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A political system is optimal when its main concept is taken into account, it's always taking
into account the population and trying to satisfy their needs, but taking into account that
beliefs, norms, ideals and values must be respected. Therefore, systems must build and
implement policies with the participation of the different social groups that benefit and are
interested in the reality to intervene, since in a public policy process it is important to raise
the discussion beyond the particular or sectoral interests to achieve a common. Agreement
and obtain the equitable distribution of the direct and indirect benefits of the political.
We must know that for a political system to function perfectly, it must take into account the
culture of the population, or as a political culture is known today, but this culture is
growing due to the economic development and tradition of each country. The specific
historical trajectory of each society, cultural globalization and social learning also
influence, because as we see today, young people demand much more from governments,
which makes them dedicate themselves to perfecting certain issues of the political system, a
clear An example is when the different marches to demand a dignified education for all,
although this should not be required, because it is a fundamental right that is found in the
political constitution. Another issue that the new generations are asking for is to lower
unemployment, where the government must work on public policies so that the entities that
are going to hire employees do so based on their ability, not on years of experience.
The economic, social and political activity in Colombia is based on the rules of what is
called a Social State of Law. However, institutions and practices such as corruption have
led to the belief that whoever is in government or in power often allows harmful private
interests or the arbitrary conduct of public officials to predominate and is not watched or
taken into account the interest of the public. So it can be said that the country urgently
needs a great consensus on the consolidation of judicial institutions, public procurement,
and the exercise of politics, which serves as a framework to ensure sustained growth in the
long term in an international context. It also requires rescuing a quality public
Taxes are mandatory payments that people and companies make to the State, so that it can
provide goods and services to all Colombians. Taxes are the main source of income for the
State. Without taxation, the State would not have enough money to guarantee basic goods
and services for the population, or to improve the country's infrastructure. The payment of
taxes is indicated in our Political Constitution. As such, taxes do not allow the government
to create jobs, but this money collected should go to the country's public spending, that is,
to guarantee the rights of citizens (education, health, security) and provide goods and
services ( sewerage, electricity, roads) from which we all benefit.
Finally, among the main objectives of the State is the reduction in different social and
economic sectors, such as reducing income inequality and poverty in all its forms. If it is
assumed that in Colombia, since the establishment of the Social State of Law, the
government's social spending is prioritized over the neediest population, its role is
fundamental in achieving the above objectives. The targeting of social spending, through
the different programs offered by the government, has the function of assisting and
continuously improving the quality of life of the most marginalized population groups, for
example, and more recently, with all aid aimed at the victims of the armed conflict and the
vulnerable population during the coronavirus pandemic. However, in most of these
programs, to access the incentives offered, there are different entry requirements.

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