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Nephrol Dial Transplant (2017) 1–9

doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfx039

Full Review

Urea and chronic kidney disease: the comeback of the century?

(in uraemia research)

Raymond Vanholder1, Tessa Gryp2 and Griet Glorieux2

Nephrology Section, Department of Internal Medicine, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium and 2Laboratory for Bacteriology Research,
Department of Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

Correspondence and offprint requests to: Raymond Vanholder; E-mail: Raymond.vanholder@ugent.be

Urea, a marker of uraemic retention in chronic kidney disease ||
|| The biological role of urea in chronic kidney disease (CKD)
(CKD) and of adequacy of intradialytic solute removal, has trad- ||
itionally been considered to be biologically inert. However, a || and in the uraemic syndrome remains a matter of debate [1, 2].
|| The classical way of thinking was for many years that urea, in
number of recent experimental data suggest that urea is toxic at ||
concentrations representative for CKD. First of all, at least five || spite of its worldwide use for the calculation of Kt/Vurea as a
studies indicate that urea itself induces molecular changes || marker of dialysis adequacy, is a relatively inert molecule that
related to insulin resistance, free radical production, apoptosis
|| exerts no major toxicity. This hypothesis was nourished by a
and disruption of the protective intestinal barrier. Second, urea || number of acute animal experiments, mostly from the 19th cen-
is at the origin of the generation of cyanate, ammonia and car-
|| tury, showing no nominal toxic effects for urea [3], the experi-
bamylated compounds, which as such all have been linked to || ence of Johnson et al., who added urea to dialysate at
biological changes. Especially carbamylation has been held re-
|| concentrations in excess of pre-dialysis values without a consist-
sponsible for post-translational protein modifications that are || ent relationship between uraemic symptoms and urea exposure
involved in atherogenesis and other functional changes. In ob- || [4], and two randomized controlled trials (the HEMO and
servational clinical studies, these carbamylated compounds || ADEMEX studies) finding no improved hard outcomes in spite
were associated with cardiovascular and overall morbidity and || of increases in urea removal [5, 6].
mortality. These findings shed new light on the validity of Kt/ || In contrast, a randomized controlled study by Chertow et al.
Vurea as a marker of dialysis adequacy. Yet, also the views that || showed a higher Kt/Vurea and improved outcomes in patients
the kinetics of urea are not representative of the kinetics of sev- || treated by daily dialysis when compared with those on a stand-
eral other uraemic retention solutes, and that urea cannot be || ard thrice weekly dialysis regime [7], a finding that has been
held responsible for all complex metabolic and clinical changes ||
|| cited as a possible indirect clinical argument in favour of the
responsible for the uraemic syndrome, still remain valid. Future || toxicity of urea [3, 8]. However, these positive results are based
efforts to improve the outcome of patients with CKD might be ||
|| on a composite of hard and surrogate endpoints, and for daily
directed at further improving removal of solutes implied in the || dialysis may be related to other factors than solute removal such
uraemic syndrome, including but not restricted to urea, also tak- ||
|| as less hypotensive episodes due to lower body weight gain in
ing into account the impact of the intestine and (residual) renal || between dialysis sessions, or to better removal of solutes other
function on solute concentration. ||
|| than urea with potential impact on outcomes [9, 10].
Keywords: ammonia, carbamylation, cyanate, urea, uraemic
|| More compelling than these clinical data are a number of re-
toxicity | cent experimental studies that have suggested that urea, either

