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Determining the Most Suitable Pedestrian

Level of Service Method for Dhaka City,

Bangladesh, Through a Synthesis
of Measurements
Tanweer Hasan, Ashfia Siddique, M. Hadiuzzaman,
and Sarder Rafee Musabbir

In this paper, five pedestrian level of service (PLOS) methods are out- on pedestrian facilities and related factors, compared with the data
lined in brief with respect to their assets and their limitations: (a) the available on motorized transportation. Pedestrian level of service
Australian method, (b) the Highway Capacity Manual 2010 method, (PLOS) is an overall measure of walking conditions on a route,
(c) the trip quality method, (d) the Landis method, and (e) the Tan Dandan path, or facility. This measure links directly to the factors that affect
method. In this study, each method was implemented to consider its mobility, comfort, convenience, and safety, which reflect pedes-
suitability for use in Dhaka City, Bangladesh, through the integration trian perceptions of the degree to which a facility is pedestrian
of objective measurement and subjective assessment. The objective friendly (2). PLOS indicates the qualities of a pedestrian space and
measurement consisted of a determination of the PLOS of five study serves as a guide to the development of standards for pedestrian
locations in Dhaka City and the adoption of field data on traffic, geo- facilities.
metric, and environmental factors. The subjective assessment had its In Bangladesh, most daily trips are made on foot, just as they are
basis in a user perception rating by 50 individuals of the service quality made in many other low-income, developing countries. Although a
of pedestrian facilities in the selected study areas. A separate survey of recent study indicated that 42% of trips were made on foot in Dhaka
415 individuals was conducted to identify the most favored of 25 service City, Bangladesh, a cursory look at the conditions of pedestrian facili-
quality attributes extracted from the five PLOS methods. The percep- ties indicated the degree of distress that pedestrians experienced there
tion ratings were scrutinized to identify any potential deviations that daily (3). Pedestrian facilities have hardly been assessed for the qual-
arose from participant age and gender. In the ratings, the Australian ity and LOS that they provide (4). A formal approach to determine
method prevailed over the other four methods with a score of 18. The PLOS has not been established in Dhaka City. The pedestrian facili-
trip quality method scored second best with 16 points. The separate ties that are available in the city are lacking in service quality, and the
survey substantiated the adequacy of the Australian method for use in measures adopted to augment them have not kept up with pedestrian
Dhaka City and included seven of the eight most desired and popular demand. Further, the lack of data on PLOS has encouraged the accep-
PLOS attributes selected by the survey respondents. Future research tance of deteriorating service levels by the transport authorities. Thus
should be devoted to the development of a new PLOS method that uses there is an immediate need to adopt a suitable methodology to assess
the factors identified in this paper. pedestrian facilities in Dhaka City.
The objectives of this research were to (a) implement the selected
PLOS methodologies to evaluate the service quality of the sites in
By far, the most important mode of transport is walking. Not only Dhaka City selected for the study (i.e., the objective measurement);
does this mode create a crucial link for intermodal transfers in (b) to assess pedestrian perceptions of the service quality of sidewalks
major activity centers, it also facilitates trips made for recreational and choices among the various footpath facilities (i.e., the subjective
and utilitarian purposes (1). Walking is prevalent in any transport assessment); and (c), on the basis of (a) and (b), to recommend the
decision, because it is done on each and every trip at the com- PLOS method best suited to Dhaka City’s circumstances.
mencement and the termination stages. The importance of walking
creates a great necessity for adequate pedestrian facilities to main-
tain a sustainable link for intermodal transfer. Although pedestrian
Literature Review
service facilities are warranted in urban areas, the focus on them
has been inadequate. Relatively little research analysis is available Previous Findings and Limitations

T. Hasan, Department of Civil Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Landis et al. articulated for many the observation that the pedestrian
Saudi Arabia. A. Siddique, M. Hadiuzzaman, and S. R. Musabbir, Department of Civil in the roadside environment is subjected to a multitude of factors
Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka 1000, that significantly affect feelings of safety, comfort, and convenience
Bangladesh. Corresponding author: T. Hasan, (5). These factors may be classified under three general perfor-
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
mance measures to describe the roadside pedestrian environment:
No. 2519, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2015, pp. 104–115. (a) sidewalk capacity, (b) the quality of the walking environment,
DOI: 10.3141/2519-12 and (c) the pedestrian’s perception of safety (or comfort).

