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dn ord force lat ect ued ed rae from the Spire dungeons to. thy sefaesall bearing a smal of sak ibs crown bors ie Sek a Tejrecd cull" col derteoh Ea Groupe undereround doing research into planar pore caused by the Emerald Spire. Reeicrs for copice of not shout this resench ‘rom three diferent sonreesandretarm them tothe Gldenfre Onder, FRIENDS IN THE FORT Tee. grootttier ower ean Inevieable Earn the trast of either the Hellnighte who maintain their avers laws or the Soven Foxes seieuaes troup that oppor them and frm an Alliance with your choasn faction, 1A Nomeretaeed adem crater named Klarkosh commandy i own domain and influences cufaell ther levels of the Spire dangeons Find axl defeat him to ook completing his lana sage Abernard Royer who Hives in Fort Towrintle, collese aga tod details about the nderseomad dungeons around the Emerald Spite (Cataloe the lnvele you coal report sour Bindings back tim REACHINGTHE >= SPIREDUNGEONS '_) Atowerand suture in he Esko Wood surround the Emerald Spite whose protrudes from the ground, but hire sre more dangeo path hae wil ae own int shih ales care of llsheir needa Find {ora to diel thin "Gobo hn hysially damaging i or otherwise destroying it Abernsed “Revel ‘bas ctereed shipped. serated fragment freonish skymetal called nog ‘This piace leaky came from larger scuptare: Bring Royer the est of the nogal teasurehe seeks rds of the Goldetre Onder Lave gone meri Shara all Tiavach rented into the deal tolnere roracd. cate eet dungeons below, and return them or thet remnine tthe rf ala eerie tory Restore the Sanctum and i tall ty rd past the destructive Reclatmere end ts the leon Cech The Hellknigh Chsid DiVit took sa on into the deep levee of the Spice dungeons, but the gro pedir smassive gem eld in pace tine bande, Find a way 1 lense the glitering stone ids and determine what she plane tower, ‘lf akon root an ancient Tee ond echoes Tg outa gost umber of One level of the be the lanfl ineritbles gal note poteanew-a feud that has Thar by deotoving the faston= ‘making them destroy one anothen 1D i O a 2 S a > 9° x [food | fem omnre | keene ed pve eres ni a meer reer ee ] q ot Fort Incyitable ant 4 ee ] Slaagh 8 Fee read | eee : ae j Klarkosh Tee a atts, oe NTs eee re

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