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Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies

ISSN: 2230-7982 (Online), ISSN: 2321-5186 (Print)

Volume 11, Issue 2

Modeling of Overvoltage Protection by Lightning for a

Grid-tied Solar Power System: A case of Vietnam
Ngo Nguyen Dong1,2, Le Thi Thuy Hang3,*
Vietnam Electricity Corporation, Vietnam
Energy Department, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam
Institute of Energy Science, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam

The solar power system has been widely developed due to its environmental friendliness and
sustainability. Normally, PV panels would be preferable to set up on rooftop of building or
free-standing in unsheltered areas. Therefore, the negative impacts on these systems from bad
weather conditions, like storms and lightning, have been evident. Vietnam is located in the
region of tropical monsoon weather, especially one of the three strongest thunderstorm areas
in the world. And the overvoltage by lightning transient currents on a PV system not only
could fault, damage to electrical/electronic equipments, but also effect adversely on the
human health and economic. In this paper, our team has chosen the lightning strokes of
single-peaked current forms and has simulated it under the equivalent engineering models by
Matlab-Simulink. The obtained results allowed the analysis of overvoltage scenarios in grid-
tied solar power system in Vietnam and the assessment of the surge protective device activities
of Metal Oxide Varistors during overvoltage.

Keywords: Solar power, Metal Oxide Varistors, Overvoltage Protection, Lightning, Vietnam

*Author for Correspondence E-mail: lehang@ies.vast.vn, Tel: +84 946095079

INTRODUCTION foreign organizations because of new policies

The solar power system has been well-known from the government [7, 8, 9, 10]. And even
as a clean solution to generate electricity so, the development of solar power system in
from the solar energy. Depending on Vietnam is not always convenient. Vietnam is
operation and configuration of solar power located in one of three strongest thunderstorm
systems, there are three main technologies, centers in the world (see Figure 1) with the
that is: off-grid, on-grid and hybrid [1, 2, 3]. average density of lightning up to 14
For an off-grid system, the capacity of solar flash/km2/year [11, 12, 13, 14].
panels must be enough to meet power for
loads and recharging batteries, and the And it is found that these strokes have caused
batteries must be large enough to store and the disruption of telecommunication and
supply power to loads during no sunshine [1, electricity services, typically the outside power
3, 4]. For a grid-connected system, the grid systems like PV systems. Vladimir A. Rakov
runs as a buffer in case of the oversupply by in [15] showed that these overvoltage stresses
solar panels and/or supplies power to loads by lightning flashes could change the
during periods of insufficient solar power, but operating conditions of power system, ignite
combustible materials or cause great damage
the issues of grid safety need to be considered
to electric equipments. In PV systems, PV
carefully [1, 3, 5]. For a hybrid system, the
panels and other elements, like inverters,
power for loads is supplied by more than one cables, or boards, could be damaged by these
source, and this would allow the hybrid direct and indirect strokes [16]. Even if the
system to be more reliable in producing stresses are not strong enough to damage
electricity [1, 3, 6]. Currently in Vietnam, the electrical equipments in system, they still
grid-tied solar power system has been could impact negatively on operation of
attracting the attention of domestic and electrical power system.

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Modeling of Overvoltage Protection by Lightning Dong and Hang

Fig. 1: World Lightning Density of NASA [14].

In fact, the overvoltage surges from external case of primary protection device failed [24,
causes must be prevented by protection tools, 25]. MOVs often have higher on capacitance
especially when the line insulation level is low and resistance than other SPDs for the same
like in PV systems [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]. application, but they could fail if the
The atmospheric overvoltage surges are operating voltage is in a continuous
described by standard IEC 61643 including maximum due to thermal overloading [24,
wave shapes of 10/350 µs, 8/20 µs, and 1.2/50 25, 26]. The requirements of insulation or
µs [15, 17, 18, 22]. reinforcement would be under IEC standard
“Protection against electric shock” like IEC
Therefore, although Vietnam has a high 60364-4-41 in [27]. The voltage of the
solar potential with the average intensity up protection device should be lower than the
to 5kWh/m 2, protecting overvoltage by voltage of the equipment protected at least
lightning strikes for solar power systems still 20%, and the SPDs should be set up in
has been a big challenge here and now [23]. parallel with the protected systems, referred
Normally, using Surge Protective Devices to CLC/TS 50539-12 in [28]. Depending on
(SPDs) are a basic solution for overvoltage the complexity of power system and
protection from lightning strokes. G. B. Lo weather conditions at site, the SPDs could
Piparo et al. in [24] mentioned that these be used independently or in combination to
SPDs must self-extinguish the electric arc ensure the high reliability in overvoltage
quickly and not discharge when there is an protection for the electric-electronic
internal overvoltage. Popular technologies systems [15, 18, 21].
today are Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) and
Spark Gap/Gas Discharge Tube [18, 24, 25]. Our study focuses on analysis of overvoltage
Spark Gap/Gas Discharge Tube is widely scenarios in grid-tied solar power system in
used in overvoltage protection due to its Vietnam and assessment the behaviours of
simplicity, and often placed in parallel with MOVs during overvoltage by simulation and
other SPDs to provide back-up protection in the equivalent engineering models. The tested