C The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press

V 1
on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved.
by itself or via post-translational protein modifications, induces || atherosclerotic lesions than control animals [22]. This effect was
biochemical alterations with a potential impact on outcomes. || attenuated by the anti-oxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) [22].
Of note, whereas most animal or clinical studies mentioned
|| However, in this study, urea was used as a marker of CKD sever-
above are either acute experiments or correlate instantaneous || ity and a tool to select animals for further study of the protective
urea concentrations to long-term outcomes, all effects that have
|| effect of NAC and thus supposedly was not the only uraemic re-
been found in these novel studies are very likely chronic and cu- || tention solute to be elevated in the CKD group. Hence, based on
mulative, so that the negative or neutral outcomes mentioned || that study, there are in our opinion no reasons to accept a pro-
do not automatically support the idea that urea is inert. In this || ven causal link between elevation of urea and the observed vas-
publication, we summarize the most recent studies showing || cular lesions. Accordingly, no correlation was found between
that urea has a biological impact, and subsequently we will try || atherosclerotic plaque area and urea concentration [22].
to define the exact meaning of urea and its removal in the con- || Studies on the biological impact of urea at concentrations
text of uraemia, taking into account this novel information. || relevant for CKD appeared, to the best of our knowledge, only
|| since 2010.
|| The first major breakthrough describing a direct biochemical
CHARACTERISTICS OF UREA || effect of urea was published by D’Apolito et al. [15]. These au-
|| thors demonstrated that when 3T3-L1 adipocytes were submit-
Urea is a small water soluble molecule with a molecular weight || ted to disease-specific concentrations of urea, this resulted in
of 60 g/mol. It contains two nitrogen atoms and is the end- || radical oxygen species (ROS) production, increased expression
product of protein and nitrogen metabolism. Urea is the com- || of the insulin resistance-related adipokines, retinol binding pro-
pound with the highest concentration found in the blood of || tein 4 (RBP4) and resistin and increased O-linked b-N-acetyl-
uraemic patients [11]. The serum concentration of urea is ex- ||| glucosamine (O-GlcNAc) [15]. The latter effect generates a
pressed either as a molar or as a mass concentration. Serum || decrease of insulin signal transduction and thus creates a state
urea mass concentration is either specified for the complete || of insulin resistance [15]. These in vitro changes were matched
urea molecule or for nitrogen equivalents [blood urea nitrogen || by those observed in uraemic mice and normal mice infused
(BUN)] at a ratio of 60/28. The conversion between different
|| with urea [15], while this effect was attenuated by the anti-
units is: BUN (mg/dL) ¼ 0.47  [urea in mg/dL] ¼ 2.8  [urea || oxidant, superoxide dismutase/catalase mimetic [15].
in mmol/L]. Under normal conditions, BUN ranges from 6.1 to
|| Trecherel et al. [16] studied the in vitro expression of pro-
20.2 mg/dL, which corresponds to urea concentrations of 13– || apoptotic proteins in human smooth muscle cells, exposed to
43 mg/dL or 2.2–7.2 mmol/L. BUN levels are markedly
|| urea or phosphate. Of both uraemic toxins, only urea caused
increased in CKD patients, reaching in patients with end-stage || relevant modifications, which occurred in one of the proteins of
renal disease, pre-dialysis concentrations that can reach 10 || the B cell lymphoma-2 (BCL2) family, namely BCL-2-
times or more the upper limit of the normal range. || associated death (BAD) promoter, a finding that conforms to
|| alterations observed by the same authors in uraemic mice [16],
|| and pointing to the potential of urea to induce apoptosis and
DIRECT TOXICITY OF UREA || cell death in smooth muscle cells, a step at play in atherogenesis
|| and progression of atherosclerosis. Of note, BAD has been
At the end of previous century, several studies indicated that in || linked as well to alterations in carbohydrate metabolism [23].
renal medullary collecting duct cells, urea instigates a chain of || Vaziri et al. [17] tested the impact of urea on the integrity of
molecular events, such as the induction of early growth re- || the intestinal epithelial barrier. Previous studies by the same au-
sponse protein-1 (egr-1) and immediate-early gene (IEG) tran- || thors in CKD or in the presence of uraemic plasma had demon-
scription factor [12, 13] (Table 1). The urea concentrations used || strated a disruption of intestinal barrier functions, potentially
in those studies (200 mM) were substantially higher than those || impairing the protection against leakage of intestinal content
observed in CKD, as these studies mimicked the osmolar condi- || such as pro-inflammatory endotoxin into the body [24, 25]. Of
tions of kidney medulla, where a high urea gradient is present. || note, it has been demonstrated that CKD is linked to increased
Egr-1 subsequently has been linked to the activation of protein || endotoxinaemia even at the pre-dialysis stage [26, 27]. At the
kinase C (PKC) and of inositol triphosphate [20], two entities || molecular level, this derangement was attributed to a decrease
that activate and regulate several biological mechanisms, among || in expression of tight junction proteins [24, 25].
which the inflammatory response [21]. || Although uraemic intestinal urea concentration has rarely
Zhang et al. [14] subsequently demonstrated that urea treat- || been studied, in an experiment in dogs it was shown to be as
ment of renal medullary cells at concentrations of 100–300 mM
|| high as in serum [28]. Hence, studies applying CKD concentra-
upregulated the expression of growth-arrest and DNA-damage || tions are also appropriate for conditions in the intestinal lumen.
inducible gene (Gadd153/CHOP), a transcription factor that is
|| The study by Vaziri et al. [17] tested in vitro the electrical resist-
responsive to oxidative stress. This effect was antioxidant sensi- || ance of a monolayer of intestinal epithelium as a surrogate of in-
tive [14]. || testinal barrier function in the absence or presence of urea at
A study, sometimes referred to in support of the toxicity of || uraemic concentrations, and urea appeared responsible for a
urea [15, 18], demonstrated that in atherosclerosis-prone apoli- || dose-dependent increase in epithelial leakiness. In addition, the
poprotein E knock-out mice the group with elevated urea due to || expression of the tight junction proteins occludin, claudin-1
experimentally induced CKD showed more prominent and ZO-1 was decreased [17]. Urease, expressed by intestinal

