP)
Harper et al. (2008) Children: N =2 (2 males); aged 8;6 and Child behaviors: Intervention: Children: positive Suggestive: quasi-experimental design
9;1 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: gaining attention Peer training: 7 20-min training Gaining attention: increase for (i.e., multiple baseline design across
Peers: N =6 (2 males, 4 females); aged (observation; N =1); initiations to sessions consisting of strategy participant 1, maintained during 2 children); adequate IOA and
8–9 years; without disabilities play (observation; N =1) instruction, visual training cards, generalization TF(except for 1 peer scoring below
Other behaviors: turn taking cue cards, modeling, role-play, Initiations of play: slight increase for criterion on narrating play);
(observation; N =2) reinforcement, assessment of participant 2, maintained during operational definitions of dependent
Peer behaviors: NR understanding and generalization to generalization variables; sufficient details on
playground Turn taking: increase for participant 1 intervention procedures; limited
PRT intervention: 20-min morning and slight increase for participant 2, control for alternative explanations
recess period on 7 consecutive days maintained during generalization due to quasi-experimental design
involving 2 peers per child FU: NR. Gen: Yes (to baseline
implementing PRT techniques and condition). SV: NR
narrative play
PRT techniques: child's attention; clear
opportunities (i.e., turn taking); task
variation; reinforcement of attempts
Implementer: study's first author (peer
training), peers (PRT intervention)
Huskens et al. (2012) Children: N =5 (4 males, 1 female); Child behavior: Intervention: 2 8-h PRT group training Children: mixed Conclusive: true experimental design
aged 10;3–12;4 years; 4 with PDD- Pivotal behaviors: child initiations days consisting of instruction, video Child initiations following a learning (i.e., multiple baseline design across
NOS and 1 with Asperger's disorder following a learning opportunity models, assignments and role-play; opportunity: sign. increase for 2 dyads; starting point of intervention
Staff: N =5 (5 female); direct care staff and spontaneous child initiations 3 15-min individual video feedback children from baseline to post- (video feedback) were staggered);
of day treatment facility; (observation) sessions instruction (TAUnovlap = 1 resp. adequate IOA and TF (video
experience: 8 months–7 years Other behaviors: NR PRT techniques: follow child; clear 0.82), for 1 child from video feedback); operational definitions of
Staff behavior: creating learning opportunity; immediate and feedback to FU (TAUnovlap = 1) dependent variables; sufficient
opportunities (observation) contingent reinforcement; natural Spontaneous child initiations: sign. details on intervention procedures;
reinforcement; reinforcement of increase for 1 child from post- control for alternative explanations
attempts instruction to feedback
Implementer: psychologist (staff (TAUnovlap = 1)
training), staff (PRT) Staff: mixed
Creating learning opportunities: sign.
increase for 3 staff members from
baseline to post-instruction (overall
TAUnovlap = 0.85) and for 1 staff
member from post-instruction to
video feedback (overall TAUnovlap =
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61
Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

0.11); sign. decrease for 1 staff

member during FU
FU: Yes. Gen: NR. SV: Yes
Koegel et al. (1998a) Children: N =3 (2 males, 1 female); Child behaviors: Intervention: 30-min sessions, Children: positive Preponderant: true experimental design
aged 3.75–5.42 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: number of consisting of PRT techniques, Spontaneously asked questions: (i.e., multiple baseline design across
(N =2) and with developmental spontaneously asked questions prompting, time delay and fading increase for all 3 children during participants; starting points of
delays, mental retardation and (observation) (from preferred to neutral items; intervention; some decrease during intervention were staggered);
autism (N =1) Other behaviors: number of new from opaque bag to visible items) fading, but children continued to adequate IOA, TF was NR, despite
stimulus items labeled correctly PRT techniques: child's choice; clear spontaneously ask questions multi component intervention;
(observation) opportunities; task variation and Correctly labeled new stimulus items: operational definitions of dependent
interspersal of maintenance and increase for all 3 children variables; sufficient details on
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61

acquisition tasks; natural FU: NR. Gen: Yes (across stimuli, intervention procedures; control for
reinforcement settings and people). SV: NR alternative explanations
Implementer: clinician and child's
mother (generalization)
Koegel et al. (2003a, b) Children: N =2 (2 males); aged 6;3 and Child behaviors: Intervention: 2 30-min sessions a Children: positive (for reported Suggestive: quasi-experimental design
4;4 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: number of week, consisting of PRT techniques outcomes) (i.e., multiple baseline design across
productions of self-initiated query and prompting Number of productions of query and only 2 children); adequate IOA, but
(observation) PRT techniques: child's choice; clear occurrences of targeted morpheme: TF was NR; no operational
Other behaviors: number of opportunities; natural reinforcement NR definitions of some dependent
occurrences of targeted morpheme; Implementer: interventionist Percentage correct productions of variables (i.e., MLU, generalized
percentage correct productions of targeted morpheme: increase for use of child-initiated query and
target morpheme; MLU; both children diversity of verbs); insufficient
generalized use of child-initiated MLU: increase for both children details on intervention procedures
query; total number of verbs; Generalized use of child-initiated (i.e., duration of intervention,
diversity of verbs (observation) query: increase for both children prompting); limited control for
Total number of verbs: increase for alternative explanations due to
both children quasi-experimental design
Diversity of verbs: increase for both
FU: NR. Gen: Yes (across verbs and
settings). SV: NR
Koegel et al. (2010a) Children: N =3 (3 males); aged 3;2– Child behavior: Intervention: twice weekly 60-min Children: positive Preponderant: true experimental design
4;8 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: percentage of sessions, including hiding of desired Unprompted where questions: increase (multiple baseline design across
unprompted ‘where’ questions items, prompting, reinforcement in unprompted where questions for participants; starting points of
(observation of social initiations) and prompt fading all 3 children; generalization to intervention were staggered);
Other behaviors: number of correct PRT techniques: child's; clear home setting adequate IOA, but TF was NR;
individually targeted prepositions/ opportunities; contingent Prepositions/ordinal markers: increase operational definitions of dependent
ordinal markers (observation) reinforcement; natural in language structures for all 3 variables; sufficient details on
reinforcement children intervention procedures; control for
Implementer: clinician FU: NR. Gen: Yes (generalization to alternative explanations
home setting). SV: NR
Koegel et al. (1999b) Children (phase 2): N =4 (gender NR); Child behaviors (phase 2): Intervention: 60-min 1-to-1 sessions Children: positive Suggestive: pre-experimental design
aged 2;7–3;11 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: number of twice weekly during an average of Spontaneous initiations: increase for (i.e., pretest–posttest design,
spontaneous initiations 2;6 years, consisting of PRT all 4 children without control group); adequate
(observation) techniques, prompting and fading Language age: change was NR IOA for most dependent variables
Other behaviors: language age PRT techniques: child's choice; clear Pragmatic ratings: increase for all 4 (i.e., only IOA for pragmatic ratings
(Brown's stages of development), opportunities; task variation; natural children to appropriate pragmatic was 79 %), but TF was NR;
pragmatic ratings (9-point Likert reinforcement behavior operational definitions of dependent
rating scale), adaptive functioning Implementer: clinician variables; sufficient details on

Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

(VABS), social and community Adaptive functioning: increase for all 4 intervention procedures; no control
functioning (records from school children to level close to calendar for alternative explanations due to
files etc.) age pre-experimental design
Social/community functioning: regular
education, (above) average grades,
social circles with typically
developing peers outside school,
extracurricular activities and no
diagnosis of autism post-
intervention for all 4 children
FU: NR. Gen: NR. SV: NR
Koegel et al. (2012) Children: N =3 (2 males, 1 female); Child behavior: Intervention: weekly 10-min sessions Children: positive Preponderant: true experimental design
aged 5–6 years; 2 with autism and 1 Pivotal behaviors: unprompted peer- consisting of facilitated social play Unprompted peer-directed initiations: (i.e., non-concurrent multiple
with Asperger's disorder directed initiations (observation) without initiations training for 2 increase for all 3 children; large baseline design across children;
Other behaviors: social engagement children (prompting peers; effect (d =1.1 resp. 1.2 resp. 1.2) starting points of intervention were
(observation); affect (observation) encouragement of play; prompting Social engagement: increase for all 3 staggered); adequate IOA and TF;
responses to peers; game children; large effect (d =2.5 resp. operational definitions of dependent
supervision) and/or facilitated social 4.9 resp. 1.2) variables; sufficient details on
play with initiations training for all Affect: increase for all 3 children; large intervention procedures; limited
3 children (prompting initiations effect (d =4.2 resp. 4.0 resp. 4.3) control for alternative explanations
and responses to peers) FU: Yes (for 1 participant). Gen: Yes due to non-concurrent multiple
PRT techniques: child's choice; task (generalization to no-interventionist baseline design (i.e., limited control
variation; natural reinforcement condition); SV: NR for history)
Implementer: (under)graduate
university students in psychology
Koegel et al. (2010b) Children: N =4 (3 males, 1 female); Child behavior: Intervention: sessions including a Children: positive Suggestive: true experimental design
aged 4;3–7;8 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: interest (5-point writing (N =4) or math (N =2) Interest: increase for all 4 children and (non-concurrent multiple baseline
Likert rating scale) activity and PRT techniques during both tasks, maintained design across participants and
Other behaviors: latency (to begin a PRT techniques: child's choice; task during post-intervention behaviors; starting points of
task), rate (productivity) and variation and interspersal of easy Latency: decrease for all 4 children and intervention were staggered);
disruptive behavior (observation) and difficult tasks; contingent during both tasks, maintained adequate IOA, but TF was NR;
reinforcement; natural during post-intervention operational definitions of dependent
reinforcement Rate: increase for all 4 children and variables; insufficient details on
Implementer: NR during both tasks, maintained intervention procedures; limited
during post-intervention control for alternative explanations
Disruptive behavior: decrease for all 4 due to non-concurrent multiple
children and during both tasks, baseline design (i.e., limited control
maintained during post-intervention for history)
FU: NR. Gen: NR. SV: NR
Koegel et al. (1996) Children: N =17 (10 males, 7 females); Child behavior: NR Intervention: manualized procedures, Parents (PRT only): positive Suggestive: pre-experimental design
aged 3–9; with autism; in 2 groups: Parent behavior: interactional patterns (video) modeling, practice and Interactional patterns: increase from (pretest–posttest design for 2
PRT (N =7) and Individual Target (6-point Likert rating scales for feedback until criterion of 80 % neutral to positive rating on all 4 interventions without control
Behavior (IBT; N =10); groups happiness, interest, stress level and correct implementation was met for scales; statistically sign. greater group); adequate IOA and TF
similar with regard to age and communication style) both conditions. ITB: present increase on all 4 scales in PRT (intervention) was NR, but parent
adaptive functioning discrete trials and clear instructions, condition training continued until criterion
Parents: N and gender were NR; wide select functional reinforcers, present FU: NR. Gen: NR. SV: NR was met, suggesting adequate TF
range of socioeconomic levels reinforcers only after correct (intervention), TF (parent training)
response and use shaping and was NR; operational definitions of
prompting. PRT: PRT techniques dependent variables; insufficient
details on intervention procedures
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61
Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

