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OGL 360 Final Portfolio

Ahmad Hamid
Part I: Where You Want to Be?

• My goal in life and career wise is challenge

myself to achieve my dreams and not let anything
or anyone hold me back. I’m striving to move into
Vice President roles in the organization I am in
and continue to SVP of International Operations.
Finally, personally I strive to maintain a healthy
lifestyle and graduating ASU.
I.1. What Leadership Means to You

• My experiences through this course changed

me because of my peer coaches. These two
helped me push through my limits and helped me
trouble shoot some of my most challenging
leadership experiences. I was reflecting back to 7
weeks ago and was concerned and confused
about this experience and have now 7 weeks later
found value and joy in this experience.
1. Integrity
2. Family
3. Compassion
4. Growth
5. Religion
One of the hardest things to work through is dishonesty in both a
professional and personal setting. I believe that integrity connects with my

I.2. Core Values

religious views. I work well with those that are vulnerable and honest when
having conversations with me. Integrity ties to my religion as it helps me
stay disciplined with my religious values. One of the vital aspects is
honesty/integrity and being vulnerable to being supported and learning
from others. I believe that being a compassionate individual is yet another
critical value that ties with my religious views. At work and in my personal
life, I feel that this value shapes who I am and would like to inspire others to
be more compassionate to the world. I believe it's essential always to be a
learner of life. I don't accept complacency and think it's vital to seek growth
from learnings and/or positional/role growth. Development can have
different meanings, such as learning how to do something, making
mistakes, maturity, and changing roles at work. I believe many of these
values stem from my religious and life experiences that have helped me
understand what is most important to me.
I.3. Future Vision

• Vision-Be the leader the business world

needs today to impact tomorrow’s world for
the better. Avoid nothing and face
everything to achieve the ultimate success.
Nothing holds you back.
Part II: Where You
II.1. Sociogram

• I chose these 20 people because they have each impacted my life in some
way shape or form. I have learned from my Dad – “You don't always learn how
to be a better human from good people sometimes you can learn how to be
better, by doing and learning from those that do bad things or their mistakes.”
Although these individuals don't do bad things a few have made mistakes as I
grew up and I have learned about myself throughout the journey and
committed to not making the same mistake in my future. I did get all my top
values from these individuals. My values consist of; accountability, religion,
growth, empathy, love, ethics, caring, self-discipline, success, teamwork,
vulnerability, power, friendship, family, honestly, responsibility, and integrity.
These aren't all and they aren't in order. I can't identify my top 5 because they
each shape me and help me progress as an adult. I have learned a lot from
these people and even the ones in green are my direct reports. They taught me
the importance of my values because they hold me accountable, and I help
them stay accountable. I love learning from everyone to help me best decide,
"What person do I want to be known as?", and in a professional setting-"What
leader do I want to be known as?"
II.2. Leadership Strength:

Practices Inventory
Inspire-I can inspire others and gain commitment by the way I
speak and motivate
Communication- Sharing a vision and the why behind every
Assessment action has supported my communication to my team.

Releasing Control- I need to do better
releasing control and holding back doing my
employee's job. This doesn’t help them grow
their capabilities
II.3. Learning Style Inventory Assessment

• My learning style is Acting - being motivated for goal-directed action by working with people and tasks. It brings me back to the
start of this course. I was a bit confused with the logistics of the coaching groups and how I would be able to make this workout.
After the kick start of the first session, the peer coaches and I helped uncover the "how" to be a successful part of this course
which helped us all discover how to manage the course and the coaching groups. We need we had a goal and we relied on each
other to be successful therefore we needed to come together and understand how to make this course work out. We set a plan
and stay true to it and leaned on one another to continue and stay accountable.
• I find that being a leader and leveraging my learning style can either hinder my growth or excel. For hindering my growth- as a
leader, I believe it's important to be self-efficient if you lead others. This is an important skill set to have as your team may rely on
you and you may need to actively work with little information and your team will rely on you. I find that the "acting" learning style
can help me be a successful leader because I will encourage teamwork and goal setting to achieve results or specific outcomes.
Since I will be learning and needing my team to help me potentially, I will encourage them to contribute, and I will help facilitate
this will help me be a stronger team leader as we as learn from others.
II.4. Limiting

I assume because I am afraid of what
the truth may entail and because it is easier to
quit rather than try and fail. If I assume that
there are no possibilities, then I can’t be
III.5. What Matters
Most to You

I appreciate a mindfulness lifestyle approach. Both mentally and physically. My

career and educational growth follow directly after that. I share this because if my
mental state isn't healthy or I haven't exercised I will not accomplish much in life.
This will follow with time, money, and energy these factors vary for each area, but
each will come with a great return of my time, money, and energy. For example, if I
go to the gym it's about 1.5 hours of my time/per day, with about $40/month fee
and + amount of energy. These factors help me maintain my mindfulness lifestyle
approach. I have committed to continuing my connections with my peer coaches.
We have found tremendous value from these sessions that we have felt will become
a loss if we don't continue speaking. This will cost me nothing, require little energy,
and a few minutes of my day.
Part III: Getting from
Where You Are to
Where You Want to Be
Competency 1. Self-Care
2. Determination
Development 3. Confidence
III.2. Coaching Relationship(s)
• Coaching relationship helped me break down
barriers I put up that held me back from success. I
found these relationships helped me over come my
obstacles and push my boundaries to limits I never
thought I could achieve. Finally, these coaching
relationships taught me the value of networking and
how it supports my development as a leader by
gaining perspectives from others.
III.3. Learning Style and Flexibility

• My learning style and flexibility will help me

develop competencies because I will interact
with more peers that will help me with gain
perspectives and demonstrate a growth

• My growth mindset and openness to others will

help me gain trust and connection with my
peers to further my development
III.4. Action Plan

1. Take risks 2. Face 3. Self-Care

everything and
avoid nothing

Action: Don’t Action: Don’t be

afraid of new
Action: Take care of
hesitate to relationships and myself to be the best
release control opportunities, take person I can be for
allow others to every chance to myself and then
learn and grow meet and grow with others. This will allow
others me to achieve more
08/2021- involved in
Graduate my
ASU-BA OGL organization

III.5. Integrated
05/2021- 12/2021-
Increase my Work on my
abilities at professional
the gym development
Part IV: Overall
• This portfolio helped me create a
plan to stay committed to for my
growth as a leader and individual. I
set strong goals that reflected my
growth and my growth
professionally. The course
highlights throughout the portfolio
Conclusion was a great add to my
development as a leader. I learned
a lot from my peer coaches and the
assessments we took as it helped
me gain perspectives. I found
myself curious to network more as
this was the greatest value added
to my development.

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