Deck of Many Mons (My Version)

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The Deck of Many Pocket Monsters


As soon as you draw a card from the deck, its magic takes effect. You must draw each card no
more than 1 minute after the previous draw. Once everyone has drawn once, the cards reform
and reshuffle themselves into the deck and the deck disappears to somewhere else within the

Once a card is drawn, it fades from existence. Unless the card is the Fool or the Jester, the card
reappears in the deck, making it possible to draw the same card twice.

Format for Custom Cards

Card Image (Name of Card)
Card Effect/Description

1 Tarotforma (The Magician)

At any time you choose within one year of drawing this card, you can ask a question in
meditation and mentally receive a truthful answer to that question. Besides information, the
answer helps you solve a puzzling problem or other dilemma. In other words, the knowledge
comes with Wisdom on how to apply it.

2 Solrock (The Sun)

One skill of the player’s choice can be ranked up to the player’s current rank.

3 Lunatone (The Moon)

Upon drawing this card, the player receives two visions; one true, one false. The player cannot
discern which is which, though they know that one is true and one is not.

4 Jirachi (The Star)

The benevolent wish granting pokemon Jirachi appears before you to grant you one wish (At the
GMs Discretion) before disappearing to return to its slumber.

5 Deoxys (Ace of Pentacles)

A pokemon appears before you, challenging you to combat. The player who drew this card must
defeat the encounter single handedly. The pokemon is catchable, with a special bonus catch
rate. The player is given 5 Great Balls that they can keep even if they fail to catch the pokemon.

6 Cupidri & Souloc (Temperance)

Reality's fabric unravels and spins anew, allowing you to avoid or erase one event as if it never
happened. You can use the card's magic as soon as you draw the card or at any other time
before you die.
7 Cryochol (The Emperor)
You gain rightful ownership of a domain (Or A Secret Base), which can take the form of a
building, a small cave, keep, or any location of similar size. This domain is deserted and overrun
by Wild Pokémon, and must be cleared out before you can claim it as your own. In addition, you
gain a +2 Bonus to all skill Checks of the Spirit Category when inside your domain or when
acting for its benefit.

8 Chesture (Page of Cups)

Twenty-five Large Nuggets worth 2,000p each or fifty nuggets worth 1,000p each appear at your

9 Aegislash/Gallade (Knight of Swords)

You gain the loyal companionship of a powerful pokemon that appears before you. This
pokemon is of a type of your choice. (Subject to final approval from the GM).

10 Lucario (Wheel of Fortune)

A rare piece of equipment created specifically with your trainer in mind appears in your hands.
The DM chooses the equipment.

11 Talonflame (Knight of Cups)

The player who drew this card has their most prized possession disappear from their inventory.
The item in question appears in the hands of their rival/most hated enemy.

12 Elderule (King of Swords)

Roll 1d6. That many clones of the player are created, and are diametrically opposed to them.
They seek to destroy the player, one way or another. When defeated in a pokemon battle by the
original trainer, they are destroyed themselves.

13 Moltres (Ace of Wands)

The player gains the enmity of a Legendary pokemon.

14 Cubone (Page of Swords)

A curse befalls the player’s favorite NPC. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
15 Quagsire (Ace of Swords)
Choose two different Skills. You gain a -2 penalty to each of those skills. You can draw one
additional card beyond your declared draw.

16 Giratina (The Devil)

The player and their companions fall into the world of void: the distortion world where you
remain imprisoned until you find, or are found by the guardian of the realm. While in this realm
you will not suffer from hunger or fatigue.
17 Spiritomb (Knight of Pentacles)
All money in the character’s possession, including stored away in banks, by your mom, or
anywhere else, vanishes.

18 Arbok (Queen of Cups)

The card's medusa-like visage curses you. You take a -2 penalty on all skill checks while cursed
in this way, only the power of a legendary or another card can end this curse.

19 Greninja (The Hanged Man)

A nonplayer character of the DM's choice becomes hostile toward you. The identity of your new
enemy isn't known until the NPC or someone else reveals it. This effect is permanent.

20 Tao Trio (The Hierophant)

The character who drew this card gains a rival that is diametrically opposed to them.

21 Eevee (The Fool)

[A runaway Eevee surrounded by evolutionary stones is depicted on the card]
You lose all experience in one of the player’s pokemon’s experience bank.

22 Mr Mime (The Hermit)

Gain 1 rare candy.

23 Mega Latios/Latias (The Chariot)

One pokemon (determined by the DM) gains loyalty level 6 with you. This pokemon may be a
wild pokemon or a pokemon you have previously caught.

24 Arceus (Judgement)
You feel your sins weigh upon your shoulders, your soul shall be judged by a greater deity and
action taken accordingly. Should the player be deemed worthy, they will receive a boon.
However, if they do not pass judgement, they will receive a curse.

25 Mega Kangaskhan (Queen of Pentacles)

You find yourself standing in a dilapidated temple in an unknown land. Before you, as if waiting
for you, is a single pokemon egg. The pokemon within is determined by the DM but is no doubt
tied to you by fate.

