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Fuego, Louis Celso

Android vs IOS

Android or iOS? If you are buying a phone nowadays, that’s usually what people

would ask first. While there are many other operating systems these two are so

dominant in the market that the other operating systems (OS from here on) are

practically irrelevant, and both OS are already excellent and good at their job. Both

platforms have existed for a decade now and over the years they have added features

in and improved upon in the recent years and finally we have gone to the point of

asking, which is a better OS? While they have so many things in common users wanting

to buy phones have to consider some of the differences that differentiates both of the

operating systems that I’ve mentioned. And while the decision really comes down to

user preferences, I will outline the major differences both platforms has in this essay.

One of the major differences most people notice when comparing the iOS and

Android is that the Android has a far better customizability than iOS. Android can

basically let you change how your phone can work and how your phone looks like with

third party apps the user can install, in contrast iOS cannot achieve the same thing.

What iOS is far better at however is that it has a better security than Android, it achieves

a better security by not allowing the user to download third party apps through this it

disallows malicious files from entering the phone entirely with this it wins the hearts of

the people who are paranoid of malicious files. Another thing people like to point out

when comparing these to operating systems, is that Android has the ability to sideload

and has alternative app stores. To explain further, sideloading is the ability to download
outside of an app store through an APK as opposed to iOS only letting you download

from their App Store because of the reason I’ve mentioned before, that being iOS

opposes third party applications.

Overall what I’ve laid out in this essay almost paints the iOS in a bad light, but I

assure you it doesn’t fall short from Android as both of them has not failed to put a smile

in their customer’s faces while using it. So now, back to the question iOS or Android?

What I’ve mentioned are one of the many differences that both has, to summarize iOS

has a far simpler experience and has a smoother user interface. while Android is for

people who like their customizability on their devices. While these differences look huge

some of them aren’t really important if you just want a phone that is simple and easy to

use, as I’ve said in the start of the essay the people who picks their phones are based

on their preferences. And finally while both have pros and cons Android has many

similarities more than they have differences in the systems so you can be rest assured if

you are worried about which operating system is better.

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