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S O U R C E : H O LY P U R A N & B O O K S

S H R AVA N 2 018
Shree Kaal Bhairav ji of Kashi

( Photo Courtesy Shree Somnath Trust , Gujrat ) & ( Shree Kaal Bhairav Mandir , Kashi )
Dear Friends ,
“ Shree Ganeshaya Namaha”
“Om Namah Shivaya”

Temple Connect offers our respects and worship at the holy feet of Shree Ganapati and we gracefully
narrate the knowledge of our great puranas for your practice and devotional enhancement . Do make the
best use of the same and share it with your family and friends
This Compilation of Information from the Puran or Scriptures is our initiative to document , digitalise and
distribute the nectar of our holy scriptures to keep one and all well informed on the rituals and traditions
followed for legends and helping right ways of practising the poojas or vrata ( Fasts ) The holy month of
Shravan and
Please explore the same and follow the best in your spiritual and devotional interest and spread the
power of its positivity
This Year the Holy Month of Shravan , do refer to this compilation as your reference point for Shiva Pooja
and its rituals
May this year get you the choicest blessings of Lord Shiva and the best may be blessed on you
With Our best wishes and humble offering as this creation ,
Yours Truly
Giresh Kulkarni , Founder
Temple Connect
Importance of Shiva Vrata & Shravan
Shravan Vrat / Fasting is observed every Monday of the fifth month in the
Hindu Calendar. This month is known as Shravan or Savan. This month got
the name Shravan because of the constellation that appears during this
period. Shravan month is extremely sacred in the Hindu Culture. It is said
that in this period every year, Lord Shiva, Lord Krishna, and Lord Vishnu
bestow their auspicious blessings on their most sincere devotees. This month also witnesses
some important festivals such as Raksha Bandhan, Hariyali Teej, and Naag Panchami.
During this month, people observe Shravan Somwars for Lord Shiva. He is showered with special
attention in Shravan as it is said that Lord Shiva gets pleased and bestow his devotees with his
blessing during this month.
One must follow the proper rules and regulations when it comes to performing the fast and the
puja to please the Lord. When done right, it will really be beneficial for you. Lord Shiva and
Goddess Parvati are mainly worshiped during this month. During this period, one must shower the
Lord with love and adoration. Apart from that, you must offer Lord Shiva’s favourite food, flowers
etc. and decorate your Mandir to perfection.
Below are the Steps on How to Perform the Vrat:
• Always wake up early in the morning and finish cleansing yourself before you start your
• Go to a Shiv temple and give him a bath with water or milk. If that is not possible, then you
can perform the Abhisheka at Home.
• Clean your Mandir thoroughly. Place the idol of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati together and
adorn them with flowers, jewelry etc. However, first, offer your prayers to Lord Ganesh and
then proceed. Before you begin your first fast, it is mandatory that you take a Sankalp saying
you will perform the fast with all your devotion and with complete Faith.
One must take a Sankalp - Sankalp means to pray or offer a vrat or pooja for a specific
desire and express that this Vrata or Poojan is been done so that the lord Shiva will bess the
devotee with the said wish . SankalpaI is a form of expressing the commitment that the
devotee will undergo the said vrata or poojan to achieve the same
• Offer the Lord mantras such as ‘Om Namah Shivay’ or the ‘Maha Mrityunjay Mantra’ after
lighting the diyas and the incense sticks.
• You can also wear a Rudraksha Mala or use one for your prayers. (Rudraksha Mala is Very
Dear to Lord Shiva and chanting on it helps the devotee empower the mala and to wear it on
his / her neck as a positive shield protecting one from wrong energies “
• During the Fasting Period, avoid eating your regular food. You must opt for Sabudana
Khichdi, Potato Fries, Suji Halwa, various Fruits, Milk etc.
• Once again in the evening, clean the Mandir and begin your prayers. Do this after taking a
bath and cleansing yourself.
• All of you performing this fast must read and recite Somwar vrat katha.
This step must not be skipped because your fast will be incomplete
without this.
• After the Katha, you must recite the Aarti.
• In the evenings, before the prayers and after your bath, prepare the
prasadam. It is usually a sweet dish, but make sure you don’t taste it
before offering to the Lord. The prasadam must be pure. After the
Aarti, distribute the prasadam to all your family and friends.
• After this, one can Break their Fast.

