CVP Measurement Is It Useful

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Concise Definitive Review R.

Phillip Dellinger, MD, FCCM, Section Editor

Central venous pressure: A useful but not so simple measurement

Sheldon Magder, MD

Objective: To review the clinical use of central venous pressure is a plateau to the cardiac function curve, and once it is reached,
measurements. further volume loading will not increase cardiac output.
Data Sources: The Medline database, biographies of selected Conclusions: If careful attention is paid to proper measure-
articles, and the author’s personal database. ment techniques, central venous pressure can be very useful
Data Synthesis: Four basic principles must be considered. clinically. However, the physiologic or pathophysiological sig-
Pressure measurements with fluid-filled systems are made rela- nificance of the central venous pressure should be considered
tive to an arbitrary reference point. The pressure that is important only with a corresponding measurement of cardiac output or at
for preload of the heart is the transmural pressure, whereas the least a surrogate measure of cardiac output. (Crit Care Med
pressure relative to atmosphere still affects other vascular beds 2006; 34:2224–2227)
outside the thorax. The central venous pressure is dependent KEY WORDS: right atrial pressure; fluid administration; cardiac
upon the interaction of cardiac function and return function. There output; resuscitation

C entral venous pressure mea- level change the measured pressure. The The greater simplicity of the mid-thoracic
surements are frequently used effect of leveling on the measurement of position also likely results in less rigor in
for the assessment of cardiac central venous pressure is particularly proper leveling. Values measured relative to
preload and volume status (1). important because small changes in cen- the mid-thoracic reference level are on av-
This is not surprising, considering the tral venous pressure have large hemody- erage 3 mm Hg greater than those based on
ready availability of central venous pres- namic effects. For example, the normal the reference level 5 cm below the sternal
sure measurements for any patient who gradient for venous return is in the range angle (9).
has a central venous line. Central venous of 4 mm Hg to 6 mm Hg (8), and the A second important principle of mea-
pressure can even be estimated in most normal cardiac function curve starts at 0 surement is that the value of central ve-
people by examining the distention of jug- and plateaus in most people by 10 mm nous pressure that determines cardiac pre-
ular veins (2). However, the use of the cen- Hg. The commonly accepted reference load is the central venous pressure relative
tral venous pressure is much criticized level for vascular measurements is the to the pressure surrounding the heart, or
because central venous pressure poorly midpoint of the right atrium, for this is what is called the transmural pressure. This
predicts cardiac preload and volume status where the blood returning to the heart too is the source of a lot of measurement
(3–5). I argue that the reason for the lack of interacts with cardiac function. As rou- errors (10). The heart is surrounded by
appreciation of the usefulness of the central tinely taught to medical students, this pleural pressure, and pleural pressure var-
venous pressure is the failure to consider can be identified on physical examination ies relative to atmospheric pressure during
the physiologic determinants of the central at a vertical distance 5 cm below the sternal the respiratory cycle, whereas measuring
venous pressure and potential errors in angle, which is where the second rib meets devices are zeroed relative to constant at-
measurement (6, 7). the sternum (2). This is true whether the mospheric pressure. At end-expiration, pleu-
subject is supine or sitting up at a 60- ral pressure is only slightly negative rela-
PRINCIPLES OF MEASUREMENT degree angle because the right atrium is tive to atmospheric pressure, and thus
Before we assess the physiologic mean- anterior in the chest and the atrium has a the central venous pressure measured
ing of the central venous pressure, some relatively round shape. Thus, a 5-cm verti- relative to atmosphere at this part of the
basic principles of measurement need to cal line from the sternal angle remains in cycle is close to the transmural pressure,
be considered. An important point that is the approximate center of the atrium even whether the person is breathing sponta-
often not respected is that hydrostatic when the person is sitting upright at a neously or with positive-pressure ventila-
pressures are relative to an arbitrary ref- 60-degree angle. This means that patients tion. However, in patients breathing with
erence level, and changes in the reference do not have to be supine for measurements positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP),
when this reference level is used. transmural central venous pressure rela-
More commonly, the mid-thoracic posi- tive to atmosphere will always overesti-
From McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, tion at the level of the fifth rib is used in mate the transmural pressure, and there
Quebec, Canada.
intensive care units. This is easier to teach is no simple way to correct for this prob-
The author has not disclosed any potential con-
flicts of interest. but should be used only for measurements lem. At low levels of PEEP, however, es-
Copyright © 2006 by the Society of Critical Care in the supine position, because this refer- pecially in patients with decreased lung
Medicine and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ence position changes in relation to the compliance, the effect is small. Further-
DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000227646.98423.98 mid-right atrium with changes in posture. more, as discussed below, it is really

2224 Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 8

Figure 1. Example of a central venous pressure (CVP) tracing for a patient with forced expiration. Insp and the lines mark inspiration. The pressure rises
throughout the expiratory phase because of transmission of pleural pressure to cardiac structures. Making the measurement an end-expiration will greatly
overestimate the true central venous pressure. The digital value on the monitor will also likely be an overestimate. A reasonable guess is a measurement
early in expiration, before the patient begins to push (arrow).

