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Урок з англійської мови у 10 класі

Підготувала: Петренко Вікторія Дмитрівна, вчитель англійської мови,

КЗ "Запорізької спеціалізованої школи-інтернату "Січовий колегіум" ЗОР
Тема: Healthy Living
Підтема: Sports and Games
- розвивати комунікативні навички через всі види мовленнєвої діяльності за
допомогою інтерактивних технологій;
- узагальнити та систематизувати мовний матеріал (вокабуляр з теми назви:
видів спорту, типів тренування, інша ключова лексика: дієслова,
прикметники та фрази преференції) за допомогою mind-map;
- розвивати навички мовленнєвої діяльності (аудіювання, говоріння, письма,
- розвивати навички говоріння (вміння підготувати звꞌязне висловлювання з
теми, стисло передати головну ідею почутого/прочитаного, виражати своє
ставлення, використовуючи мовні кліше, реагувати на репліки партнера); -
- розвивати навички аудіювання (сприйняття на слух і розуміння інформації,
наданої вчителем, у аудіо або відео запису с повним розумінням);
- розвивати навички читання (пошукове читання)
- розвивати комунікативні навички письмa: вміння письмово сформулювати
відгук на прочитане або почуте та пов’язати з власним досвідом.
- розширити загальний та лінгвістичний світогляд учнів з теми,
поглиблювати обізнаність у сфері спорту: різних видів тренувань для
загальної та професійної спортивної підготовки, екстремальних видів спорту,
найпопулярніших видів спорту у світі.
- формувати навички критичного мислення синтез та аналіз, вміння робити:
висновки, підбивати підсумок почутого або прочитаного, вміння брати
участь у дискусії виражаючи власну думку та аргументуючи її,
удосконалювати навички роботи в парах та групах;
- розвивати швидку реакцію, уяву та пам'ять учнів.
- заохочувати підлітків розвивати особистість через заняття спортом;
- підвищувати інтерес та мотивацію до активного способу життя, виховувати
гордість за досягнення українських спортсменів;

Тип уроку: Повторювально - узагальнюючий (Урок узагальнення та

систематизації знань)
Обладнання: Тематичні картинки, роздатковий метеріал, комп’ютер,
проектор, відеоресурси, mind-map, презентація Power Point, м’яч, мікрофон,
підручник Prepare Level 4 (Cambridge University Press).


1 Introduction. Greeting.

Today we are having a revision class on the topic "Healthy Living. Sports and
Games". Hopefully, you will be able to adhere the following objectives:
Objectives (SWAT)
 Brainstorm the target vocabulary making a mind-map
 Talk about your sports preferences
 Develop communicative skills through listening, reading and writing interactive
 Learn new information about extreme sports watching a video
 Develop critical thinking skills taking part in reflective group and round the class

2 Warming up. Brainstorming target vocabulary.

Mind map
Sports: Preference phrases, Adjectives, Sports Training, Sports, Verbs, Sports
Pair work: Let’s have a look at the mind map to revise sports vocabulary. For 2
minutes keep writing the words you associate with the subject on your category.

Main Part

1. Speaking

Повторення та систематизація вокабуляру з теми.

Talking about sports preferences.
T: We need to remember the following rule which says that after the verbs like,
love, enjoy, prefer, hate, can’t stand, what form do we use? ( +ing/noun)
Pair work
Choose one-two questions from the list and have a talk on your sports preferences
with your partner for one minute.
1) What’s your favourite sport?
2) Do you prefer playing or watching sports? Why?
3) What sport do you do/play?

4) What sports/games are you good at/keen on/ interested in?

5) Do you prefer team sports or individual sports? Why?
6) Do you think sports are important for you? Why?

2. Watching a short video presentation

a) What do you think are the most popular sports in the world? Can you share your
ideas, please?
b) Now watch a short video presentation about top 10 most popular sports in the
world. Focus and try to remember the sports names and their order in the list. But
don’t take any notes to get your attention and memory alert.
Group work
Make a list of top 10 most popular sports in the world in groups.
A list of top 10 most popular sports in the world
1. Football (Soccer)
2. Tennis
3. Basketball
4. Cricket
5. Baseball
6. Table Tennis
7. Hockey
8. Golf
9. American Football
10. Volleyball

c) Let’s get quizzical and see how much you know about these sports?