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Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies
Volume 11, Issue 2
ISSN: 2230-7982 (Online), ISSN: 2321-5186 (Print)

PV system was set up at a building in Hanoi In PV system, the major components included
(Vietnam). 64 PV panels (4 arrays), a inverter, distribution
board and controller. The MOVs were selected
MATERIALS AND METHODS to protect inverters from overvoltage, and
Materials placed at inverter and MDP-PV board.
The experimental PV system was a grid-tied
solar power system on the rooftop of a Some main characteristics of the considered
building of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) in PV system, MOVs and inverter SMA were
Hanoi shown in Figures 2 and 3. given in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3.


(a) (c)
Fig. 2: Rooftop Solar Power System at EVN Building. (a) PV panels, ( b) Inverter SMA,
(c) MDP-PV board.

Fig. 3: Equivalent Diagram of a PV System.

Table 1: Characteristics of PV System at EVN.

Characteristics Array System
Maximum Power (Pmax, W) 310 226 4,960 19,840
Maximum Current (Imp, A) 8.40 6.66 6.66 26.6
Maximum Voltage (Vmp, V) 36.91 33.95 543 543
Short Circuit Current (Isc, A) 8.90 7.12
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc, V) 45.77 42.57
(Note: At STC: Air Mass AM 1.5, Irradiance 1000 W/m2, Cell Temperature 25oC, At NOCT: Wind Speed 1m/s, Irradiance
800 W/m2, Cell Temperature 45oC, Ambient Temperature 20oC).

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Modeling of Overvoltage Protection by Lightning Dong and Hang

Table 2: Characteristics of Experimental MOVs.

Characteristics MOV1 MOV2
Maximum continuous operating voltage (UC) 585 V DC 275 V (50/60 Hz)
Nominal discharge current (8/20 s) (In) 15 kA 20 kA
Maximum discharge current (8/20 s) (Imax) 40 kA 40 kA
Voltage protection level (Up)  1.9 kV  1.5 kV
Open circuit voltage UOCSTC ≤ 485 V DC
Short-circuit current rating ISCPV 2000 A
Response time (tA)  25 ns  25 ns

Ideal photovoltaic cell

+ +
RS REqual
Photovoltaic cell
+ ID ISh RSh V V

- -

Fig. 4: Equivalent Circuit of a Solar Cell [29].

Table 3: Characteristics of Inverter SMA.

Parameters Rated power And the output equivalent resistance of a solar
Input (DC) 20,440 W cell could be determined as in (2).
Output (AC) 20,000 W (at 230 V, 50 Hz)

1 1 1
Methods = + (2)
In order to observe, monitor and evaluate the R equal R Sh R S
behaviors of MOVs in overvoltage protection
for the system, MATLAB software was used where: RSh - shunt resistance, /m2; RS - series
to simulate their activities under overvoltage resistance, /m2; Requal - equivalent resistance,
conditions. /m2.
In fact, PV system has operated on signals at Moreover, the assumption was that IGBTs are
various frequencies: 50 Hz for output AC ideal, the impedance was zero in conducting
signals, switching frequency of inverter at mode, and the internal resistance of source
several kHz, and especially overvoltage was extremely small. And the equivalent
signals at 50 kHz of a pulse 0.02ms. circuit of an inverter could be determined as in
Therefore, an equivalent circuit of PV system Figure 5 below (R1.2).
has been considered under the influence of
high frequency overvoltage signal, and its The overvoltage scenarios in our study were
structure was presented in Figure 4. (R1.2) the fabricated solar power system with or
without SPDs, and the SPDs were installed at
The current produced by a solar cell could be the start and end points of inverter for
expressed as in (1). protection itself in fabricated PV system (see
Figures 6, 7, and 8). The behaviors of SPDs,
I = IL – ID – ISh (1) inverter, and load would be observed during
overvoltage phenomenon.
where: I - output current, A/m2; IL –
photogenerated current, A/m2; ID- diode where: the parameters of elements of fabricated
current, A/m2; ISh- shunt current, A/m2. model was showed in Table 4 below.

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Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies
Volume 11, Issue 2
ISSN: 2230-7982 (Online), ISSN: 2321-5186 (Print)



Fig. 5: Equivalent Circuit of Inverter.










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Modeling of Overvoltage Protection by Lightning Dong and Hang

Fig. 6: Simulation of Fabricated Model on MATLAB without MOVs.