Hasan, Siddique, Hadiuzzaman, and Musabbir 105

The first performance measure (i.e., sidewalk capacity) was devel- volume, (b) walk area–outside lane buffer, (c) outside lane traffic
oped in the early 1970s by Fruin (6). His method, formalized in the volume, (d) outside lane motor vehicle speed, and three secondary
Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) of 1994 (7), was the only estab- factors: (a) walkarea penetrations, (b) heavy vehicle volumes, and
lished method to quantify sidewalk capacity. Fruin cited studies of (c) intersection waiting time (11). For each primary variable, a stress
bidirectional pedestrian flow and stated that flows of equal strength level was measured and set on a scale of 1 to 5. The secondary factors
would not have much effect on one another. A strong flow, however, were added as decimals to the primary stress level. The higher the
would slow a weaker, opposing flow somewhat (7). Fruin also noted stress level, the lower the PLOS. The stress levels were added and then
that the measured effective widths of sidewalks should be decreased averaged to determine the overall PLOS (A through E). Evaluations
automatically by 12 to 18 in. on each side to account for the buffer were made midblock on a discrete segment of the facility. Mozer pre-
space required by pedestrians as they tried to avoid sidewalk obstacles. sented interesting ideas about the calculation of LOS for all transporta-
He indicated that “pedestrian service standards should be based on tion modes (including the bicycle and on foot). The LOS levels were
the freedom to select normal locomotion speed, the ability to bypass tailored to each mode, with a stress-level measurement that had its
slow-moving pedestrians, and the relative convenience of cross and basis in several transportation facility measurements. He introduced
reverse flow movements at various pedestrian traffic concentrations.” a measurement called the “Walkarea Width–Volume” for pedestrians,
Fruin also indicated that design standards were not universal across all which was determined through an equation that included measures of
environments and that his LOS guidelines ultimately were subjective, peak-hour pedestrian volumes, a mode split that was not pedestrian
although they had their basis in a great deal of observed evidence. (e.g., wheelchair, bicycle, skate, running,), the usable width of the
Pushkarev and Zupan’s Urban Space for Pedestrians (8) often is walk area, and a travel pattern factor, which represented the one-way
quoted in the HCM methodology (7). The authors advocated man- or bidirectional nature of the facility’s pedestrian traffic.
datory minimum standards for pedestrian space on New York City Dixon’s method was developed and implemented through the
streets on the basis of proportionate volumes of building floor space Gainesville Mobility Plan, which was used as a congestion man-
(8). One of the authors’ innovations was a new definition of service agement system plan for the city of Gainesville, Florida (12). The
levels. The new scale included the following four: open flow, un- PLOS performance measures were used to evaluate roadway cor-
impeded, impeded, and constrained, which replaced the A to F scale. ridors with a point system of 1 to 21, which resulted in LOS ratings
Pushkarev and Zupan determined that in New York City pedestrians from A to F. The point system took into consideration (a) the pedes-
often clustered in platoons because of intersection signal control. trian facility provided, (b) conflicts, (c) amenities, (d) motor vehicle
They stated that the “average flow rates in excess of 10 people per LOS, (e) maintenance, and ( f ) transportation demand management
foot per minute are generally not found on outdoor walkways and programs or multimodal links to transit. The roadway corridor under
cannot be handled by signalized intersections.” Their first finding investigation was divided into roadway segments, which were eval-
was that flow rate and speed were closely related. They also found uated on the basis of the parameters described. The segment scores
that people, or vehicles, tended to move at a faster speed if the flow were then multiplied with their weight, and the corridor’s score was
rate was low. One byproduct of the measurement of flow rate and calculated as a sum of the adjusted segment scores. PLOS ratings
speed they put forth was the calculation of space per person. They were then defined with the corridor score.
also proposed that the true perception of a sidewalk’s quality had its The HCM 2010 method is widely accepted and used to assess the
root in platoon conditions rather than in an overall average condition. capacity of roads and walkways around the world. The PLOS meth-
City: Rediscovering the Center was written after an extensive study odology presented in this manual has its basis in the method adopted
of street life in the 1980s in which Whyte and his research team in NCHRP Report 616 (13). In response to the HCM initiative, many
observed pedestrians in several locations within New York City, studies were conducted in various countries to find the qualitative
as well as in other cities, over the course of 3 years (9). Whyte was effects of walkways. Their approaches include numerous qualitative
interested in the design and management of public spaces, how these assessments that related to the pedestrian’s enjoyment of the walking
spaces were used by pedestrians, and the relationship between the experience (e.g., convenience of the walking experience, the percep-
design and pedestrian behavior. The study also was concerned with tion of personal security). However, formal approaches that adopted
density, which was the main quantitative variable used to determine qualitative and quantitative measures to determine the PLOS of
whether the design of a street or an open space was adequate to satisfy walkways have not been established and used in Dhaka City. Thus
pedestrian demand for space. this present research effort was undertaken to test the HCM 2010
Weidmann calculated a normally distributed average speed of method, along with four others, to determine which one was most
1.34 m/s and a standard deviation of 0.26 (19.3%) for pedestrians suitable for use to assess PLOS in Dhaka City.
as they walked on a street (10). This value decreased for pedestrians
as they walked on stairs and escalators. Weidmann did not conduct
the field work but developed a synthesis from all of the informa- PLOS Methods Considered
tion compiled. He measured an average (maximal) body diameter of
0.46 m and a body depth of 0.23 m, which was equal to a rectangular Australian Method 2001
area of 0.11 m2, although he chose to work with a more conservative
value of 0.15 m2. This value translated into a maximum density of The Australian method was developed to create a simple model to
6.6 persons/m2. At densities above 3.0 persons/m2, physical contact determine how well paths and roads catered to the needs of pedes-
was inevitable. According to Weidmann, a walking person needed trians (2). A number of path segments were selected in conjunction
an extra lateral space of about 0.30 m on each side, plus an extra with Main Roads WA (Western Australia) for model calibration
longitudinal space, which depended on the speed of movement, and and to evaluate the LOS model. These test segments were selected
increased with speed. because they represented a general cross section of paths in vary-
According to Mozer, the suitability of roadway segments for ing environments. The selected paths were Curtis Road in Melville
pedestrians had its basis in four primary variables: (a) walkarea width– (1 km) and Hay Street in West Perth, Australia (700 m). The model
106 Transportation Research Record 2519