Benefits of Shravan Vrat

Performing the Shravan Vrat is extremely beneficial for you and your family. Lord Shiva is
extremely kind to all his devotees during this month. After keeping this vrat, you will notice all your
difficulties starting to vanish. You will start feeling at ease and all your tensions will leave you. It is
said that when an unmarried woman keeps this vrat, she will meet the man of her dreams. For all
the married women who fast during Shravan, they are blessed with a long and a healthy life for
themselves and their family. Lord Shiva appreciates all the love and affection that his devotees
show him. When you follow this vrat with all your heart, you are blessed with immense wealth and
prosperity. Lord Shiva also helps you fulfill all your dreams and he gives you a happy life.
Ideal, you can install Shivaling in your shrine place. Remember! Pooja ghar should be in North-East
of direction of your home. And face of Shivalinga should be in North direction. With devotion offer
Bel Patra, Chandan, chawal, flowers, Dhoop, Dip, Diya,, Dhatura, Milk, Curd, Camphor, Kanher
phool, Janeu, and blessed food to Lord Shiva. Decorate or keep these all material in a pooja thali

This story is connected with Monday fast. Monday fast is practiced to propitiate Lord Shiva and
Parvati. The panchakshara Mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" should be repeated on this day. The
Monday fast is up to the third phase.

There are three types of Monday fast.

    1. Simple every Monday fast. 

    2. Som pradosh fast 

    3. 16 weeks Monday fast.

The rituals are same for all the three fasting. After doing the Shiva puja the story must be read
or heard.

The Story of Somvar Vrata - To be Read before leaving the Fast
on Every Monday

Once Lord Shiva visited the famous city of Amravati. Parvati also
accompanied him. On their way, they saw a beautiful Shiva temple and
decided to spend some time there. One day, Parvati found Lord Shiva in a
playful mood. She said to him, Oh my Lord, let us have a dice game.

Lord Shiva obliged her and the game started. Meanwhile, the priest of the temple had come there.
Parvati turned towards him and said Please foretell who will win this game? The Brahman gave no
serious thought to her question and abruptly said, Lord Shiva will win the game.

Incidentally Parvati won the game. She was angry because the Brahman had told a lie. Lord Shiva
tried to pacify her, but she cursed the Brahman that he be a leper. In due course, the Brahman
became a leper and spent a miserable life.

After some time a few fairies descended on the earth and pitied the fate of the priest. On asking
him, the priest narrated the whole episode. One of the fairies said, You observe Monday fasts for
sixteen weeks without break. On the seventeenth Monday, prepare some holy food or Prasaad with
flour mixed with ghee and gur. Distribute this prasaad among the members of your family and take
some yourself. You will be free from this leprosy. The fairies disappeared and the priest followed the
instructions. Soon, he regained his normal health.

Once Lord Shiva and Parvati again visited that temple. Parvati was surprised to see the priest. He
was his normal self. She enquired about this feat and the priest narrated the whole story. Parvati
was happy, she also decided to observe Monday fasts for sixteen weeks.

Incidentally, on the seventeenth Monday, when she broke her fast, her beloved son Kartikeya, who
was displeased with her, appeared and said, 0 dear mother what is that power with which you have
called me? What is the mystery?

Parvati said, 0 my dear son, all this miracle is due to observing Monday fasts for sixteen weeks
without interruption. Kartikeyas Brahman friend had been in a foreign land for quite some time.
Kartikeya said, I shall observe Monday fasts for sixteen weeks for happy reunion with my friend. He
observed the 16 weeks fasts as per rules and to his great surprise his friend returned hale and

The friend enquired about the miracle and Kartikeya told him the modalities to be observed for
Monday fast. The Brahman friend was very curious about his marriage. He decided to observe the
Monday fasts for sixteen weeks. On the seventeenth Monday, the Brahman friend went to a city.
The ruler of the city decided to marry his daughter to a person on whose neck his well-decorated
elephant would put the garland. The Brahman joined the show. Incidentally, the elephant garlanded
him. The ruler of the city gave him his daughter and also a lot of money. The couple departed the
next day and were back in their home. On the honeymoon night, the bride said, 0 my dear, how is it
that the elephant ignored all the princes and garlanded you? How did you succeed on the
auspicious moments?
The bridegroom said, I observed fasts on sixteen Mondays. Monday is Lord
Shivas day. It is due to his blessings that I got a beautiful wife like you. My
friend Kartikeya revealed this secret to me. The bride too decided to
observe fasts on sixteen Mondays for a beautiful son full of knowledge. Her
devotion bore fruit and she gave birth to a beautiful son. As the son grew up,
he said to his mother, 0 my dear mother, what is the mystery behind my
birth? Please reveal it to me. The mother told him how she observed Monday fasts. The son also
decided to observe the fasts to gain a kingdom for his parents.