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Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies
Volume 11, Issue 2
ISSN: 2230-7982 (Online), ISSN: 2321-5186 (Print)

Fig. 7: Simulation of Fabricated Model on MATLAB without MOV2.

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Modeling of Overvoltage Protection by Lightning Dong and Hang

Fig. 8: Simulation of Fabricated Model on MATLAB with SPDs.

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Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies
Volume 11, Issue 2
ISSN: 2230-7982 (Online), ISSN: 2321-5186 (Print)

Table 4: Parameters of Elements of constant, k - the amplitude correction factor,

Fabricated Model. and nk - an exponent controlling a steepness of
Element Value each current waveform k.
Resistance of 16 PV panels in series (RPV, ) 81.56
Cable resistance (Rcable, ) 0.25
Table 5: Parameters for Subsequent Current
DC link capacitor (Cinverter, F) 0.210-6
consumption resistance (RLoad, ) 22.72
capacitor of low-pass filter (Cfilter, F) 12.510-6 k
I0k (kA) nk 1k (s) 2k (s) I0k (kA) nk 1k (s) 2k (s)
resistance of a low-pass filter (Rfilter, ) 1.6
1 10.7 2 0.25 2.5 15.4 3.4 0.6 4.0
2 6.5 2 2.1 230 7.2 2 4.0 120
The overvoltage signal was simulation via (3)
and (4) with input data in Table 5 [30, 31]. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
(R1.2) The overvoltage signal was a lightning stroke
  t  nk  of base single-peaked current function in (3)
    with a waveform 8/20 μs, a peak value of 2
m 
i 0k   t    1k  
i( t ) =    exp −    kV, and a hit time of 50 μs shown in Figure 9.
k =1   k   1k    t  
n k

1 +    In a scenario without any overvoltage

  1k   protection (see Figure 6), all main equipments
(3) had to catch the full overvoltage signal as in
 1  Figure 10. And this could cause serious
   n k t 2 k  nk  consequences for operating the system and
 k = exp − 1k    (4) reduce profits significantly. The PV system
  1k
  2k   could be destroyed by overheats for metal
 
structure, distorted by pressure of expanding
air, or damaged on insulation. This overvoltage
Where: i0k - controls the amplitude, 1k - the could ignite combustible materials or damage
front-time constant, 2k - the decay-time electric equipments in inverter and load.

Fig. 9: Overvoltage Waveform in Simulation.

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Modeling of Overvoltage Protection by Lightning Dong and Hang

Fig. 10: Voltages on MOV1, Inverter and Load without MOVs.

Fig. 11: Voltages on Inverter and Load with only MOV1.

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Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies
Volume 11, Issue 2
ISSN: 2230-7982 (Online), ISSN: 2321-5186 (Print)

Fig. 12: Voltage Profiles on MOV1, Inverter and Load.

In a scenario with only MOV1 (see Figure 7), voltage on inverter increased to the protection
the overvoltage signal hit on cable near PV voltage level of MOV2, and was fixed at 286
modules. Only PV panels were under the full V after 45μsth. The voltage on load has
overvoltage signal as showed in Figure 11. fluctuated within 230 V as soon as the inverter
voltage was in a stable.
The voltage of MOV1 has quickly reached 585
V, and then slowly decreased to 535 V. Under CONCLUSION
MOV1 operation, the voltage on the inverter All overvoltage stresses by lightning could
and the load has gradually increased to about cause a severe damage. And the overvoltage
500 V. It is clear from Figure 11 that the protection in solar power system appear to be
voltage signal on load was much lower than very significant, especially in tropical
the input overvoltage signal, but this voltage countries like Vietnam.
level was still very dangerous for the electrical
devices with a rated voltage of only 220 V. Due to the advantages of capacitance and
resistance higher than other SPDs, MOVs
In a scenario of overvoltage protection with should be chosen for overvoltage protection in
both MOV1 and MOV2 (see Figure 8), the electrical systems, including grid-tied solar
lightning hit on cable near PV modules. systems, especially at locations in
Similar to the scenario of only MOV1, only thunderstorm areas like Vietnam. Depending
PV panels were affected fully by this on weather conditions and system structure,
overvoltage signal. The MOV1 voltage has the quantity and installation position of SPDs
climbed to 585 V in just 6 μs, and then kept at should be carefully considered to ensure the
535 V from 45μsth as displayed in Figure 12. cost and safety requirements.
The protection mode of MOV has been
activated to dissipate the overvoltage signal to In our study, due to the small system
ground. Following the MOV1 change, the structure and the short distances from the

JoAEST (2020) 27–40 © STM Journals 2020. All Rights Reserved Page 37
Modeling of Overvoltage Protection by Lightning Dong and Hang

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