made it possible to test the LOS of a pedestrian path, as well as to To determine the LOS of the sidewalks, this method provides an
determine which factors contributed to low and high LOS, which alphabetical grading system from A to E, which relates to the LOS
in turn made it possible to pinpoint aspects of paths that might be score achieved through the formula described earlier. The LOS score
improved to increase the LOS. This method is centered on three scale follows: (a) LOS A score (≤2.00); (b) LOS B score (>2.00
types of factors for PLOS determination, namely, (a) design or to 2.75); (c) LOS C score (>2.75 to 3.5); (d) LOS D (>3.5 to 4.25);
physical factors, (b) location factors, and (c) user factors. About (e) LOS E score (>4.25 to 5.00); and ( f ) LOS F score (>5.00).
11 local factors are distributed under these three categories. Given
the assessment of the factors’ influence on the PLOS, an alpha-
betical grading system was developed to ascertain the pedestrian Trip Quality Method
facility condition. This methodology incorporates an alphabetical
grading scale from A to E, which is related to the LOS score, each The trip quality method combines urban design architectural princi-
of which reflects a certain condition. The LOS grade scale follows: ples with practical safety and capacity considerations to generate nine
(a) LOS A score (132 or higher) ideal condition; (b) LOS B score specific evaluation measures to analyze pedestrian systems for their
(101 to 131) reasonable condition; (c) LOS C score (69 to 100) pleasantness, safety, and functionality (15). The nine measures are
basic condition; (d) LOS D score (37 to 68) poor condition; and (a) enclosure, definition, (b) complexity of path network, (c) build-
(e) LOS E score (36 or lower) unsuitable condition. Gallin delin- ing articulation, (d) complexity of space, (e) transparency, ( f ) buffer,
eated a number of simple steps that were prerequisites to the deter- (g) shade trees, (h) overhangs, awnings, varied roof lines, and
mination of a PLOS grade and also devised an assessment sheet to (i) physical components and conditions. Each of these nine mea-
use during the analysis done with this approach (2). sures is derived from a combination of safety issues, volume and
capacity considerations, and qualitative design factors adapted from
Rapoport (15) and Jacobs (16). A scale of 1 to 5 is sufficient to accu-
HCM 2010 Method rately cover the range of conformance (i.e., 5 = excellent, 4 = good,
3 = average, 2 = poor, and 1 = very poor) (17).
HCM 2010 is the fifth edition of the manual, which updated HCM
2000 and aimed to enhance engineer and planner competency to LOS A (4.0 to 5.0) = very pleasant,
assess traffic and environmental effects. In this manual several new LOS B (3.4 to 3.9) = comfortable,
factors were incorporated to provide a more refined approach to LOS C (2.8 to 3.3) = acceptable,
PLOS than was available in earlier research efforts. The new factors LOS D (2.2 to 2.7) = uncomfortable,
are (a) outside travel lane width, (b) bicycle lane and shoulder width, LOS E (1.6 to 2.1) = unpleasant, and
(c) buffer presence (e.g., on-street parking, street trees), (d) sidewalk LOS F (1.0 to 1.5) = very unpleasant.
presence and width, and (e) volume and speed of motor vehicle
traffic in outside travel lane. The segment PLOS was calculated The nine evaluation measures have their basis in aesthetics,
according to the following widely used equation (14): safety, and ease of movement and are critical to the provision of a
high PLOS as defined. These measures attempt to extend the scope
PLOS = 6.048 + Fv + Fs + Fw (1) of most contemporary methodologies used to determine PLOS to
account for aesthetics and safety, in addition to volume and capac-
Fv = 0.0091 ity. In a comprehensive mobility study conducted in Winter Park,
4 N th Florida, each of the city’s circulation elements—roadways, transit,
bicycles, and pedestrians—were analyzed, along with general policy
 S  issues, for their overall performance and sustainability (17). In the
Fs = 4  R 
 100  study’s pedestrian circulation evaluation, neighborhoods and com-
mercial thoroughfares were examined for compliance with the nine
Fw = − 1.2276 ln (Wv + 0.5W1 + 50 Ppk + Wbuff fb + WaA fsw ) evaluation measures described. Along with public input, these mea-
sures helped identify not only the areas that required improvement
but also the exact enhancements needed at specific locations.
Fv = vehicle volume;
Fs = vehicle speed; Landis Method
Fw = cross-section factor;
vm = midsegment demand flow rate (vehicles per hour); To aid in the design of pedestrian accommodations on roadways,
Nth = number of through lanes in direction of travel; Landis et al. developed a method to measure PLOS with a basis in
SR = motorized vehicle running speed (mph); field measurements of pedestrian perceptions of quality of service
Wv = effective total width of outside through lane, bike lane, (5). LOS was measured qualitatively to characterize operational
and shoulder (ft); conditions within the traffic stream and perceptions of factors such
W1 = effective total width of bike lane and shoulder (ft); as speed and travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruption,
Ppk = percentage of occupied on-street parking; and the comfort and convenience of the facility type. A research
Wbuff = buffer width, which is the distance between edge of pave- initiative by the Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee,
ment and sidewalk, (ft); placed people in actual traffic and roadway conditions to obtain
fb = buffer area coefficient (1 = no barrier; 5.37 = barrier); real-time feedback (5). In total, 75 people participated through use
fsw = sidewalk presence coefficient (6 − 0.3WaA if WaA = 10 ft., of the roadway walking course in Pensacola, Florida, which gener-
otherwise 3); and ated 1,250 observations. Later, the model was developed through a
WaA = width of sidewalk (ft). stepwise multivariable regression analysis on the basis of the obser-
Hasan, Siddique, Hadiuzzaman, and Musabbir 107

