Work X Job Exercises With Answers

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Vivian Fornitano

English Teacher

Work x Job Exercises

1. How long has you been out of a _____?

2. He applied for a _____ in a company he always dreamed being part of.

3. Alex does voluntary _____ every other weekend.

4. After several months of absence due to illness, she returned to _____.

5. Where do you _____ at?

6. I’m not sure, but I think he’s still looking for a _____.

7. I thought there wasn’t a lot of _____, but boy was I wrong!

8. I can’t believe how stressful their _____ is.

9. Nowadays Emma can say that she has a steady _____.

10. Hey, that’s not your _____.

11. Oh my God! I never felt so excited in my whole life! I got the _____!

12. That’s it! you can have the _____!

13. Ok, but this isn’t knitting, this is hard _____.

14. Now, tell me, do you have the _____ of your dreams?

15. Stop staring at me and talking about my work! Go mind your own _____.

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