PRT techniques: child's choice; (i.e., duration and intensity of

interspersal of maintenance and intervention were NR); limited
acquisition tasks; natural control for alternative explanations
reinforcement; reinforcement due to pre-experimental design
of attempts; multiple cues
Implementer: therapists (parent
training), parents (PRT or ITB)
Koegel et al. (1998b) Children: N =5 (4 males, 1 female); Child behaviors: Intervention: Children: mixed Preponderant: true experimental design
aged 3;8–7;6 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: NR Analogue condition:2 45-min sessions Percentage correct production of (i.e., ABA design with
Other behaviors: percentage correct a week until 80 % criterion level target sounds during conversation: counterbalanced order of conditions
production of target sounds during was met for each step (target sound increase to high level of correctly across participants, including
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61

conversation (observation); overall prompted, target sound produced target sounds in baseline measures prior to each
intelligibility (6-point Likert rating spontaneous, word prompted, word naturalistic condition for all 5 condition: ABACAB or ACABAC,
scale) spontaneous, sentence), including children, low levels of correctly B = analogue and C = naturalistic);
modeling, prompting, produced target sounds in analogue IOA was adequate for production of
reinforcement and shaping condition for all 5 children target sounds, but not for
Naturalistic condition: 2 45-min Overall intelligibility: 1- to 2-point intelligibility, adequate TF;
sessions a week to teach target improvement for 4 of 5 children operational definitions of dependent
sound in words, including PRT from pre- to posttest (naturalistic variables; sufficient details on
techniques and modeling of target condition separately was NR) intervention procedures; limited
sound FU: NR. Gen: Yes (across settings). control for alternative explanations
PRT techniques: child's choice; clear SV: NR (i.e., interaction effects)
opportunities; reinforcement of
Implementer: clinician
Koegel et al. (1992) Children: N =3 (2 males, 1 female); Child behaviors: Intervention: 1–3 10-min sessions on Children: positive Suggestive: quasi-experimental design
aged 3;4–4;6 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: NR 1 day a week during 3 months in Disruptive behavior: less disruptive (i.e., repeated reversals design with
Clinician: NR Other behaviors: disruptive behavior; either analogue condition behavior during NLP for all 3 2 conditions (analogue and NLP)
individual language targets (consisting of instruction, children with order of conditions and
(observation) prompting, shaping and Individual language targets: more number of sessions varied across
Clinician behaviors: instruction reinforcement) or NLP condition correct target language behavior and within subjects, without
pertaining task-related and (consisting of PRT techniques and during NLP baseline condition); adequate IOA
disruptive behavior; presentation of modeling of target response) Clinician: mixed and TF; operational definitions of
reinforcement (observation) PRT techniques: child's choice; task Task-related: more task-related dependent variables; sufficient
variation; natural reinforcement; instruction during NLP details on intervention procedures;
reinforcement of attempts Disruptive behavior: less instruction control for alternative explanations
Implementer: clinician (advanced pertaining disruptive behavior due to quasi-experimental design
doctoral student) during NLP
Reinforcement: slightly less
reinforcement during NLP
FU: NR. Gen: Yes (to parents); SV: NR
Koegel et al. (1987b) Children: N =2 (gender NR); aged 4;5 Children: Intervention: 2-h NLP sessions Children: positive Suggestive: quasi-experimental design
and 5;8 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: spontaneous speech consisting of PRT techniques and Imitative utterances: increase in (i.e., multiple baseline design across
(observation) modeling of target response immediate and deferred imitative 2 children and analogue teaching
Other behaviors: immediate and PRT techniques: child's choice; task utterances for both children; during baseline); IOA inadequate in
deferred imitative utterances variation; natural reinforcement; increase in immediate imitative generalization settings and TF was
(observation) reinforcement of attempts utterances in generalization setting NR; operational definitions of
Implementer: clinician Spontaneous speech: increase for both dependent variables; insufficient
children; slight increase for both details on intervention procedures
children in generalization setting (i.e., treatment duration); limited

Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

FU: Yes (for 1 child). Gen: Yes (across control for alternative explanations
settings). SV: NR due to quasi-experimental design
Koegel et al. (2002) Children: N =5 (2 males, 3 females); Child behaviors: Intervention: 5 consecutive 5-h parent Children: positive Preponderant: true experimental design
aged 3;10–5;7 years; with ASD Pivotal behaviors: NR training days, consisting of a Functional verbal response: increase (non-concurrent multiple baseline
Parents: N =9 (5 mothers, 3 fathers, 1 Other behaviors: functional verbal manual, modeling and feedback to for all 5 children, maintained during design across children); IOA was
grandmother); 8 parents had post-high responses (observation) teach PRT techniques FU adequate for most dependent
school education degrees Parent behaviors: fidelity of PRT PRT techniques: child's choice; clear Parents: positive variables for most children, TF
implementation (observation); opportunities; task variation and Fidelity of implementation: increase (PRT) was adequate, TF (parent
parental affect (observation) interspersal of maintenance and for all parents, maintained during education) was NR, however,
acquisition tasks; immediate and FU parent education was successfully
contingent reinforcement; natural Parental affect: increase to positive replicated with 3 parents (i.e., all 3
reinforcement; reinforcement of affect level during intervention for 4 met criterion for fidelity),
attempts parents, maintained during FU; suggesting TF (parent education)
Implementer: parent educator (i.e., increase to positive level during FU was adequate; operational
advanced doctoral student) and for 1 parent definitions of dependent variables;
parents (PRT) FU: Yes. Gen: Yes (to home situation). sufficient details on intervention
SV: NR procedures; limited control for
alternative explanations due to non-
concurrent multiple baseline design
(i.e., limited control for history)
Kuhn et al. (2008) Children: N =2 (2 males); aged 7 and Child behaviors: Intervention: Children: mixed Suggestive: quasi-experimental design
8 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: initiations Peer training: 8 20-min training, Initiations: increase for both children (i.e., multiple baseline design across
Peers: N =5 (4 males, 1 female); aged (observation) consisting of picture prompts, with peer group A and for 1 child 2 peer groups); adequate IOA and
6–8 years; 3 with specific learning Other behaviors: responses to peer modeling, role-play and feedback with peer group B TF; no operational definition of
disabilities, 1 with mild mental prompts (observation); rate of Generalization (PRT implementation): Responses: increase for both children some dependent variables (i.e.,
retardation and 1 with a responses to prompts (observation) 3–4 10-min sessions including play with peer group A; slight increase interaction opportunities); sufficient
developmental disability; divided in Peer behaviors: interaction with target child and fading of for both children with peer group B details on intervention procedures;
2 peer groups (A and B) opportunities (observation) picture prompts, using PRT Rate of responses: increase for both limited control for alterative
techniques, extended conversation children with peer group A and for 1 explanations due to quasi-
and narrative play child with peer group B experimental design
PRT techniques: child's attention; Peers: positive
child's choice; clear opportunities Interaction opportunities: increase for
(i.e., turn taking); reinforcement of both peer groups with both children
attempts FU: NR. Gen: Yes (to baseline
Implementer: investigators (peer condition). SV: NR
training), peers (PRT
Laski et al. (1988) Children: N =8 (7 males, 1 female); Child behaviors: Intervention: 5–9 15-min individual Children: mixed Conclusive: true experimental design
aged 5–9;6 years; with autism; 4 Pivotal behaviors: child vocalizations NLP parent training sessions Child vocalizations: increase in (i.e., multiple baseline design across
nonverbal and 4 echolalic speech (observation of spontaneous consisting of instruction, modeling, combined vocalizations in both play children; starting points of
Comparison children: N =6 (gender speech) in vivo training and feedback, until setting and break room for all 8 intervention were staggered);
NR); aged 2;2–9;8; matched on Other behaviors: child vocalizations criterion was met; 15-min NLP children; increase in imitations for adequate IOA and TF; operational
chronological and mental age (observation of imitations and sessions with child at home, 4 times all 8 children, in answers for 4 definitions of dependent variables;
Siblings: N =3 (gender NR); aged 2;8– answers); echolalia (observation) a week children and slight increases in sufficient details on intervention
3;10 years Parent behaviors: parent PRT techniques: clear opportunities spontaneous speech for 4 children; procedures; control for alternative
Parents: NR verbalizations (observation) (i.e., shared control and turn taking); no change in comparison children; explanations
task variation and multiple increase in imitations and
exemplars; natural reinforcement; spontaneous speech for 1 sibling
reinforcement of attempts and answers for 2 siblings
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61
Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