vations attained earlier. The participants were asked to evaluate on model, 12 roadway segment sidewalks were surveyed (18). These
a six-point (A to F) scale how safe and comfortable they felt on roadway segments were studied through a pedestrian LOS question-
each segment as they traveled from one to another. Level A was naire, a vehicle traffic volume survey, a bicycle traffic volume survey,
considered the most safe or comfortable (or least hazardous). Level F a pedestrian traffic volume survey, and a bicycle traffic speed survey.
was considered the least safe or comfortable (or most hazardous). This model was developed and substantiated with the adop-
The purpose of the Landis method is to focus on and identify tion of stepwise regression analyses with 395 real-time observa-
those factors within the right-of-way that significantly influence the tions. Numerous variable transformations and combinations of
pedestrian’s feeling of safety, comfort, or both (5). The collection the factors were tested. The coefficients were statistically signifi-
of these factors into a mathematical expression, tested for statisti- cant at 95% level. Thus the model (Equation 3) was developed
cal reliability, provides a measure of the roadway segment’s PLOS. as follows:
Only the roadway environment is considered (i.e., intersection con-
ditions are excluded), and the factors that significantly affect pedes- 1.43 + 0.006QB − 0.003Q p + 0.056Qv
LOS = − (3)
trians’ sense of safety and comfort contribute to the evaluation of a Wr + 11.24 ( P − 1.17 P 3 )
roadway segment LOS as outlined in the Landis methodology and
presented in Equation 2: where

PLOS = − 1.2021ln (Wol + Wl + f p × %OSP + fb × Wb + fsw × Ws ) QB = bicycle traffic during a 5-min period,
QP = pedestrian traffic during a 5-min period,
 Vol15  Qv = vehicle traffic during a 5-min period (passenger car unit),
+ 0.253 ln  + 0.0005 SPD 2 + 5.3876 (2)
 L  P = driveway access quantity per meter, and
Wr = distance between sidewalk and vehicle lane (m).
where The Tan Dandan method uses an alphabetical LOS grading scale
from A to F, in conjunction with the LOS value obtained from detailed
Wol = width of outside lane (ft);
analyses and perception levels experienced by pedestrians. The grad-
Wl = width of shoulder or bike lane (ft);
ing scale is as follows: A, LOS < 2.0 pleasant; B, 2.0 ≤ LOS < 2.5
fp = on-street parking effect coefficient (0.20);
reasonable; C, 2.5 ≤ LOS < 3.0 acceptable; D, 3.0 ≤ LOS < 3.5 poor;
%OSP = percentage of segment with on-street parking;
E, 3.5 ≤ LOS < 4.0 unpleasant; and F, LOS ≥ 4.0 unsuitable.
fb = buffer area barrier coefficient (5.37 for trees spaced
20 ft on center);
Wb = buffer width, which is the distance between edge of Research Methodology
pavement and sidewalk (ft);
fsw = sidewalk presence coefficient (6 − 0.3Ws); The methodology of this present research involved two components.
Ws = width of sidewalk (ft); The first component was the objective measure, which consisted of
Vol15 = average traffic during 15-min period; requisite accumulation of traffic and geometric data to determine
L = total number of through lanes for road or street; and the PLOS for each of the methods listed in the literature review.
SPD = average running speed of motor vehicle traffic (mph). Adequate information was obtained through the field study of the
The PLOS model equation was created with a statistical signifi- five places selected to represent all categories of land use in Dhaka
cance at the 95% level. The factor “driveway access frequency and City to obtain the most suitable PLOS methodology. The study sites
volume” was included in the stepwise regression analyses but was included (a) a marketplace, (b) residential area, (c) educational area,
not found to be statistically significant at that level. An alphabetical (d) commercial area, and (e) industrial area. As expected, different
LOS scale was developed as a basis for stratification of the model’s types of land use affected the quality of walking differently. The
numerical result into a PLOS class when it was applied to a particu- number of pedestrians that used walkways also varied with the land
lar roadway segment. This stratification was predetermined, because use. To determine the LOS, it was necessary to divide the walk-
the responses gained in the study had their basis in the standard ways into a number of segments. In every location, a walkway 500 m
U.S. educational system’s letter grade structure (with the exception in length was chosen for the study. Each walkway was divided into
of Grade E). The developed LOS scale follows: (a) LOS A model five segments, each of which was 100 m in length. Thus 25 segments,
score (≤1.5) very pleasant; (b) LOS B model score (>1.5 and ≤2.5) each 2.5 km in length, were surveyed. All five PLOS methods were
comfortable; (c) LOS C model score (>2.5 and ≤3.5) acceptable; analyzed at each of the segments. Thus each segment acquired a PLOS
(d) LOS D model score (>3.5 and ≤4.5) uncomfortable; (e) LOS E value on a scale of A to F, in which A was excellent or very pleasant,
model score (>4.5 and ≤5.5) unpleasant; and ( f ) LOS F model score B was comfortable, C was acceptable, D was uncomfortable, E was
(>5.5) very unpleasant. A brief outline of the model is provided in unpleasant, and F was very poor or very unpleasant.
this paper. For more in-depth information, see Landis et al. (5). The second component of the study was a subjective assessment
which consisted of (a) a user perception rating of the service qual-
ity of the pedestrian walkway facility in the study sections; and
Tan Dandan Method 2007 (b) a separate choice rating survey of pedestrians asked to identify
the most favored service quality attributes that had a direct impact
In accordance with experience nationwide and abroad, as well as to on the LOS of the walkways. In the user perception survey, partici-
reflect the actual traffic conditions on urban roads in China, the Tan pants were asked to walk one after another (to avoid any clustering)
Dandan research team developed an LOS model, including as primary and to rate the walkway segments in terms of comfort, safety, and
factors the following: (a) road transect form, (b) pedestrian flow char- convenience. Study participants were told to ignore the presence of
acteristics, (c) vehicle and bicycle flow characteristics, (d) obstruc- other participants as they made their assessments to avoid the bias of
tions, and (e) the frequency of driveway access (18). To create the exposure to the opinions or assessments of others. The rationale for
108 Transportation Research Record 2519