The quiz will show the fastest and smartest team. Get set! Go!

1. A player whose job is to stop the ball from going into his/her team’s goal.
2. What is American football like?
3. What`s the difference between American football and English football?
4. Which sport is American in origin?
5. Which sport has a reputation of being "typically American"?
6. What famous Ukrainian athletes do you know?
7. The long metal stick used for hitting the ball in golf.
8. The piece of wood used for hitting the ball in baseball or cricket.
9. The number 0, especially as the score in some games is called…
10.What’s the generic name for sports like judo, karate, Tai Chi, etc.?
1. Goalkeeper.
2. A very popular outdoor team sport, rather like rugby, played between two teams
of eleven players using an oval ball that can be handled or kicked.
3. The difference is not only in the size, speed and strength of players, but in the
specific rules.

4. Basketball.
5. Baseball.
6. Serhii Bubka (pole vault), Yana Klochkova (swimming), Andrii
Shevchenko( football), Larysa Latynina(gymnastics), Vitalii and Volodymyr
Klychko(boxing). 7. Golf club
8. Bat
9. Nil
10. Martial Arts
d) The Hot Ball Game. Before we play, it is essential to remember how we use the
verbs ꞉ do, go, play, with sports.

3. Listening and Speaking. Extreme Sports Pre-Listening Questions:

1. What extreme sports do you know?

2. Why do you think people do adventure sports? Watch a video and be ready to do
the following activities: Group 1 – T/F statements Group 2 – Questions

Adventure sports in New Zealand

New Zealand is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Over
2 million people come here every year. So, why do so many people come to New
Zealand? They come for beautiful scenery, the relaxed atmosphere and to
experience some of the world`s most exciting adventure sports.
This is Queenstown, on New Zealand`s South Island. It’s a small town by Lake
Wakatipu, surrounded by mountains. It used to be a quiet farming town. But now
it’s a popular destination for tourists from all over the world who are looking for
This is the "Shotover Jet". It’s a high-speed jet boat that races through narrow,
windy canyons, and has been a major attraction in Queenstown since 1970.
Queenstown is also home to the bungee jump. This jump on the Kawarau Bridge
was the first commercial bungee jump in the world. It has been a huge success for
almost thirty years, and it has turned Queenstown into the adventure sports capital
of the world.
Today visitors to Queenstown can do all kinds of adventure sports. As well as
jet boating and bungee jumping, they can go skydiving and even parasailing.
But not all visitors to New Zealand want to jump off a bridge or out of a plane.
Tourist, looking for something a bit a more relaxed, should travel 1600 km north to
Auckland. Auckland is at the northern tip of New Zealand`s North Island. It is
between the Tasman Sea and the Hauraki Gulf. So, it’s the perfect place for sailing.
In fact, Auckland is known as the city of sails. It has more boats per person
than any other city in the world with around 135,000 yachts and motorboats.
Auckland has hosted "The America’s Cup", the most famous yacht race in the
world. On the first occasion, the New Zealand team won. Auckland is proud of this
sailing tradition. Today tourists can hire "The Team New Zealand" yacht worth

millions of dollars. They can sail the yacht around the harbor or sail it towards the
ocean to see whales and dolphins.
Many international visitors come to New Zealand for its adventure sports, and
from Queenstown to Auckland it’s got something for everyone.
T/F statements
1. Queenstown is situated on New Zealand’s North Island.
2. The "Shotover Jet" is a high-speed sailing-boat.
3. The Bungee jump made Queenstown the adventure sports capital of the world.
4. Queenstown is also home to sailing.
5. Queenstown has always been a popular tourist destination.
1. Why do so many tourists from all over the world come to New Zealand?
2. What adventure sports can they do there?
3. What is Queenstown like?
4. Why do visitors travel to Auckland?
5. What is Auckland famous for?
6. What’s "The America’s Cup"?
Group Discussion
Personalisation. Imagine you are going to New Zealand.
Group 1 is a group of tourists looking for excitement.
Group 2 are tourists looking for something a bit more relaxed.
What places in New Zealand would you like to visit? Why?