Implementer: therapist (parent Echolalia: no echolalia for 4 children;

training); parents (NLP) slight decrease for 3 children in play
setting; no change in break room
Parents: mixed
Parent verbalizations: increase in play
setting for all 8 parents; increase in
break room for 7 parents; increase
with siblings
FU: NR. Gen: Yes (across settings and
children). SV: NR
Lydon et al. (2011) Children: N =5 (5 males); aged 3;10– Child behavior: Intervention: Children: mixed Suggestive: quasi-experimental design
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61

6;1 years; with autistic disorder Pivotal behaviors: NR Video modeling: 10–15 8-min sessions Duration of interaction with toys: no (i.e., counterbalanced design with
Other behaviors: duration of interaction conducted twice daily, consisting of statistically sign. increase for VM random assignment to sequence of
with toys (observation); number of watching the video model twice and and PRT conditions, but too small number of
play actions (observation); number 4-min play Number of play actions: statistically baseline and follow-up probes after
of play verbalizations (observation) PRT: 20 30-min sessions, consisting of sign. increase for VM and PRT in each condition); adequate IOA, but
PRT techniques and modeling of training setting; statistically sign. TF was NR; operational definitions
symbolic play increase PRT in generalization of dependent variables; sufficient
PRT techniques: child's choice; clear setting, but not for VM; no details on intervention procedures;
opportunities (i.e., turn taking); task statistically sign. difference between limited control for alternative
variation and interspersal of VM and PRT in training setting, but explanations due to quasi-
maintenance and acquisition tasks; statistically sign. difference in experimental design
natural reinforcement; generalization setting, favoring PRT
reinforcement of attempts Number of verbalizations: no
Implementer: experimenter statistically sign. increase for VM
and PRT in training setting and
generalization setting; no
statistically sign. difference between
VM and PRT in training setting and
generalization setting
FU: Yes. Gen: Yes. SV: NR
Minjarez et al. (2011, Children: N =17 (17 males); aged 2;5– Child behavior: Intervention: 10-week PRT group Children: positive Suggestive: pre-experimental design
2013) 6;7 years; 16 with autistic disorder, Pivotal behaviors: NR training (10 90-min group sessions, Functional verbal utterances: (i.e., pretest–posttest design,
1 with PDD-NOS Other behaviors: functional verbal 1 50-min individual session) statistically sign. increase in without control group); adequate
Parents: N =24 (9 fathers, 15 mothers utterances (observation) consisting of manuals, lectures, functional verbal utterances IOA and TF (PRT implementation),
of 17 families) Parent behavior: fidelity of PRT exercises, video models and video Parents: mixed but TF (parent training) was NR;
implementation (observation); feedback; parents were taught in 3 Fidelity of PRT implementation: operational definitions of dependent
parental stress (Parenting Stress groups statistically sign. improvement in variables; sufficient details on
Index/Short Form: total stress, PRT techniques: child's attention; clear fidelity of PRT implementation intervention procedures; limited
parental distress, parent–child opportunities and shared control; Parental stress: statistically sign. control for alternative explanations
dysfunctional interaction and child's choice; task variation and decrease in total stress and parent– due to pre-experimental design
difficult child); empowerment interspersal of maintenance and child dysfunctional interaction; no
(Family Empowerment Scale: acquisition tasks; immediate and statistically sign. decrease in
family, services and community contingent reinforcement; natural parental distress and difficult child
level) reinforcement; reinforcement of Empowerment: statistically sign.
attempts increase at all levels
Implementer: licensed psychologist FU: NR. Gen: NR. SV: NR
(parent training), parents (PRT)
Nefdt et al. (2010) Children: N =27 (92.6 % male, 7.4 % Child behaviors: Intervention: self-directed learning Children: positive Preponderant : true experimental
female); M age (treatment group, Pivotal behaviors: NR program (SDLP) consisting of an design (pretest–posttest control

Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

TG)=38.92 months, M age Other behaviors: functional verbal interactive 66-min DVD and a Functional verbal utterances: group design, with random group
(waitlist control group, WCG)= utterances (observation) manual. DVD consisted of significant difference between TG assignment and no sign. difference
38.43 months; with ASD; with Parent behaviors: fidelity of PRT instruction in ABA and PRT and WCG at posttest: TG increased between groups at pretest (i.e.,
ASD; no statistically sign. implementation (observation); techniques, video models, multiple functional verbal utterances randomized clinical trial)); adequate
differences between TG (N =13) language opportunities choice tests and interactive learning following SDLP IOA, TF (SDLP) was NR, however,
and WCG (N =14) at pretest (observation); parent confidence (6- tasks Parents: positive a checklist was used to ensure all
Parents: N =27 (12 % male, 88 % point Likert rating scale) PRT techniques: child's choice; clear Fidelity of implementation: significant parents viewed DVD in similar
female); education level: graduate opportunities; immediate and difference between TG and WCG at manner; no operational definitions
degree (15 %), college degree contingent reinforcement; natural posttest: TG implemented PRT of some dependent variables (i.e.,
(51 %), some college (29 %) and reinforcement; reinforcement of following SDLP functional verbal utterances and
high school (4 %); no statistically attempts Language opportunities: significant parent confidence); sufficient details
sign. difference between TG and Implementer: parents (PRT) difference between TG and WCG at on intervention procedures; control
WCG at pretest posttest: TG provided more for alternative explanations
language opportunities following
Parent confidence: significant
difference between TG and WCG at
posttest: TG was more confident
during interactions following SDLP
FU: NR. Gen: NR. SV: Yes
Pierce and Schreibman Children: N =2 (2 males); aged Child behaviors: Intervention: 4 30-min sessions Children: mixed Suggestive: quasi-experimental design
(1995) 10 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: initiations consisting of a manual, modeling Initiations: increase for both children, (i.e., multiple baseline design across
Peers: N= 2 (2 males), aged 10 years (observation) and role-play; 10-min sessions maintained during FU 2 children); adequate IOA and TF
Other behaviors: maintaining consisting of practice and feedback Maintaining interactions: increase for (PRT) was NR, however, post-PRT
interactions (observation); joint until criterion of 80 % correct both children, maintained during phase only started after at least 80 %
attention behaviors (i.e., implementation was met, including FU correct implementation, TF (peer
nonengagement, onlooking, object PRT techniques, modeling of Joint attention behaviors: increase in training) was not reported;
engagement, supported joint appropriate social behavior and supported and coordinated joint operational definitions of dependent
attention and coordinated joint narrative play attention variables; sufficient details on
attention; observation); language PRT techniques: child's attention; Language use: increase in number of intervention procedures; limited
use (observation); social behavior child's choice; clear opportunities words for both children; increase in control for alternative explanations
(Walker–McConnel Scale of Social (i.e., encourage and extend sentence length for 1 child due to quasi-experimental design
Competence) conversation; turn taking); task Social behavior: increase in peer-
variation; multiple cues; preferred social behavior for both
reinforcement of attempts children; increase in teacher-
Implementer: therapist (peer training), preferred social behavior for 1 child
peers (PRT) FU: Yes. Gen: Yes (across toys and
settings for both children and peers
for 1 child). SV: NR
Pierce and Schreibman Children: N =2 (2 males); aged 7– Child behaviors: Intervention: 4 30-min sessions Children: mixed Preponderant: true experimental design
(1997a, b) 8 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: initiations consisting of a manual, modeling Initiations: increase for both children (i.e., multiple baseline design across
Peers: N =8 (gender NR); aged 7– (observation) and role-play, 10-min sessions Maintaining interactions: increase for peers, replicated across 2 children;
9 years Other behaviors: maintaining consisting of practice and feedback both children across peers starting points of intervention were
interactions; language use; play until criterion of 80 % correct Language use: increase for both staggered across peers); adequate
(observation) implementation was met, including children in frequency and quality of IOA, TF (PRT) was NR, however,
PRT techniques, modeling of language post-PRT phase only started after at
appropriate social behavior and Play: no change in number of toys least 80 % correct implementation,
narrative play played with per session, but range suggesting TF (PRT) was adequate,
PRT techniques: child's attention; of toys increased across sessions TF (peer training) was NR;
child's choice; clear opportunities operational definitions of dependent
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61
Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