conducting the two surveys was that a comparison between the objec- Data Collection
tive measurement of PLOS and the user perception ratings would help
to identify which of these five methods best reflected local (i.e., Dhaka The geometric, environmental, and traffic data collection in the field
City) conditions. The separate choice rating survey was conducted study was subdivided into two categories, namely, quantitative data
without reference to any specific location. The purpose of this third collection and qualitative data collection. The quantitative data
survey was to compare the most favored service quality attributes with accumulation involved the measurement or count of 20 geometric
the factors adopted in the different PLOS methodologies. parameters or factors (Table 1) that affected the PLOS of the desig-

TABLE 1   Geometric, Environmental, and Traffic Data Assemblage

Environmental, Area A Segments Area B Segments Area C Segments
Sl. and Traffic
No. Characteristics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Average path 1.92 2 2.28 4.5 2.85 1.83 1.83 2 1.67 1.6 2.55 2.38
width (m)
2 Average Poorly Poorly Excellent Good Poorly Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Some Excellent Excellent
surface broken broken with broken with with with with broken with with
quality few few few few few few few
cracks cracks cracks cracks cracks cracks cracks
3 No. of hawkers 7 4 0 12 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
or food
4 No. of elec., 1 1 0 3 3 5 7 3 2 2 1 0
light, or sign
5 No. of trees 0 3 0 7 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
6 No. of benches 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
7 No. of other 1 0 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 5 1 0
8 Crossing op- None None None None None None None None None None None None
overpass, or
9 Support facili- None None None None None None None None None None None None
ties (color
contrast or
10 Connectivity 4-leg None None None None 3-leg 3-leg 3-leg 4-leg 3-leg 4-leg None
of roads junction junc- junc- junc- junc- junc- junc-
tion tion tion tion tion tion
11 Shoulder width 0.45 0.305 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.305 0.305 0.305 0.305 0.305 0.48 0.48
12 No. of drive- 5 2 0 4 1 3 5 3 5 1 1 1
13 No. of side 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
14 Pedestrian 507 453 150 441 243 32 23 17 50 21 135 204
volume for
15 Other user 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
volume on
16 Lighting 2 heads at 2 heads at 2 heads at 2 heads at 2 heads at 1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head 2 heads 2 heads
facilities median median median median median beside beside other other other on me- on me-
walk- walk- side of side of side of dian dian
way way road road road
17 Sight distance Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Curve Curve Straight Straight Straight Straight
of path
18 Avg. effective 1 1.72 2.28 3.15 1.66 1.62 1.38 1.98 1.47 1.52 2.46 2.33
path width
Hasan, Siddique, Hadiuzzaman, and Musabbir 109

nated study areas. The qualitative perception of the data collection rating categories were excellent, good, satisfactory, poor, and very
had its basis in the visual inspection or observation of 12 parameters poor and were ranked from 5 to 1, respectively. The survey was
that disrupted the PLOS in the study areas. The study areas were conducted on several work days between June 24 (Monday) and
selected on the basis of diverse land use to incorporate location August 21 (Wednesday), 2013, from 4 to 6 p.m. Fifty people par-
variation into the study. ticipated in the survey by walking and rating their reactions to each
A user perception survey was performed to elicit the responses of the 25 study segments. The ages of the participants ranged from
of users as they walked in the study locations. The perception 18 to 53 years, and approximately one-third of them were women.

Area D Segments Area E Segments

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

2.36 2.55 2.55 2.74 2.74 2.89 2.89 2.74 2.15 2 2.15 2.74 1.83

Moderate Moderate Moderate Many Many Many Many Some Some Few Excellent Excellent Excellent
cracks cracks cracks cracks cracks broken broken

9 3 8 11 7 10 12 3 0 0 1 0 0

0 1 1 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 3 3 10 12 11 8 7 0 7 0 0 10

1 zebra None None None None None None None None None None None None

None None None None None None None None None None None None None

None None None 4-leg None None None 3-leg 3-leg 4-leg 4-leg 4-leg 4-leg
junc- junc- junc- junc- junc- junc- junc-
tion tion tion tion tion tion tion
0.305 0.559 0.559 0.43 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.43 0.609 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

1 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

240 279 318 303 273 285 270 243 40 27 27 81 88

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 heads 2 heads 2 heads 2 heads 2 heads 2 heads 2 heads 2 heads 1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head 1 head
on me- on me- on me- on me- on me- on me- on me- on me- adja- adja- adja- adja- adja-
dian dian dian dian dian dian dian dian cent cent cent cent cent

Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight

2.27 2.05 1.58 2.17 2.25 2.15 1.68 2.52 1.8 1.3 1.6 2.74 0.98

(continued on next page)

