Slide 6

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Slide 4

Finish the phrasal verb using a word then draw a picture of the meanings

_______OFF ______UP ________IN

Slide 5
Write a list of all the phrasal verbs you can think of in 2 minutes.

1) _________________________ 7) _________________________

2) _________________________ 8) _________________________

3) _________________________ 9) _________________________

4) _________________________ 10) _________________________

5) _________________________ 11) _________________________

6) _________________________ 12) _________________________

Slide 7
- Direction: Circle the correct use of the phrasal verb.

• Take it out / Take out it

• Stand it up / Stand up it
• Hang it on / hang on it
• Look it over / look over it
• Make it away / Make away it
• Put it away / Put away it
• Put it up / Put up it

Slide 8
Direction: What are the most common phrasal verbs you hear? For homework: make a list of
all the phrasal verbs you listen to and how many times they are repeated in 24 hours.

Verb # of times Reputed

Stand up IIII
Slide 9
Direction: Discuss your understanding of the prepositions and the verbs from slide nine and try
to define each phrasal verb with a group or partner
1) Come on
2) Come down
3) Come of
4) Come after
5) Come from
6) Come to

1) Fall back
2) Fall in
3) Fall in with
4) Fall off
5) Fall through
6) Fall into
Slide 10
Take the last phrasal verbs from slide 9 and categorize them as either figurative or literal. If they both, then
write them in both columns.

Figurative Literal
Fall off Fall off

Step 2
Direction: With a partner, or in groups discuss the meaning behind each phrasal verb. What do
you think it means? Can you give an example?
Slide 11
Direction: Read the sentences and try to identify what the work keep-up means

1) I like to keep up with world events

2) She was kept up all night by the loud noise
3) I could not keep up with her

1) ___________________________________________________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________________________________________________

3) ____________________________________________________________________________________

Slide 16

1) We were lucky the bomb didn’t blow up.

2) As a single mother, she brought up. her two sons on her own.
3) I can’t seem to cheer her up. She is still sad.
4) Could you look up the address.
5) My neighbors wouldn’t stop yelling, they kept me up all night.
6) My wife can put up with me, somehow.

Direction: Write out the preposition and briefly describe what you think the meaning is
behind the phrasal verb.
1) ____________________________________________________________________________________


2) ____________________________________________________________________________________


3) ____________________________________________________________________________________


4) ____________________________________________________________________________________

5) ____________________________________________________________________________________


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