2 R. Vanholder et al.
Table 1. Direct biochemical modifications induced by urea (in vitro and animal experiments)

Study [Ref] Cell type or animal Change Urea concentration

A. In vitro experiments
Cohen et al. [12, 13] Medullary collecting duct cells Induction egr-1 200 mMa
Induction IEG transcription factor
Zhang et al. [14] Renal medullary cells Induction Gadd153/CHOP 100–300 mMa
D’Apolito et al. [15] Adipocytes Production ROS 20 mM
Expression RBP4b
Expression resistinb
Increase O-GlcNAc
Decrease insulin signal transduction
Trecherel et al. [16] Vascular smooth muscle cells Induction BAD protein 20 mM
Vaziri et al. [17] Intestinal epithelial cells Decrease TER 42–72 mg/dL (7–12.3 mM)
Decrease abundance occludinc
Decrease abundance claudin-1c
Decrease abundance ZO-1c
D’Apolito et al. [18] Aortic endothelial cells Induction mitochondrial ROS 20 mM
Increased PKC activity
Increase O-GlcNAc
Increased expression VCAM-1
Increased expression MCP-1
Intracellular accumulation AGEs
Inhibition GADPH
Inhibition of PGI2-synthase
Generation of ER stress
Koppe et al. [19] Pancreatic b-cells Decrease glucose-stimulated insulin secretion 10–100 mMa
Increase oxidative stress Effect from 20 mM on
Increase O-GlcNAcylation
Decrease glucose utilization
Decrease PFK-1 activity
B. Animal experiments
D’Apolito et al. [15] Mouse Insulin resistance 2.9 increase versus control
Increase resistinb
Increase RBP4b
Koppe et al. [19] Mouse Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion 16–18 mmol
Increase oxidative stress
Increase O-GlcNAcylation
egr-1, early growth response protein-1; IEG, immediate-early gene; Gadd153/CHOP, growth-arrest and DNA-damage inducible gene; ROS, reactive oxygen species; RBP4, retinol bind-
ing protein 4; O-GlcNAc, O-linked b-N-acetylglucosamine; BAD, BCL-2-associated death promoter; TER, transepithelial electrical barrier; ZO-1, zonula occludens-1; PKC, protein kin-
ase C; VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1; MCP-1, monocyte chemotactic protein-1; AGEs, advanced glycation end products; GADPH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase; PGI2, prostacyclin; ER, endoplasmatic reticulum; O-GlcNAcylation, O-linked N-glucosamine acylation; PFK-1, phosphofructokinase-1.
Concentrations above uraemic range (underscore).
Markers of insulin resistance.
Tight junction proteins.

