The Function of Seo in Finance Problems: Subtitle As Needed (Paper Subtitle)

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The Function of Seo in Finance Problems

Subtitle as needed (paper subtitle)

International Business Administration
Swiss German University
Alam Sutera, Serpong, Indonesia

Abstract— This paper is made for people to know the the same way a human can. SEO helps the
function of SEO in finance. The focus of this paper how engines figure out what each page is about, and
SEO help people search and get data easily and quickly,
how it may be useful for users.
especially finance people. SEO can also make people
easy to access data and make a report. My hope is II. STUDY LITERATURE
Current issues in finance include the economic and
impacts of the financial problems and the growth of In writing this paper, the author searches the
economic. Financial problems such as personal or in literature or related literature This paper use
environment. literature from many source of books. I searched
Keywordst; Finance; Seo it by myself from finance books. From the book
“The Behavior Gap: Simple Ways to Stop Doing
I. INTRODUCTION Dumb Things with Money” by Carl Richards, this
Based on Cambridge dictionary, the meaning of work gives realistic ideas behind the money
finance is the management of money or the mistakes people make and the bad habits they
money belonging to a person, group, or develop. Richards encourages readers to step
organization. Finance also explains the creation away from their preconceived notions and keep
and study of money, banking, credit, investment, their emotions in check when making financial
assets. Finance is divided into three different decisions. I also got something to complete my
categories: public finance, corporate finance and paper from the book "Pound Foolish: Exposing
personal finance. There is also a new social the Dark Side of the Personal Finance Industry"
financial area just emerging. In addition, the study by Helaine Olen, Olen draws attention to the
of behavioral financing aims to learn more about seamy underbelly of the personal finance world,
the "human" side of the most important science. taking a critical look at how the media presents
The meaning of the word Search engine the financial advice and the gurus who
optimization (SEO) itself is the practice of deceptively put their own interests before
increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to consumers'. She reminds us that the industry
your website through organic search engine needs more accountability and cautions us to think
results. An important aspect of SEO is making carefully before buying into what we're told. I
your website easy for both users and search took the third book from "The Little Book of
engines robots to understand. Although search Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to
engines have become increasingly sophisticated, Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market
they still cannot see and understand a web page Returns: 10th Anniversary Edition" by John C.
Bogle, the title says it all: "The Little Book of
Common Sense Investing" explains how the stock
market works, dispelling myths and making though they have similar purpose, they also have
logical suggestions on the differences between Amartha and LLNB
(Lifeline Northern Beaches). For further
discussion, I will explain in the next chapter.
how to navigate investing. Bogle makes a solid
argument in favor of his index investing strategy
that anyone can learn to apply. He also makes it
clear that paying too much for investments can
keep you from reaching your goals.


In my paper research methods, I use qualitative

approach that is case study method. Case Study
Method is a method used in research conducted
on a "unity system", whether it be a program,
activity, event, or a group of individuals who are
bound by the place or time. This research is
directed to collect data, take meaning, and gain
understanding of the case. The advantage of this
method is we can use illustrative examples in this
research. We can take the illustration problems
from any kind of books that has relation with
finance and accounting. For example, the problem
that again circulated this year there is a matter of
capital UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan
Menengah). UMKM has three main problems.
First, is the business land. Second is marketing
issues, this problem will be solved with a good
network. The last is capital, many who have
come to feel the difficulty of getting capital in
trying. The next method that I will use is
comparative method, Comparative Method is a
method used in research directed to determine
whether between two variables there are
differences in an aspect under study. As an
example, I will online platforms that has the same
purpose. Their purpose is to help people in
financial problem. Even

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