Ngoaingu24H.Vn 1: Đăng kí học Tiếng Anh trực tuyến cùng với cô Mai Phương tại website!

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(ID: ET1047)
Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
Câu 1 [ID: 264248] I never _____you that I loved her; I only said that I liked her.
A. told B. have told C. was telling D. had told
Câu 2 [ID: 264249] I ______ to Greece until Sally and I went there last summer.
A. have never been B. had never been
C. was never being D. were never
Câu 3 [ID: 264250] By the time I'm 50, I ________ a million dollars.
A. will make B. would C. make D. will have made
Câu 4 [ID: 264251] I want ________ the exercises for advanced students.
A. try B. to try C. to have tried D. trying
Câu 5 [ID: 264252] Hey, you ________ at the computer all day. You should really take a break
A. have been sitting B. were sitting C. did sit D. had sat
Câu 6 [ID: 264253] He claimed that he had never seen that man, but I know that ________.
A. he did B. he had C. he was D. he is
Câu 7 [ID: 264254] What ________ to her about last night?
A. have you spoken B. you spoke C. did you speak D. did you spoke
Câu 8 [ID: 264255] He ________ his granddaughter daily.
A. calling B. calls C. is calling D. call
Câu 9 [ID: 264256] She ________ lunch when someone rang the doorbell.
A. was preparing B. prepared C. has been preparing D. has prepared
Câu 10 [ID: 264257] She never ________ when someone leaves her a message.
A. has called back B. calls back C. will call back D. called back
Câu 11 [ID: 264258] Ronnie, I ________________ you in a long time. How have you been?
A. was seen B. saw C. haven't seen D. hadn't seen
Câu 12 [ID: 264259] Yesterday I ____________ to see my grandparents.
A. go B. have gone C. gone D. went
Câu 13 [ID: 264260] Some people say that it is better to _________ for today.
A. is living B. living C. lives D. live

Đăng kí học Tiếng Anh trực tuyến cùng với cô Mai Phương tại website!

Câu 14 [ID: 264261] Have you ever ____________ to Canada?

A. being B. be C. been D. have been
Câu 15 [ID: 264262] Albert doesn't like ___________ on weekends.
A. working B. to work C. work D. Answers A and B are correct
Câu 16 [ID: 264263] He occasionally ____________ a headache in the morning.
A. having B. has C. have D. is having
Câu 17 [ID: 264264] The time on the clock ____________ correct.
A. is B. should be C. might be D. All the above are correct
Câu 18 [ID: 264265] I ____________ all the requirements for the job already.
A. am meeting B. meet C. have met D. will meet
Câu 19 [ID: 264266] Marsha sometimes ___________ her homework.
A. doesn't do B. hasn't done C. has been done D. do
Câu 20 [ID: 264267] When you ___________ the Lotto, be sure to call me.
A. are going to win B. will win C. are winning D. win
Câu 21 [ID: 264268] What time _____________ up every day?
A. are you waking B. have you working
C. do you wake D. All the above are correct
Câu 22 [ID: 264269] Don't bother me now. I ___________ the movie.
A. be watching B. am watching
C. have to watch D. Both B & C are correct.
Câu 23 [ID: 264270] Jimmy _________ his homework before the teacher comes.
A. needs to finish B. has to do
C. will complete D. All the answers are correct.
Câu 24 [ID: 264271] We never ________________ Mr. Barrientos anymore. He's too busy.
A. won't see B. see C. sees D. don't see
Câu 25 [ID: 264272] Did you ____________ early today?
A. will leave B. left C. are going to leave D. want to leave
Câu 26 [ID: 264273] I have _______________ to travel throughout Brazil.
A. always wanted B. wanted always
C. always been wanted D. None of the above are correct.

Đăng kí học Tiếng Anh trực tuyến cùng với cô Mai Phương tại website!

Câu 27 [ID: 264274] Choose the correct sentence.

A. Have you been exercising with Glen?
B. Has Glen exercised lately?
C. Is Glen exercising right now?
D. All the answers are correct.
Câu 28 [ID: 264275] She _____________ six days a week.
A. usually works B. works usually
C. is usually works D. is working usually
Câu 29 [ID: 264276] Charley _____________ telling silly jokes.
A. is always B. always is C. has always D. had always
Câu 30 [ID: 264277] When it ________ hot tommorow, the fans will turn on automatically.
A. is going to get B. will get C. gets D. is gets
Câu 31 [ID: 264278] By the time I got to the hotel, ________ any rooms left.
A. there weren't B. there hadn't been C. there isn't D. there wasn't
Câu 32 [ID: 264279] I was afraid to ask her out because she ________ me before.
A. was rejecting B. had rejected C. rejected D. has rejected
Câu 33 [ID: 264280] I ________ to music when she came in.
A. was listening B. listened
C. have been listening D. am listening
Câu 34 [ID: 264281] P1: What have you been doing?
P2: I ________ a lot.
A. have worked B. worked C. have been working D. work
Câu 35 [ID: 264282] Last night I ________ that I was living in Norway.
A. dreamed B. have dreamed C. dreamt D. had dreamt
Câu 36 [ID: 264283] I don't know why you insist on ________ to Cambodia.
A. going B. to go C. to be going D. will go
Câu 37 [ID: 264284] The movie that we ________ last Monday was really awful.
A. have seen B. saw C. were seeing D. had seen
Câu 38 [ID: 264285] He ________ his son to the zoo last Sunday.
A. taking B. took C. is taking D. taken

Đăng kí học Tiếng Anh trực tuyến cùng với cô Mai Phương tại website!

Câu 39 [ID: 264286] I already read the book that you gave me. Could you ________ me another
A. to lend B. will lend C. lend D. lent
Câu 40 [ID: 264287] He ________ her if she hadn't waved to him.
A. didn't see B. would not have seen
C. will not have D. doesn't see
Câu 41 [ID: 264288] Albert ______________ many classes at this school.
A. taken B. take C. takes D. taking
Câu 42 [ID: 264289] He usually ________________ early in the morning.
A. works B. work C. working D. worked
Câu 43 [ID: 264290] I ________________ breakfast when I heard the birds singing.
A. was ate B. ate C. was eating D. had eat
Câu 44 [ID: 264291] We ___________ all our make up work next week.
A. will B. doing C. will do D. does
Câu 45 [ID: 264292] While I __________ to work this morning. I __________ an accident.
A. was going/saw B. goes/seen C. going/saw D. was going/seen
Câu 46 [ID: 264293] I _____________________ to Europe many times.
A. been B. going C. been going D. have been
Câu 47 [ID: 264294] Listen! Someone _______________ in the shower!
A. is sing B. singing C. sings D. is singing
Câu 48 [ID: 264295] I knew I __________________ the book before.
A. reading B. read C. have read D. had read
Câu 49 [ID: 264296] I _________________ that song three or four times on the radio today.
A. have heard B. hearing C. have hear D. hear
Câu 50 [ID: 264297] We ________________________ all our school work by tomorrow.
A. finish B. finishing C. be finishing D. will have finished

Đăng kí học Tiếng Anh trực tuyến cùng với cô Mai Phương tại website!

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