(i.e., encourage and extend FU: Yes. Gen: Yes (across peers, toys variables; sufficient details on
conversation; turn taking); task and settings). SV: NR intervention procedures; limited
variation; multiple cues; control for alternative explanations
reinforcement of attempts due to unstable baselines
Implementer: therapist (peer training),
peers (PRT)
Randolph et al. (2011) Children: N =3 (2 males, 1 female); Child behavior: Intervention: 10 individual PRT Children: mixed Conclusive: true experimental design
aged 3–7 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: social training sessions (1 30-min and 9 45 Social communication behaviors: (i.e., multiple baseline design across
Caregives: N =3 (1 male, 2 females); 1 communication behavior to 55-min sessions), consisting of increase in total response participants; starting points of
in-home care provider, 1 biological (observation of frequency of instruction, modeling, guided percentage from baseline to training intervention were staggered);
father and 1 grandmother; without communicative initiations) practice, independent practice and for all 3 children, increase from adequate IOA and TF (caregiver
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61

college degrees Other behaviors: social communication feedback training to FU for 2 children; training); operational definitions of
behavior (observation of frequency PRT techniques: child's attention; clear increase in frequency of dependent variables; sufficient
of communicative responses) and opportunities (i.e., shared control); communicative initiations and details on intervention procedures;
play behavior (observation), multiple cues; immediate and responses for 2 children control for alternative explanations
adaptive functioning (Vineland-II) contingent reinforcement; natural Play behavior: decrease in varied play
Parent behavior: fidelity of PRT reinforcement; reinforcement of for 2 children; increase in
implementation (observation) attempts appropriate play for all 3 children, 1
Implementer: therapist (caregiver child maintained increase during
training), caregivers (PRT) FU
Adaptive functioning: no meaningful
differences for all 3 children
Parents: mixed
Fidelity of PRT implementation:
increase in level of fidelity for all 3
caregivers during training; 2
caregivers maintained criterion
level during FU
FU: Yes. Gen: NR. SV: Yes
Robinson (2011) Children (focal): N =4 (4 males); aged Child behavior: Intervention: 3 15-min sessions Children: mixed Conclusive: true experimental design
3–8 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: NR including modeling and 15-min Target social-communicative (i.e., multiple baseline design across
Children (generalization): N =4 (3 Other behaviors: individual target sessions involving video feedback behaviors: increase in target participants; starting points of
males, 1 female); aged 3–10 years; social-communicative behaviors until 80 % fidelity of behaviors for all 4 children; target intervention were staggered);
3 with autism and 1 with Down (observation); child affect (6-point implementation was achieved behaviors generalized and were adequate IOA and TF (PRT
syndrome Likert rating scales) PRT techniques: child's choice; clear maintained during FU implementation), TF (staff training)
Staff: N =4 (4 females), Staff behavior: fidelity of opportunities and shared control; Child affect: increase in affect across was NR, however, staff training was
paraprofessionals at educational implementation (observation); level contingent reinforcement; natural phases to a positive level for 1 child successfully replicated with 3 staff
institutions; experience 3 months– of involvement (observation); reinforcement Staff: positive members (i.e., all 3 met criterion for
17 years duration of training program Implementer: author (staff training), Fidelity of implementation: increase in fidelity of implementation),
(observation) paraprofessionals (PRT) fidelity of implementation, which suggesting TF (staff training) was
generalized across students and adequate; operational definitions of
activities and was maintained dependent variables; sufficient
during FU details on intervention procedures;
Level of involvement: decrease in control for alternative explanations
hovering and uninvolved from
baseline to treatment and increase in
monitoring and implementing,
which generalized across students
and activities and was maintained
during FU

Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

Duration of program: mean time

required to meet criterion was
91.25 min (range: 60–115 min)
FU: Yes. Gen: Yes (generalization
across activities and students). SV:
Schreibman et al. (1991) Children: N =19 (gender NR); aged Child behaviors: NR Intervention: parent training, Parents: positive Suggestive: pre-experimental design
2;8–12;7 years; with autism Parent behaviors: affect (6-point consisting of manuals, video Affect: more positive affect on all (posttest only design); IOA was NR,
Parents: N =19 (2 fathers, 17 mothers); Likert rating scales for enthusiasm, modeling and feedback for scales and overall during PRT but TF was adequate; operational
M age=37;1 years interest and happiness) Individual Target Behavior condition definition of dependent variable;
Raters: N =120 (gender NR); (repeated trials, prompting, shaping FU: NR. Gen: NR. SV: NR insufficient details on intervention
undergraduate students and reinforcement) and/or PRT procedures (i.e., treatment duration
(PRT techniques) and intensity); no control for
PRT techniques: child's choice; clear alternative explanations due to pre-
opportunities (i.e., turn taking); experimental design
multiple cues; interspersal of
maintenance and acquisition tasks;
natural reinforcement;
reinforcement of attempts
Implementer: therapist (parent
training); parents (ITB and/or PRT)
Seiverling et al. (2010) Children: N =3 (2 males, 1 female); Child behaviors: Intervention: 3–4 30-min NLP staff Children: mixed Conclusive: true experimental design
aged 40–49 months; with ASD Pivotal behaviors: NR training sessions consisting of Proportion of opportunities with (i.e., multiple baseline design across
Staff: N =3 (1 male, 2 females); 2 Other behaviors: proportion of behavioral skills training (i.e., correct vocal responding for each of dyads; starting points of
teacher assistants and 1 staff opportunities with correct vocal feedback, instructions, rehearsal, 3 vocal chaining links across 5 intervention were staggered);
training coordinator; experience: responding for each of 3 vocal modeling and assessment) and items: increase for 2 children; adequate IOA and TF (staff
NR chaining links across 5 items general case training (i.e., use of complexity of vocal chains training); operational definitions of
(observation) scripts to simulate child behavior) increased for these 2 children dependent variables; sufficient
Staff behaviors: NLP staff behavior PRT techniques: child's choice; clear Staff: positive details on intervention procedures;
(observation of room setup and opportunities; immediate and NLP staff behavior: increase to control for alternative explanations
performing NLP procedures) contingent reinforcement; natural criterion of 90 % for all staff within
reinforcement; reinforcement of 3–4 sessions, maintained during
attempts post-training
Implementer: experimenter (staff FU: NR. Gen: NR. SV: Yes
training) and staff (NLP)
Smith et al. (2010) Children: N =45 (33 males, 12 Child behaviors: Intervention: Children: mixed Suggestive: pre-experimental design
(including program females); M calendar age= Pivotal behaviors: NR Cohort 1: 5 6-h group workshop days Results are reported separately for (i.e., pretest–posttest design,
description of Byrson 50 months; with autism Other behaviors: expressive and for parents and staff including lower (<50) and higher (>50) IQ without control group and (quasi)
et al. 2007) Parents: NR receptive language (PLS-4, PPVT-3 instruction, guided practice, groups random selection); IOA and TF
and receptive language subscale of feedback and small group Expressive language: statistically sign. (parent/staff training) were NR, but
the Merrill–Palmer-Revised); discussions; one-to-one increase after 6 and 12 months for TF (PRT implementation) was
communication (Vineland-II: interventionist implemented PRT lower IQ (η p2 =0.45) and higher IQ adequate; operational definitions of
receptive and expressive for child 15 h a week during (η p2 =0.76); greater gain for higher dependent variables; insufficient
communication); cognitive ability 12 months; parents implemented IQ group details on intervention procedures
(Merrill–Palmer-Revised); adaptive PRT during daily routines Receptive language: statistically sign. (i.e., parent training cohort 2);
behavior (Vineland-II); autism Cohort 2: 1-week in vivo parent increase after 6 and 12 months for limited control for alternative
symptoms (Social Responsiveness training (group workshop or lower IQ (η p2 =0.40) and higher IQ explanations due to pre-
Scale); behavioral problems (Child individual); one-to-one (η p =0.60); greater gain for higher experimental design
Behavior Checklist, ages 1 1/2–5) interventionist implemented PRT IQ group
for child 15 h a week during
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61
Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

Parent behaviors: parental stress 6 months, 10 h a week during Expressive communication:

(Parenting Stress Index/Short Form) 3 months and 5–6 h a week during statistically sign. increase after 6 or
3 months; parents implemented 12 months for lower IQ (η p2 =0.57)
PRT during daily routines and after 6 and 12 months for
PRT techniques: child's choice; clear higher IQ (η p 2 =0.73)
opportunities; interspersal of Receptive communication: statistically
maintenance and acquisition tasks; sign. increase after 12 months for
immediate and contingent lower IQ (η p2 =0.43) and after 6 and
reinforcement; natural 12 months for higher IQ (η p 2 =
reinforcement; reinforcement of 0.73)
attempts Adaptive behavior: modest growth in
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61

Implementer: consultants of Koegel adaptive behavior (sub domains and

Autism Center (parent training ABC of Vineland-II) after 6 and
cohort 1), local clinicians (parent 12 months for lower IQ and higher
training cohort 2), interventionists IQ (η p 2 =0.27)
and parents (PRT) Cognitive abilities: statistically sign.
increase after 6 and 12 months for
both groups (η p 2 =0.61); greater
gains in first 6 months for higher IQ
Behavioral problems: statistically sign.
decrease after 6 or 12 months for
both groups (η p 2 =0.31)
Autism symptoms: statistically sign.
decrease after 6 and 12 months for
higher IQ (η p 2 =0.33), but not for
lower IQ
Parents: NR
FU: NR. Gen: NR. SV: NR
Stahmer (1995); Stahmer Children: N =7 (7 males); aged 4;3– Child behaviors: Intervention: 1-h PRT sessions Children: mixed Suggestive: true experimental design
et al. (2006) 7;2 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: initiations (symbolic play training, SPT) 3 Initiations: no substantial changes for (multiple baseline design across
Typical developing children: N =7 (observation) times weekly, preceded or followed all children children plus control condition (i.e.,
(gender NR); M age=3;2 years; Other behaviors: play behavior by 1-h PRT sessions (language Play behavior: increase in symbolic language training) to assess whether
matched on expressive language (observation of symbolic play, training, LT) 3 times weekly for play and play complexity for all symbolic play training was
complexity and creativity); 8 weeks consisting of PRT children after SPT, to similar level necessary to increase symbolic play
language (PPVT-R, EOWPVT and techniques targeting symbolic play as language-matched controls; or whether language training was
MacArthur CDI); responses to or language and modeling of change in creativity was NR; slight sufficient); IOA was not adequate
other's initiations (observation); symbolic play decrease of play skills during FU for for all dependent variables (i.e., play
play ability (6-point Likert rating PRT techniques: child's choice; clear 5 children; no increases after complexity and initiations) and TF
scales for child's overall play ability, opportunities (i.e., turn taking); task language training (control was NR; no operational definitions
creativity, enjoyment, social variation and interspersal of condition); of some dependent variables
interaction and play complexity) maintenance and acquisition tasks; Language: change on language (creativity, initiations and responses
natural reinforcement; measures was NR to other's initiations); insufficient
reinforcement of attempts Responses to other's initiations: details on intervention procedures
Implementer: therapist (PRT), parents increase in positive responses for all (i.e., language training); control for
and peer (generalization) children alternative explanations
Play ability: group data: statistically
sign. increase on each scale, but
typically developing children were
rated sign. higher both pre- and

Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

post-training; individual data:

(slight) increase for 4 children
FU: Yes. Gen: Yes (play behavior;
across toys and persons for 6
children). SV: NR
Stahmer and Gist (2001) Children: N =22 (gender NR); with Child behaviors: Intervention: 12 weekly 1-h individual Children: positive Suggestive: true experimental design
ASD; in 2 groups: parent education Pivotal behaviors: NR parent education sessions, Vocabulary: MacArthur CDI: (i.e., pretest–posttest control group
+ support group (M age= Other behaviors: vocabulary consisting of a manual and training statistically sign. increase in words design); adequate IOA, but TF
35 months); parent education only (observation; MacArthur CDI) in PRT techniques for both groups; learned for children whose parents (parent training) was NR; no
(M age=35.6 months) Parent behaviors: use of PRT 12 weekly 1-h support group met criteria for PRT use; statistically operational definitions of dependent
Parents: N= 22 (families, gender NR); techniques (observation) meetings, consisting of information sign. difference between groups in variables (i.e., vocabulary);
middle-to-high socioeconomic level on ASD, group process and words produced and understood, insufficient details on intervention
building relationships for support favoring children whose parents procedures (i.e., components parent
for parent education + support met criteria for PRT use, no training); limited control for
group difference between groups in alternative explanation due to no
PRT techniques: child's choice and communicative gestures; random assignment to groups
shared control; clear opportunity; observation: statistically sign.
interspersal of maintenance and increase in number of words used
acquisition tasks; natural for all children
reinforcement; reinforcement of Parents: mixed
attempts PRT use: increase for majority of
Implementer: parent educator (parent parents; statistically sign. better
training), parents (PRT) performance of parents in parent
education+support group (i.e., 8
parents met criterion of 75 % correct
use vs. 4 parents in parent education
only group)
FU: NR. Gen: NR. SV: NR
Steiner et al. (2013) Children: N =2 (gender NR); aged Child behavior: Intervention: 10-week PRT parent Children: mixed Suggestive: quasi-experimental design
12 months; no formal diagnosis of Pivotal behaviors: NR training (10 1-h sessions: 8 clinic Functional communication: increase (i.e., multiple baseline design across
ASD, but moderate/severe concern Other behaviors: functional and 2 home sessions) consisting of for both children, maintained post- children, but too small number of
on ADOS-T. One participant with communication (observation); manuals, instruction, live modeling, treatment baseline probes); adequate IOA, but
little/no concern on ADOS-T was in cognitive functioning (Mullen guided practice and feedback Cognitive functioning: increase for 1 TF (PRT implementation) was not
the study, but was omitted from this Scales of Early Learning); PRT techniques: clear opportunity; child adequate for all parents post-
analysis diagnostic impression (ADOS) child's choice; interspersal of Diagnostic impression: decrease in treatment and TF (parent training)
Parents: NR Parent behavior: fidelity of maintenance and acquisition tasks; severity of ASD symptoms to non- was NR; operational definitions of
implementation of PRT immediate and contingent significant level for 1 child dependent variables; sufficient
(observation) reinforcement; natural Parents: positive details on intervention procedures;
reinforcement; reinforcement of Fidelity of implementation of PRT: limited control for alternative
attempts increase for both children, explanations due to quasi-
Implementer: clinician (parent training maintained post-treatment experimental design
and PRT); parents (PRT) FU: NR. Gen: NR. SV: Yes
Suhrheinrich (2011) Children: N =NR (gender NR); aged Child behavior: NR Intervention: 6-h group workshop Staff: positive Suggestive: pre-experimental design
3–8 years; with autism Staff behavior: fidelity of PRT training in PRT, consisting of a Fidelity of implementation: increase in (i.e., pretest–posttest design without
Staff: N =20 (20 females); teachers in implementation (observation) manual, instruction, video model, number of PRT components control group); IOA was not
special education settings; 10 self- practice and feedback plus coaching implemented; 15 % of teacher adequate for all observation
selected, 10 district-selected); sessions, consisting of video mastered all PRT components at categories (i.e., turn taking) and TF
experience: M (self-selected) = feedback and modeling (self- post-training, 30 % after 1 coaching (staff training) was NR; operational
6;7 years, M (district-selected) = selected: 1–4 coaching sessions session and 40 % after 2 coaching definitions of dependent variables;
5;6 years; groups differed in hours sessions; on completion of sufficient details on intervention
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61
Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

reading educational literature until criterion was met; district- coaching, 100 % of self-selected procedures; limited control for
favoring self-selected teachers selected: 3 coaching sessions) teachers mastered all PRT alternative explanations due to pre-
PRT techniques: child attention; clear components vs. 10 % of district- experimental design
opportunities and turn taking; selected teachers
child's choice; contingent FU: NR. Gen: NR. SV: NR
reinforcement; natural
reinforcement; reinforcement of
Implementer: teachers (PRT) and NR
for teacher training
Suhrheinrich et al. Staff: N =10 (10 females); teachers in Staff behaviors: fidelity of PRT Intervention: Staff: mixed Suggestive: pre-experimental design
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61

(2007) early intervention classrooms in implementation (observation) Staff training: low level (manual and Fidelity of implementation: on group (i.e., posttest only design); IOA and
public schools (N =4) and modeling, N =2), moderate level level mastery criteria were met for TF (staff training) were NR, but TF
specialized programs (N =6); (manual, instruction and modeling, all components, except for turn (PRT implementation) was
teaching experience: 1–16 years N =2), high level (manual, taking; level of training had effect adequate except for turn taking;
instruction, modeling and feedback, on PRT use during one-to-one operational definition of dependent
N =6) sessions, but varied by PRT variable; insufficient details on
PRT implementation: 2 10-min one-to- technique; level of training had no intervention procedures (i.e., staff
one sessions and 2 10-min group effect on PRT use during group training); limited control for
sessions in a counterbalanced order sessions; less experienced teachers alternative explanations due to pre-
PRT techniques: child's attention; child met fidelity criterion in one-to-one experimental design
choice's; clear opportunities and sessions, but not in group sessions
turn taking; contingent and more experienced teachers did
reinforcement; natural not meet fidelity criterion in both
reinforcement; reinforcement of conditions, but performed better
attempts during group sessions
Implementer: teachers (PRT) and NR FU: NR. Gen: NR. SV: NR
for staff training
Symon (2005) Children: N =3 (3 males); aged 2;10– Child behaviors: Intervention: 5 consecutive 5-h parent Children: positive Preponderant: true experimental design
5;4 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: NR training days, consisting of Functional verbal utterances and (i.e., non-concurrent multiple
Primary caregivers: N =3 Other behaviors: functional verbal manuals, modeling and feedback to appropriate behaviors: increase for baseline design across participants);
(3 mothers); with at least college utterances; appropriate behaviors teach PRT techniques; significant all 3 children adequate IOA and TF (PRT), TF
degree (observation) caregiver training ranged from 3– Primary and significant caregivers: (parent education and significant
Significant caregivers: N =3 Primary/significant caregiver 25 h and consisted of video models, positive caregiver training) were NR,
(1 male, 2 gender NR); 1 father and behaviors: fidelity of modeling, feedback and/or manuals Fidelity of implementation: increase to however, parent education and
2 one-to-one interventionists implementation (observation) PRT techniques: child's choice; clear criterion level (80 %) during significant caregiver training were
opportunities; task variation and intervention for all 3 primary both successfully replicated with 3
interspersal of maintenance and caregivers, maintained during FU; caregivers (i.e., all caregivers met
acquisition tasks; immediate and increase for all 3 significant criterion for fidelity of
contingent reinforcement; natural caregivers implementation), suggesting that
reinforcement; reinforcement of FU: Yes; Gen: Yes (to home situation). TF was adequate; operational
attempts SV: NR definitions of dependent variables;
Implementer: clinician (parent sufficient details on intervention
education); primary caregivers procedures; limited control for
(PRT; significant caregiver alternative explanations due to non-
training); significant caregivers concurrent multiple baseline design
(PRT) (i.e., limited control for history)
Thorp et al. (1995) Children: N =3 (3 males); aged 5;4– Child behaviors: Intervention: 16-h socio-dramatic play Children: mixed Preponderant: true experimental design
9;9 years; with autism Pivotal behaviors: initiations training during which the child was Initiations: increase for 2 children. (i.e., multiple baseline probe design
(observation) encouraged to develop a play Language: no change on PPVT-R across children; starting points of

