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a) a2 - 5ab – 6b2
b) 25a2 – b2 – 2bc – c2
c) . Factorise: 18mn+10mnp
d) . Factorise: a) 4x2 + 9y2 + 12xy - 6yz - 4xz
e) b) x2 - 6x – 7
Factorise : ab – 4a – 3b + 12.
.Factorise: 36 ( a + b )2 - 49 ( a – b )2.
Factorise: (i) 1+a+b+c+ab+bc +ca+abc.

(ii) The area of a rectangular lawn is equal to (x2+12x+35)

sq. m. Find the length and breadth of the rectangular lawn.

i) Show that (3x+7)2 - 84x = (3x-7)2

. Factorise: x3 - 3x2 – x + 3

1. Factorise −a 2+ b2=
A) (b+ a)(a−b) B) (−b +a)(a−b)
C) (a −2 ab+b )
2 2
D) (b+ a)(b−a)
2. Simplify: 2 y ( 3 y−2 )−3 ( 2 y −4 ) +23 and find the value when y=2
3. Factorise:
a) y 2− y −12
b) a 2−2 ab+b2 −c 2
4. A square and a rectangle field with measurements as given in the
figure have the same perimeter. Find the breadth of rectangle?
5 p2 −25 p+ 20
5. Divide. p−1
6. Evaluate
a+ b b+ c c+a
xa xb xc
a) ( ) ( ) ( )
× c
× a
b) Find m so that (−2 )m +1 × (−2 )2 m−2=(−2 )3

7. a). Show that : ( 2 x−3 y )2−84 xy= ( 2 x +3 y )2−108 xy

b). Multiply (a+ b−c)(−a+b−c)

. Show that (4mn + 2m)2 – (4mn – 2m)2 = 32m2n

Find the value of m-

2m + 6 -12 4
2 5 2
x 2
= 5

10. Simplify -3a (2a + 5) + 8a -2 and then evaluate for a = -1

. Find the product using identity:- (i) (4x – 5)(4x + 2)
(ii) (3x – 6y)(3x + 6y)
13. Simplify and express the result in power notation with positive

8. Factorization of 5p – 10 q is ……

a) 5( p – 2q) b) − 5pq c) – 50pq d) 5 ( p – 2p)

9. (36 ab + 45 bc) ÷ 9 b = ……
a) 4 a + 45 c b) 36 ab + 5c c) 4a + 5 c d) 4a + 5b

10.Which of the following is binomial

a) 4 pq b) 4 pq + 3p +2 p c) a +b + c d) none of these

11.Product of ( 2 a + b) and (2c – 1) is

a) 4 ac – b b) 2ac −2a + 2bc + b c) 4ac −2a + 2bc −b d) 2ac −2a

By using identity, find the value of 1862−862

1. Using identity , find the value of 295 × 306

25−2 ×64−1
2. Simplify :
5−2 ×10−3

3. Find the value of “m” for which 25m ÷ 5−3 =52

4. Simplify : ( 3−1 +4−1−5−1 )−1

12. Factorise : (5 m+6 n)2 + (5 m – 6 n)2

13. Factorise : i) 121 p2 – 88 pq + 16q 2 ii) 15 pq + 15 + 9 q + 25 p

. Simplify and find the value of

2p (q + 3) −¿3q (p – 2) +2 (p – 2q) for p = 1 and q = 2

The factorization of of 48a2 – 243b2

(a) 3(4a – 9b)(4a + 9b) (b) 3(4a – 9b)
(c) 3(4a – 9)(4a +9) (d) none of these

If z = 782 - 222 , then find the value of z

(a) 5600 (b) 7822
(c) 6500 (d) 560
5. Factorise :i) -16x – 20x3 ii) d2 -10d + 21
6. Factorise: i) 9x2-64y2 ii) a4 -b4
Factorisea) x4-(x-z)4 b)q2-5q+6
Section A 6x1=6
1. The poynomial with three terms is called a _____________.
2. The x –coordinate in the ordered pair (1, -2) is __________.
3. The coefficient of ‘zy’ in the term 4xyz2 + 5zy is __________.
4. The product of 5x and 4x2 is _____________.
5. . Simplify (a + b) (c – d) + ad + bd.

Subtract 2x3 – x2 + 4x – 6 from x3 + 5x2 – 4x + 6.

Simplify (5x – 3y)2 using the identity and find the value of the expression if
x = 2 and y = 1.
Factorise : i) -16z + 20z3 ii) d2 -13d + 30
23. Factorise: i) 25x2 - 36y2 ii) a3 - b3
. Factorise the following :
(i) a4 – 2a2 b2 + b4 by using a suitable identity.

(ii) x2 – 10 x + 21 by using a suitable identity.

1. Factors of a2 + br + ab + ar is ___________
2. Divide ( x2 – 16 – x2 – 5x + 36 ) by ( x – 4 )
3. If the area of a square field is 81a2 + 126ab + 49b2 find the side of the square
4. The value of (-2)2×3-1 is
5. a) 32 b) 64 c) -32 d) -64
1 1
16. If a + a +
= 4, find the value of .
a a2
. Divide 24 (x2yz + xy2z + xyz2) by 8xyz.

25 × p−5
. Simplify:
5−2 × 100 × p5

Find the product using the suitable identity

3 2 3 2
( 2 m + 3 n) ( 2 m - 3 n )

Simplify the expression and evaluate them as directed.

3x (2x-y) + 2y (5x+2) for x = 2, y =(-1)
(a) Simplify and evaluate: (ab + bc)2 – 2ab2c for a= (-1), b= 2, c= 1
(b) Find the value by using the suitable identity.
33. 120 men had food provisions for 200 days. After 5 days 30 men died
due to an epidemic. The remaining food will last for how many days?
34. Factorise: a) 4x2 + 9y2 + 12xy - 6yz - 4xz
b) x2 - 6x – 7
. Which of the following is a binomial?
(a) (7a) +a (b) 6a2+7b+2c (c) 4ax3bx2c (d) 6(a2+b)

5. Which of the following is not the reciprocal of ( 3 )4 ?

3 3 2
(a) ( 2 )4 (b) ( 2 )-4 (c) ( 3 )-4 (d) 3 4/24

6. The common factor of 3ab and 2cd is _____________.

(a) 1 (b) -1 (c) a (d) d

There are (2x-1) girls and (5-x) boys in a class. Find out how many
chocolates would be required if each one has to get ‘b’ number of
1 1 1
. Simplify: {( 3 )-2 – ( 2 )-3} ÷ ( 4 )-2

(i) Show that (3x+7)2 - 84x = (3x-7)2

(ii) Find the value of 501x502, using the suitable identity.

(i) Find the value of (13+23+33+43)-1/2

(ii) Express 0.0000064 in the standard form.

. Factorise: (i) 1+a+b+c+ab+bc +ca+abc.

(ii) The area of a rectangular lawn is equal to (x2+12x+35)

sq. m. Find the length and breadth of the rectangular lawn.
1. Divide. 5 p −25
p+ 20
2. Evaluate
a+ b b+ c c+a
xa xb xc
a) ( ) ( ) ( )
b) Find m so that (−2 )m +1 × (−2 )2 m−2=(−2 )3
14.a). Show that : ( 2 x−3 y )2−84 xy= ( 2 x +3 y )2−108 xy
b). Multiply (a+ b−c)(−a+b−c)

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