Incidentally, an old kings messengers from a nearby State came there in search of a beautiful and
learned bridegroom for the princess. They proposed the princess hand for him and he readily
agreed. The king expired after sometime and the boy became the king. The newly-made king
continued his fasts for the next sixteen Mondays. On the seventeenth Monday, he arranged a large
prayer party at a temple. All the arrangements were made well in advance. The king requested the
queen to accompany him to the temple for breaking the fast after taking prasaad from the priest.
The queen refused to go with him.

The king had to go alone. The king heard an oracle who echoed, 0 king, turn out the queen from
the palace or destruction will fall upon you. The king returned to his palace. He summoned a
conference of his ministers and told about the oracle.

All of them were taken aback, as it was due to that princess that he became the king of the state.
They agreed to his proposal only with a heavy heart. The queen was ultimately turned out. The
queen left the palace bare footed and in worn-out clothes. She was thirsty and fatigued. She met
an old lady who had a load of spinned spindles on her head. She was going to the city. She felt pity
on her and asked to help her in selling the yarn because she did not know the art of selling.

The queen took that load on her head. Incidentally, strong wind blew away the spindles which
disappeared in the dusty wind. The queen felt sorry and the old lady asked her to go away. The
queen went to an oilmans house and sought shelter. The oilman obliged her, but as she stepped in,
all of his oil pots developed cracks and the oil began to flow on the ground. The oilman immediately
turned her out. The queen was now disheartened.

She went to the bank of a river to quench her thirst. As she touched the water, the water dried up.
She then went to a deep jungle and saw a tank of water. As she went down the stairs and touched
the crystal dear water, it became muddy. She cursed her fate and put a few drops of the muddy
water in her mouth. She was now tired and wanted to take rest under a shady tree.

As she went near the tree its leaves began to fall and soon it became leafless. The cowherds saw
this incident and told the whole story to the priest of a nearby temple. The priest called for the
woman. He was surprised to see that the woman had royal features. He consoled her and provided
her with all the facilities. But after some days, he also got fed up with her because whatever the
woman touched became impure ? may it be milk, food or water. One day, the priest said, 0 lady,
what curse has fallen upon you? You reveal the mystery. The woman told him how she rejected a
proposal to attend Monday fast prayer.
The priest understood the whole thing. He knew it was Shivas curse. He
said, 0 dear lady, you observe fasts on sixteen Mondays and Lord Shiva
will absolve you of your sins. The woman realised her mistake and
observed the Monday fasts for sixteen Mondays. On the seventeenth

Monday, the king said to himself, My queen left my palace long ago. Her
condition must be very miserable. He called for his courtiers and ordered them to search out the
queen. The courtiers reached the temple where the queen was residing. The priest refused to hand
over the queen to them and said, Let the king himself come to receive her. The courtiers went to
the king and related the whole story. The king was happy to hear the news. He went to the temple
and requested the priest to return his queen to him. The king admitted that he deserted the queen
to avoid Lord Shivas wrath. The priest trusted the kings words and the queen returned to the
palace. She was given a royal welcome.

The king distributed money among the needy and arranged food for the hungry. The king and
queen now regularly observed fasts on sixteen Mondays each year and lived a very happy life.
After their death they found abode in Lord Shivas city, Shivapuri. Om Namah Shivaya

Since, then it is believed that a person who observes fasts on sixteen Mondays, gets all
pleasures and enters Shivapuri after his death. OM NAMAH SHIVAYA
Special Offerings that are dearly loved by Lord Shiva!

Auspicious offerings to Lord Shiva that has been followed for years
It’s a widely-known fact in Hinduism that, “whosoever is graced by the holy
blessings of Lord Shiva never has to worry about attaining ‘mukti or moksha’.” According to ancient
sages, merely chanting his name with chaste devotion brings us closer to him.

