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Final Test Preparation Worksheet

Digestive System
1. Differentiate macronutrient and micronutrient and give example of each!
2. Label the following structures!

3. Label the salivary glands below!

4. Label the
types of the teeth diagram and write the numbers of
each type.
5. Bruno is 17 years old boy with body height 170 cm. His body mass index (BMI) is 25.
Based on the given information:
a. What is Bruno’s body mass? (in kg)
b. Based on his BMI value, how do you interpret it?
c. Calculate his BMR value! (calories)
6. Label letter a-d!

7. What is the function of

gastrin hormone which produced by glands in stomach wall?
8. Write 3 roles of gastric acid (HCl) in stomach!
9. Where do you find the following structures in digestive tract?
a. Rugae
b. Microvilli
10. Mention 3 parts of small intestine!
11. Mention the enzymes found in jejunum!
12. What gastric juices consist of?
13. Describe how fat is digested and distributed!
14. What will be the positive indicator for the following test:
a. Protein
b. Glucose
c. Fat
d. Starch
15. What is the causes of:
a. Dental caries
b. Mouth scurvy
Respiratory System
1. What is the role of the following parts of nasal cavity:
a. Fine hairs
b. Mucous layer
2. Label and describe the functions of the parts.
3. Label the following diagram!

What is the value of :

a. inspiratory capacity
b. functional residue capacity
4. Explain the steps in during inspiration and expiration of chest breathing!
5. Explain the gaseous exchange mechanism between:
a. alveolus and blood
b. blood and body cells.,
include these key words: the alveolar structures and endothelium layer of blood, partial
pressure, diffusion.
6. Explain how is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in the blood also the enzyme that
help the reaction!
7. What are the causes of the following disease:
a. Emphysema
b. Asthma
c. Tuberculosis
d. Pneumonia
e. Bronchitis
8. Explain the birds respiratory system.
Excretory System
The structural and functional unit of kidney is called…
1. Label the following diagram.

a. Explain the urine formation process!

2. Label the following diagram.

a. Name the structural and functional unit of number 1!

b. Name the two main organic constituents that flow to number 3!
c. What is the function of no 4 and 5?
3. What is dialysis? Under what conditions does it carried?

4. How does the ADH regulate the urine output?

5. Why do you tend to urinate more frequently in cold temperature?

6. Explain how skin produces sweat in detection of temperature changes?

7. What trigger adrenal gland to release aldosterone?

8. Mention 3 functions of liver!

9. Discuss briefly the urea cycle and the location where it occurs inside the cell!

10. How does the liver destroy old RBC?

11. Describe 3 diseases of excretory system and the cause!

12. Why does seawater fish need to drink much water?

13. What are the excretory organs of earthworm, and grasshopper?

The Excretory System

Directions: Each of the following statements is false. Replace the underlined word(s) to make
the statement true
by using a term from the list below. Write your changes on the lines provided. NOTE: You may
need to change a
term to its plural form.

urea bladder excretory system kidney

nephron ureter urethra urine

1. Urine is stored in a muscular sac called the ureter.

2. A bean-shaped organ called the bladder filters wastes from
the blood.
3. Urine leaves the kidneys through the urethra.
4. Some wastes exit the body in a fluid called urea.
5. The organs of the digestive system regulate fluid levels
and eliminate wastes from the body.
6. The actual filtration of blood occurs within the millions of
ureters in the kidneys.
7. Urine leaves the bladder through a duct called the
excretory system.
8. Each nephron of the excretory system has a function.
A. Functions of the Excretory System
1. The collects and eliminates wastes from the body and
regulates the level of fluid in the body.

2. If body is not eliminated, it could become toxic and

damage organs.

3. The excretory system controls how much water leaves the

body through .

4. The organs of the system collect and remove

undigested solids from food.

5. The system processes, transports, collects, and removes

liquid waste from the body.

6. The system, which includes the skin, secretes excess salt

and water through sweat glands.

B. Organs of the Urinary System

1. The is a bean-shaped organ that filters wastes from


2. are networks of capillaries and tubules in the kidneys,

where filtration of blood occurs.

3. When kidneys filter blood plasma, they produce a fluid

called .

4. Urine leaves each kidney through a tube called the .

5. Both ureters drain into the . It is a muscular sac that

holds urine until the urine is .

6. Urine leaves the bladder through a tube called the .

7. The urethra contains circular muscles called that

control the release of urine.
C. Urinary Disorders

1. A urinary disorder is an illness that affects one or more

of the urinary system.
2. Common urinary disorders include kidney disease, urinary tract infection, kidney
, and bladder control problems.

The Excretory System and Homeostasis

1. The excretory system helps maintain in two ways. It
filters wastes from the and removes wastes from the

2. A hormone controlled by the causes the tubules

in the kidney to absorb more water from the blood. This helps the body
regulate .

Directions: On each line, write the term from the word bank that correctly completes each
sentence. Each term is
used only once.

blood excretory integumentary liquid

nephrons respiratory solids ureter
urethra urinary urine water

1. The system collects and eliminates wastes from the body.

2. The excretory system controls how much is eliminated

from the body.

3. The organs of the digestive system remove undigested ,

whereas the urinary system removes waste.

4. The system removes carbon dioxide and water vapor from

the body.

5. The system secretes excess salt and water through sweat


6. The system includes two kidneys, two ureters, the bladder,

and the urethra.

7. The kidneys remove wastes from .

8. Networks of capillaries and small tubes in the kidneys are

called .

9. When blood is filtered, is produced.

10. Urine leaves each kidney through a tube called the .

11. The bladder is an organ that holds urine until it is excreted through
the .

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