Table 1 (continued)
Citation Participant characteristics Dependent variables Intervention procedures Intervention outcomes Certainty of evidence

Other behaviors: language (PPTV-R, theme, adopt a role appropriate to and increase on EOWPVT-R for all intervention were staggered);
EOWPVT-R), play skills (play this theme and to assign a role to the 3 children adequate IOA and TF was NR,
history interview and observation of experimenter, consisting of PRT Play skills: increase in role-play, make- despite multi component
role-playing, make-believe techniques and modeling of believe transformations and intervention; operational definitions
transformations and persistence); appropriate socio-dramatic play persistence for all 3 children; of dependent variables; sufficient
positive and negative responses PRT techniques: child's choice; clear increase in imaginary play at home details on intervention procedures;
(observation); verbal opportunities (i.e., turn taking); task for all 3 children and in play/social control for alternative explanations
communication (observation of variation and interspersal of behavior with siblings for 2 children
spontaneous speech, other speech maintenance and acquisition tasks; Responses: increase in positive
and inappropriate speech) natural reinforcement; responses and decrease in negative
reinforcement of attempts responses for all 3 children
Implementer: experimenter (PRT), Verbal communication: increase in
parent (generalization) spontaneous speech for all 3
children; decrease in inappropriate
speech for 2 children; other speech
was NR
FU: Yes. Gen: Yes (across toys and
settings). SV: NR
Vismara and Lyons Children: N =3 (3 males); aged 26– Child behaviors: Intervention: 2 2 1/2-h sessions a week Children: mixed Suggestive: quasi-experimental design
(2007) 38 months; with autism Pivotal behaviors: NR for 12 weeks; each session: 1 h Number of joint attention initiations: (i.e., baseline, followed by
Other behaviors: number of joint modeling by principal investigator immediate increase for all 3 children counterbalanced phase reversal of
attention initiations; contingencies and 1 1/2 h guided practice for during PI condition; low level for all PI and NP conditions, however, no
to joint attention initiations parents plus feedback 3 children during NP condition; return to baseline condition,
(observation); affect during child- Perseverative Interest (PI) condition: 4 increase for both PI and NP stimuli alternating treatment condition in
caregiver interaction (6-point Likert 2 1/2-h sessions, using PI stimuli for all 3 children during alternating final phase); adequate IOA and TF;
rating scale) (i.e., letter and number toys) condition, suggesting generalization operational definitions of dependent
Non-perseverative Interest (NP) to NP stimuli variables; sufficient details on
condition: 4 2 1/2-h sessions for 2 Contingencies to joint attention: gains intervention procedures; limited
children and 8 2 1/2-h sessions for 1 in joint attentions initiations were a control for alternative explanations
child, using NP stimuli collateral result of PI stimuli and due to quasi-experimental design
Alternating condition: 16 2 1/2-h PRT and not a result of contingent
sessions for 2 children and 12 2 1/2- prompting or reinforcement
h sessions for 1 child; each session Affect during child-caregiver
half PI and half NP in rotated order interaction: increase to positive
PRT techniques: child's choice; task affect for all 3 children during PI
variation and interspersal of condition; negative (N =2) or
maintenance and acquisition tasks; neutral (N =1) affect during NP
immediate and contingent condition; positive affect for PI
reinforcement; natural stimuli for all 3 children and for NP
reinforcement; reinforcement of stimuli for 1 child during alternating
attempts condition, 2 children increased to
Implementer: principal investigator positive affect during final 2–3
(parent training and PRT); parents sessions
(PRT) FU: NR. Gen: Yes (to NP stimuli). SV:
Voos et al. (2013) Children: N =2 (1 male, 1 female); Child behavior: Intervention : individual PRT sessions Children: mixed Suggestive: pre-experimental design
aged 5;5 and 5;1 years; 1 with Pivotal behaviors: NR with child and PRT parent training ASD symptoms: decrease for 1 child (i.e., case series design); IOA and
autistic disorder and 1 with PDD- Other behaviors: ASD symptoms for 8–10 h per week during Adaptive skills: increase on some, but TF were NR; dependent variables
NOS (ADOS); adaptive skills (Vineland- 4 months not all sub domains for both not fully operationally defined;
II); pragmatic skills (pragmatic PRT techniques: NR children insufficient details on intervention
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61 53

N total number of participants in study, PDD-NOS pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, NR not reported, FU follow-up, Gen generalization, SV social validity, IOA inter-observer
alternative explanations due to pre-
In six studies data on staff member characteristics were
reported. A total number of 45 staff members participated in
procedures; no control for
these studies. Of the 45 staff members, 1 (2.2 %) was male and
44 (97.8 %) were female. Staff members' years' of experience
experimental design
Certainty of evidence

working in this field was reported in five studies and ranged

from 3 months to 17 years. Staff members worked in an
educational (n =40; 88.9 %) or clinical (n =5; 11.1 %) setting.
Four studies reported data on peer characteristics. A total
number of 21 peers participated in these studies. Of the 21
on some, but not all communication

peers, 8 (38.1 %) were male, 5 (23.8 %) were female and the

Neural response: increased activation
Communication behaviors: increase

typically developing children for

Implementer: clinician (parent training Pragmatic skills: increase for both

in 3–4 brain regions utilized by

sex of 8 peers (38.1 %) was not reported. Peers were most
processing pattern for 1 child
Face processing: improvement
behaviors for both children

often typically developing children, but five peers were diag-

towards more typical face

FU: NR. Gen: NR; SV: NR

nosed with a specific learning disability, mental retardation or
Intervention outcomes

a developmental disability (Kuhn et al. 2008).

both children

Dependent Variables

In 35 studies, child behaviors were targeted. Of these 35

studies, 18 studies targeted a pivotal skill. Seventeen studies
targeted self-initiations (e.g., Koegel et al. 2012) and one study
targeted motivation (Koegel et al. 2010b). Across studies, a
variety of untargeted skills or collateral changes were mea-
Intervention procedures

sured. Thirty-one studies evaluated the effects of PRT on com-

munication and language skills, such as functional verbal ut-
terances (e.g., Minjarez et al. 2011), receptive and expressive
and PRT)

language (e.g., Coolican et al. 2010), responding to others (e.g.,

Kuhn et al. 2008) and maintaining interactions (e.g., Pierce and
Schreibman 1997a). Six studies evaluated collateral changes in
play skills as a result of PRT (Gillet and LeBlanc 2007; Lydon
(observation); face processing (eye
tracking); neural response (fMRI)

et al. 2011; Randolph et al. 2011; Stahmer 1995; Pierce and

Schreibman 1997b; Thorp et al. 1995). For example, Lydon
communication behaviors
profile of the CELF-4);

et al. measured the duration of interaction with toys and the

number of play actions and verbalizations. Five studies evalu-
Dependent variables

ated the effects of PRT on adaptive functioning (e.g., Baker-

Ericzén et al. 2007; Koegel et al. 1999b; Randolph et al. 2011;
Smith et al. 2010; Voos et al. 2013), using the Vineland
Adaptive Behavior Scales (Sparrow et al. 1984, 2005). Five
studies evaluated collateral changes in maladaptive behavior as
a result of PRT (Coolican et al. 2010; Gianoumis et al. 2012;
Koegel et al. 1992, 2010b; Smith et al. 2010). For example,
Gianoumis et al. measured the percentage of trials with mal-
Participant characteristics

adaptive behaviors (e.g., screaming, crying, and hitting) and

Smith et al. used the Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach and
Rescorla 2000) to measure problem behavior. Four studies
agreement, TF treatment fidelity

evaluated the effects of PRT on autism symptoms (Bernard-

Opitz et al. 2004; Smith et al. 2010; Steiner et al. 2013; Voos
et al. 2013). For example, Smith et al. used the Social
Responsiveness Scale (Constantino and Gruber 2005) to iden-
Table 1 (continued)

tify changes in autism symptoms. Three studies evaluated

collateral changes in affect as a result of PRT using rating scales
(Koegel et al. 2012; Robinson 2011; Vismara and Lyons 2007).

Two studies evaluated collateral changes in cognitive function-

ing as result of PRT (Smith et al. 2010; Steiner et al. 2013),
54 Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61