Loyal devotion
Lord Shiva is fondly addressed as ‘Bholenath’ for the reason that he is easily impressed with his
devotee’s devotion towards him. He is the only Hindu deity, who is known for living an ascetic life
with bare necessities.

Shiva puja
Although Lord Shiva showers his blessings, if someone simply offers clean water on Shivlinga, with
clean, untainted loyalty, but there are certain things that angers him to the core. Previously, I shared
with you the knowledge of offerings which are never accepted by Lord Shiva.

Offerings Important to Shiv Bhagwan as referred in the Puranas

Shiva Mantra
Reciting Shiva Mantra “Om Namaha Shivaya” minimum 108 Times or in the Multiples of the

Maha Mrutunjaya Mantra

ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे 
सुगिन्धं पुिष्टवधर्नम्
उवार्रुकिमव बन्धनान् 
मृत्योमुर्क्षीय मामृतात् ॥
Om Try-Ambakam Yajaamahe 
Sugandhim Pusstti-Vardhanam
Urvaarukam-Iva Bandhanaan 
Mrtyor-Mukssiiya Maa-[A]mrtaat ||

Offering Sugar to the Shiva Linga

Lord Shiva loves to be adored with sugar; offering it during Rudra-abhishek or Shiv puja discards
poverty from life and helps you attain peace
Offering Scent or Attar to the Shiva Linga
Shiv Purana explains that smearing or offering Shivalinga with scent (Itr or
Attar) spread purity around the ambience impacting the devotee’s aura. This
would help one stick to their path and focus on their life goals.

Offering Cow Milk to the Shiva Linga

Lord Shiva deeply respects his consort Goddess Parvati and her vahan (the Cow). Thus, decanting
the sacred cow milk on shivalinga brings in Shiva’s blessings for good health and treating severe

Offering Cow Milk Curd to the Shiva Linga

Smearing shivalinga with freshly prepared curd or yogurt brings in calmness and seriousness in life
and keeps misfortunes and bad luck at bay.

Offering Cow Ghee to the Shiva Linga

Only ghee prepared using Cow’s milk must be applied, offered or anointed over shivaling, if you
wish to appease Lord Shiva and seek his blessings for strength, and success.

Offering Sandalwood or Its Paste to the Shiva Linga

Holy Scriptures have revealed that Sandalwood is dearly loved by Lord Shiva, as it cools down his
rage and anger. Therefore, coating the sacred shivalinga with sandalwood paste pleases the Lord.
It invites fame, recognition, and power in society.

Offering Honey to the Shiva Linga

Offering honey onto Shivalinga brings in the sweetness in a person’s life and personality.

Additionally , Offering Abhishekam to Lord Shiva and its Benefits

There are different Abishekams that one performs for various needs:-

1. Milk gives long life

2. Ghee gives Moksha state
3. Curd gives good children
4. Honey gives melodious voice
5. Rice powder frees from debts
6. Sugar cane juice gives good health
7. Panchamrut gives wealth **
8. Lemon removes fear of death
9. Sugar removes enmity
10. Tender coconut gives enjoyment
11. Cooked Rice (Annam) gives majestic life
12. Sandal gives Lakshmi’s grace
** Panchamrut means Cow Milk, Curd, Honey, Sugar or jaggery , and ghee are mixed together
IMPORTANT : DO Not Offer - to the Shiva Linga

Shivling is the symbol of Lord Shiva. It is said that if a Shivling is

worshipped with proper rituals, Lord Shiva can be pleased and fulfils
people’s desires. Not only that, worshipping a Shivling also impresses all other gods as well.
According to Shivpuran, a few things should never be used or offered on a Shivling. Worshipping
the Shivling in a wrong way can be dangerous. Let us find out what are these in the next few
slides.... OM NAMAH SHIVAY ...

DO Not Offer Haldi (Turmeric)

Haldi is offered on every Hindu God. However, it should never be offered on a Shivling. This is
because haldi is used as an ingredient to enhance the beauty of females and Shivling is a form of
Lord Shiva.... OM NAMAH SHIVAY ...