bacteria, which converts urea to ammonia, worsened this effect || these deleterious effects. Although an animal arm of the study
[17] (for the role of ammonia, see below). || demonstrated similar changes in uraemic mice, no data on
D’Apolito et al. subsequently assessed whether the same con-
|| the direct toxicity of urea administration to animals with nor-
centrations that had increased ROS production in adipocytes in || mal kidney function was reported in this study [18], in con-
their previous study [15], also induced a similar effect in arterial || trast to the previous publication by the same group on urea
endothelial cells [18]. At a concentration of 20 mM, ROS gener- || toxicity [15].
ation was indeed induced, engendering further downstream || Koppe et al. [19] tested the direct impact of urea on pancre-
from the activation of other potentially pro-inflammatory and || atic b-cells. If islets from normal subjects were exposed to urea,
pro-atherogenic pathways, such as increased activity of PKC || and also when normal mice were treated orally for 3 weeks with
and of the hexosamine pathway as indicated by an increase of
|| urea and their islets were subsequently isolated, glucose-
O-GlcNAc, increased expression of the leukocyte adhesion mol- || stimulated insulin secretion was decreased, a finding analogous
ecules vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and mono- || to what was observed in 5/6 nephrectomized animals [19]. This
cyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), accumulation of advanced || effect was coupled to an increase in oxidative stress and in pro-
glycation end products as well as inhibition of glyceraldehyde- || tein O-linked N-glucosamine acylation (O-GlcNAcylation), as
3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GADPH) [18]. In addition, the || well as to a disturbance of glucose utilization and phosphofruc-
study showed that urea also induced endoplasmatic reticulum || tokinase-1 activity, which together with the impaired insulin se-
stress and inhibition of the anti-atherogenic enzyme prostacyc- || cretion could be reversed by inhibiting O-GlcNAcylation [19].
lin synthase [18]. Neutralization of ROS production annihilated | All these data together suggest a direct effect of urea on the