using the Mullen Scales of Early Learning or the Merrill– motivational techniques inherent to PRT were implemented
Palmer-Revised Scales of Development (Mullen 1995; Roid (Koegel et al. 1998a, 2003a, 2010a, b, 1998b).
and Sampers 2004). Two studies evaluated the effects of PRT In 26 studies caregivers, staff members or peers were taught
on academic functioning (Koegel et al. 2010b, 1999b). For to implement PRT or NLP. The total duration of their training
example, Koegel et al. (2010b) measured the children's pro- ranged from 66 min to 60 h. In six studies training continued
ductivity (i.e., rate of assignment units completed) and latency until a mastery criterion was met (e.g., Gillet and LeBlanc
(i.e., number of minutes it took children to begin a task) during 2007). Two studies did not report the duration of training
writing or math activities. Finally, one study evaluated the (Schreibman et al. 1991; Suhrheinrich et al. 2007). Caregivers,
effects of PRT on face processing and neural response (Voos staff members, or peers were taught individually in 15 studies
et al. 2013) and another study evaluated the effects of PRT on and in a group in seven studies. Three studies combined group
attendance and compliance (Bernard-Opitz et al. 2004). and individual training (e.g., Huskens et al. 2012). In one study,
In 13 studies caregiver behaviors were targeted. Of these the training format was not reported (Suhrheinrich et al. 2007).
studies, nine studies evaluated the effects of caregiver training The training was implemented by a clinician (i.e., psychologist
on caregivers' fidelity of implementation of PRT or NLP or therapist) in 16 studies and by an experimenter in six studies.
(Coolican et al. 2010; Gillet and LeBlanc 2007; Koegel et al. Nedft et al. (2010) used a self-directed learning program to teach
2002; Minjarez et al. 2013; Nefdt et al. 2010; Randolph et al. parents to implement PRT consisting of an interactive DVD.
2011; Stahmer and Gist 2001; Steiner et al. 2013; Symon Three studies did not report who implemented training.
2005). Additionally, two studies evaluated collateral changes Caregiver, staff, or peer training involved a variety of instruc-
in parental stress as a result of PRT (Minjarez et al. 2013; Smith tional strategies. In 14 studies, a manual was incorporated (e.g.,
et al. 2010), using the Parenting Stress Index/Short Form Minjarez et al. 2011) and 15 studies reported to use didactic
(Abidin 1995). Two studies evaluated the effects of PRT on instruction (e.g., Coolican et al. 2010). Eight studies incorporat-
parental affect using rating scales (Koegel et al. 2002; ed video modeling as an instructional strategy and 16 studies
Schreibman et al. 1991). Two studies evaluated collateral incorporated in vivo modeling. Nineteen studies reported to use
changes in self-efficacy as result of PRT (Coolican et al. some form of practice, such as assignments (e.g., Minjarez et al.
2010; Nefdt et al. 2010) and one study measured empowerment 2011), role-play (e.g., Pierce and Schreibman 1995) and guided
(Minjarez et al. 2013). Finally, one study evaluated the effects practice (e.g., Randolph et al. 2011). Video feedback was used in
of PRT on interactional patterns (Koegel et al. 1996) and four studies and in vivo feedback in 18 studies. Several studies
another study evaluated the effects of PRT on parent incorporated additional instructional strategies, such as small
verbalizations (Laski et al. 1988). group discussions (Smith et al. 2010), assessments (e.g.,
Staff behaviors were targeted in seven studies. Of these Seiverling et al. 2010), picture prompts (e.g., Harper et al.
studies, six studies evaluated the effects of staff training on 2008) and reinforcement (Kuhn et al. 2008). Stahmer and Gist
staff members' fidelity of implementation of PRT or NLP (2001) investigated the addition of a parent information support
(Gianoumis et al. 2012; Huskens et al. 2012; Robinson 2011; group to PRT parent training.
Seiverling et al. 2010; Suhrheinrich 2011; Suhrheinrich et al. In 23 studies, the PRT or NLP intervention was implement-
2007). Additionally, Gianoumis et al. (2012) evaluated the ed by caregivers, staff members or peers. In ten studies, a
effect of staff training on staff members' ability to conduct a clinician implemented the intervention and in two studies an
stimulus preference assessment. Robinson (2011) measured the experimenter. In three studies, the intervention was imple-
duration of staff training and staff members' level of involve- mented by a parent as well as a clinician. One study did not
ment and Koegel et al. (1992) evaluated the instruction and report the implementer (Koegel et al. 2010b). Across studies a
reinforcement provided by a clinician. Kuhn et al. (2008) variety of PRT techniques were used. In 35 studies following
measured effects of peer training on the number of interaction the child's choice was incorporated. Nine studies incorporated
opportunities created by peers. getting the child's attention. In 29 studies, providing clear
opportunities for responding was used. Twenty-four studies
used task variation and interspersal of maintenance and acqui-
Intervention Procedures sition tasks. Natural reinforcement was incorporated in 33
studies. Of these studies, 18 studies also incorporated contin-
PRT was implemented in 25 studies and NLP in seven studies. gent reinforcement and 15 studies did not report whether
In two studies, other interventions were implemented; howev- contingent reinforcement was used. In 29 studies, reinforce-
er, these interventions included PRT techniques. Specifically, ment of attempts at target behaviors was used. Two studies
Koegel et al. (2012) used facilitated social play training and incorporated all seven PRT techniques (Minjarez et al. 2011;
Thorp et al. (1995) implemented socio-dramatic play training. Suhrheinrich 2011). Several studies incorporated additional
Five studies did not indicate whether PRT or NLP was imple- intervention strategies, such as multiple cues (e.g., Pierce and
mented, but these studies explicitly stated that the specific Schreibman 1997b), modeling of target response (Stahmer
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61 55

1995), prompting (e.g., Koegel et al. 2012), prompt fading Thorp et al. 1995). Of these studies, seven studies were
(e.g., Koegel et al. 2010a), time delay (Koegel et al. 1998a), classified as “preponderant”, because they provided limited
and narrative play (e.g., Harper et al. 2008). control for alternative explanations of intervention outcomes.
Specifically, five of these studies did not control for history
Intervention Outcomes due to use of a non-concurrent multiple baseline design (Carr
2005). One study did not control for interaction effects due to
Of the 35 studies targeting child behaviors, 15 studies the small number of baseline probes between treatment con-
(42.9 %) reported positive outcomes and 20 studies (57.1 %) ditions (Koegel et al. 1998b) and one study did not control for
reported mixed outcomes. Of the 13 studies targeting caregiv- several threats to internal validity due to unstable baselines
er behaviors, 7 studies (53.8 %) reported positive outcomes (Pierce and Schreibman 1997a). Four studies were classified
and 5 studies (38.5 %) reported mixed outcomes. One study as “preponderant”, because treatment fidelity was not reported
did not report intervention outcomes concerning caregivers or operational definitions for some dependent variables were
(Smith et al. 2010). Of the seven studies targeting staff behav- not provided, although the study's design controlled for alter-
ior, four studies (57.1 %) reported positive outcomes and three native explanations (e.g., Nefdt et al. 2010). Of the 11 studies
studies (42.9 %) reported mixed outcomes. The study classified as “preponderant”, six studies reported positive
targeting peer behaviors reported positive outcomes. None intervention outcomes for children and five studies reported
of the included studies reported negative outcomes. mixed intervention outcomes for children. The studies
Thirteen of the 39 studies (33.3 %) included data on reporting positive outcomes targeted self-initiations (n =3),
follow-up. The length of the period between intervention communication and language skills (n =6), and affect (n =1).
and follow-up ranged from 2 weeks to 11 months. The studies reporting mixed outcomes targeted self-initiations
Generalization of intervention outcomes was measured in 22 (n =4), communication and language skills (n =5), play skills
studies (56.4 %). Generalization was measured across stimuli (n =3), and maladaptive behavior (n =1). Of the five studies
in eight studies (e.g., Thorp et al. 1995), across persons in classified at this level targeting caregiver behaviors, four
eight studies (e.g., Robinson 2011), across conditions in three studies reported positive intervention outcomes. These studies
studies (e.g., Koegel et al. 2012) and across settings in 13 targeted fidelity of implementation (n =4), self-efficacy (n =
studies (e.g., Symon 2005). In ten studies (25.6 %) measures 1), and parental affect (n =1). One study reported mixed
of social validity were conducted. All studies used a question- intervention outcomes and targeted fidelity of implementation
naire to measure social validity (e.g., Huskens et al. 2012). and self-efficacy.
Twenty-two studies (56.4 %) were classified as providing a
Certainty of Evidence suggestive level of certainty. Of these studies, 19 studies were
classified as “suggestive”, because they used a pre-
Six studies (15.4 %) were classified as providing a conclusive experimental (n =9) or quasi-experimental (n =10) design.
level of certainty (Gianoumis et al. 2012; Huskens et al. 2012; For example, Harper et al. (2008) used a multiple baseline
Laski et al. 1988; Randolph et al. 2011; Robinson 2011; design across only two participants, but a multiple baseline
Seiverling et al. 2010). All six studies reported mixed inter- design should include at least three participants to demonstrate
vention outcomes for children. These studies targeted self- experimental control (Horner et al. 2005). Therefore, the design
initiations (n =3), communication and language skills (n =5), was rated as “quasi-experimental” and the study was classified
play skills (n =1), adaptive functioning (n =1), maladaptive as “suggestive”. Three studies used an experimental design, but
behavior (n =1), and affect (n =1). Adaptive functioning did were nevertheless classified as “suggestive”, because some
not improve and only one child improved on affect, but dependent variables were not operationally defined, details on
improvements on the other targeted skills were reported for intervention procedures were insufficient to enable replication,
the majority of the children across studies. The two studies treatment fidelity was not reported and/or inter-observer agree-
targeting caregiver behaviors also reported mixed intervention ment was not adequate (Koegel et al. 2010b; Stahmer 1995;
outcomes. These studies targeted fidelity of implementation Stahmer and Gist 2001). Of the 22 studies classified as “sug-
and parent verbalizations. Of the four studies targeting staff gestive” that targeted child behaviors, nine studies reported
behavior, three studies reported positive intervention out- positive intervention outcomes and nine studies reported mixed
comes and one study reported mixed outcomes with regard outcomes. Three of the five studies that were classified as
to fidelity of implementation. One study reported positive “suggestive” and targeted caregiver behaviors reported positive
intervention outcomes with regard to level of involvement. intervention outcomes and two studies reported mixed out-
Eleven studies (28.2 %) were rated as providing a prepon- comes. Of the three studies classified as “suggestive” that
derant level of certainty (Coolican et al. 2010; Gillet and targeted staff behaviors, one study reported positive interven-
LeBlanc 2007; Koegel et al. 1998a, b, 2010a, 2012, 2002; tions outcomes and two studies reported mixed outcomes. The
Nefdt et al. 2010; Pierce and Schreibman 1997a; Symon 2005; study targeting peer behaviors reported mixed outcomes.
56 Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61