4. Reading and Speaking.

T: So, if you like a challenge or enjoy taking risks and feel excited, you can do
some extreme sports. But if you want to develop certain sports skills you`d better
go to a gym to have a particular type of sports training. So, we are already in a
Look at all these people. What are they doing? (They’re doing different types of
exercise: cycling, rowing, weightlifting, running, walking, press-ups). Today we
are going to work with the text you have read for your homework. I hope it can be
useful to read and apply the knowledge from the text in your everyday life. Open
your student’s books at p. 28.
1. What is the title of the text?
2. What is the main idea of the text?
a) Skim the text for the main types of sports training. What are they?

Text: Training for sports

Circuit training. Athletes run from place to place in a gym and do a different type
of exercise in each place – for example, press-ups, rowing, weight lifting, running

or cycling. They do each exercise for a few minutes. Circuit training helps with
general fitness, speed and balance for any sport.

Continuous training. Athletes do one type of exercise very hard, for example
running or swimming, and then rest. They do it again, then rest, and so on. Interval
training is good for speed and also for muscle strength.
Weight training. Training with light weights improves stamina. Lifting heavy
weights gives athletes strength.
Fartlek training. Fartlek means speed-play in Swedish. Athletes do one type of
exercise, such as running, skiing or swimming, but they change the speed a lot.
Fartlek training is 8 good for sports like football and volleyball, when players need
to run very fast for short distances.
This is an example of fartlek training:
Repeat 2-6 times
1. Jogging for 3km
2. Running fast for 30m
3. Jogging for 100m
4. Running fast for 50m
5. Jugging for 120m
6. Running fast for 70m
7. Jogging for 3km
Sport – specific training. Each sport has got different requirements. Footballers
need good balance and speed, swimmers need stamina and strength, and basketball
players need balance and good jumping ability. Training for basketball players, for
example, includes a lot of jumping and running fast over short distances.
Parts of a training session. You can injure your body if you don’t warm up
properly before a training session. Warm up by jogging and touching your toes.
Main training exercises. Start by doing a little training and increase the amount
you do every day or week.
Cool down. Always go for a slow jog after training session. You can get a lot of
aches and pains if you don’t let your body cool down slowly.

b) Key Words Activity Focus on the key vocabulary. Match the key words
with the definitions.

1. Press-ups a. standing up and not falling to either side

2. Weight b. the parts of your body that allow you to move
3. Fitness c. being strong
4. Balance d. lying on the ground and pushing up with your arms
5. Stamina e. a heavy object that athletes lift during training
6. Speed f. having a strong and healthy body
7. Muscle g. how fast something moves
8. Strength h. the ability to do exercise for a long period

c) Read out the sentences containing the key words.


d) Guess what kind of training it is.

1. This type of training helps with general fitness.

2. It is a type of practice that develops stamina.
3. This kind of training is good for sports like hockey, volleyball, football.
4. It’s a kind of practice for a particular sport. What is it?

e) The Line up Game. Group work The " jigsaw" sentences. Restore the broken
sentences from the text. Then line up in the order they appear in the text and read
them aloud.

f) Pair work. Discuss the question.

Which type of sports training or sports activity suits you best? Why?
Group work The " jigsaw" sentences. Restore the broken sentences from the text.
Then line up in the order they appear in the text and read them aloud.

6. Round the Class Discussion." The Microphone".

T: Nobody can deny that sport plays a crucial role in people’s lives and in teen life,
in particular. And today we are discussing the importance of doing sports for
teenagers. So, why are sports so important for teens?
In two groups discuss the benefits of sports. Be ready to share your thoughts with
the rest of the class in two minutes. Pass the microphone to each other. Only the
person who has the microphone can speak.

7. Summing up. Evaluation.

In conclusion, the best summary of our lesson can be the old proverb that goes: "A
healthy mind in a healthy body".
To sum up, let’s go through all the issues we’ve discussed today. Look at the plan
on the board.

8. Home assignment. Write an essay "A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body".

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