26 Mew (The World)

You find yourself temporarily on another plane of existence, perhaps pulled through time,
through space, through dimensions. This plane is akin to that of a lush garden or dense evening
light forest, within it lies the all mother: Mew who will grant you a gift of the DM’s discretion.
(This could be a patron gift or a gift of equipment or items.) To all bystanders it will be as if this
event never occurred and you never left.
27 The Regis (Strength)
You are granted the divine gift of the great titan pokemon, this gift lowers your speed by 5 in
exchange for a great power determined by the titan that grants you this gift. Roll 1d4 to
determine the gift received.
Regice:​ You gain the Clear Body ability and your special defense stat increases by 5
Registeel:​ You gain the Battle Armor ability and your defense and special defense increase by
2 and 3 at your discretion.
Regirock:​ You gain the Sturdy ability and your defense stat increases by 5
Regigigas:​ You gain your choice of one of the following abilities: Clear Body, Battle Armor, or
Sturdy, as well as a +5 increase to your HP and Defense.

28 Ho-Oh & Lugia (The Tower)

[Ho-Oh and Lugia part ways as the Brass tower burns to the ground between]
From the sky above you with no sign of a pokemon in sight appears a single feather. Roll a 1d2
to determine if the feather is a Silver Wing or a Rainbow Wing. The effects of these items, if any,
are at the DM’s discretion.

29 Entei/Raikou/Suicune (Page of Pentacles)

Not even death may stop those blessed by this card. As you draw this card it turns to ash in
your hand and unbeknownst to you should you die after having drawn this card you shall be
immediately resurrected in an explosion of sacred fire.

30 Azelf/Uxie/Mesprit (The High Priestess)

As you draw this card the image upon it shifts between many outcomes. Roll a 1d3 to determine
which of the lake guardians you shall receive the curse of and consult the chart below. The
player must find the corresponding guardian in order to reverse their curse.

Azelf:​ You find yourself drained of willpower, your command and focus skills suffer a -2 penalty.
Uxie:​ You find yourself drained of precious memories, at the discretion of the DM your character
suffers loss of important memories from their past, be it memories of family or memories of
events in campaign.
Mesprit: ​You find yourself drained of emotion, your intuition skill suffers a -2 penalty and your
charm skill suffers a -4 penalty.

31 Pinra & Ponro (The Lovers)

An eligible NPC of the character’s preferred gender, with the highest disposition towards the
character, approaches and proposes marriage. Should the character accept, they must organize
a lavish wedding ceremony by the end of the week and ever after be committed to their new
spouse. If the character declines or breaks their wedding vow, the NPC is heartbroken and
breaks all contact with the player. Possible retribution is determined by the GM.
32 Palkia & Dialga (Knight of Wands)
You are temporarily transported through space and time by the power of the legendaries that
lord over such powers to witness an event of historical importance and gleam important
knowledge from said event. The information learned is at the discretion of the DM

33 Cresselia (Queen of Wands)

A good night’s rest is one of the greatest boons that can be granted, but as you draw this card
you are granted something even greater. You immediately feel refreshed as though you had a
full night’s rest and gain a +1 bonus to all Mind skills. Additionally: if you or an ally are suffering
from the effects of the Nightmare card this card will immediately end the effect of the Nightmare

34 Darkrai (King of Wands)

As you draw this card it turns to black smoke in your hands. For the next 1d4 days you shall be
plagued by nightmares and gain the exhausted condition. These nightmares can only be ended
early by the effects of a legendary pokemon or wish.

35 Sword trio (Justice)

Should ye be worthy to wield the greatest power, then this card shall be drawn forth from the
deck and take the form of a great blade that radiates golden light. The Swords will determine if
you are worthy of great power. Should the fates decide in your favor, you gain a weapon with
which you may use the move Sacred Sword once per day.

36 Forces of Nature (King of Cups)

The Djinn that rule over the very forces of nature itself appear before you as you draw this card
and shall grant you a single wish within their power. Wish at your own risk.

37 Mewtwo (King of Pentacles)

The player may alter the typing of one of their pokemon. Any effects are left to GM discretion.

38 Absol (Death)
Immediately upon drawing this card you see a vivid and lifelike premonition of events to come
that will end in doom or destruction. You cannot discern the immediate cause of these events or
when these events will happen, only that they will happen.

39 Victini (Ace of Cups)

The victory pokemon: Victini, is displayed brightly on this card, just holding this card fills you with
a feeling of having limitless energy. For the next 1d2 days gain a temporary +4 bonus to each
skill in your choice of Body, Mind, or Spirit categories.
40 Mega Gardevoir (The Empress)
The card this Gardevoir holds burns away, leaving a symbol somewhere on the character’s
body. Roll 1d16 to determine the Guardian Sign that is granted. Once per week, the character
may activate the sign to summon the corresponding pokemon to assist them, whether it be
combat or with certain tasks.

42 MissingNo. (Queen of Swords)

You have encountered a truly unfortunate fate. Roll a d100 and pray. (50% chance you
duplicate the item of highest value determined by the player in your inventory, 50% chance of
“glitching” a random feature that player has.)

43 Unown (Page of Wands)

Y̢o͠u͜ n͟o̧w see̡ ̢that̸ whi̕ch i̸s ͟unseen̸,̷ u͟n҉k͡nown, i̢nv͟ís͝ìb͞l̡e t͟o͢ t͠he ҉eye͜. ̨But̕ i͠s͜ th̛iś a b̵leşs̵in͟g̶?͡ ̧O͡r
͠per͡h͠a҉p͡ś ̕a c͡ur͡sé.̵.?

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