Discussion It should be noted that motivation itself is difficult to define

operationally, which could explain why motivation was rarely
This systematic review aimed to evaluate the evidence base of measured. Koegel et al. (2001) defined motivation in terms of
PRT for improving the skills of children with ASD, caregivers the effects of improved motivation (i.e., increased responsive-
and staff members, to identify limitations of the existing ness to social and environmental stimuli), such as increases in
evidence-based, and to suggest directions for future research. the number of responses to teaching stimuli, decreases in re-
A systematic search identified 43 studies, indicating that the sponse latency, and changes in affect. However, none of the
effectiveness of PRT has been extensively investigated. The studies that evaluated these behaviors considered these behav-
majority of these studies were classified as providing a sug- iors as an effect of improved motivation. There is no clear
gestive level of evidence. Below, the results of this systematic explanation for the lack of studies that evaluated responding to
review are discussed for children with ASD and caregivers multiple cues. However, some studies implemented “using
and staff members. multiple cues” as a PRT technique (e.g., Pierce and
Schreibman 1997b), suggesting that this pivotal skill was
Children with ASD targeted, but seemingly not measured. The lack of studies that
evaluated self-management can be explained by the fact that the
The results of this systematic review indicate that the majority studies identified during the database search that involved self-
of children with ASD that were included in the reviewed management did not refer to their intervention as PRT or NLP
studies were taught to self-initiate through PRT. However, nor did they implement the PRT techniques (e.g., Koegel and
there is yet insufficient evidence to conclude that PRT results Frea 1993; Loftin et al. 2008). It could be considered a limitation
in improvements in non-targeted pivotal skills, because moti- of this systematic review that the inclusion criteria did not
vation was evaluated in only one study that provided a sug- comprise studies regarding self-management. However, self-
gestive level of evidence (i.e., Koegel et al. 2010b) and management is also considered a separate intervention that
responding to multiple cues and self-management were not incorporates specific techniques (e.g., NAC 2009), suggesting
evaluated in any of the included studies. Furthermore, the that self-management is not a distinguishing component of PRT.
results of this systematic review suggest that PRT results in Although the skills of many children improved as a result
collateral improvements in language and communication of PRT, it should be noted that a considerable number of
skills (e.g., functional verbal utterances, language, and children did not improve significantly, as indicated by the
maintaining interactions) and play skills for the majority of large number of studies that reported mixed results. This
children with ASD. Moreover, for some children, PRT also variability in outcomes is not unique to PRT and is consistent
resulted in changes in affect and reductions of maladaptive with results of evaluations of behavioral interventions more
behavior. However, there is insufficient evidence to conclude generally (Peters-Scheffer et al. 2011; Reichow 2012).
that adaptive functioning, autism symptoms, cognitive func- Research on predictors of outcomes from behavioral interven-
tioning, and academic functioning improve as a result of PRT, tions suggests that outcomes are related to children's age (e.g.,
because none of the studies that were classified as proving Granpeesheh et al. 2009; Perry et al. 2013), language profi-
conclusive or preponderant evidence reported improvements ciency (e.g., Sallows and Graupner 2005), pre-treatment IQ
in these skills. (Perry et al. 2013), severity of autism symptoms (e.g., Ben-
The results of this systematic review provide insight into Itzchak and Zachor 2011), parental stress (Osborne et al.
what extent research supports the theoretical model of PRT (i.e., 2008; Strauss et al. 2012), and parental treatment fidelity
targeting pivotal skills using PRT techniques results in wide- (Strauss et al. 2012). Research concerning predictors of out-
spread improvements in other aspects of functioning). Of the comes of PRT is limited, but a study by Sherer and
four skills that are considered to be pivotal, only self-initiations Schreibman (2005) suggested that response to PRT was pre-
have been studied in detail. This systematic review indicates that dicted by toy contact, approach, and avoidant behaviors, and
for a number of children with ASD, increases in self-initiations verbal and nonverbal self-stimulatory behaviors. However, in
as a result of PRT are accompanied by collateral improvements order to estimate whether a child is likely to benefit from PRT,
(i.e., increases in communication and language skills, play skills additional research is warranted to confirm the influence of
and affect and reductions in maladaptive behavior). Thus, the these potential predictor variables and to identify other pre-
research reviewed here does provide some support for the dictors of PRT outcomes.
theoretical model of PRT. However, as motivation, responding The results of this systematic review further demonstrated a
to multiple cues, and self-management were rarely measured in large variability in the PRT techniques that were implemented
the studies included in this review, it is not clear whether these across studies and revealed that only two studies incorporated
skills improve as a result of PRT, whether improvements in all PRT techniques (i.e., Minjarez et al. 2011; Suhrheinrich
these skills are accompanied by collateral changes, and thus 2011). In particular, “gaining the child's attention and using
whether these skills could be considered pivotal. contingent reinforcement” were often not incorporated or not
Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61 57

specifically reported. This could be explained by the fact that greatly across studies, indicating that it is unclear how much
researchers do often consider these technique as techniques that training caregivers and staff members need to correctly im-
are automatically implemented when a clear opportunity to plement PRT techniques. Second, as studies incorporated a
respond or natural reinforcement are provided (e.g., Koegel combination of instructional strategies or demonstrated mixed
et al. 2002; Symon 2005). However, when assuming that the results with regard to the effectiveness of a single strategy
studies that incorporated these techniques also incorporated (Huskens et al. 2012), it is not clear if certain instructional
“gaining the child's attention” respectively “using contingent strategies are more effective than others to teach PRT tech-
reinforcement”, the number of studies that incorporated all PRT niques. Finally, it is not clear whether group training is effec-
techniques only slightly increases to five studies, suggesting tive, because the studies that evaluated the effectiveness of
that there is notable variability and/or flexibility regarding the group training separately provided a suggestive level of evi-
combination of intervention components that constitute PRT. dence (Minjarez et al. 2013; Stahmer and Gist 2001). To
Overall, with respect to the effect of PRT on child's behav- increase the effectiveness and cost efficiency of caregiver
ior, we found evidence that supports the effectiveness of PRT and staff training in PRT, future research should seek to
and the theoretical model of PRT. However, future research determine which training format, instructional strategies, and
should strengthen and extend the existing evidence base and duration of training are most effective and efficient to teach
provide additional support to the theoretical model of PRT. caregivers and staff members to correctly implement PRT
There are several specific directions for future research. First, techniques.
studies should use true experimental designs to improve the Although most caregivers and staff members were able to
certainty of evidence. Specifically, researchers should ensure correctly implement PRT techniques, some caregivers and
that single-case designs replicate intervention effects across at staff members within some studies did not meet the criterion
least three participants and that group designs include a con- for fidelity of PRT implementation or did not maintain the use
trol group and randomly assign participants to groups to of PRT techniques (Coolican et al. 2010; Huskens et al. 2012;
demonstrate experimental control (Horner et al. 2005; Black Randolph et al. 2011). These mixed results cannot be
1999). Second, pivotal skills should be defined operationally explained by training characteristics, because these character-
and measured systematically across studies. Third, future istics did not vary within studies. However, research shows
research should rigorously evaluate collateral changes in skills that fidelity of intervention implementation can be affected by
that are currently not investigated or investigated without certain staff characteristics, such as personality, attitude to-
using true experimental designs. Evidence for changes in wards an intervention and individuals with disabilities, and
these skills would extend the evidence base of PRT and perceived child–staff member relationship (Durlak and DuPre
support the claim that PRT results in widespread improve- 2008; Peters-Scheffer et al. 2013), but it is not clear whether
ments in children (Koegel and Koegel 2006). Fourth, future these staff characteristics also predict the fidelity of PRT
research should investigate which characteristics predict the implementation. Currently, research regarding the influence
effectiveness of PRT. Finally and possibly most important, of parent characteristics on treatment fidelity is limited
future research should seek to determine the components that (Randolph et al. 2011). Research demonstrates that parent's
define PRT and distinguish PRT from other interventions (e.g., level of education, family income or socioeconomic status,
EMT), because of the variability in the combination of PRT and parental stress affect children's intervention outcomes
techniques across studies and the overlap between PRT and (e.g., Osborne et al. 2008; Reyno and McGrath 2006;
other interventions. Strauss et al. 2012), but it is unclear whether these caregiver
characteristics also affect caregivers' fidelity of implementa-
Caregivers and Staff Members tion. Therefore, future research should investigate whether
certain caregiver and staff member characteristics predict the
The results of this systematic review suggest that caregivers fidelity of PRT implementation.
and staff members can be taught to implement PRT techniques The results of this systematic review indicate that there is
effectively using an individualized training approach that limited evidence for collateral changes in caregivers' affect,
combines several well-used instructional strategies (e.g., verbalizations and self-efficacy, and staff members' level of
modeling, guided practice, reinforcement/feedback). This involvement as a result of PRT. There is yet insufficient
finding is consistent with results of previous reviews on evidence to conclude that PRT results in collateral changes
caregiver and staff training (e.g., Lang et al. 2009; Patterson in caregivers' stress, empowerment, and interactional patterns.
et al. 2012; Rispoli et al. 2011). However, the results of this Because the current evidence base is limited, additional re-
systematic review also indicate a number of gaps in the current search regarding collateral changes in caregiver and staff
existing evidence base. First, the duration of training varied behavior is warranted.
58 Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1:34–61

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(56.4 %) provided only suggestive evidence due to methodo-
20 , 219–224.
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