Figure 2. Example of a central venous pressure (CVP) tracing with prominent “a” and “v” waves. There is a small “c” wave after the “a” wave, followed by
the “x” descent. The appropriate point for measurement is the base of the “c” wave (or the “a” wave when the “c” wave cannot be seen). In this example,
the difference between the bottom (the correct position) and the top is 8 mm Hg.

the hemodynamic response to a change waves. The “a” and “v” waves can often be measurement, and this is the pressure that
in central venous pressure that is impor- in the range of 8 –10 mm Hg, which drives the local capillary filtration.
tant clinically. means that there is a large difference in The central venous pressure can be es-
Although expiration is normally pas- the value at the top, middle, or bottom timated on physical examination by mea-
sive, active expiration is very common in (Fig. 2). The choice is arbitrary and each suring the distention of the jugular veins
critically ill patients. When expiration is part of the cycle has physiologic signifi- relative to the sternal angle. One then adds
active, contraction of abdominal and tho- cance. However, for the estimate of car- 5 cm H2O to the measured distention to
racic muscles increases pleural pressure diac preload, which is the most common obtain the central venous pressure (12). To
during expiration, and there may not be clinical question, the pressure at the base convert the value of central venous pres-
any phase during the respiratory cycle in of the “c” wave is most appropriate be- sure in cm H2O to mm Hg, one needs to
which pressure measured from a trans- cause this is the last atrial pressure before divide the value in cm H2O by 13.6, which
ducer referenced relative to atmospheric ventricular contraction and therefore the is the density of mercury compared to that
pressure gives a close approximation of best estimate of cardiac preload (11). If of water, and multiply by 10 to convert cm
atrial transmural pressure (Fig. 1). The the “c” wave cannot be identified, the to mm Hg (or simply divide by 1.36). It is
only thing that then can be done in this base of the “a” wave gives a good approx- worthwhile doing this before inserting cen-
situation is to examine multiple cycles imation. Alternatively, if the monitor has tral lines, for the pressure estimate will tell
and make the measurement in a cycle the capacity, a vertical line drawn through you that the value obtained with the trans-
where there is minimal forced expiratory the Q wave of the electrocardiogram will ducer is in the appropriate expected range.
effort. Sometimes, there is no value that help identify this position. On the other It also improves one’s skills in using the
is satisfactory, and a measurement early hand, if there is a tall “a” or “v,” the peak jugular venous distention to assess central
in the expiratory phase may be a better of these waves still has hemodynamic venous pressure noninvasively.
estimate than the value at end-expiration, consequences for upstream organs such
but it is still a guess. as the liver and kidney. Furthermore, the DETERMINANTS OF THE
Another important consideration for central venous pressure in most dependent CENTRAL VENOUS PRESSURE
the measurement of central venous pres- parts of the body in the supine position is
sure is where to make the measurement 8 –10 mm Hg higher than that measured Central venous pressure is determined
in relation to the normal “a,” “c,” and “v” on the basis of 5 cm below the sternal angle by the interaction of two functions: car-

Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 8 2225

diac function, which represents the clas- should first consider possible reasons for reflux (12). In this test the abdomen is
sic Starling length-tension relationship, why the central venous pressure is higher compressed and the effect on jugular ve-
and a return function, which defines the than normal. Explanations include chronic nous distention is observed. It has been
return of blood from the vascular reser- pulmonary hypertension, high positive shown that if jugular venous distention
voir to the heart (13). Thus the central end-expiratory pressure (whether exter- persists for more than 10 secs, it is indic-
venous pressure by itself has little mean- nal or internal), and some other restric- ative of right-heart dysfunction, and al-
ing. The central venous pressure in a tive processes. though this has not been directly studied,
normal person in the upright posture is The “gold standard” for determination it would likely mean that the patient will
usually less than zero (atmospheric pres- of whether or not cardiac function is vol- not respond to volume.
sure) with a normal volume and normal ume-limited is to perform a fluid chal- The important clinical question with re-
cardiac function (14). However, a low cen- lenge and determine whether an increase gard to fluid responsiveness in most pa-
tral venous pressure also can indicate hy- in central venous pressure results in an tients should be phrased in the negative: “Is
povolemia or can be present in someone increase in cardiac output. For this pur- it unlikely that this patient will respond to
who is hypervolemic (i.e., with increased pose I recommend that there be an in- fluids?” To this end, examination of the
return function) but has a very dynamic crease in central venous pressure of at pattern of respiratory variations in the cen-
heart. On the other hand, a high central least 2 mm Hg, for that magnitude of tral venous pressure is useful to predict a
venous pressure can be present in someone change can be recognized on most mon- lack of fluid responsiveness in patients who
with a high volume and normal cardiac func- itors. For the test to be positive there have spontaneous inspiratory efforts (15).
tion as well as in someone with normal should be an increase in cardiac output of This examination was also shown to be ef-
volume and decreased cardiac function. 300 mL/min, a value in the range of re- fective for patients who are mechanically
Thus, a central venous pressure measure- producibility of thermodilution cardiac ventilated but have at least some triggered
ment must be interpreted in the light of a output devices (17). In reality, even efforts. The first step is to determine whether
measure of cardiac output or at least a smaller changes in central venous pres- there is an adequate inspiratory effort. If the
surrogate of cardiac output, such as ve- sure should increase cardiac output in patient has a pulmonary artery catheter
nous oxygen saturation or pulse pressure someone whose heart is on the ascending in place, respiratory fluctuations in pul-
variations. The situation is similar to the part of the cardiac function curve. Con- monary artery pressure give an indication
analysis of PCO2; to properly interpret the sider someone in whom the plateau of the of the adequacy of the inspiratory effort.
clinical meaning of PCO2, one needs to cardiac function curve occurs at a central If there is no pulmonary artery catheter,
know the pH. venous pressure of 10 mm Hg and the simple observation of the patient is often
cardiac output at the plateau is 5 L/min. adequate. If the central venous pressure
USE OF THE CENTRAL The slope of the line connecting the pla- as measured at the base of the “a” wave
VENOUS PRESSURE teau to the zero intercepts indicates that falls by ⬎1 mm Hg during inspiration
cardiac output should increase by 500 and this is not due to the relaxation of
Central venous pressure is commonly mL/min for every 1-mm Hg increase in expiratory muscles, usually the patient
used to optimize cardiac preload. How- central venous pressure, and that is still will respond to fluids, although some pa-
ever, an essential point is that the cardiac an underestimate of the steep part of the tients may not. However, the test is more
function curve has a plateau and when function curve. Furthermore, the increase important in the negative sense. If there
that plateau is reached, further volume in cardiac output should occur as soon as is no inspiratory fall in the central venous
loading and increasing the central venous the central venous pressure is increased, pressure and a fall in pulmonary artery
pressure will not alter cardiac output. for on the basis of Starling’s law, an in- occlusion pressure of at least 2 mm Hg, it
The increase in central venous pressure crease in end-diastolic volume will affect is very unlikely that cardiac output will
will only contribute to peripheral edema the stroke volume of the next beat. increase in response to fluids.
and congestion of organs. The plateau is If the clinical question is simply to The magnitude of the “y” descent in
due to restriction by the pericardium, or determine whether the person is volume- the central venous pressure tracing pro-
in the absence of the pericardium, the responsive at a given central venous pres- vides another potential predictor of a lack
cardiac cytoskeleton. A difficult problem sure, the type of fluid used for the fluid of fluid responsiveness. In a small series,
for managing the care of patients is that challenge is not important. What is im- we found that no patient with a “y” de-
the central venous pressure at which car- portant is to run the fluid in as fast as scent of ⬎4 mm Hg, including the “y”
diac filling is limited is highly variable (3, possible; the faster the fluid is given, the descent that occurs during spontaneous
15, 16). It can occur at a central venous lesser has to be given. When I am con- inspiration, had an increase in cardiac
pressure as low as 2 mm Hg (measured cerned about giving too much volume output in response to fluids (19). How-
relative to 5 cm below the sternal angle) unnecessarily, I sometimes use a pres- ever, some patients with a “y” descent ⬍4
but also as high as 18 to 20 mm Hg. sure bag to increase the speed of the mm Hg also did not respond to fluids;
However, as a working number, the car- infusion, and as soon as the central ve- thus, once again, a prominent “y” descent
diac function curve will plateau in most nous pressure increases by 2 mm Hg, I indicates that the heart is operating on
people by a central venous pressure of measure the cardiac output. the plateau of its function curve and the
ⵑ10 mm Hg (12–14 mm Hg when the An interesting approach to a volume output will not increase in response to
mid-thoracic reference level is used) (9). challenge that can avoid extrinsic volume fluids, but a value less than this does not
When the central venous pressure is infusion is to elevate the patient’s leg to rule out volume limitation.
higher than 10 mm Hg and there is a provide an autotransfusion and observe Besides the assessment of volume sta-
question of the potential for a volume the cardiac response (18). Another possi- tus, the pattern of change in central ve-
load to increase cardiac output, one ble test is to perform a hepatojugular nous pressure in relation to a change in

2226 Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 8

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Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 8 2227

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