Urea and CKD 3

pancreas, resulting in deficient insulin secretion and impaired
In summary, at least five studies show a direct biochemical ||
effect of urea at uraemic concentrations (Table 1) [15–19]. ||
|| Carbamylation has been recognized as a post-translational
Changes to a large extent are linked to insulin resistance, in- ||
flammation and vascular damage, which all relate to the early || modification of amino acid and protein modification leading to
|| a plethora of biochemical alterations (Table 2) (as reviewed in
and increased morbidity and mortality of CKD [29–32]. ||
Biochemical alterations in vitro were similar across different cell
|| [44–46]). As shown by experiments in mice, carbamylation can
|| occur in a host of organs, with more substantial accumulation
lines, for example, endothelium, pancreatic cells and adipocytes. ||
|| in CKD than in animals with normal kidney function [36].
In at least two studies, the in vitro findings were confirmed after ||
oral urea administration or urea infusion to animals with nor- || Traditionally, urea has been considered the major source of
|| cyanate and hence of carbamylated compounds, such as e-car-
mal kidney function [15, 19], although these confirmatory ex- ||
periments were confined to a limited number of parameters. In || bamyllysine (homocitrulline). More recently however, Wang
|| et al. [47] reported myeloperoxidase (MPO)-catalysed oxidation
those animal studies it was not clear whether the effect that was ||
observed was related to the same direct cellular impact as shown || of thiocyanate as a novel mechanism to which they attributed
|| greater strength, especially at sites of inflammation and athero-
in the in vitro studies, or to an effect of urea appearing in the in- ||
testine and affecting the intestinal barrier as observed by Vaziri || genesis. Thiocyanate has been reported to be abundant in smok-
|| ers and is also retained in CKD [47, 48]. Corroborating the
et al. [17]. Whatever the mechanism, all these studies point to a ||
patho-physiological role of urea in uraemia. || intrinsic role of this pathway, homocitrulline was markedly
|| increased in atherosclerotic aortas of human MPO-transgenic
|| mice when compared with wild-type animals [47]. In addition,
UREA AS A SOURCE OF CYANATE || incubation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol with
|| MPO and thiocyanate resulted in cholesterol accumulation and
Cyanate is a free radical that is in equilibrium with urea. || foam cell formation in macrophages and in proliferation of
Generally, it is accepted that 0.8% of the molar concentration of
|| smooth muscle cells [47].
urea is converted into cyanate. Probably due to the increased || Carbamylated compounds interfere with organ and body
|| functions through multiple mechanisms. Carbamylated proteins
availability of urea, cyanate levels are also elevated in CKD [33]. ||
The best known and most extensively studied biological ac- || activate mesangial cells into a profibrogenic prototype, with a po-
|| tential to play a role in the progression of kidney failure [35].
tivity of cyanate is related to its induction of carbamylation (see ||
below). Some studies, however, also attribute direct biological || Within this context, the protein modifications related to carba-
action (toxicity) to cyanate. Incubation of coronary endothelial || mylation affect long-lived extracellular matrix proteins such as
cells in the presence of cyanate decreased nitric oxide synthase || collagen [36, 37], a process mimicking in accelerated fashion the
expression, and increased thrombogenic tissue factor and plas- || phenomena of regular aging [37], and suggesting a long lasting
minogen activator inhibitor-1 expression [34]. In mice, admin- || persistence in the body of carbamylated products. These struc-
istration of cyanate diminished the vasorelaxing response to || tural collagen changes also imply a functional element.
acetylcholine of aortic rings [34]. All these changes may con- || Leukocytes respond in a different way to these carbamylated col-
tribute to the vascular damage of uraemia. || lagens when compared with the genuine molecules [38].
Cyanate also dose-dependently decreased glucose-sensitive
|| Also, LDL is susceptible to carbamylation [39]. In vitro, car-
insulin secretion in pancreatic islets [19]. A similar effect was || bamylated LDL dose dependently induced endothelial cell death
observed with urea per se, but the pathways involved in the
|| and smooth muscle cell proliferation [39], vascular cell changes
cyanate-dependent changes were different from those induced || of relevance to atherogenesis. In uninephrectomized apolipo-
by urea, suggesting that both compounds act independently || protein E deficient mice subjected to a high fat diet and oral ad-
from each other via different mechanisms [19]. | ministration of urea, carbamylated LDL increased about 8-fold

Table 2. Functional and structural changes induced by carbamylation

Study [Ref] Affected cells or molecule Modification

Shaykh et al. [35] Glomerular mesangial cells Activation into a profibrotic phenotype
Pietrement et al. [36] Collagen Long-lasting structural changes
Gorisse et al. [37] Modification leukocyte response
Jaisson et al. [38]
Ok et al. [39] Low-density lipoprotein Endothelial cell apoptosis
Apostolov et al. [40] Smooth muscle cell proliferation
Massy et al. [8] Increased atherosclerosis in atherosclerosis-prone mice
Molecular mechanisms inducing vascular damage
Sun et al. [41] High-density lipropotein Disturbance endothelial repair function
Stim et al. [42] Haemoglobin Not evaluated
Mun and Golper [43] Erythropoietin Disturbance of erythropoietic response