110 Transportation Research Record 2519

TABLE 1 (continued)   Geometric, Environmental, and Traffic Data Assemblage

Environmental, Area A Segments Area B Segments Area C Segments
Sl. and Traffic
No. Characteristics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

19 Space Few empty Almost no Large No empty Continuous Continu- Continu- Continu- Continu- Continu- Con- Con-
efficiency space empty Space space wall ous ous ous ous ous tinuous tinuous
in front of space wall wall wall wall wall wall wall
20 Building ar- Average Poor Excellent Poor Non- Good Good Good Good Good Average Average
ticulation existent
21 Presence of SAARC None None None None None Arch Arch None None “Raju” None
special fea- fountain bridge bridge monu-
tures near ment
22 Presence of None Few None Some Few None None None None None None None
overhang existent existent existent
23 Buffer width 0 0 2.33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Shade from Non- Non- Almost Non- Non- Few ex- Few ex- Few ex- Few ex- Few ex- Fully Fully
trees existent existent fully existent existent istent istent istent istent istent exis- exis-
tent tent
25 Recognition Almost Almost Matched Almost Not Matched Matched Matched Matched Matched Matched Matched
of land use matched matched matched matched
26 Width of 2.44 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 4.63 4.63
outside lane
27 Width of bike 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Percentage of 0 30 100 90 100 0 0 0 75 50 0 0
segment oc-
cupied with
29 No. of through 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 3
lanes (at
30 Speed of ve- 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 19 19
hicles (mph)
31 Volume of ve- 351 267 294 351 417 104 87 90 60 89 252 254
hicles on this
part of road
for 15-min
a) Car 148 115 101 154 182 21 20 18 13 23 86 84
b) Bus 20 18 19 25 26 0 0 0 0 0 4 3
c) Baby taxi 91 73 75 108 94 9 7 8 3 7 22 35
d) Motor- 92 61 60 64 115 20 15 9 3 11 56 52
e) Cycle- 0 0 0 0 0 52 45 55 41 47 84 80
f) Bicycle 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0
g) Truck 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Total volume 501, 0 450, 0 465, 0 444, 0 396, 24 40, 69 57, 63 60, 57 36, 56 42, 72 92, 84 100, 90
of vehicles
on other
part of road

Note: Sl. = serial; no. = number; elec. = electric; avg. = average; SAARC = South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation; MV = motorized vehicle;
NMV = nonmotorized vehicle.
Hasan, Siddique, Hadiuzzaman, and Musabbir 111

Area D Segments Area E Segments

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Con- Con- Con- No empty No empty No empty No empty No empty No empty No empty No No No
tinuous tinuous tinuous space space space space space space space empty empty empty
wall wall wall space space space

Average Average Good Poor Poor Poor Poor Average Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor

None None None Shapla None None None None None None None None None

None None None Some Very few Very few None None None None None None None

0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fully Fully Fully Non- Non- Non- Non- Non- Few Few Few Non- Some
exis- exis- exis- exis- exis- exis- exis- exis- exis- exis- exis- exis- exis-
tent tent tent tent tent tent tent tent tent tent tent tent tent
Matched Matched Matched Matched Matched Matched Matched Matched Matched Matched Matched Matched Matched

6.1 6.9 6.9 3.65 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 2.43 3.05 3.05 2.43 3.65

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 100 100 90 100 100 100 100 60 100 100 60 90

3 3 2 3 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2

19 19 19 13 13 13 13 13 19 19 19 19 19

258 266 230 489 450 480 364 306 87 106 90 69 60

79 104 75 81 75 76 71 72 25 28 29 16 18
4 4 1 42 36 33 30 25 0 0 0 0 0
42 36 24 36 54 48 50 28 15 21 11 11 10
40 39 32 25 36 38 27 21 16 18 17 19 11

93 82 98 303 249 285 185 160 30 39 33 23 21

0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
108, 122 111, 108 143, 29 201, 318 213, 267 159, 222 149, 291 132, 174 18, 75 26, 57 24, 60 30, 60 33, 45
112 Transportation Research Record 2519

Another survey was directed to pedestrians in general, without ologies. The results accumulated from the five PLOS methods are
reference to location, to identify the walkway service quality fac- outlined (Table 2) for illustrative comparison along with the user
tors most favored of the 25 that were extracted from the five PLOS perception ratings.
methodologies examined in this study. The participants in this survey The variations in the perception ratings with respect to gender and
numbered 415 during the months of June, July, and August 2013. age are provided in Tables 3 and 4. The ratings were scrutinized for
Of the 415 persons, 95 were women and 320 were men. The ages of any potential deviations that might have arisen from age and gender.
the participants ranged from 15 to 63 years. The various reasons they The user perception rating categories were excellent, good, satis-
gave for walking were to get to work, to avoid a traffic jam, to main- factory, poor, and very poor, which corresponded to the numerical
tain their health, for recreation, and to save money. Further details ratings of 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, respectively.
on this survey can be obtained in Siddique (19). Assessment of the perception ratings showed no significant varia-
tions on the basis of gender and age in any location. The responses by
participants were identical with respect to the existing condition of
PLOS Assessment the walkways. The ratings of participants 26 to 35 years of age were
higher than they were for other age groups in some of the study seg-
To reiterate, the five PLOS methods described in this study were ments. Overall, very few excellent and very poor ratings were given
first examined for their assets and their limitations. The methods by the participants.
were then implemented to consider through integrated objective and
subjective assessments the suitability of any one method for use
in Dhaka City. The objective assessment consisted of a determi­ User Perception Ratings
nation of the PLOS of each of the five locations selected for study
in Dhaka City with the use of the five methodologies described. A brief summary of the comparison methodology adopted to dif-
The subjective assessment had its basis in a user perception rating ferentiate between the PLOS methods and user perception ratings
of the quality of service of the pedestrian facilities in the study sec- is outlined in this paper. The degree of closeness was measured by
tions. A separate survey of pedestrians without reference to specific comparing the LOS outputs with the user perception ratings. For the
locations was conducted to elicit the most favored of the 25 service Australian method, LOS A corresponded to “ideal condition.” This
quality parameters or attributes extracted from the PLOS method- ideal condition was considered equivalent to the walking condition

