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A. TICK THE CORRECT OPTIONS (to be done in the book)

1. Sickles
2. Wheat and barley
3. Burzahom
4. Copper
5. Daojali Hading

B. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS (to be done in the notebook)

1. Name some of the animals domesticated by early humans.
Ans. The early humans tamed animals like dogs, pigs, goats, sheep, cattle,
horses and donkeys.
2. In which period did pottery make its appearance in Mehrgarh?
Ans. In Mehrgarh, pottery made its appearance in Period II i.e. from 5500 to
4800 BCE.
3. Why do early humans make pottery? How did they learn to make pottery?
Ans. Early humans made pottery to store grains, liquids and cooked food.
They learned to make pottery out of clay, which was shaped by hand and
then baked in a fire.
4. How do we get to know about the existence of early farmers?
Ans. The existence of early farmers are known to us by the discovery and
excavations of sites. Mehrgarh, in Pakistan was the earliest site where
evidence of farming and pastoral settelments were found. Charred garins and
bones of animals were found during the excavation.
5. How did agriculture change the life of early humans?
Ans. Agriculture changed the life of early humans. They began to live in
settled communities, grew crops and raised animals. They built mud houses
to protect themselves.
6. How was the invention of wheel an important step towards progress of early
Ans. The invention of wheel changed early human’s life in many ways.
They could go from one place to another much faster than before. They
could easily move the heavy objects with the help of wheels. It also
improved pottery-making.
7. Describe the pit-house found at Burzahom.
Ans. Burzahom in Srinagar is a site where many pit-houses have been found.
Stone tools were used to dig circular pits in the ground which were narrow at
the top and wide at base. They were plastered on the sides using mud. Pit-
houses were made to enable the early humans, withstand the cold.

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