4 R. Vanholder et al.
compared with non-urea consuming animals [40]. After assess- || protein energy wasting by impeding amino acid incorporation
ment by either intravital echography or post-mortem macro- || into proteins [45], but vice versa, amino acid depletion could in
scopic investigation of the aortic wall after Sudan black staining || its turn diminish the protection of regular proteins against car-
for lipid deposits, the mice with high carbamylated LDL had || bamylation, by diminishing the possibility to deviate carbamy-
higher degrees of atherosclerosis [40]. Carbamylated LDL has
|| lation to free amino acids that are not incorporated into
equally been linked to a variety of molecular alterations leading || proteins.
to vascular damage such as an increase in endothelial adhesion
|| In a more extensive study on the same group of diabetic
molecules [8]. Also, high-density lipoprotein is carbamylated in || dialysis patients with follow-up of 4 years, carbamylated albu-
CKD and inhibits endothelial repair function [41].
|| min was correlated to cardiac stress markers troponin-T and N-
Haemoglobin is carbamylated in renal failure [42]. Exposure || terminal pro-B-type-natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and was
of haemoglobin to urea resulted in a time-dependent modifica- || associated with a history of heart failure and arrhythmia [50]. In
tion, especially during the first 9 days [42]. Unfortunately, this || addition, it was strongly related to a number of hard cardiac
study did not assess whether these changes had a patho- || endpoints such as cardiovasular mortality, sudden cardiac death
physiological impact. || and risk of death from cardiac failure [50]. Statins were mainly
Erythropoietin can be carbamylated by in vitro exposure to || beneficial in the patient stratum with low carbamylated albumin
cyanate [43]. Compared with unmodified erythropoietin, sub- || [50].
cutaneous injection of carbamylated erythropoietin to Sprague– || In an assessment of a cohort of 347 haemodialysis patients,
Dawley rats showed an inadequate erythropoietic impact [43]. || mortality was highest in the tertile with the highest protein-
Altogether these experimental data suggest a profound biolo- || bound homocitrulline concentration [51]. Homocitrulline and
gical influence of protein carbamylation. The question arises in || urea concentration were correlated although the correlation was
how far these effects are corroborated by clinical data (Table 3). || weak, suggesting a role for causative factors other than urea,
In a clinical analysis that was part of the studies by Wang et || and/or the fact that homocitrulline is the reflection of long-term
al. [47] unraveling the thiocyanate-linked pathway of carbamy- || cumulated urea concentrations rather than of one single instant
lation, plasma protein-bound homocitrulline was an independ- || measurement. In addition, the correlation with urea was mark-
ent predictor for cardiovascular disease and death in subjects || edly stronger than that with any of the other markers of uraemic
undergoing cardiac catheterization. || retention considered [51].
In a group of 187 haemodialysis patients who were followed ||
for their outcomes, carbamylated albumin was correlated to ||
mortality within the first year after enrolment and also to time- || UREA AS A SOURCE OF AMMONIA
averaged BUN, suggesting a potential value of measurement of
concentration of carbamylated compounds as an indicator of || Urea is converted to ammonia by urease, which is expressed by
chronic urea exposure and accumulation [49]. This relationship
|| a number of intestinal bacteria [52]. Ammonia is in part con-
with mortality and BUN was validated and corroborated in an || verted to ammonium hydroxide, and both compounds lead to
independent population of 1161 German diabetic dialysis pa-
|| an increase of the pH in the intestinal lumen, mucosal irritation
tients [49]. The study also suggested a higher degree of albumin || and enterocolitis as additional and possibly more important
carbamylation with serum amino acid depletion, and the find- || causes of disruption of the intestinal epithelial barrier than the
ing of this clinical association was supported by studies in mice || effect of urea per se [17]. In vitro studies evaluating expression
on low protein diet, which next to amino acid deficiency, also || of intestinal epithelial tight junction proteins not only showed
showed higher degrees of albumin carbamylation [49]. Hence, || their depletion in the presence of urea, but also a further de-
it could be possible that amino acid carbamylation leads to crease when urease, inducing ammonia generation, was added