TABLE 2   Comparison of PLOS Methods with Perception Ratings by Users

PLOS Grade (Score) by Method

Australian Trip Quality Landis Tan Dandan Perception Rating

Location Segmenta Method HCM 2010 Method Method Method of Users

Market area 1 LOS D (56) LOS D LOS C (2.8) LOS B (2.54) LOS F (7.9) Poor
2 LOS D (39) LOS A LOS D (2.4) LOS B (2.05) LOS F (9.4) Poor
3 LOS C (73) LOS A LOS B (3.5) LOS A (1.03) LOS A (0.4) Good
4 LOS D (58) LOS A LOS B (3.5) LOS B (1.99) LOS F (9.5) Average
5 LOS D (48) LOS C LOS D (2.4) LOS B (1.84) LOS F (9.7) Poor
Total LOS D (56) LOS B LOS D (2.6) LOS B (1.67) LOS D (3.1)
Residential area 6 LOS C (72) LOS B LOS C (3.3) LOS B (2.47) LOS B (2.4) Good
7 LOS C (72) LOS B LOS B (3.5) LOS B (2.43) LOS B (2.2) Good
8 LOS C (72) LOS B LOS B (3.5) LOS B (2.39) LOS B (2.2) Good
9 LOS C (72) LOS A LOS B (3.4) LOS B (1.89) LOS A (1.4) Average
10 LOS D (53) LOS A LOS C (3.1) LOS B (2.16) LOS B (2.2) Average
Total LOS C (72) LOS B LOS B (3.4) LOS B (2.24) LOS B (2.1)
Educational area 11 LOS C (78) LOS B LOS B (3.4) LOS B (2.23) LOS F (4.1) Good
12 LOS C (70) LOS B LOS C (2.9) LOS B (2.26) LOS F (4.0) Good
13 LOS C (69) LOS A LOS C (3.0) LOS B (2.08) LOS F (7.2) Good
14 LOS D (56) LOS A LOS C (3.0) LOS B (1.67) LOS F (4.3) Average
15 LOS D (56) LOS A LOS B (3.4) LOS B (1.63) LOS D (3.4) Average
Total LOS D (68) LOS A LOS C (3.1) LOS B (1.95) LOS F (4.4)
Commercial area 16 LOS D (62) LOS C LOS B (3.5) LOS B (1.90) LOS F (10.9) Poor
17 LOS D (46) LOS B LOS D (2.7) LOS B (1.81) LOS F (5.9) Poor
18 LOS D (46) LOS A LOS D (2.6) LOS B (1.82) LOS F (5.7) Poor
19 LOS D (46) LOS A LOS C (2.8) LOS B (1.76) LOS F (6.1) Poor
20 LOS D (68) LOS A LOS B (3.5) LOS B (1.74) LOS F (7.5) Poor
Total LOS D (62) LOS A LOS C (3.0) LOS B (1.79) LOS F (6.8)
Industrial area 21 LOS D (65) LOS A LOS C (2.8) LOS B (2.06) LOS A (0.0) Poor
22 LOS D (57) LOS A LOS C (3.0) LOS B (1.86) LOS A (1.7) Very poor
23 LOS C (71) LOS A LOS C (3.0) LOS B (1.84) LOS A (1.4) Good
24 LOS C (71) LOS A LOS C (3.0) LOS B (1.94) LOS A (0.4) Good
25 LOS D (67) LOS B LOS C (2.9) LOS B (1.78) LOS A (1.8) Poor
Total LOS C (71) LOS A LOS C (3.0) LOS B (1.85) LOS A (0.8)
Length of segments at each location: 0–100 m, 100–200 m, 200–300 m, 300–400 m, 400–500 m.
Hasan, Siddique, Hadiuzzaman, and Musabbir 113

TABLE 3   Variation in User Perception Rating with Respect to Gender

User Perception Rating by Segmenta

Location Number of Full

(segment number) Gender Subjects 0–100 m 100–200 m 200–300 m 300–400 m 400–500 m Length

1−5 Total 50 2 2 4 3 2 2
Female 18 2 2 4 3 3 3
Male 32 1 2 4 3 2 2
6−10 Total 50 4 4 4 3 3 4
Female 18 4 4 4 4 3 4
Male 32 4 4 4 3 3 4
11−15 Total 50 4 4 4 3 3 4
Female 18 4 5 4 4 4 4
Male 32 4 4 4 3 3 4
16−20 Total 50 2 2 2 2 2 2
Female 18 2 2 2 2 2 2
Male 32 1 2 2 2 2 2
21−25 Total 50 2 1 4 4 2 3
Female 18 2 1 4 4 2 3
Male 32 3 1 4 4 3 3
Scale of 1 to 5.

