4-Menjangkau Pelanggan Dengan Aset Digital

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4-Menjangkau Pelanggan dengan

Aset Digital
Driving traffic to our digital assets is important

Digital Display Advertising is the tactic that builds awareness

about and interest in our brand.

Once a potential customer knows about us, they can search for
us. Search marketing, which comprises of Search Engine
Optimization (organic results) and Search Advertising (paid
results), is powerful because it is closely aligned with a
customer’s stated intent in the form of a search query.

The growing importance of social media, means Social Media

Advertising has become a very popular and effective channel for
engaging our audience.

After completing this lesson,

you will be able to explain
driving traffic to digital assets and
engaging this stream of potential and
existing customers by building
relationships with them

Search Advertising
Digital Display Advertising
Social Media Advertising
Introduction to Search Advertising
Introduction to Search Advertising
Search advertising
Advertise business or product directly on SERP
The advertiser pays only for each click (pay per click) on their advert
Advertising in Search
Search advertising is keyword based
Adverts are displayed when potential customers are already
expressing intent – they are searching for a product or service

Which platform should we choose?

Google AdWords is the best known ad platform and is
considered the industry standard
Advertising in Search
Structuring search
advertising campaign
AdWords account is home for all ads
Organize search ads in groupings –
called campaigns – according to our
strategy and the ads we are running
Each campaign has ad groups (sets of
ads that have a common characteristic
or focus)

This will help us to easily:

Oversee our advertising spend
Determine the effectiveness of our ads
Manage our ads and bids
Switch off any ads that aren’t working
The Elements of a Search Ad

Basic search adverts follow a similar format:

Three main elements:

Keyword-optimized ad text
The link to our owned property (website, social media platform, content)
Ad extensions
Ad Text

Some of the editorial guidelines from Google AdWords:

Headline 1 and 2: maximum of 30 characters
Description: maximum of 80 characters
Display URL: domain from final URL + 2 path (maximum 15
characters each)
No repeated exclamation marks.
No word may be written in capitals only.
No nonsense words may be used.

Consider about:
Effective digital copy
Long tail vs short tail keywords
Display URL

Display URL
URL shown on the advert
Not necessarily the URL that the user will clickthrough to
Directs to the final URL (actual URL)
Made up of the domain from our final URL and the text in the
optional ”Path” fields

Deep linking
Send users to a landing page that is as specific to their search
Landing page can be any page on our website
Ad Extensions

Ad Extensions
Offered to add value or information to search adverts
without affecting standard advert copy limits

Several ad extensions are:

Location Extensions
Callout Extensions
Call Extensions
Sitelink Extensions
Seller ratings
Targeting Options

Keyword and match types

Broad/phrase/exact/negative match

Language and location targeting

Ads won’t be seen by people outside target area
We won’t pay for traffic that we cannot convert into customers

Behavioural and demographic targeting

Search advertising can be used for re-marketing or re-targeting
Bidding and Ranking
for Search Ads
The cost must be paid for every click to search ad is
determined by a variety of factors, and
is based on a bidding system

Search advertising is usually run as

a Vickrey auction model
Advertisers place bids to appear based on certain criteria
Advertising platform determines when ads are eligible to appear and
serves them as appropriate
Advertiser then pays the advertising platform
when their advert is clicked on
Bidding and Ranking
for Search Ads
The advertiser:
Creates the copy for an ad
Determines the landing page for the ad
Selects the keywords / criteria for which that ad should appear
Chooses the maximum amount – the cost per click (CPC) – that they are
willing to pay for a click on the ad
Set budgets (daily, monthly, or no budget) for their campaign

The advertising platform:

Checks the ad for compliance with editorial guidelines
Displays the ad for relevant search queries or other criteria
Determines the rank of the ad based on the advertiser’s maximum bid
and the relevance of the ad (includes factors such as: CTR, ad copy,
keyword and landing page relevance)
Conversion and Clickthrough Rates
Search engines look at relevancy
Try ensure that it isn't just deep pocket advertisers can land to the top
Users will be less likely to click on not relevant ad – and no click means
no revenue for the search engine

Ads at the top of a page generally have the following qualities:

They are very relevant to a user’s search query
The consistently perform well, with high CTRs over time
The CPC bid is competitive and outbids other ads of the same quality
(Google AdWords, 2013)

If our budget is limited

It’s often more cost effective not to bid too much
for our keywords and to occupy the lower ad positions
Because we’ll pay less per click,
we can achieve more clicks (and potential customers) for our limited
Conversion and Clickthrough Rates
Advertisers need to consider what a user does after
clicking through to the advertiser’s website from the
search engine
Conversion and Clickthrough Rates
Clickthrough rate = # clicks / # impressions
Conversion rate = # conversions / # clicks
Cost per action (cost per each conversion) = total cost / # conversions
Average cost per click = total cost / # clicks

If the value of a conversion is less than the cost of achieving it,
we effectively lose money with every conversion.
The Bidding Process

Advertisers need to:

Determine the maximum CPC on their advert
Decide this for each keyword they enter for an advert

Every time a search query is entered,

Google runs an Generalised Second Price (GSP) auction to determine
the placement of ads where advertisers have bid on that search term

Each advertiser will pay the bid of the advertiser below him, plus a
standard increment (typically $0.01), for a click on their advert
The Bidding Process (Example)

Three advertisers A1, A2 and A3

bid $2.50, $3.00 and $2.35 respectively on the same keyword
Search engine has set a minimum price of $2.05 on that keyword

Here is the ads position and what they would each pay for a click
AdWords Quality Score
Affects ranking and the CPC
Applied on a keyword, ad group and account level

Quality Score is determined by:

The relevance of the keyword to the search term.
The relevance of the advert copy to the search term.
The relevance of the landing page to the search term.
The historic CTR of that advert

Quality Score is ranked as follows:

Great (8, 9, 10), OK (5, 6, 7), and Poor (1, 2, 3, 4)

Advert with a great Quality Score can achieve a top position at a lower bid
than a competing ad with a poor Quality Score
Example: An advertiser with a QS of 5 will have to pay twice as much for a
certain position as an advertiser with a QS of 10

Conversion tracking
In order to report on campaigns all the way through to conversion
Usually accomplished with a small tracking pixel that is placed on the
conversion confirmation page of the website

Google AdWords offers conversion tracking tags,

which will allow us to report on AdWords campaigns
from impression through to conversion
Introduction to DDA

DDA is advertising on the Internet

Display ads on web pages as a means of communicating relevant commercial
messages to a specific audience based on their profiles

DDA follows web user behavior

It is possible to track all interactions with the advert itself

The number of impressions served, how many clicks it received,
post-click-and-view data, and how many unique users were reached
Display Ad Examples
DDA Objectives

Building brand awareness

Creating demand
Satisfying demand
Driving direct response and sales
Types of Display Ads

Banner ads
Interstitial banner
Popups and pop-unders
Wallpaper ads
Floating ads
Map ads
Video ads
Native content
Sponsored content
Payment Models for Display Ads

Flat rate or sponsorships
Introduction to Social Media

Social media advertising

A part of an overall social media effort
A form of online advertising that takes place on social
media networks

Social media advertising can be used to:

Draw attention to products and drive sales
Drive traffic to websites and other online properties
Encourage foot traffic
Encourage other activities offline
Introduction to Social Media

Social media advertising

A part of an overall social media effort
A form of online advertising that takes place on social
media networks

Social media advertising can be used to:

Draw attention to products and drive sales
Drive traffic to websites and other online properties
Encourage foot traffic
Encourage other activities offline
Payment Model

oCPM (Optimized cost per mille)
Social Media Advertising


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