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From: FIS1012050@.

Subject: Concern of Final examination amid Covid-19

Dear Sir/ Madam,

As a matter of fact, the entire world has been experiencing an extreme pandemic called
Corona Virus. I have investigated on this sickness by my own and have assembled some
fundamental data which I might want to share. Covid-19 is an infection started from
Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Coronavirus is a huge family infection that causes
side effects running from regular cold to serious intense respiratory disorder (SARS). The
infection is basically spread between individuals during close contact, frequently by
means of little droplets delivered by sniffling, coughing and talking and furthermore, by
coming in contact or touching surfaces or items that might be polluted with the virus. And
symptoms of this disease start to appear 2 to 14 days after you come into contact with
the infection. Normal symptoms of Covid-19 may include fatigue, cough, fever with body
temperature of 38oC and above, shortness of breath, loss of appetite and loss of feeling
of smell. Luckily, we can make a move to shield ourselves and our family from getting the
disease by staying home, by washing hands completely with cleanser and warm water or
with a soap or sanitizer, by avoiding close contact with individuals who are coughing,
sneezing and having fever, by not touching nose, eyes, mouth and other part of the body
frequently without washing hands and lastly it can be avoided by avoiding crowded
places. There is a great deal of approaches to forestall transmission of infection to other
which are, first, by covering the mouth and nose when sniffling or coughing by utilizing
tissue, and throwing used tissues to the trash and by using face mask whenever you are
in crowded places and lastly by keep on keeping around 6 feet among yourself as well as
other people.
Now I would like to ask you a few inquiries with respect to our final exams that because
of Covid-19 how we are going to conduct our final examination for this semester and
without putting any troubles on students in this college and outside it. And as far as my
concern is about to know the format of exams because according to this situation, we
cannot follow the previous format. And according to current situation if you somehow
managed to direct the final examination on online, would you say you are going to reduce
the time of the exam so that the students wouldn't have the opportunity to cheat and if
you do that how are you going to consider the time it takes for a student to log in to the
exam page with poor connection of the internet because some student have already gone
back to their home and different countries have different time zones. and lastly how you
consider the time it takes for the student to take pictures of the answers and upload it in
the Moodle? Because it takes a lot of time so, is the time period remains the same or you
going to increase it.

By adding more, I would like to share some suggestion to the Office of The School of
Foundation Studies that the exam timing should be flexible so that every student attend
it easily without any discomfort. In simple words I just wanted to say that the timing of our
exams would be similar to our final examination. Lastly there Should likewise be
measures in Case of trouble like if student’s internet quits working or any other technical
interference during test.

I hope that you will pay attention to my email and also acknowledge my suggestions and
we will propose a reasonable method to manage these circumstances, I am likewise
looking for your kind response.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Raza Ahmad

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