Table 3. Studies linking carbamylation to clinical outcomes cited in this review

Study [Ref] Tested carbamylated Studied population Associated parameters Study type
Wang et al. [47] Homocitrulline Subjects undergoing cardiac Cardiovascular events Case control
catheterization Death
Berg et al. [49] Carbamylated albumin Haemodialysis patients Mortality Observational cohort
Diabetic haemodialysis patients Averaged urea concentration
CKD patients
Drechsler et al. [50] Carbamylated albumin Diabetic haemodialysis patients Troponin-T Post hoc analysis RCT
History of cardiac arrhythmia
History of heart failure
Cardiovascular mortality
Sudden cardiac death
Death from congestive heart failure
Koeth et al. [51] Protein-bound Haemodialysis patients Mortality Observational cohort
NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-B-type-natriuretic peptide; RCT, randomized controlled trial.

Urea and CKD 5

[17]. AST-120, an oral sorbent that contains charcoal and cap- || Part of the biochemical impact of urea overlaps with that of
tures uraemic toxins and their precursors and also ammonia, || carbamylated compounds. Although it is difficult to discern be-
protects against this disruption of the intestinal barrier function || tween these two in vivo, the in vitro experiments clearly demon-
[53]. || strate the independent activity of both factors, which does not of
The production of ammonia and its deleterious effects is fur- || course exclude that both can also induce cumulative effects.
ther enhanced by a shift in the composition of intestinal micro- || CKD in these processes is at the origin of a vicious circle by
biota in favour of bacterial families containing urease [54]. The || inducing the progressive retention of urea, cyanate and thio-
role of urease in ammonia production is stressed in nephrec- || cyanate, which are directly toxic and/or the sources of carbamy-
tomized rats, in which intestinal ammonia was reduced by the || lated compounds, the activation of MPO, which catalyses
|| carbamylation, and changes in intestinal microbiota and func-
administration of a urease blocker, acetohydroxamic acid [55]. ||
|| tion, which further enhance inflammation (Figure 1). Some of
|| these processes are additionally promoted by causes of kidney
|| failure or its progression, including smoking, diabetes, obesity
|| and aging, altogether creating a morbid snowball effect. In this
The data reviewed in the present article compel us to reconsider || way there are several arguments favouring future strategies that
|| would result in better and more consistent removal of urea than
our current paradigm about the toxicity of urea. What has long ||
been considered as an inert molecule now seems to interfere with || what we attain today.
|| Yet, for the time being, and with the therapeutic arsenal we
a host of biochemical and organ functions, either directly or indir- ||
ectly via carbamylation and other mechanisms (Figure 1). One of
|| have available, it is unlikely that it will be possible in the near fu-
|| ture to decrease urea selectively. Almost all removal strategies for
the most striking aberrations caused by urea is insulin resistance, ||| end-stage kidney disease simultaneously affect a host of uraemic
a mechanism related to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality ||
|| solutes. It is even questionable whether it would be useful to aim
[31, 32]. If any specific approach were to be developed to select- || for a selective removal of specific uraemic toxins when consider-
ively decrease urea concentration, assessment of insulin resistance ||
|| ing the multiple retention compounds with biological potential
could be a first surrogate outcome to appreciate whether such || [56–59]. Thus, it seems more logical to enhance the removal of
intervention would be efficient, at the same time definitely con-
|| the broad array of uraemic toxins including, but not limited to,
firming in a clinical setting the toxicity of urea, which up to now || urea, by extracorporeal treatment, preserving kidney function or
has mainly been demonstrated experimentally. || by restraining intestinal generation, if such approaches are cost-
Other components that became apparent in playing a role in || effective [60].
the negative biological impact of urea are production of ROS || It becomes more and more evident that a substantial part of
and other inflammatory mechanisms. Like insulin resistance, ||
|| the biochemical impact of uraemia occurs via the intestine as an
also these elements are linked to cardiovascular damage and || intermediary. Although the metabolic generation of urea can be
mortality, which are all major causes of uraemic morbidity and
|| considered as quite straightforward because it simply is the end-
mortality [29, 30]. || product of amino acid metabolism, the gastrointestinal system
|| plays a crucial role by the digestion of proteins at the origin of
|| urea and the generation of ammonia, which in turn contributes
|| to the disintegration of the intestinal barrier. Optional interven-
|| tions allowing an impact on these processes are protein restric-
|| tion, combined or not to ketoanalogues, adsorption of intestinal
|| metabolites and modification of intestinal microbiota toward a
|| more favourable microbial content [61].
|| As many of the changes depicted in this review may be cu-
|| mulative and start occurring long before the dialysis stage, ef-
|| forts might be focused on preventing retention of uraemic
|| toxins including urea and/or their biological impact already at
|| the earlier stages of CKD [60].
|| It could be considered to decrease blood urea by creating an
|| intestinal shift in favour of urease-containing microbiota. A
|| number of in vivo and in vitro studies have confirmed this pos-
|| sibility [62–64]. However, urease transforms urea in ammonia
FIGURE 1: Pathways involved in the toxicity of urea. Left side (blue
|| (see above) and thus one toxin into another, which seems less
coloured track): cyanate/carbamylation pathway; middle (green col- || desirable.
ored track): direct toxicity of urea; and right (red coloured track): ||
|| The question should be raised again, in view of these novel
ammonia pathway. The general elements within these pathways are ||
indicated in black. Processes and conditions are in normal font, com- || data, whether Kt/Vurea is still a valid marker of dialysis ad-
pounds are in bold. Not included in the figure is a pathway of carba-
|| equacy. Although Kt/Vurea has always remained part of our clin-
mylation that is independent of urea, which involves transformation || ical dialysis practice since its development, if only because it
of thiocyanate (increased in smokers and CKD patients) into cyanate || may mimic removal of other vital small water soluble com-
by interference of hydrogen peroxide and myeloperoxidase [47]. pounds like potassium [1], with the novel data described in this

