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FSJS Volei

Accidente frecvente
Cauze frecvente:
 suprasolicitare
 schimbări de direcție bruște
 aterizări dezechilibrate
 ciocniri (între jucători, cu instalații
sau alte obiecte)
 greșeli biomecanice de execuție

Localizare: articulații (în special

glezne, genunchi, umăr) +
Localizare :


deoarece pot apărea: rupturi sau hernii de disc, spondiloze +
întinderi musculare

Umăr: Suprasolicitare : tendonită biceps, tendonită a cufei

rotatoare + sindromul de ipingement al unarului
+ rar – dislocarea umărului

Accidente ligamentare = pot apărea la orice articulație ! +

accidente ale meniscului, tendinită patelară

Gleznă: entorse + fracturi de stres + fracturi tarsiene +

metatarsiene (în special la voleiul de plajă)

Mână: deget ciocan, policele schiorului, fractură scafoid

Leziuni musculare = oriunde

Pot si prevenite printr-o
pregătire fizică
corespunzătoare DAR nu
toate pot fi evitate
Scary Volleyball Accident The Valentina Arrighetti Injury
Volleyball injuries
Zbigniew Bartman terrible Injury , volleyball injury
Brazil Volleyball Giba's Injury
Non Contact Injury to the Anteior Cruciate Ligament
How to Tape Fingers | Advice for Volleyball Players How to Tape Yourself

Load monitoring and injury risk factors - as it relates to ankle, knee,

and shoulder complaints in elite volleyball players
Injuries in elite volleyball Aagaard H, Jorgensen U.
Scand J Med Sci Sports 1996: 6: 228-232.0
Munksgaard, 1996

During the 1993-1994 volleyball season, injuries to

players in the two Danish elite divisions were
registered by means of a questionnaire survey. Eighty
per cent of the players returned the questionnaire. A
total of 70 female players reported 79 injuries and
67 male players reported 98 injuries, representing
an overall incidence of 3.8 injuries per player per
1000 volleyball hours played. The injury incidence was
the same for female and male players.
Most injuries occurred in spiking (32%) and in
blocking (28%).
The injuries were predominantly either acute injuries to
fingers (21%) and ankles (18%) or overuse injuries to
shoulders (15%) and knees (16%). Shoulder injuries
seemed to be a more serious problem in females.
During the past 10 years the rate of overuse injuries
has increased from 16% to 47% in male elite
volleyball, corresponding to a significant increase in
the incidence of these injuries from 0.5 to 1.8 injuries
per player per 1000 played hours (P<0,001) A possible
explanation for this could be a 50% increase in training
activity during this period
A one season prospective cohort study of volleyball injuries
E A L M Verhagen, A J Van der Beek, L M Bouter, R M Bahr, W Van MechelenBr J Sports Med 2004;38:477–
481. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2003.005785

Objective: To estimate the overall incidence of acute and overuse volleyball injuries, and to describe
factors associated with ankle sprains.

Methods: 486 players from the second and third Dutch national volleyball divisions participated in the
study and were followed prospectively during a whole season. Three measurements were made during the
season (baseline, follow up 1, and follow up 2), where all players completed a questionnaire on
demographic variables (only at baseline), sports participation, use of preventive measures, and previous
injuries. Volleyball exposure during training and matches was recorded for each individual player by the
coach on a weekly exposure form. In case of injury the coach provided the injured player with an injury
registration form, which had to be completed within one week after the onset of injury.

Results: 100 injuries were reported, resulting in an overall injury incidence of 2.6 injuries/1000 hours.
The incidence of acute injuries was 2.0/1000 hours. Ankle sprains (n = 41) accounted for most of the acute
injuries, and 31 (75%) of all players with an ankle sprain reported a previous ankle sprain. Twenty five
overuse injuries were reported. The overall incidence of overuse injuries was 0.6/1000 hours; the back
and the shoulder were the most common sites.

Conclusions: Ankle sprain is the most common injury in volleyball, accounting for 41% of all volleyball
related injuries. Previous injury seems to be an important risk factor for an ankle sprain. Injury prevention
programmes should focus on ankle sprains and concentrate on players with previous ankle sprains.
exemple recuperare ~ preventie
Funny moments volleyball

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