DO Not Offer Tulsi (Basil)

It has to be remembered that the first and foremost thing that one needs to keep in mind before
performing any puja is that the devotee should take a bath. While worshipping the Shivling, it has
be kept in mind to never put tulsi (basil) leaves on it. Always offer only Bilva leaves.... OM NAMAH

DO Not Offer Kumkum (Vermilion) Tilak

Never use a kumkum tilak for the Shivling, although the devotees can use it for the idols of
Goddess Parvati and Lord Ganesha.......Astha Gandha Can Be Used or Chandan Paste


DO Not Offer Kewda and Champa

It is believed that the Shivling and the idol of Lord Shiva should only be offered white flowers
because Lord Shiva is said to be especially fond of flowers that are white in colour. Remember to
never offer kewda and champa flowers as they are said to be cursed by Lord Shiva.... OM NAMAH

DO Not Offer Coconut Water

Never offer coconut water as an offering to the Shivling, although you can offer coconuts.... OM

DO Not Use Steel Stand

Never use a steel stand for the abhishek. Always remember if you keep a Shivling at home it
should be accompanied by a jaldhara. If the Shivling is worshipped without the jaldhara it attracts
negative energies.... OM NAMAH SHIVAY ...
Do Not consume what you offer on the Shivlinga As Abhisheik
It is believed that the devotees should never consume whatever they have
offered to the Shivling as it brings bad omen, leads to loss of good luck and
money and can also cause illness. ... OM NAMAH SHIVAY …

( There is a Usual Practice to consume what we have offered the Gods as

Prasad , but people mistake it to the abhishek ingredients too )

DO Not / NEVER OFFER Saffron on the Shivlinga

On Shivling you should never offer saffron. Not only on Shivratri but also on normal days or on
Monday you should not offer to Shivling. This is because Lord Shiva is a recluse, normally recluse
people put ash on their forehead. As you can see in pictures the Lord Shiva also applies ash on his
forehead.... OM NAMAH SHIVAY ...

DO Not / NEVER OFFER Part Cut or infected Bilva leaves

Bael or Bilva is one of the most sacred tree, it is associated with having many useful medicinal
properties, it is also known to be a cooling agent. Bilva is a one of the favourite plant. You should
keep in mind that while offering the Bilva, it should not be cut or insect eaten.... As well the end of
the stem which is heavy needs to be removed too ..A Bilva part is a combination of 3 leaves
together ..OM NAMAH SHIVAY …

DO Not Use Bronze metal Vessels or Pot for Offering

While offering a milk, curd, or Panchamrita to Shivlings it should not be bronze pots. For offering a
water, milk or curd should be a copper pot or mostly preferred is SILVER. Milk, curd or Panchamrut
should never be poured in utensil made of Bronze, as this is equal to wine. As well

Fingers should also not be put in water, milk and ghee etc., because the touching of nails makes
these things inauspicious.... OM NAMAH SHIVAY …

Circuit of Shivling or Pradakshina Format to be followed

According to ShivPuran, you should never circuit a whole rounds of Shivling.

You should always do half round of Shivlings and after which you can return to
that place from where you have started. If you take full round it is taken as a
blame.... OM NAMAH SHIVAY ...
Do Not offer KETAKI FLOWERS to Shiva Linga !
Once Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma got into an argument to prove who the
supreme-most of the holy trinity was

Before they could start using weapons against each other, Lord Shiva
appeared in the form of Jyotirlinga. He gave them the task of finding the
beginning and the end of him. While Vishnu searched for the end, he
failed.... Lord Brahma asked the Ketaki flower to lie, and the flower agreed.

On meeting Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu declared his defeat but Lord Lord Brahma lied along with
flower Ketaki. This angered Lord Shiva and therefore, in a rage he took the “ Kaal Bhairav Avatar “
who then cut off Lord Brahma’s 4th head.

He also cursed him that no one would ever worship him. The Ketaki flower was cursed as well. It is
said that since then this flower is not used in worshiping the Shivalinga. ... OM NAMAH SHIVAY .


Declaration : We at Temple Connect have Compiled the Information to Help the Devotees of Lord Shiva a ready reference document to
follow their religious pursuits / poojas . We do not claim any copy rights to the same as its a universally available document and we have
just documented in easy format for the read , and circulation to all .Devotees may follow the same with their on discretion and beliefs

Feel free to reach out to us and we will de delighted to connect

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