6 R. Vanholder et al.
review, the validity of Kt/Vurea becomes even more salient. Yet, || when end-stage renal disease patients were compared with nor-
the paradigm that there is more in uraemic retention and in sol- || mal controls [73].
ute removal by dialysis than what is represented by Kt/Vurea
also remains as valid as before, as this index does not necessarily ||
grasp the impact of other aspects related to uraemic solute con-
centration, such as dialyser pore size, solute kinetic behaviour, ||
|| In summary, an increasing number of experimental studies
adsorption, intestinal generation or metabolism [1]. Urea for ||
certain cannot be held responsible for all complex metabolic || point to the toxicity of urea. This effect is in part direct and in
and clinical changes constituting the uraemic syndrome [1], || part indirect via the generation of cyanate, carbamylated com-
which also includes a number of factors such as nutritional and || pounds and ammonia. Observational data suggest the impact of
volume status, electrolyte homeostasis, inflammation, blood || carbamylated compounds on clinical outcomes, but to the best
pressure or left ventricular hypertrophy. || of our knowledge, there are no controlled clinical studies cor-
It remains a matter of debate why, if urea is really that toxic, || roborating the toxic effects of urea per se.
the results of the HEMO and the ADEMEX studies did not ||
show a benefit when Kt/Vurea was increased [5, 6]. One of the ||
reasons could be that, since many of the effects summarized in || This work was supported by the Research Foundation
|| Flanders (FWO Vlaanderen) (grant No. G017815N to T.G.).
this review are long lasting, damage had become irreversible ||
once urea removal was increased at the dialysis stage, which in || T.G. is supported from this grant as a doctoral student.
addition occurred in prevalent patients, who on average had ||
been on dialysis already for 3.6 years [5]. Second, increasing Kt/ ||
Vurea should have had an impact not only on the removal of ||| CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT
urea, but of many other diffusible compounds as well, and some ||
of these substances may have been beneficial, so that increasing || None declared.
their elimination might have neutralized the removal of noxious ||
compounds such as urea. Third, specifically for the HEMO
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