rated as excellent by the participants. Similarly, LOS B through also was excellent, then a score of 1 was assigned (complete match).
LOS E were considered equivalent to the ratings of good, aver- If the participant rating was good, as opposed to the A used in the
age, poor, and very poor, respectively. Thus PLOS A through E in HCM method, a score of 0.5 was assigned. Deviation of two or more
the Australian method matched the five ratings used by the survey degrees (e.g., A versus average, or B versus poor) was assigned a
participants. For the other four methods, LOS D and LOS E cor- score of 0. Each of the 25 study segments was rated with this procedure,
responded to the user rating of poor. For the remaining LOS grades and the results are presented in Table 5.
(A, B, C, F), the correspondence was the same as it was between It was evident from the results that, with a score of 18, the Aus-
the Australian method and the user ratings. A score between 1 and 0 tralian method was more effective than the other four methods in
was assigned, depending on the degree of closeness (match). For the determination of PLOS. The trip quality method achieved the
example, if for a particular study section the LOS determined with second best score of 16 points. The HCM, Landis, and Tan Dandan
the HCM 2010 method turned out to be A and the participant rating methods achieved scores that ranged between seven and 12. Thus

TABLE 4   Variation in User Perception Rating with Respect to Age

User Perception Rating by Segment

Location Number of Full

(segment number) Age (years) Subjects 0–100 m 100–200 m 200–300 m 300–400 m 400–500 m Length

1−5 16–25 21 2 2 4 3 2 2
26–35 08 2 2 5 3 3 3
36–45 14 2 2 4 3 2 2
46–55 07 1 2 4 2 2 2
6−10 16–25 21 4 4 4 3 3 4
26–35 08 4 4 4 3 3 4
36–45 14 4 4 4 4 3 4
46–55 07 4 4 4 3 3 3
11−15 16–25 21 4 4 4 3 3 4
26–35 08 4 4 4 3 4 4
36–45 14 4 5 4 3 3 4
46–55 07 4 4 4 3 3 4
16−20 16–25 21 2 2 2 2 2 2
26–35 08 2 2 2 2 2 2
36–45 14 2 2 2 2 2 2
46–55 07 2 2 2 2 3 2
21−25 16–25 21 2 1 4 4 3 3
26–35 08 3 1 4 4 2 4
36–45 14 2 1 3 4 3 3
46–55 07 2 1 4 4 2 3
114 Transportation Research Record 2519

TABLE 5   Comparison of PLOS Methods on Basis (e) the presence of a buffer, ( f ) the mix of path users, (g) the secu-
of Subject Ratings rity of the walkway, and (h) the presence of shade trees. Most of
these eight factors were extracted from the Australian method.
Score Representation of
Pedestrian LOS (out of 25) Local Conditions (%) The analysis highlighted the number of popular service quality
attributes that a particular PLOS method included. The Australian
Australian method 18 72 method contained seven of the eight attributes that the survey par-
HCM 2010 7.5 30 ticipants found most desirable (popular) and convenient. The trip
Trip quality method 16 64 quality and HCM 2010 methods incorporated three of the desired
Landis method 11 44 attributes, followed by the Landis method, which contained two of
Tan Dandan method 9.5 38 the attributes. The Tan Dandan method performed poorly with only
one popular attribute.

ConclusionS and RecommendationS

they were deemed ineligible to determine the PLOS of pedestrian
facilities in Dhaka City. In this paper, five PLOS methods are presented in brief with respect
to their assets and their limitations: (a) the Australian method, (b)
the HCM 2010 method, (c) the trip quality method, (d) the Lan-
Pedestrian Choices in Separate Survey dis method, and (e) the Tan Dandan method. These methods were
implemented to consider their suitability for use in Dhaka City,
To facilitate the adoption of the most suitable PLOS procedure for through integrated objective and subjective assessments. The objec-
Dhaka City, a separate questionnaire survey was conducted among tive assessment consisted of the determination of the PLOS of five
pedestrians. They were asked to select from a list of 25 factors the study locations in Dhaka City and the adoption of accumulated field
12 they believed to have the greatest potential to affect the quality of data on traffic, geometric, and environmental factors. The subjec-
service of pedestrian facilities. The analysis of the responses assem- tive assessment incorporated user perception ratings of the service
bled in Figure 1 shows that only eight of the 25 factors were selected quality of the pedestrian facilities of the selected study areas by 50
by most (more than 50%) of the surveyed pedestrians. The eight individuals. A separate survey of 415 individuals was conducted to
factors chosen referred to (a) the width of the walkway, (b) surface elicit the most favored of the 25 service quality attributes extracted
condition, (c) the presence of obstructions, (d) crossing facilities, from the five PLOS methods used in this study.

Traffic volume 30
Speed of vehicles 41
Presence of parked vehicle 49
Presence of shoulder lane 20
Outside lane width 22
Number of road lanes 24
Land use recognition 42
Presence of important features 36
Shade from trees 74
Service Quality Attributes

Overhang roof or porches 41

Curve portion of walkway 48
Views of buildings 43
Space before buildings 22
Bicycle volume 17
Security 72
Other users 83
Pedestrian volume 33
Presence of intersection or driveway 49
Buffer 58
Connections of roads 45
Support facilities 38
Crossing facilities 70
Obstructions 72
Surface condition 84
Path width 85

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Pedestrians’ Choice (%)

FIGURE 1   Pedestrian choice percentages of various service quality attributes.

Hasan, Siddique, Hadiuzzaman, and Musabbir 115

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